Xaaji Xunjuf

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Everything posted by Xaaji Xunjuf

  1. Hamas and Fatah unveil Palestinian reconciliation deal The BBC's Middle East Editor Jeremy Bowen on the deal between Fatah and Hamas Continue reading the main story Mid-East crisis Unity scepticism Arms smugglers Peace talks Palestinian territories Rival Palestinian factions Fatah and Hamas have announced a reconciliation deal, saying they will try to form a unity government in the coming weeks. Hamas and Fatah split violently in 2007. Previous reconciliation agreements have never been implemented. The deal comes amid troubled peace talks between Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas and Israel. Following the announcement, Israel said it would not attend a negotiation session planned for Wednesday evening. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu earlier said Mr Abbas would have to choose between peace with Israel and peace with Hamas. Continue reading the main story Analysis image of Rushdi Abu Alouf Rushdi Abu Alouf BBC News, Gaza City It is not easy to find a Palestinian who is optimistic about the latest, announcement, long overdue, about a reconciliation between Fatah and Hamas. Dozens of similar meetings have been held at home and abroad over the years. Two agreements were signed - in Qatar and Cairo - but none of these saw the light of day and nothing changed on the ground. So what is new in this round? Observers and analysts say there are new developments in the region. Hamas has lost a strong ally in Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood and the leadership has also lost a key base in Damascus. Fatah, meanwhile, is looking to strengthen its position as peace negotiations with Israel stall. Media divided over Palestinian unity deal "You can have one but not the other. I hope he chooses peace; so far he hasn't done so," he warned. Israel - along with the US and the EU - views the Islamist Hamas group as a terrorist organisation. 'Not incompatible' Palestinian officials responded by saying reconciliation was an internal matter and uniting Palestinian people would reinforce peace. In a statement, Mr Abbas said there was "no incompatibility between reconciliation and the talks" and that they were committed to peace on the basis of a two-state solution. US State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki said Washington was "disappointed" by the announcement and warned it could seriously complicate peace efforts. "It's hard to see how Israel can be expected to negotiate with a government that does not believe in its right to exist," she added. Mr Abbas sent a delegation from his Fatah party to Gaza for reconciliation talks earlier this week. Israeli spokesman Mark Regev: "This is a move away from peace" The factions said they planned to form an interim unity government - headed by Mr Abbas - within five weeks and hold parliamentary elections within six months. "This is the good news we tell our people," Ismail Haniya, prime minister of the Hamas-led government in Gaza, told reporters. "The era of division is over." Senior Fatah official Azzam al-Ahmed said they had "agreed about everything we discussed, so we will forget what happened in the past". The news brought thousands of Palestinians out on to the streets of Gaza City in celebration. Mustafa Barghouti, Palestinian Legislative Council: "Now any agreement will be with all Palestinians" Ordinary Palestinians have long hoped for an end to the split between their political leaders but previous reconciliation deals in Doha and Cairo were never implemented, says the BBC's Yolande Knell in Jerusalem. The agreement will strengthen the position of Mr Abbas - whose Fatah movement dominates the Palestinian Authority, which controls parts of the West Bank - and should also make Hamas feel less isolated as it continues to face border restrictions imposed by Israel and Egypt, our correspondent adds. Fatah has historically been the dominant faction in the Palestinian nationalist movement, but Hamas won parliamentary elections in January 2006. Palestinians show support for the reconciliation deal, in Gaza City, on 23 April 2014 The deal was welcomed with celebrations by Palestinians in Gaza City In early 2007, Fatah and Hamas agreed to form a coalition to end growing factional violence, but in June of that year Hamas seized Gaza by force and set up a rival government. Shortly after Wednesday's reconciliation deal was announced, five people were injured in an Israeli air strike in northern Gaza, Palestinian medics said. Israel said it had targeted militants preparing to fire rockets. On Monday, seven rockets were launched from the territory into southern Israel.
