Xaaji Xunjuf

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Everything posted by Xaaji Xunjuf

  1. This might sound weird buts its good in a way i believe they will be trained in Combat its good for the defense forces remember the key to a great army is training the better training the better the Military. I say good step Forward
  2. This is the last town on the SL/somalia border as you can see in the video the Ugaas from that town has signed an agreement with Somaliland government last month and he already conscripted a group of men from His clan who will patrol the town,,the ugaas and his people are in complete support of the Somaliland government its just matter of time until the SL government fully annexes that town and the few towns near it.
  3. pirate rising its a sad day for your garowe clan enclave all of them are leaving you lolz
  4. welcome garaad jamac garaad ismaciil,, i love it how he says hargeisa marti kuma ihi wana runti he is right on the money , because hargeysa is his city.. Also The garaad has reaffirmed what i have been saying on these boards for years that the garaad clan and the rest of the SL people are tol the garaad reaffirmed my statement. Long live the people of Somaliland good decision by the Garaad,,for working with his people.
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qtOvSR2eYFg#t=49
  6. Uganda trains Alshabaab Burundi wants to the war to continue for ever Ethiopia is there for the Cash and make sure no Somali army is ever re instated Kenya wants a bufferzone This is so sad, Somalia wala qaybsedey And the Elites of Somalia are just sitting there talking about Aid No priorities
  7. Somaliland is not going to give its Land to Puntland or Somalia because there are some who claim the Land on Tribal reasons , if thats the case why doesnt Puntland claim parts wardheer and negotiates with Ethiopia on wardheer, and lets see if Ethiopias Somali region cedes territories to Puntland. Puntland should stop claiming Somaliland no one in sool wants Puntland some want more autonomy such as khatumo the rest are fully under Somaliland but you did not answer my question you are from laacanood as you claim dont you support Khatumo dont you want the talks be between Khatumo and Somaliland , where is Puntland in all of this or do you support Puntland???
  8. Detoore odayga macaanka qaba kaasi waxba ka celin mayo lol.
  9. Who are reer sool and sanaag does sanaag belong to one clan and sool one clan or are there multiply SL clans living there together, and who speaks for the people who is forcing who ? where do you see the force SL is a highly democratic nation , nothing is by force and its a good will. Are you saying these people in sanaag are forced Ceerigaabo Sanaag Badhan sanaag This obessesion and people being forced is neither here or there adeer Doctor are you a puntland supporter you said you are from Laascanood you dont support Khatumo? You are asking the wrong questions why dont Somaliland claims Djibouti or Southern Yemen By the way who speaks for the regions the politicians the elders. Why Should Somaliland change its borders when the people are happy with their situation. Have u seen Congo changing its borders when there are 250 different ethnic groups there. When Somaliland is the most homogeneous country in the African continent. By the way who said anything about ruling Somaliland is not a monarchistic Dynasty centered in Hargeisa its a democracy that every Somaliland citizens is equal to the law and the constitution and can rule the county if elected by the people. Somaliland does not have the 4.5 racist formula. The people of man one vote elected their leaders.
  10. Peace what business does Puntland have in Taleex, last time i checked last year i massacred the garaad clan there, if SL goes to taleex it has nothing to do with Puntland By the way Somaliland has absolutely no beef with Puntland, Puntland is not in sool Khatumo is some parts of eastern sool, where is Puntland in all of this?? Detoore you dont understand Ethiopia is fine with the current status quo you dont understand the TPLF way of doing Politics the TPLF wanted to satisfy the bigfoot clan while not antagonizing the Somali federal government. Ethiopia wishes that there should be a future Border conflict between Somalia and Somaliland. So they allow it to be in the open.
  11. Samafal dee Diktoorka ayaa yidhi dagaal baanu so qaadayna ma iman kara taleex weye suaaasha, qolyihi budlhayn wadanaha bay farta ku hayaan
