Xaaji Xunjuf

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Everything posted by Xaaji Xunjuf

  1. Tilamook nin weyn iska dhig oo sida caadi iga ila hadal amba meesha iskaga carar hadanaad wax nuxur ah ku hadlayn I said why would u care if Somaliland breaks away or not no one in SL cares whether Puntland stays with their Mogadishu brothers so why would u envy SL BAL KA jawaab hana ii cayin oo forumka personal insults laga ma ogolal
  2. Tilamook President siilaanyo is a very capable man and he understands the politics of Mogadishu and those who are there and that of the IC. He opened a new phase of SL foreign policy to talk to Somalia in Turkey and London it will take some time but eventually he believes he will get there. Ofcourse an independence struggle is not easy task and especially receiving formal recognition especially if you have to deal with anarchist terrorists and pirates. I mean who would have thought Somalia would be in 23 year ongoing violence wars disastrous. Somaliland independence is strong enforced by its people leaders and Military apparatus. There is no one in the world that can reverse that, the koonfurians always make the mistake and believe SL independence is in the Hands of the President lol, the president is just a mere servant of the nation, next year there are elections. For Somaliland it was very easy to defeat Somalia and and break it apart beyond repair it took then only 10 years from 1981 to 1991, but convincing the world that Somaliland recognition is the best way forward is a bit difficult because SL is not dealing with the anarchist terrorist and pirates and their AU overlords only. But its dealing with the Arabs who have geopolitical interest in the region the Europeans who are after resources the Americans who have also interest in the region. Somaliland diplomatic quarrels is with the international community , Somaliland has actually proven that the west only cares about its pockets and all the democracy and what they make the 3rd world believe is nothing but an art to deceive the little Africans.
  3. Tillamook why would be envious if Somaliland is independent, in Somaliland no one gives a flying if if Puntland breaks away or stays with Somalia LOL
  4. Ciidan sultan u are right Somaliland is gone as they declared it the question is can Somalia remain one nation with all the different bantustans there and the sectarian conflict there. I doubt it there needs to be a dominating factor and the AU troops cannot be that dominating factor. Can HAG win the battle that is the question can they subdue their adversaries who want to bring down their Political elitism, time will tell.
  5. ^^ He is a pirate lol a 100% pirate he just claims HAG to corrupt their Political aspirations in Southern Somalia.
  6. ^^ You just being paranoid Ethiopia only cares about the Somali region it has , surely it cares about its regional influences and they will use the strategy to be more relevant in the east African region. Ofcourse with time the Ethopian and Somali interest will collide, but not now but in a few decades time when the Somalia civil war is behind us.
  7. There are about 7 Million Amhara Muslims the song is about peace and inner love , the Ethiopian government actually created ethnic federalism that every ethnic can be its own but remains part of the Ethiopian union.
  8. <cite> @Dr_Osman said:</cite> Noone is sharing half with a tribe 6 times smaller then one clan in the east. Besides Somalia in the future is going to be full democracy, if you can win the votes to lead go right ahead but there might only be an informal 4.5 sharing at a ministerial level. The parliament will be based on 96 or so districts of Somalia. People will vote and decide on who they wish to be their leader and we all must respect the ballot box. If mogadishu and hargeisa rich merchant class as you put it have the funds to fund a party and win somali people hearts and minds, I couldn't object. But as for presidency and mps are concerned they are set, their is no 4.5 after 2016 it was given a set time period to continue now only to complete the federal objectives. As for somaliland recognition yelling for it won't change anything, if somaliland doesnt like that, it can remain isolated. Infact port,air, fund sanctions could follow, just telling saudi arabia to stop trading livestock is enough to cripple somaliland. There isn't any external pressure on the SFG to recognise somaliland, their alot of internal pressure to make sure it doesnt recognize it. They have no leverage, the majority of somalis do not want a divided country, the minority wont decide the majority do. Infact I prefer an isolated somaliland so I can keep developing further. detore do u really believe there will be elections in 2 years time lol in Somalia is puntland taking part of this elections The HAGS will put the federal Somalia constitution into a referendum and we all know they are more than you and will vote against it. Somaliland will not take part of the elections ask even nickolas kay he confirmed it
  9. Status quo is fine to for Somaliland you will never see Somalilanders saying that the status quo is bad for them , SL is not isolated its works with the international community it has good contacts with neighboring countries with the exception of Somalia, Kenya Djibouti Ethiopia. Status quo got Somaliland where it is today a government parliament a police an army a democratic system that works. UN cannot impose sanctions on SL if it wanted to we are not a member of the UN, SL can tell the UN agencies to leave SL overnight and nothing will change. Business is booming the private sector is going well. The only problem the non recognition status brings SL is that the currency of the SL shilling is not a recognized currency which makes it hard to do business. Other than that its fine SL uses hard capital the Dollar. SL receives bilateral aid now from 4 European countries directly and they fully endorse the SL special arrangement , SL can build its army purchase arms nothing that can stop. So the status quo is fine. Is the status quo fine for Somalia to Homicide attacks motions after motions against the elites islamist factions killing road side bombs the mass corruption no territorial control. Kenya and Ethiopia both violating Somalias sovereignty. Can Somalia continue like this if the status quo is fine with you its fine with SL.