  2. Lol@ Che no Xenophobia we are raising awareness,for the threats in the near future and the numbers of the oromos. Somalidu waxya tidha bidaartu sibiq sibiq bay ku gasha Oromadu si saaso oo kale bey raban inay no so galaan. By the way good to see u back, hope all is well in Boston
  3. <cite> @Dr_Osman said:</cite> The oromo's have taken harar, they have taken dire dawa, infact I think 2 zones they live in dire dawa somalis, xafad issa and around the taiwan area, they've become so insignificant in that town, most amhara are the big business owners, oromos are just scavengers really with no progress at all in dire dawa other then bajaj drivers. I recognize the threat of oromos jot only for ddsi but somalia also, it was shocking how their bus drivers in bosaso, typical line of work they dominate in the transport industry. I don't know how we as somalis can really survive against them, their in the range of 40 million, whereas somalis are 9 million in somalia, 5 million ddsi, 1 million in jabuti and nfd. Plus around 1 million in the diaspora. Were roughly 15-16 million worldwide somali population not even half oromos. The best way to defeat oromos is border control or wallahi we will become like dire dawa, go check it today, its really sad how it is knowing it was somali town and today it's breathing its last, plus all the settlement outside of dire dawa are all oromos and nothing else. Oromo must be deported to maintain our population or consider us become like dubai minorities in our own land, this is very possible if oil production begins, can u just imagine the flood of oromos? that will kickstart the great downfall of somalia in my opiniin if not watched carefully Detoore Somalis are slowly regaining control over Dire i was there in 2012 its true many oromos have moved into the towns back in the 1980s it was overwhelmingly Somali, many of the DJibouti clan go back forth and some have moved to Djibouti. Harar is a bit difficult the Oromos are there in big numbers many are Jarso and other Noole clans of the Oromo, Its not oromo who have killed the city Dire but the TPLF killed the city when they made it a special federal zone its run by corrupt Tigray Military officers dire is a ghost town these days the same as Harar , harar was alive and strong during Mengistus time ti was the capital of the entire Hararghe province. The oromos moving into the Somali kilil needs to be fought or else they will form a major threat for us in the long run.
  4. I doubt it and even that the Koonfurians would never make such a sacrifice, they would have awarded the people of SL when they were enthusiastic about the whole u union 5 decades ago. This is not the case any more, the people of SL have moved on and the best way for both countries is to live side by side in peace and try to work on areas where we can cooperate.
  5. Shirka KULMIYE oo maanta si rasmiya uga furay magaalada Hargaysa kulmiye1 Hargaysa(GNN)-waxaa rasmi ahaan uga furmaya goor dhow shirweynaha shantii sano mar la qabto ee xisbiga talada haya Somaliland ee kulmiye . Shirkaasi wuxuu socon doonaa laba maalmood, waxaana lagu dooran doonaa hoggaanka sare ee xisbiga Kulmiye ee shanta sano ee soo socota oo kala ah ; Gudoomiyaha xisbiga , afar guddoomiye ku xigeen , iyo xoghaye guud, Waxaa kaloo lagu dooran doonaa guddiga fulinta ee xisbiga, iyo gole dhexe oo dhan ku dhowaan 300 xubnood . Gudoomiyaha xisbiga kulmiye Muuse Biixi Cabdi ayaa sheegay in guud ahaan ergooyinka shirweynaha ee wax dooranayaa oo dhan 1162 ergay ay haatan joogaan . Waxaa kaloo jira ilaa 400 ergay oo goob jooge ah. Waxay ka kala yimaadeen ergooyinku gobollada iyo degmooyinka Somaliland, haweenka, dhallinyarada, iyo qurbajoogta taageera xibigan Kulmiye . Dib u dhaca shirarka Kulmiye Shirweynahan xisbiga kulmiye dhowr jeer oo hore ayuu dib u dhacay khilaaf iyo loollan dhinaca awoodda ah oo xisbiga dhexdiisa ah. Waxaa markii danbe soo farageliyay madaxweyne Axmed Maxamed Maxamuud Siilaanyo oo u saaray guddi lagu magacaabay guddiga turxaan bixinta xisbiga kulmiye. Gudigu waxay markii danbe go’aamiyeen in aan lagu tartamin jagooyinka hoggaanka sare ee xisbiga oo sidoodii hore loo daayo .