  12. Detoore Budhlayn meeday deee waali wala sugayaaa..
  13. ^^ It was not only a bad idea it was a catastrophe i have never seen a Union that would cause the entire collapse of both Somalia and Somaliland literately. When the Union came to existence Somalilanders brought allot of culture and traditions to Somalia of Nomadic habbits and culture to Mogadishu. While the southerners identified with their regions and were highly urbanized and predominately Farmers. Somalilanders felt dominated and believed they have lost and the southern and northern union was one sided, and the Southerners inherited from the Somalilanders the art of aba ablayn which led to their entire collapse , because Koonfurians have no conflict resolution mechanism. Political clanism became like toxic to them they concocted several formulas and violla u have 4.5 and Tribal federalism when the southerners were very united before. Somali folks existed yes before colonialism but saying Somali , u are not talking about a nation state a republic, there was never a unified republic before Colonialism nor was there a Somali Emperor who lorded over all Somalis. The Somaliland border is between the Garaad clan and the sssdf clan 5 km from Garowe. And historically the Garaad clan always had their separate chieftain separate from ssdf clan the Garaad clan was never part of the Maguartiania sultanate and during Colonialism it also had zero interaction with the Maguratnia sultanate, and even till this today how come the Garaad clan cant be part of the puntland admin if the Boundaries are artificial how come they either part of SL or want their separate entity called Khatumo. Somalia border with Kenya is a colonial one the Somaliland Somalia border is a colonial one the Somaliland Ethiopia border is a colonial one the Somaliland and Djibouti border is a colonial one. I think things happen for a reason Emperor Haile selassie annexed the Hawd and reserve area and Somalilanders united with Somalia to get that territory back and believed only a strong unified Somali republic can get that territory back. But Emperor Haile selassie saved the day in reality when the Somalilanders and General Muhammad Siad bare were fighting the Somalilanders found save heaven in Hawd Ethiopia the people would have been perished if Hawd was part of Somaliland at that time its not smart to put all your eggs in one basket. And today when the Civil war broke away in Somalia Somalis of Somalia fled to Kenya and found safe heaven there. Doctor do you want Somaliland to claim Nugaal and Bari fair enough if you want that than support Somaliland independence bid and we can annex atleast half of the Pirates territory and the Garaad clan reign over them.
  14. I told u before detoore cabdi cawar is a failure , SL army wa niman birta calashada , maha sida niman aan ogahay , Detoore SL can take Garowe SL army has garowe on her sight only 16 miles. U are not in the position to make threats against the Afro hashimiate Nation.....
  15. Somaliland: As it injects €95m into the Country UK Partially Lifts Travel Ban Advisory Wednesday, 16 April 2014 19:35 Submit to Delicious Submit to Digg Submit to Facebook Submit to Google Bookmarks Submit to Stumbleupon Submit to Technorati Submit to Twitter Submit to LinkedIn President Silanyo welcomes a UK team member to the Hargeisa presidency as Minister for Africa Mark Simmonds © looks on President Silanyo welcomes a UK team member to the Hargeisa presidency as Minister for Africa Mark Simmonds © looks on By: Yusuf M Hasan HARGEISA (Somalilandsun) – The British and Somaliland governments that share lengthily and fruitful relations have agreed to enhance existing cooperation at all fronts. This Concurrence was as a result of a meeting between the visiting United Kingdom Minister for Africa Mark Simmonds and President Ahmed Mahmud Silanyo at the Hargeisa presidency where diverse issues were discussed and agreed upon. Following conclusion of the meeting a joint press briefing by Mr. Simmonds and the Somaliland minister of foreign affairs Mohamed Bihi Younis, announcement was made that the UK travel advisory Ban o Somaliland has been lifted with immediate effect. Queried by Somalilandsun on whether the lifting of the travel ban was related to personal experiences of having the British team had to be escorted by a heavily armed multinational force from Aden Ade international airport to villa somalia in Mogadishu while only his personal minders were in-charge of his security in Hargeisa Mr. Simmonds ha this to say, " We take the travel advisory we provide very seriously indeed and the travel advice is provided for the benefit of United Kingdom citizens but it has been clear for sometimes that there is some anxiety in the somaliland government about the overarching travel advisory that has been provided for the whole of what we perceive as somalia and what Informed president Silanyo and his ministers this morning is that we have undertaken comprehensive analysis looking at the facts, this is not a political decision, it is a factual decision, and we are downgrading our travel advice to Hargeisa and Berbera Specifically and we are making that very clear in our advisory