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Ciidamada Itoobiya oo Xiray Sarkaal ka tirsan Ciidamada DFS Muqdisho (KON) - Ciidamada Dowladda Itoobiya ee ku sugan Gobolka Gedo ayaa Maanta Xabsiga Dhigay Sarkaal ka tirsan Ciidamada Dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya. Teaser Image Ciidamada Itoobiya oo Xiray Sarkaal ka tirsan Ciidamada DFS Sarkaalka ay Xireen Ciidamada Dowladda Itoobiya ayaa waxaa lagu Magacaabaa Diyaad Cabdi Kaliil, waxaana uu ka mid ahaa Saraakiisha Ciidamada XGS ee Gobolka Gedo. Wararka ayaa sheegaya in Xariga Diyaad Cabdi Kaliil lala Xariirinayo in uu Xabsiga ka siidaayey, Maleeshiyaad ka tirsan Al-shabaab oo Degmada Luuq ku Xirnaa. C/rixmaan Axmed Ansaari oo ka mid ah Saraakiisha Ahlusunna oo ku sugan Gobolka Gedo ayaa Keydmedia Online u sheegay in Ciidamada Itoobiya ay Sargaalkaas lagu Magacaabo Diyaad oo ay Xireen lagu Eedeyey Gacansaar uu la leeyahay Maleeshiyada Al-shabaab. Ciidamada Itoobiya ayaa dhawaan Mas’uuliyiin ka tirsan Maamulka Ahlusunna ee Gobolada Dhexe Xabsiga dhigay, ayagoona wali ku jira Gacanta Ciidamada Itoobiya. Keydmedia Online - Xafiiska Muqdisho
C/wali Gaas oo Saxeexay Qorsha Somaliland ee Xuduuda
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to malistar2012's topic in Politics
Detoore where is the bravado in January cabdi cawar said that the region was annexed by Somaliland and only we will take it back by force 2 months later he was forced to say that there is no beef between him and SL and that those regions are mere a humanitarian issue, another month later SL captured karin dabaylweyn and sieged taleex. And all the pirates do is fly to addis ababa detoore when are u going to fire a single shot towards Somaliland defense forces. -
Somaliland: kulmiye party convention ceremony begins
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to Xaaji Xunjuf's topic in Politics
^^ Maxaad ka hadlaysa Hawdian beryahan maad yara walaatay adigu wax aadi ah ka sheekenaya wali kuma arag everything oke -
C/wali Gaas oo Saxeexay Qorsha Somaliland ee Xuduuda
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to malistar2012's topic in Politics
Puntlandrising is angry cabdi cawar has been defeated -
Somaliland: kulmiye party convention ceremony begins
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to Xaaji Xunjuf's topic in Politics
Kulmiye achievements Hargeysa Bridge finalized a 3rd one under construction 16 hospitals build across the country Somaliland army officers ranked Somaliland Shilling is used all over the country Secondary and primary schools are free Budget from 40 million to 220 million usd All the Somaliland ministerial governmental buildings reconstructed Brought allot of new investors OIL Firms and also Chinese investors Trippled the salaries of the civil servants and the armed forces Oromo Ethiopians were removed from the country Airports reconstructed Brought all the anti SL elements to the fold Prof samatar garad jamac ssc and an entire Khatumo faction I believe if they continue on this path Somaliland is on the right path All that is left if they manage to construct the Burco and hargeysa road They will be re elected And if they lease the berbera port under a Foreign firm I believe in the next term of Kulmiye up to 2020 A Somaliland airliner The Somaliland airforce And more jobs to be created for the Youth Surely they are shortcomings the crack down of free press and ofcourse there is corruption. But the past 4 years were a success for Kulmiye and Somaliland -
Alpha Koonfurians always blame others for their faults the Kenyans the Ethiopians the Arabs the Afghans never themselves , its very easy to blame the downfall of Somalia on
C/wali Gaas oo Saxeexay Qorsha Somaliland ee Xuduuda
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to malistar2012's topic in Politics
Malistar i dont think the Ethiopians prefer the Somalilanders over the Pirates , if SL and the pirates go at it tomorrow there is no one that can stop them. Some might condemn it but thats about it , the Ethiopians pretend they dont want a conflict but deep inside they would love the conflict to continue. And i dont think the TPLF regime in addis cares whether Somaliland breaks away or stays with the Koonfurians. But there are things that are in play. Somaliland is committed to close down its border with Somalia. -
