Xaaji Xunjuf

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Everything posted by Xaaji Xunjuf

  1. Who's asking the pirates to recognize anything the pirates cant even fire one single shot towards Somaliland. Somaliland have left Somalia because it can and it did and they ask no one for permission. And Somalia is at the mercy of AU troops your handicapped no one in Somalia can threaten Somaliland nin kala yaala baa hadlaya lol.
  2. Clan is a form of insurance and protection if everything goes wrong you can always fall back on Tolka , and the toll filll form a circle in protection of you. Its a messed up system , but thats how Somalis end up defending criminals warlords and terrorists. Somali nomadic warriors of the 19 century used to chant laan laan markay ku noqoto waxayn ka dhashay laamaha ta u sareysa . Aba ablayn markay noqoto waxan ahay nin adeereysan oo abtiyesan.
  3. Some more pictures of the celebrations in Somaliland Future Ciidanka qaranka Sooraan and Jawaan
  4. Sool Laascanood http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PCdATLvrF5Q#t=87
  5. ANALYSIS 23 years after Somaliland declared independence, it is time for the rest of the world to accept that full sovereignty is the only viable solution. The most important and underreported success story of the last two decades in the volatile Horn of Africa may be the emergence of Somaliland. Located in the north of Somalia, Somaliland first declared independence in 1960 (before it merged with Italian Somaliland to become Somalia) and again in 1991 following the collapse of Mohamed Siad Barre's military government. Then, in May 2001, its independence was asserted again through a nationwide referendum that saw 97.1% of the population voting in favour of autonomy. Since then, with a population of around 3.5 million, Somaliland has held free elections, drawn up a constitution, and enjoyed relative peace and stability, all without the help of heavy foreign aid. And on 18 May, the people of Somaliland celebrated the 23rd anniversary of their independence. However, despite these achievements, Somaliland has struggled to gain diplomatic recognition as an independent state. The West, for example, is reluctant to recognise Somaliland as a sovereign state before members of the African Union (AU) do so, while the AU reiterates that one of the founding principles of the organisation was to respect the borders inherited from colonialism. However, even under this pledge, the AU's argument to deny Somaliland sovereignty appears to be invalid. After all, on 26 June 1960, the territory, which had been British Somaliland, gained independence as the State of Somaliland. It was only a few days later, on 1 July 1960, that Italian Somaliland also gained independence and then united with the State of Somaliland to become the Somalia we know today. Indeed, in 2006, an AU fact-finding mission declared Somaliland's status to be "unique and self-justified in African policy history," and insisted that "the case should not be linked to the notion of 'opening a Pandora's box'. " Furthermore, even if the AU did pledge to respect colonial borders, surely there is a way to allow Somalilanders today to decide their own political fate. If the UK can agree to hold a referendum over Scottish independence, why can't Somaliland be afforded the same opportunity? Time for independence Earlier this year, Somaliland agreed to take part in Turkish-brokered talks with the Somali government. However, it seems obvious that the two sides will not be able to agree on their future relationship through such means. Mogadishu still clings to the fiction of Somaliland being a region under its own authority even though the government struggles to govern at all, while Somaliland sees itself as autonomous and is keen to stay out of the chaos in Somalia. Furthermore, relations between the two sides are somewhat hostile. In the 1980s, when Somaliland secessionists were engaging in a bitter battle to break away from Somalia, the US-backed Somali dictator of the time, Siad Barre, used brutal military force to bomb the civilian population into submission. The conflict saw 50,000 civilians lose their lives and major towns like Somaliland's capital Hargeisa were heavily bombarded. With remarkable resilience and determination, the people of Somaliland slowly recovered from the devastation of that war, and today Hargeisa is a city reborn. However, relations between Somalia and Somaliland never fully recovered. In denying Somaliland the right to decide its own political future, the international community ignores the territory's rebirth, its success in eradicating the piracy and repression that once characterised it, and its testy relationship with Mogadishu. Somaliland's lack of diplomatic recognition also undermines the progress and stability it has enjoyed in recent years and prevents it from exploiting its rich coal and oil reserves since foreign energy companies are unable to trade directly with unrecognised territories. Describing the reasoning behind Somaliland's vote for nationhood, President Ahmed Mohamed Mohamoud 'Silanyo' writes: "From 1960 to 1991, we gave unity a chance. It failed disastrously. We have now forged again our own future. We deserve the chance to fulfil our ambition." Indeed, the people of Somaliland deserve a chance to decide their own political future for they can no longer tolerate years of uncertainty about their status as a nation. And Somaliland's move for independence is grounded in the same principles as the declarations of autonomy by British and French-owned colonies in Africa in the 1960s. 23 years after Somaliland declared its self-autonomy in the aftermath of Siad Barre's fall, it is time the US, European Union and Africa do the right thing and accept the only viable and sustainable solution: an independent and sovereign Somaliland. Ali Mohamed is co-founder of the Horn of Africa Freedom Foundation, a grassroots organisation located in Lewis Center, Ohio. The foundation advocates for the advancement of freedom and democratic values for the indigenous people of the Horn of Africa. He can be reached at aliadm@aol.com.