when it is reposted either today or tomorrow, meaning that we,UK, sees Hargeisa and Berbera as safer than the rest of somaliland and Somalia" Somaliland President Silanyo © with Somaliland ministers (L) with the Mark Simmonds led UK team a the meeting in Hargeisa Somaliland President Silanyo © with Somaliland ministers (L) with the Mark Simmonds led UK team a the meeting in Hargeisa Mohamed Bihi Foreign minister Mohamed Bihi Younis who was first to address the joint press briefing started by extending the gratitude's of the people, president and government of somaliland for the visit by Mark Simmonds, as he stressed on the importance of the UK minister's visit in lieu of and as proof of lengthily, fruitful and historic relations existing between Britain and Somaliland. On the support received from the government of the United Kingdom Minister Bihi who reveled the appreciation of Somalilanders said that various sectors like Security, multi-sectored capacity building and development has played an important part in alleviating livelihood standards country. On the large Somaliland diaspora in Britain which is very keen to promote the economic development of their motherland through investment Minister Bihi said that the meeting with Mark Simmonds agreed on the imperatives of a Trade and Investment conference for the facilitation of information exchange between Somaliland and its citizens in the diaspora as well as interested British Concerns. While reiterating the commitment towards the internationally sanctioned two state negotiations with neighbouring Somalia, Bihi Younis upon casually touching on the ongoing border disputes in the east of the country said that though Somaliland is a peace loving country it shall not compromise on its territorial integrity as pertains to its internationally recognized boundaries. Without mincing words the foreign minister informed his British colleague that Somaliland having been independent for 23 years now without recognition and in respect to the unanimous wishes of its citizens who are adamant on the irrevocability of their Sovereign , and in lieu of the strides made in security, democratization and the rule of law among others, urged Britain and the international community to finally end the impasse of two decades and embrace the country as a full and equal member among other of nations of the world. Somaliland foeign minister Mohamd bihi and UK minister for Africa Mark Simmonds duing their joint press brieifng in HageisaSomaliland foeign minister Mohamd bihi and UK minister for Africa Mark Simmonds duing their joint press brieifng in Hageisa MARK SIMMONDS On taking the floor the UK's Minister for Africa Mark Simmonds thanked the president, government and people of Somaliland for the warm welcome accorded him and his team during his maiden visit. Despite being a first time visitor Mr. Simmonds revealed that he has always been keen to facilitate relations between the United Kingdom and somaliland to make sure that ways can be found to strengthen and deepen what is an historic and important relationship for his country. On his meeting with the somaliland president Ahmed Mahmud Silanyo and a number of ministers Mark Simmonds had this to say, "Our meeting has been extremely positive and constructive, having discussed a whole range of issues pertinent to our two countries including reducing and lowering the travel advice which am pleased to announce that we will be able to do so, specifically related o Hargeisa and Berbera The UK minister for Africa who added that other issues discussed included the importance and ways to strengthen relations between Somaliland and Somalilanders who liv in the United Kingdom, using the expertise and skills the diaspora have to continue the development that is happening in Somaliland. Mr. Simmonds also revealed that the government of the United Kingdom shall facilitate a trade and investment conference in London where the Hargeisa based authority shall be availed an apt opening to showcase existing opportunities in the country and for the Diaspora and Britons with Commercial interests to make informed investment decisions. "The planned trade and investment conference in London is geared towards making sure that British businesses are aware of opportunities existing here in Somaliland" said Simmonds While informing that his government is also keen on encouraging in order ensuring there is continued development in the ongoing discussions taking place between Somaliland and Somalia, the minister responsible for the UK's African desk said it was imperative to reduce escalating tensions between Somaliland and Puntland an administrative region of Somalia Urging restrain at this particular challenging time Mark Simmonds promised that the UK will play its role in a constructive way to ensure that everybody is focused on the priorities which is economic development and economic growth and job creation In confirmation of the commitment of the UK towards constructive engagement Minister Simmonds revealed that his government shall contribute to Somaliland €95m annually through its Department for International Development-DFID for support to various sectors. State