  10. Mooge this is the most talented reer Bari poet lol I love how he finishes lol
  11. Madaxweynaha oo shir-guddoomiyay kulan looga hadlayay dib u dhiska dalka 6 0 Google +1 1 thumbnailthumbnailthumbnailthumbnailthumbnailthumbnailthumbnail Sabti, May 10, 2014 (HOL) — Madaxweynaha Somalia, Xasan Sheekh Maxamuud ayaa maanta shir-guddoomiyey shirkii ugu horreeyey ee fulinta ee heerka sare ee madashada saaxiibbada (The first High Level Partnership Forum (HLPF). Kulanka oo ay ka qayb-galeen in ka badan 15-safiir iyo wakiillada wakaaladaha caalamiga ah, waxaa dib loogu eegay horumarka xukuumadda Soomaaliyeed iyo taageerada la xiriirta ee beesha caalamka si loo xaqiijiyo howlihii barnaamijka Higsiga Cusub, aragtida fog ee 2016-ka iyo ujeeddooyinkii nabadda iyo dowlad-dhisidda (The New Deal Compact, Vision 2016 and the Peace and State building Goals). Madashu waxay kormeer u tahay fulinta barnaamijka heshiiskaas waana meesha ugu muhiimsan ee looga hadlo ahmiyadaha nabadda iyo dowlad dhisidda dalka Soomaaliya inta u dhaxeysa 2013-ka iyo 2016-ka. Qaramada Midoobay iyo saaxiibada caalamka waxaa ka go’an inay waafajiyaan taageeradooda Soomaaliya mudnaanta heshiiskaas oo ay Soomaaliya u baahan tahay sida: wadahadalka siyaasadda ee loo dhan yahay, nabadda, cadaaladda, aas-aaska dhaqaalaha, dakhliga iyo adeegyada guud. Isagoo la hadlaayey madasha madaxweynuhu wuxuu caddeeyay in dowladda ay wax badan ka qabatay ujeeddooyinka lagu heshiiyay. Wax-qabadka lasoo ban-dhigay waxaa ka mid ah xoreynta dhibkii Al-Shabaab laga xoreeyay saddex milyan oo qof oo deggen sagaal magaalo iyo lix gobal. Qaababka taageerada lagu xoojinayo sida unugga isku-dubaridka gargaarka (Aid Coordination Unit) iyo sanduuqa horumarinta iyo dib-u-dhiska Soomaaliya oo la sameeyayay si loo hubiyo garagaarkii Soomaaliya loo ballan-qaaday in la isku-duway lana ilaaliyay. Haddaba si loo helo hufnaan iyo maamul maaliyadeed oo wanaagsan, bangiggii dhexe ayaa boorka laga jafay iyadoo la magacaabay guddoomiyihii Bangiga, ku-xigeenka guddoomiyaha iyo golaha maamulka bangiga iyo guddiga maamulka maaliyadeed iyo waliba guddiga kormeerka maaliyadeed. Sidoo kale, madaxweynuhu wuxuu sheegay in horumarka kaabayaasha dalka ay ka mid yihiin: 35-km oo lagu dhisayo jidadka Muqdisho, mashruucyo waaweyn oo ay ka mid yihiin dhisidda xarun-maamuleedka degmooyinka, maxkamadaha, saldhigyada booliiska, isbitaallada iyo ceelasha biyaha oo laga billaabay Jowhar iyo Marka. “Sanduuqa deeq-bixiyeyaasha Qaramada Midoobay waa mid shaqeynaya oo lacagtii waxay billowday inay kusoo qulqusho qasnadda dowladda, middaasoo wax ka-taraysa shaqada bangiga dhexe. Kooxo shaqo oo ka shaqeynaya ujeeddooyinka shanta ah ee nabadda iyo dowlad-dhisidda ayaa la dhishay; kuwaa oo ku jira howlo la taaban karo oo ah iyo barnaamijo la fulin karo. Qorshaha lagu gaarsiinayo aragtida 2016-ka goballada si loola tashto ayaa heer gabo-gabo ah maraayo,” ayuu yiri madaxweynaha Soomaaliya. Isagoo sii hadlaya ayuu mar kale yiri: “Somalia way xaqiijinaysaa ujeeddooyinka Higsiga Cusub. Waxaa farxad noo ah inaan maanta kala doodno saaxiibadeenna beesha caalamka qorshoyaasheenna si wadajir