  6. ^^ As NGONGE said clan is everything stronger than anything
  7. Doctor hareysa was very populated at that time the city was totally destroyed no roof was standing. I dont like victim mentallity but sl was very bad in 80s. Any way somalilanders licked their wounds and they moved on and got out 100 times stroñger ever in history
  8. True Somalis can defeat shabaab, not 30.000 African union troops they have done a terrible job since 2006 its almost 8 years since the AU troops were in Somalia.
  9. He fled when the xabashis invaded Xamar to Asmara and was nurtured by another xabashi called isiyas afewerki the asmara dictator. Now that would still not be bad the fact that he gave up on his struggle and sought refugee in the Amisom bunkers that is cowardice culture of aweys.
  10. ^^ If 300.000 people fled Hargeysa was basically empty in 1988 , the 50.000 was the numbers of Human right watch but it could even be more ,remember the city was being shelled by Somalia's artillery and Mig jet fighters , hargeysa was very populated
  11. Xidiga geeska songs in Gabiley Somalilanders in Malaysia celebrate the 18 may independence day
  12. Amisom cant defeat Alshabaab Alshabaab network with in Somalia is rooted deep they have connections every where they receive all sort of support from logistics to Money from many groups in Somalia and individuals. Amisom is there only to earn Fees for their troops and ofcourse to prolong the conflict for god knows when. Extra Ugandan troops have arrived as blue helmets to protect UN offices head quarters and other diplomatic offices owned by UN agencies in Mogadishu, if Alshabaab has to be defeated altogether u have to go to the root and have proper intelligence to know their next step to cut their supplies. I believe the west is also not really interest in defeating shabaab, because the money they give to the SFG is channeled to offshore accounts. So if the Somali government is not really interested to make a difference why should they hunt shabaab when shabaab does not threaten Western interest let the Bantus earn their Money on the expense of the poor Somalis. The moral of the story if you dont help your self no one will.
  13. Aweys is a failed terrorist he could not die for his cause he gave up and sought refugee in the Amisom Bunkers at the end History will remember him as the coward who gave up on his cause after sending so many youth to their graves who remembers in the 2009 fighting's 300 people died in fighting in Mogadishu between Sheikh dalxiis and sheikh daahir abees. I used to have respect for Daahir but they day he gave up he lost all of it.
  14. There is a bigger chance palestine an israel uniting . than sl and somalia
  15. Aweys gave up on his islamic state for somalia the moment he left shababab he could have created another islamic movement but he is broken and gave into amisom demand. Aweys refused to be a shaheed. It was all for nothing courts itaxaad eventully he gave up.
  16. Somalia elders pledging their support for the people of Somaliland and the state of Somaliland as a sovereign neighboring state next to Somalia. I see a peaceful coexistence between Somalia and Somaliland side by side next to each other
  17. Not sure but i hope they are Unionists no need to break up the United Kingdom for it serves all citizens of the UK.
  18. Celebrations continue The love for the Flag Somalilanders in Scotland Somaliland fathers and their Childeren Somaliland president and his Firs lady My youth Somaliland London Girls every one is repping Somaliland
  19. beautiful wonderful lovely long live the nation of Somaliland the people of Somaliland Allahu akbar walilahil xamd
  20. Mo farah and nuur dalaacy on the front stage singing , also Dr oodweyne from SOL also on the dance floor who spotted him. London had the best party
  21. Detoore somaliland is not asking for somalias consent or approval. Somalilanders took up arms fougt created their nation removed garowe from laaascaanood.and ofcourse inspired the usc. If ever a un supervised referendum is agreed on it will be held only wihin somaliland. The pirates and mogadishu clan are both in worry when sl broke away.mogadishu is scared to death that i with sl recogniotion the pirates will break away. And mogadishu is not confident in beating garowe into submission. The pirates are more scared of somaliland than xamar. Because sl is next door and will take garowe
  22. Fantasic wonderful art work and very funny somalilands allows any one who wishesh to celebrate with them in welcome