officials keenly follow proceedings at he press bieifng State officials keenly follow proceedings at he press bieifng Accordingly DFID shall expend the annual €95m UK contribution particularly in line with priorities of the government of Somaliland in order to ensure that everybody in the country can benefit from accrued economic growth and development. In conclusion Mark Simmonds the UK minister for Africa said that he has had a very fruitful visit and was hopeful that the existing historic relations between Somaliland and the United Kingdom shall row from strength to strength. MarkSimmonds who was in Mogadishu Somalia prior to his Somaliland visit was accompanied by a number of officlas among them the UK ambassaor to Ethiopia. Somaliland Ministers flanking president Silanyo durin the meeting at the presidency in Hargeisa were Hirsi-Presidency, Dr Oma-Commerce and Internaional Investmen, Waan'ade-Interior, Dr Shire-planning and Bihi-Foreign affairs The verbatim Press Briefing which was entirely in English with a short session in Somali by PM Bihi can be HEARD HERE
  16. Detoore afka bay idinkaga so hadhay Somaliland started from Gumays it captured yagoori it than captured adhicadeeye in 2005 than abeesaylay than 2007 laascanood than it moved beyond to gambadhe, than in 2010 it captured widh widh , last year it annexed karin dabayl weyn and it captured 16 miles from Garowe and this week it advanced to taleex, where is this bug land of yours. The SL army will shame cabdi cawar the same way they shamed tuute Muuse the Same Amiir Godane and ibrahim afghani shamed cabdilahi Yusuf. Budhlayn wa ki reer Xamarka eeh USC gurigia ugu so galeen they told him and his wife to strip naked marki garanka laga saaray eeh macawiista iyo khudradi laga furtay marki shaadhki iyo goiisi na la qaatay bu yidhi walahi haday kastuumada iga la baxan walahi waan dagalaami laha lol
  17. Xidiga geeska new song for 18 may since Somaliland are the most creative when it comes to songs and poems 2014, should be a new day for artistic Somalilanders song writers to compose songs for their beloved republic http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pq-0YnnHUGs&feature=share 2013 was a good year i hope boobe Yusuf brings out a new song to.
  18. The mission is not completed he needs to make sure all territories fall under Somaliland , its going the right direction and all of the Garaad clan need to fully back Khatumo and no man remains in Garowe than he will he join SL, its part of the larger scheme , Galaydh knows that Khatumo as a state can never work and it needs an ally. Galayhd is the political symbol of the Garaad clan, its not about him joining its about him letting his fully join SL the last parts.
  19. http://burcoonline.com/articles/19767/Sarakiisha-Ciidamada-Qaranka-JSL-ee-Ku-Sugan-Taleex-oo-Shirweyne-La-Yeeshay-Odayaasha-Magaalada-Taleex-Haddana-Ku-Laabtay-Fadhiisinka-Ciidanka-Qaranka-ee-Duleedka-Taleex-iyo-Khaatumo-Ku-Warheshay-in-Laga-Baxay-oo-Soo-Galay
  20. The pirates haven't answered anything other than doing their usual argagax lolz The SL troops are In Taleex the town surrounded from all corners the Former Khatumo Mayor is most likely to be named governor for Taleex By Hargeisa in the next coming days.
  21. I have said it before that Uganda wants to prolong the conflict aslong as possible to eat the incentives it receives for as along as they can. Malistar and the Mogadishu elites consider Uganda an ally but in reality they are using Somalias misery to enrich themselves.
  22. Ugandan soldiers serving with the AMISOM trained Al-Shabaab fighters By Pascal Kwesiga Wednesday, April 16, 2014 UPDF instructors trained ten Al-Shabaab fighters using African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) facilities on instructions from their commanders. Lance Corporal, Jackson Byabagambi, told the General Court Martial in Makindye, a Kampala suburb, Tuesday that the ten Al-Shabaab fighters were trained at Aljazeera training ground shared by AMISOM troops and Somalia National Army (SNA) last May. Maj. Frank Kawero, formally the training officer at Aljazeera training school and Capt. Hassan Wantimba, formally the school’s chief instructor, are facing trial for having allegedly sneaked the Al-Shabaab fighters into the military facility to attend training on firing guns. Byabagambi told court presided over by, Brig. Moses Ssentongo, that the alshabab fighters were trained under instructions from Watimba. He added that the SNA commandant in the camp stopped them from training the group because they were not known and their training had not been scheduled. “Watimba and Kawero then met the SNA commandant. After their meeting, Watimba told us to continue with the training without worry, but he asked us not to use SNA facilities,” Byabagambi said. The witness explained that the two weeks training took place at the time when the AMISOM commandant from Ethiopia was on leave and he had left Watimba and Kawero in charge. During examination by prosecutors Capt. Gerald Bamwitirebye and Lt. Ambrose Baguma, the witness said before the group arrived in the camp for training, Watimba told them to be prepared to train “a group” from alshabab