  6. Gudoomiyaha shirgudoonka shirka xisbiga kulmiye oo la doortey iyo madaxweynaha oo khudbad ka jeediyey halkaa breakingnews Hargeysa (GNN) shirweynaha ka furmaya hotel maansoor ee uu leeyahay xisbul xaakinka Kulmiya ayaa maanta u doortey shir gudoomiye wasiirika gaashaandhiga somaliland mudane Axmed xaaji cali cadami inuu noqda shirgudoonka shirka xisbiga kulmiye. madaxweynaha somaliland ayaa isugana halkaas ka jeediyey khudbad dheer oo dhinacyo badan taabaneysa, waxa isaguna khudbadii furitaanka ka hadley gudoomiya xisbga kulmiye mudane muuse biixi cabdi. Kala soco Gabiley News Network (GNN) wararkaas oo faahfaahsan. Gabiley News Network (GNN)
  7. On the contrary Siilaanyo made sure more Khatumo ministers governors and garaads have joined SL, this is a strategy that works as it seems Siilaanyo did not alienate any one Siilaanyo did not kill a single bird in Taleex he just laid a siege on the city and forced the Khatumo militia to vacate the city and force them not to hold a conference that is against the interest of SL. But the garowe admin went there and killed over 13 people in taleex last year. Abdiweli made a huge mistake when he made karaash and biindhe ministers ask the khatumites how they feel about that. Indhasheel calls these people dambilayaal. Siilaanyo has the wider support of the Somaliland public and certainly they all support his strategy on how to close the border with Somalia. I am no guulwade for the current elites but may aim is more than who leads SL its about the end goal siilaanyo serves SL interest the same way rayaale did and Cigaal did every one contributes to the country. Siilaanyo so far has gained more ground more political leverage and made sure all of SL enemies are either on the run or in exile.
  8. The detoore the father of tribal unionists has spoken lolz
  9. Peace action no one in SL objected that Hargeysa should not be the capital and certainly not Borama do u know how close Borama is to Hargeisa, Berbera and burco and Borama are all very close to Hargeysa capital. But i would not be against if the capital of SL is moved to Burco or ceerigaabo in the future so that those regions and cities can have allot of attention. But i am not saying i have all the answers for Somalia as you try to proclaim , i merely said that Somalia does not need clan federalism Somalia needs to remain one unitary state, in order for it to prevail.
  10. Federalism based on clan will only destroy the notion of Somalia citizenship. No need to slice somalia in clan states that are under the mercy of Kenya. Jigjiga looks good when u compare it to bosaaso or garowe. but it looks like a ghost town when u compare it to Bahir dar Adama Mekelle and other Ethiopian major cities. There is still allot of suffering and lack of development in the Somali kilil. Yeah sure there are some projects i was in 2012 in Jigjiga it was making some progress but its not something to be excited about when u know whats going on in the rest of Ethiopia, we also need to adress the Oromo danger of the Somali kilil, together. Detoore the union i am speaking of is in the Long term and it goes beyond Somalia its from the NFD to the Somali Kilil to Djibouti a broader Somali union based on equality justice and cooperation. Its to interlink Somali territories based on common commonalities and interest and to revive the basic principles of Somali solidarity in the horn of africa, The territory of the Somalis is huge and their numbers are rapidly growing , i believe this is the best formula.to create and better the lives of Millions of people.
  11. My initiative to have the union of Somali republics ,the USR, is to up hold the rights of Somalis in both Ethiopia and Kenyan Somalis and those in Ethiopia, not to absorb them per say. But to support their interest in those countries both politically, and economically. For example the USR would support autonomy for Kenyas north eastern province Linking Garisa and wajjir to the wider Somali peninsula. While not violating international law. Somalis need to learn allot from the past, that annexing these territories will only outrage the wider world. But by supporting our people inside those regions we can make sure that their lives gradually improve and ofcourse we will link them through our union, even up to secession if necessary and than giving them the right to join the USR as a sovereign state. But u have to slowely work towards this we must not take hasty or emotional decision, when dealing with Ethiopia and Kenya.