ah uga baaraan-dageyno wixii la qabtay. Ujeeddooyinku waxay u baahan yihiin qorshe iyo howl-adag si ay xaqiiqo u noqdaan. Bilo badan ayay naga qaadatay inaan dhameystirno qorshayaasha iyo is-tiraatiijiyooyinka muhiimka u ah in la hubiyo marka ay barnaamijyadan u miro-dhalayaan Soomaaliya oo dhan iyo inay yihiin kuwii saxda ahaa ee is-beddelka sameyn lahaa.” Danjire Nicholas Kay aya isaguna madasha ka yiri: “Maanta beesha caalamka iyo madaxweynaha Soomaaliya waxay sii adkeeyeen go’aannadoodii ahaa in horay loogu sii socdo. Waxaa jira arrimo badan oo in la qabto u baahan qatartuna way badan tahay.” Xasan ayaa isaguna madasha ka yiri: “Maanta waxaan ka faa’ideysaneynaa halka aan marayno waxaana naga go’an lixda meelood ee u baahan xalka deg-degga ah. Lixdaas meel waa: dhammeystirka higsiga 2016, sameynta guddiga federaalka, guddiga doorashooyinka, guddiga madaxa-bannaan ee dib u eegista dastuurka, sameynta maamullada KMG-ka ah ee degmooyinka iyo sameynta guddiyada nabadgalyada deegaannada dalka.” “Waxaa na horyaalla ajandayaal waaweyn; waxaana filaynaa inay si wadajir ah u shaqeeyaan hay’adaha dowladda iyo saaxiibadeenna caalamiga ah si loo helo natiijo lagu dhiso Soomaaliya oo sidan ka wanaagsan,” ayuu madaxweynuhu ku soo gaba-gabeeyay hadalkiisa. Maxamed X. Xuseen, Hiiraan Online maxuseen@hiiraan.com Muqdisho, Soomaaliya - See more at: http://www.hiiraan.com/news/2014/May/wararka_maanta10-46514.htm#sthash.rhvP2akb.dpuf
  12. Mooge hows the Somalia project going the past 23 years saaxibka cabdi cawar iyo Xassan culusow iyo Amiir Godane halkay wax marinayaan niyooow meesha miyaan cidi ba u hadhayn lol
  13. Mooge the only heavy weights poets u mentioned there was cali cilmi afyare , who's very talatnted And Khalif baarleex The rest are not heavyweights maybe jamac dayuurad oo aan laba tix ka arkay ba sadexayaa By the way Somalis all do poetry haba la kala badsado but do the Puntlanders have a folkore dances thats what i was wondering Detoore we are not talking about cabdi cawar lol
  14. I can build a union that will last longer than any union in the world but no one is interested the problem is Koonfurians dont know what Union is ,Union for them is 4.5 clan system 2 clans sharing the top seats and than call it we are united and sing Somalia tooso. What u need is a union with strong foundations based on strong principles. With in 10 years u would have a stronger Union than any union in the world but its based on values shared interest commonalities, strategic political and economic interest and Militaristic interest not on emotions. I dont value presidents prime ministers iyo waxaas.Only Koonfurians value that, a Union is based on how the wealth of the nation can be shared equally distributed equally and that every one contributes i would have created the Union of Somali republics. That would mean 3 countries in the Horn exclusively belongs to Somalis. But Somalis are not interested in such a union there is action and re action, So we will play the zero sum game for quiet some time. Till we are exhausted and some one gives in, its sad, other than that garaantu ha botarisu.