C/wali Gaas oo Saxeexay Qorsha Somaliland ee Xuduuda
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to malistar2012's topic in Politics
This man Halyey Maxammad biixi Yoonis is a genius he understand the Ethiopians the Sudanese the UN the international community the Pirates, the Arabs. Somaliland borders remain untouched who ever touches the Land of the Afro hashimiates will deal with courageous Somaliland people , people who never ever lost a single battle. Sits like the Poppa Don Even the Tribal unionist on wardheer are writing endless essays on Maxammad Biix Yoonis http://www.wardheernews.com/somaliland-foreign-minister-declares-war-somali-unionists-north/ -
Godane is the same as all his predecessors the extremist jihadist are the same shabaab al nustra front Boka haram all those are sponsored by Saudi and other Arabs , who wish to turn non Arab Muslim countries into battle grounds. We dont make distinction between Godane and Afghani roobow Ayrow dadkan iyaga iska ka xiiga
Surely Shabaab is alqaeda affliates but shabaab was a reaction to the AU troops i doubt a large segment of Somalis would be Arabs slaves and work for them where as the other half works for the Ugandans salaries. The situation is a mess, Godane made an alliance with Alqaeda the reason why is he needs logistics support he needs arms and financial support from them or else shabaab will be bankrupt so i believe Godane choose the Arab alliance for strategic interest.
I never said Godane is a Somali nationalist but since Somalia rising wants a person who Fights foreigners and i believe Godane is the only one opposed to the AU troops thats all Doctor Kenney... I believe Shabaab and the Foregn troops on the ground compared to the 27.000 AU troops is a bit different there are some pakis and afghans and some Arabs , but the overal peoples in shabaab are Somalis.
Pirates praising imam Axmed the Jihadist of the 16 century of Adal what a crayz world Puntland rising wasnt your uncle Cabdilahi Yusuf who used xabashis to rule Somalia.. PS if you want ugandans kenyans and Ethiopian troops out of Somalia than support Amiir Axmed Godane he is the one and only Fighting the AU troops. The rest have submitted to them.
Somaliland: kulmiye party convention ceremony begins
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to Xaaji Xunjuf's topic in Politics
Carafaat Kulmiye is 100 times better than udub -
The talented Somalilanders continue new song
Somaliland: kulmiye party convention ceremony begins
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to Xaaji Xunjuf's topic in Politics
Alpha waxan maqlay shirka walaga xidhay and you could not get in LOL. -
Yet ciidan sultan we carry the Somali name so no matter what we share a name with the Koonfurians, you know i am not a fan of koonfurians and their culture of stealing looting and anarchism, and inviting Bantus in their backyards but there is a reputation we have to uphold that is the Somaliland reputation. Somaliland has interest this is true Economic and national interest this is priority number one for the people of Somaliland , and i believe Somaliland elites should by hook and by crook deliver to their people, those political economic interests. You said Somalis lack visions and the ability to get things done this is true but Somalilanders are part of this to we have no vision or we dont try to look at the broader objective. For example ethnic Somalilanders have been fixated on Somaliland the past 23 years they put all their strength and resources on how to rebuild Somaliland Hargeysa , where is the vision for the Hawd and reserve area its our Land to under the sovereignty of Ethiopia nevertheless our land its the Land that got us the union that got us so much pain and misery. Now have we forgotten about them, for get about the Koonfurians , the Hawd and reserve people are the same as the SL people , they have no water no schools no cities or towns , what is our vision for them. What is our vision for Ethiopia in the long term. if the Koonfurians have given up on their dignity and have no vision its in the best interest of Somalilanders to find common ground on how to make sure Somaliland national interest are met and the larger Broader Somali interest is protected from Kenyans and Ethiopians.