  12. Yes it would be a regional power house in East Africa in terms of economy trade political importance in the region, a real cooperation between the Somali countries. The most important thing is to make some great significant deals between Somaalis. The advantages would be to interlink the economies even eventually integrate politically which could create stronger political ties between all Somali territories, this latter step needs to be done in a more efficient way. There are allot of complexities especially from countries such as kenya and Ethiopia which host allot of Somalis in their respectable countries and Somalis who own large parts of those countries. Also another problem is Somalia and Somaliland dispute and the longer it takes for the 2 to reconcile and respect each others wishes , the longer it takes to restore stronger ties between the 2. People distrust each other because politicians are not honest.If Somaliland was given its recognition in the early 1990s Somalias conflict would have been long solved and we would be in phase 2 of creating a more stronger and comprehensive Union, we would have several financial cities in the Somali peninsula we would be holding parliament sessions on how to build and forge Militarily ties, between the countries. But the war in Somalia terrorism and Ethiopia and Kenya taking advantage of the zerosum game between Somalis, is making this so difficult. If i was a leader i would put allot of money and effort on reconciling Somalis of Somalia, and make them understand that their future is only in their own hands, and that if they want a union with Somaliland there are allot of ways to achieve that.
  13. Mr Galbeedi , i am for an equal union sharing a union based on equality justice and cooperation i want a union of Somali republics , Somalia Somaliland Djibouti Kilil Somali and NFD can become observer members , we will cooperate on strategic Somali interest in the region both politically economically, eventually we will have a stronger union, we can have one parliament one currency and one passport eventually. It will take years and ofcourse allot of sincerity from all the Somali politicians, to make such a union. Somali shan bay ahayd shanta madal kaliya oo farsameysan mala isug keeni kara dhaqaalo ahaan siayasad aha dhaqan ahaan umad ahaan. It can be done but we need new visions new ideas for it to function. Not a union based on hatred and envy and undermining each other. Allot of Somalilanders will be open for such a broader union between Somali nations. But for that to happen people need to respect the wishes and aspirations of the people of Somaliland to be a free and sovereign independent state. The right to choose Somalia as its partner in the region.
  14. <cite> @galbeedi said:</cite> Doctorkenedy, if the capital comes to hargeisa , they will think big, also they are generous with the guests. No one is even close to Hargeisa in terms of promotion and Somali poetry. Just look back how the famous northerns made propaganda for the Kacaan. Your making a grave mistake , if Hargeysa was given the seat the of the Somali state in 1960, they would have accepted it and would have welcomed it. But they were not given that honer , and i to to some extent agree with that Mogadishu was far more urbanized and had far better architecture and was well advanced but even if that was the case. The southern elites should have envisioned that the future and the togetherness of the Somali republic is dependent on it to construct and build Hargeisa and to make it the capital. The southern and northern culture is slightly different , the northern politicians never asked for political seats when the union happened. And we can say they were naive or the southern politicians were far more ahead of the northern political elites. Somalilanders sacrificed their own independent state for the union , something i would have never done, but the generation in the 1950s was different they endured colonialism Haile selassie stealing territories, when cigaal and micheal mariama and Garad ali and keyse and the 2 sultan diiriyes traveled to Mogadishu the people forced Cigaal to bring nothing less union, the people clearly stated that anything less than a union is a defeat for them. Times has changed today the story is different. New poltical realties this is the 2014 hargeysa
  15. Galbeedi you know my opinion i would really build a healthy union based on cultural close kinship and Somali solidarity could shine from Somaliland to the NFD, a union stronger than that of the Russian federation or the European union with proper rules and regulations and strong Somali core principles and values.If you asked me in 1989 what do you think of the Somali republic, i would say lets rebuild the old Somali republic with a real power center in Mogadishu. But times have changed, new generations have been born and new political realities are on the ground today. The southern Somalis are also looking for their tribal interest and who can blame them they suffered the most the past 2 decades and you want to take away their triumph Somalia capital, so galbeedi if you want a real union between Somalis it has to be a union based on honesty based on nationalities a union based cooperation a union that works for all people not the racist greater Somalia, But a strong Somali union between the Somali republics, this is something that both the people of Somaliland and the people of Djibouti are open for to link Somali territories closer to each other, But the longer Somaliland statehood is denied the longer it takes before there can be a genuine union.