  15. Doctor that would be different if Somalia was rich i would re think if Somalia was Saudi Arabia i would think of a different strategy , but Somalia and Somaliland are both poor So there is no point of to share a nation with poor nation that is as poor as you if not poore with constant violence war and Killings and the turbulent past is not to shiny either. Maybe A union between Somaliland and Djibouti and the hawd and reserve under one country can work in the near future.
  16. Doctor you are right Somalilanders Afro hashemites need their own country cost what cost by any means necessary and that the SL flag has to fly along the world nations we have killed for it spend money on it suffered for it spend years times in refugee camps in Ethiopia. The SL people have stood in rain for years and protest for their rightful place. The SL government have ignored the Koonfurians for the past 23 years and will only deal with them and their authorities in a 3rd neutral country. But the people of SL wish the People of Somalia the best luck , but they should be happy with what god gave them. Somalilanders have been working on this for nearly 3 decades and it started all with a coup in 1961.The future of the people in Somaliland is alone and they dont need Somalia they have proved that , that Somalia nothing but a liability as Sultan faisal puts Somalia wa meyd Somaliland la dabo wado, and Somaliland cant shine with Somalia and their AU protectors, Somaliland statehood is irreversible the independence cause of Somaliland is almost Holy. There is no way back Walaayaal its not about the Brits we want the world to see how strong how progressive how intelligent the people of Somaliland are and they can only do that if they join the international community as a sovereign nation.
  17. No thanks no sharing a country with the Koonfurians under any circumstances even if they say take all 100% of all the seats. No one in Somaliland will reverse SL statehood to share a nest with the Koonfurians Puntlanderising what are you going to do. There is nothing in Somalia worth wanting zero nada
  18. The Jihadists have been defeated the free syran army has lost all credibility and the Nusra front are scattered all over the place and have no cohesiveness and are losing ground. If Hezbolla continues to play a significant role in the logistics it provides to Forces of Asad, with Iranian Intelligence and special forces assisting the armed forces of Asad they can drive out but it will be hard task particularly in the eastern part which is a terrorist nest places such as deir al sour, because thats where the Iraqi terrorists are assisting the Jihadists Hezbollah played a significant role in protecting the border lines and assisting asad forces on the ground where its the most needed.
  19. THOUSANDS OF SYRIANS RETURN TO HOMS AFTER REBELS LOSE CITY AP Residents come back to the city once known as the 'capital of the rebellion' May 10, 2014 10:25AM ET Thousands of Syrians streamed into war-battered parts of the central city of Homs on Saturday for the first time in nearly two years, many making plans to move back just days after rebels surrendered their strongholds to pro-government forces. Hundreds of rebels surrendered their positions in Homs to government forces in exchange for their safe passage to the nearby northern countryside as part of a deal that began Wednesday. Some 2,000 rebels endured a nearly two-year blockade and heavy bombing of the area in the city once referred to as the "capital of the rebellion." The surrender deal is widely seen as a victory for President Bashar al-Assad weeks ahead of a presidential election on June 3 that he is expected to win. Assad has promised to continue his violent crackdown on rebels in the Syrian civil war, which activists say has left more than 150,000 people dead. Despite the end of hostilities in Homs, there’s no sign the bloody conflict is getting any more humane, with the United Nations accusing the Assad regime of cutting off medical aid to those in need. Human Rights Watch has said the government specifically targets civilians and hospitals. “Medical supplies are being removed from convoys as part of a strategy to deny the wounded medical care. This is an abomination,” said John Ging, UN director for Syria aid operations, on Friday. “In terms of who is taking the supplies out of the convoys, it’s the government of Syria.” But with the rubble-strewn city cleared of rebel fighters, Syrians fanned through the smashed ancient quarters of Homs. A youth band banging drums and holding