The Federalist will try to push clan federalism as a way to govern Somalia but its difficult to sell to the vast majority of Somalis , the strategy of President hassan is to show the international community that clan federalism is a farce and that it cant be sustained in the long term and that it will diminish Somalias status as a nation. Thats why he allows both the six state and 3 state to be in the air not choosing one side. I dont think Hassan wants pure centralism like in the times of siad bare adan cadde and sharmarke. The old Somali republic,but a decentralized Somali state governed from Mogadishu with one central command with a strong structure with both a strong navy and a strong army to protect the Sovereignty of Somalia. And that the regions will be allowed to have governors that can maintain the daily needs of the public like water immigration health sectors and schooling systems to be done in the regions a more decentralized formula. But still with strong institutions in the capital, i believe that's the objective of Xassan Maxamud. On Foreign policy i believe President hassan is a few steps ahead when it comes to the clan federalists garowe and Kismayo , he has the backing of the international community and the current constitution needs to be voted on by the people in order to be permanent constitutions i believe some where in the near future people will be forced to vote for the constitution nickolas kay made this clear to, Hassan has allot of cards to play.
Madaxweyne Xasan Sheikh iyo Madaxweyne Geelle oo Jabuuti uga arinsanaya beentii iyo borobogaankii ay ka iibin lahaayeen Madaxweyne Obama xasan sheikh iyo geele Madaxweynaha Dowlada Federaalka Soomaaliya Mudane Xasan shiekh ayaa maanta ka dhoofey Magaalada Muqdisho isagoo kusii jeeda kulan wada tashi ah oo Jabuuti ku dhexmari doona isaga iyo Madaxweyne Geele. Sida ay sheegtey Wasaarada Arimaha Dibada Mareykanku Madaxweyne Barack Obama ayaa 5 may wuxuu Aqalka Cad ee Maraykanka uu ku qaabili doonaa Madaxweynaha Jabuuti Ismaaciil Cumar Geele. Wararka Dublamaasiyadeed oo soo gaaraya Puntlandi ayaa sheegaya in safarka Madaxweyne Xasan Sheikh uu salka ku hayo booqashada Madaxweyne Geele uu ka tagayo Washington bisha soo socota, wararku waxay intaas ku darayaan in labada Madaxweyne ay ka arinsanayaan Shirqool siyaasadeed oo indha sarcaad iyo maaweelo ah oo ay doonayaan iney ku khaldaan Madaxweynaha Mareykanka . Wararku waxay intaa ku darayaan in labada Madaxweyne ay hada culeyska saarayaan sidii Bulshada caalamka iyo Dowlada Maeykanka looga dhaadhicin lahaa in Qorshaha Roadmap-ka siyaasadeed ee Soomaaliya uu wadanka u keenayo Colaad iyo Dagaalo hor leh, labada Madaxweyne ayaa culeyska saari doona sidii Madaxweyne Obama iyo Wasaaradiisa Arimaha dibada loogu qancin lahaa in Nidaamka Federaalka ahi uu soo celinayo colaadii sokeeye ee Dalka ka jirtey, iyo sidii qiil loogu raadin lahaa wax ka badelkii sharci darada ahaa ee xukumada Xasan Sheekh ku sameysay Dastuurka dalka, taas oo ay aad ugu canbareyeen shacbiga somaliyaaed iyo bulshada caalamkuba dawlada Xasan Sheekh Dhinaca kalena Madaxweyne Xasan Sheikh wuxuu wataa dacwad ka dhan ah wadamada safka hore qaar ka mid ah sida Kenya iyo Maamul Goboleedka Soomaaliyeed ee Jubaland, iyadoo lawada ogsoon yahay in Gudoomiyaha Baarlamaanka Jabuuti Idiris Cali uu si cad usheegey sanadkii hore in aysan Dowlada Jabuuti ay kasoo hor jeedo Maamul Goboleedk Jubaland. Madaxweynaha Jabuuti ayaa lagasoo bilaabo sanadkii 2000 wuxuu hadafkiisa siyaasadeed ee arimaha dibada ee wadankiisa wuxuu sal uga dhigtey dilaalka iyo ka macaashka Arimaha murugsan ee Soomaaliya. Dowlada Jabuuti iyo Madaxweyneheeda Ayaan marnaba