  16. Doctor that might be true to some extend but reer Mogadishu are almost 3 million people its far from village i am planning to visit the place this summer , every city a clan is the Majority there is no city or a town with out a clan majority Mogadishu is not an exception. Now i am old enough to remember the old Somali republic and How Mogadishu was during my younger years and its far from people with a clan mentality the People of Mogadishu what i have been told became hardened people by the plight and the misery the city endured the past 2 decades, and this is not entirely this fault Mogadishu the assal reer Muqdishu are really reer magaal people Nomadic culture from the central regions and all over the old Somali republic came to Mogadishu and all contributed to the city. There is really no other city that can replace Mogadishu in terms of prestige and majestic past and historic civilization of the city it will take time for Somalis to overcome the trauma and the wars.But eventually i am sure Mogadishu will serve Somalia again.
  17. Facts on the ground Somaliland controls the Land the Pirates are mere bystanders , Galaydh is doing all he can to make sure his clan are disconnected from the garowe clan enclave and he is doing a great job he will eventually jump the boat Galaydh is a shrewd politician and he knows what is at stake, its not about him its about where he is leading the caravan. Siilaanyo is a political genius to from strategic point of view , Garaad jamac hails from Holhol thats where his clan hails from and Laascanood ,the garaad is not a small person he was one of the co founders of Khatumo. On your cabdi cawar point he made a mistake when he made karaash minister karaash is hated by the indhasheel group of khatumo and garaad jamac garad ali, the other garaad jama,you rewarded them cabdi cawar has no clue what he is doing if you ask me, since cabdi cawar is irrelevant in the whole political rivalry between the SL government and the Khatumo group. Somaliland strategy is much better and much more fruitful in the long run holhol to be a permanent military base for SL Allow khatumo to be a buffer zone between SL and the garowe admin Maintain normal relations with Mogadishu empower Mogadishu Slowly move into more territories in the eastern sool region. What i mean by winning is simple since siilaanyos admin Somaliland took Xudun karin dabaylweyn widhwidh holhol and sieged taleex, almost all towns in eastern sool are under Somaliland i consider this a major win. dont you Siilaanyo made a historic trip to laasqoray in which the puntland admin responded with argagax. Siilaanyo brought anti SL groups such as prof samaatar Garaad jamac to the fold He established normal relations with Mogadishu and an ongoing talks with them Siilaanyo brought the ssc leaders xaglatoosiye to Hargeysa Cali dacuun the most anti SL person ever is now in hargeisa Siilaanyos strategy works the past 3 years is the result.
  18. The elites of Mogadishu will never agree for the capital to be re located its like shooting your self deliberately in the balls. Especially now when Mogadishu is recovering if Mogadishu was the capital in the 1990s and it went through so many wars warlords vs warlords versus Ethiopian soldiers versus Islamic courts unions versus shabaab ugandans. Today the city is becoming a normal town despite the major challenges Alshabaab is gone there are still some security problems, but the city is under construction and new businesses are re opened refugees from the countryside are returning in the thousands. So why will the capital be changed. Mogadishu is lucky it has a coast it has a fine temperature its not near the border a big population , i dont see a better alternative than Mogadishu.
  19. There is no point biindhe and karaash were the enemies of khatumo and sold Khatumo out to garowe. Galaydh said that he does not mind Somaliland aslong as the POWS are released., The VP is not important its a symbolic position ina ali shire was vp to. Puntland is no where to be seen in the sool region there is a small khatumo faction in some parts of the eastern taleex district there is no Puntland whats so ever. SL has never alienated any group with in SL that the door is always open for reconciliation and unity. Somaliland is winning eventually cali dacuun is back Garad jamac is back the finance minister of khatumo is now with SL and the governor of taleex is leading the SL army in eastern sool.. Somaliland has won it has not been in a better position ever. Siilaanyo is genius and great strategist regarding the eastern regions of SL. last month he took over karin dabayl weyn the entire south eastern sool region. He send delegation to boocame and a mayor there. His army surrounded Taleex and made a permanent military settlement in Holhol, Somaliland has adopted the right tactics in the region