photographs of Assad marched through the area, adding a celebratory mood for those supporting his government amid the 3-year-old conflict. Residents scavenged what they could from their homes Saturday, mostly clothes, dusty mattresses and some burned gas canisters, carrying them away in plastic bags and trolleys. "My house was completely destroyed and burned, but I found some photos," said Sarmad Mousa, 49, a resident of the old Hamidiyeh district. "They will remain a memory for me of the beautiful days we had here." Some accused rebels of looting and setting their homes on fire. Smaller crowds made the journey Friday. Other residents were already making plans to stay in their homes, sweeping away rubble and smashed glass from their homes. "God willing, we will sleep in our homes tonight, not tomorrow," one man told Lebanese television station al-Mayadeen. "Even if the homes aren't ready, we are going to help each other build our homes," he said. For rebels, it was a bitter day, said an opposition activist who uses the name Thaer Khalidiya. "The fighters left to rest and get treatment, but they want to return to liberate Homs," he said over Skype. "They want to go back." In Homs, municipal workers began fixing power lines while bulldozers cleared rubble from the street. The Syrian Red Crescent gave clean water, food and candles to residents who wanted to return to their homes, Gov. Talal Barazi said. But danger still lurked in some areas. A man, woman and child have been killed in three separate explosions in Homs after detonating rebel-planted mines left in their homes, Barazi said. At least five military vehicles carrying soldiers searched the area for more explosives. Some citizens rushed to the area of Bustan al-Diwan, gathering to pray around the grave of an elderly, beloved Dutch priest who was shot to death in April in a rebel-held part of Homs. Father Francis Van Der Lugt, 75, was a Jesuit, the same order as Pope Francis. His death underscored fears among many of Syria's Christian and Muslim minorities for the fate of their communities as Islamic extremists gain influence among rebels seeking to topple Assad. "I came to pray on his grave," said Rasim Sayrafi, 40. "The father was a secular man who walked with Muslims and Christians, together and equally. I am here to remember that." Another young Muslim woman wept next to his tomb. "I came here to pray for him," said Nadine Abdul-Aziz, 25, before she went to see her home. "I wish he had lived longer to see the liberated Homs." Al Jazeera and The Associated Press
  20. ^^ You are not HAG stop pretending hahaha Hawdian Detoore loves the Chicken burger
  21. Dont matter aslong as Somaliland is not part of Somalia and the people are independent the people of Somaliland will do just fine. Because independence is already reached, and there is nothing the pirates can do . Somalilanders own the Land. The Future looks bright for the people of Somaliland Long live Somaliland and its people
  22. <cite> @smartlander said:</cite> HAG elders have no power. They are merely going back to Mogadishu with a paper from Hassan Sheikh on the farthest he can go. HAG elders are simply just telling UCID what Mogadishu is willing to sacrifice. They have no power. Don't get confused. UCID and HAG elders are being used to soften any tensions. UCID has no power either. They are not governing party. They are all mediators If Somaliland can get 50% of everything, that's fine. If less then they can get lost. They are not in Hargeisa for vacation. They are there for weeks. They are even celebrating May 18 to show appreciation SLand govt is paying hotel and accomodation to HAG elders. Silanyo insisted to pay. Hassan Sheikh offered Anything less than Mogadishu accepting Somaliland Sovereignty is a loss for Somaliland, i dont know what you are thinking Somaliland is not fighting for seats in Xamar. But to join the world nations thats the goal the objective and thats what the people have been fighting for nearly 30 years. And the times has come to sit with Mogadishu in Turkey to sort out a deal it will take a few years before the dust settles but it will be a deal that shake the the entire region or the status quo of hostilities will continue. Somaliland and Somalia have direct channels to talk through and thats through Turkey there is no other route get that through your skull. If the talks in Turkey fail than so be it but there is no other way Elders have no say in here. Ma fahantay i dont know if you are a HAG to sound reasonable to Somalilanders but lets be honest with your self.