dhexdhexaad ka noqonin colaadaha iyo degaan la’aanta ka jira Soomaaliya, iyagoo marwalba siiya gacan siyaasadeed, dhaqaale iyo mid Ciidanba kooxaha Qabqablayaasha Muqdisho ee wadanku ka dagi la’yahay, taaso Jabuuti usahasha mar walba iney dhaqaale badan ay caalamka kaga urursadaan Barnamijyo wajiyo badan oo ay kamid yihiin abaabulida Shirar dib u sheshiisiin oo aan waxba kasoo bixin, tababaro ciidan, iyo Barnaamijyo aan lasoo koobi karin. Iskusoo duuboo waxaad moodaa in maamulada Puntland iyo Jubaland , Aqoonyahanada, Jaaliyadaha iyo Shacbiga Soomaaliyeed ay ka hurdaan shirqooladaas iyo dhagarta siyaasadeed ee lagu maleegayo Jabuuti.
Dr osman the pirates are but talk its been 8 years and u haven't fired a single bullets towards SL , SL moved into karin dabayl weyn 2 months ago and is only 16 miles away from your capital , you guys only do the talk the talk never the walk the walk the only time u do the walk the walk is when cabdi cawar walks towards addis ababa And he has been gone there twice sine he was selected
Kenyan delegation arrives in Somaliiland to open diplomatic office
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to Xaaji Xunjuf's topic in Politics
Somaliland: Conditions are Apt for a Kenyan Diplomatic Mission Sunday, 27 April 2014 20:43 Submit to Delicious Submit to Digg Submit to Facebook Submit to Google Bookmarks Submit to Stumbleupon Submit to Technorati Submit to Twitter Submit to LinkedIn By: Yusuf M Hasan HARGEISA (Somalilandsun) – The government of Kenya is satisfied with existing conditions as pertains to the establishment of its planned Consulate in Hargeisa. This is as a result of assessment conducted by a four member team from the Kenyan ministry of foreign affairs in Hargeisa assisted by the Somaliland representative in Nairobi Ambassador Sifir who was part of the delegation from the Kenyan capital that was ample hosted by the Somaliland deputy foreign affairs minister Mowlid Mahmud. Below are the verbatim excerpts of a press statement released by Ahmed Yusuf Elmi (SUDI) Spokesperson and Chief Protocol officer at the ministry of foreign affairs in Hargeisa Press release The Kenyan technical team, accompanied by Dr. Mohamoud Jama Somaliland's representative in Kenya arrived in Somaliland on Wednesday April 23rd and left the 26th of April. The team consisted of four persons. The purpose of the team was to examine the conditions necessary to establish a Kenyan representation office. The delegation met with officials of The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of the Republic of Somaliland. The deputy Foreign Minister HE. Mowlid Mohamud welcomed the delegation. The Ministry supported the team during their stay in Somaliland. The team collected all the information they needed to plan the establishment of their office in Somaliland. This visit was a follow up to an agreement between the Kenyan and Somaliland governments in which the two governments have agreed to establish mutual representation offices. As a result of that the Somaliland mission in Kenya will officially become a part and parcel of the diplomatic corps in Kenya. Kenya is an important IGAD member as well as an economic power house of east Africa. The delegation met with Kenyans citizens' working in Somaliland. The establishment of relations will expand economic and technical co-operation between Kenya and Somaliland. Ahmed Yusuf Elmi SUDIAhmed Yusuf Elmi SUDI Spokesperson and Chief Protocol officer Related Item -
^^ Cadale Somalis do not work like that Winner takes all, Detoore is working on that , that winner takes the triumph and the rest follows. Somalidu waxay tidha ninki roon reerka ha u hadho