Xaaji Xunjuf

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Everything posted by Xaaji Xunjuf

  1. Midnimada iyo Wadajirka Soomaaliya oo Qatar ku jirto - Heshiis Malaga Yaabaa? Cabdullahi Ibrahim Cumar — Kadib markii lagu hungoobay rajadii laga qabay Dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya ee Xasan Sheekh, ayaa waxaa soo badanayo fikiradaha taageerayo gooni-isutaagga Somaliland, kuwaas oo ka imaanayo Soomaalida gaar ahaan dadka reer Koonfureedka ah, waxaana tusaale kuugu filan sida looga qeyb galayo 18 May, maalin madow iga dheh. Teaser Image Midnimada iyo Wadajirka Soomaaliya oo Qatar ku jirto - Heshiis Malaga Yaabaa? Tan iyo markii lagu dhawaaqay Maamulka Somaliland muddo haatan laga joogo dhowr iyo Labaatan Sano, waxa ay Siyaasiyiinta reer Somaliland iyo taageerayaashooda dadaal dheer ugu jireen sidii ay u heli lahaayeen ictiraaf laakiin nasiib wanaag ma jiro dal ilaa Maanta aqoonsaday Maamulkaasi ama xitta olole ugu jira ictiraaf raadintooda. Maamulkan midnimo diidka ah, ayaa waxa uu geed dheer iyo mid gaabanba u fuulay sidii loo ictiraafi lahaa, Isagoo kaalmeysanayo dalal cadow ku ah Umadda Soomaaliyeed, waxa uuna garaacay albaaab kasta oo uu u arkaayey in uu ku caawin karo aragtidooda guracan ee ah kala dhaantaalidda midnimada iyo wadajirka Wadanka laakin Ilaahay Mahaddi dalna ma dhageysan calaacalkooda foosha xun. Wallee Sayidka run sheeg. Maadaama aysan Caalamka u muuqan kala duwanaansho dhanka Diinta, midabka, dhaqanka iyo Luuqadda, waxa ay taasi keentay in la waayo wadan aqoonsado ama xitta u ololeeya gooni-isutaaggooda laakiin waxaa hadda muuqanayo is badal weyn ka dib markii ay Soomaalidu dabacday dhib badan ka dib, islamarkaana ay ogolaatay in loo taliyo. Kadib markii ay saaxada soo galeen Siyaasiyiin aan lahayn khibrad iyo han sareeya, islamarkaana ay fashilmeen dowladihii laga dhisay Koonfurta oo ay ku jirto midda hadda jirta,sidoo kalena ay daaleen Shacabkii Soomaaliyeed, Ayaa waxaa soo baxayo Siyaasiyiin iyo Oday dhaqameedyo ku baaqayo in la fasaxo Somaliland Islamarkaana la ictiraafo, waxaana tusaaale u soo qaadan karnaa Odayaashii reer Koonfureedka ahaa ee booqday deegaanada uu ka taliyo Maamulka Somaliland. Kadib markii ay Dowladda Federaalku ka baxday Ku-meelgaarkii, Islamarkaana la doortay Madaxweynaha hadda jira Xasan Sheekh, ayaa waxaa la filaayey in ay wax badan is badali doonaan gaar ahaan amniga iyo siyaasadda laakiin nasiib daro waxa dhacday waxa ay Soomaalidu u taqaanno ka daroo dibi dhal, Waana sababta keentay in ay soo baxaan dad reer koonfureed ah oo ku baaqayo in la ictiraafo Somaliland. Waxa Iyadana arimaha sii xumeeyey nidaamka federaalsim-ka, kaas oo noqday mid sii kala qoqoba dalkii, waxaana tusaale kuugu filan waxyaabaha ay sameynayaan Maamulada Puntland, Jubaland, Galmudug ,Ahlu-sunna iyo Koonfur galbeed, kuwaas oo u dhaqmayo sida dowlado ka madax banaan Dowladda Federaalka ee uu hogaamiyo ninka lagu magacaabo Xasan Sheekh. Wallee hadaan sidaan ku moodno kuuma sabcineyn. Karti xumida haysata guud ahaan Siyaasiyiinta Soomaalida gaar ahaan kuwa hadda majaraha u hayo Dowladda Federaalka iyo wada shaqeyn la'aanta kala dhaxeysa Maamul goboleedyada, waxa ay fursad siisay Maamulka Somaliland in uu u dhaqmo sidii dal madax banaan halka ay ahayd in la cadaadiyo lagana soo xiro albaab kasta oo la awooda si loo ilaaliyo midnimada iyo wadajirka Dalka laakiin naiib daro taasi ma dhicin. Hadaba arimo badan oo isu tagay dartood, sida karti xumida haysata ninka hogaamiya Dowladda Federaalka oo aad mooddo in aysan qiimaba la lahayn midnimada iyo wadajirka Dalka iyo ku mashquulidda ay Soomaalidu ku mashquushay maamul goboleedyada, waxa ay keentay in ay soo baxaan codod badan oo isugu jira Soomaali iyo Ajaanibba, kuwaas oo ku baaqayo in la ictiraafo Somaliland, taasoo suurtagal ka dhigi karta hadday sii socoto in la aqoonsado Maamulkaasi. Maadaama ay Somaliland qarka u saran tahay in la ictiraafo, iyadoo ka faa'iideysaneyso karti xumida haysata Madaxda hogaamisa Dowladda Federaalka sida Madaxweynaha, Gudoomiyaha Baarlamaanka iyo Ra'isul Wasaaraha, Sidoo kalena ay sii yaraanayaan dadka Wadaniyiinta ee u taagan maslaxada guud. Hadaba muxuu ku danbeyn doonaa dalka Soomaaliya? Maxaase dhici doona haddi la aqoonsado Somaliland? Horta Ilaahay baa garanayo waxa dhici doona laakiin marka aad fiiriso faragelinta lagu hayo dalka iyo waliba sida ay u dhaqmayaan dadka Soomaaliyeed, waxaa ii muuqato in la aqoonsan doono Somaliland ka dibna ay raaci doonto Puntland oo hadaba u dhaqmeysa sidii dal madax banaaan, waxaana tusaale kuugu filan hadaladii ka soo baxayey ninka hogaamiya Maamulka Puntland, kaas oo uu sheegay in ay Qunsuliyad ka furanayaan dalka Yemen, halka inta soo hartayna ay noqonayaan maamulo yar yar oo ay kor ka maamulaan dalalka dariska ah sida Itoobiya iyo Keny oo kale. Haddaan u soo laabto maxaa dhaci doona haddii la aqoonsado Somaliland, Sidoo kalena ay Puntland dhinac u istaagto, kolay Anigu waxa ay ila tahay in ay Sedex arimood mid dhici doonaan, waxa ayna kala yihiin Sedexdaas arimood :- In uu Koonfurta ka dilaaco kacdoon Islaami ah sidii kii Maxaakimta oo kale ka dibna uu ku fido qeybaha kale ee dalka In uu dhasho urur wadani ah sidii SYL oo kale ka dibna uu ku faafo dal iyo dibadba. iyo in ay Soomaalidu ogolaato in uu dalku kala gogo'o ama uu sii ahaado sida uu hadaba yahay Somalilandna la ictiraafo . Waa laga yaaba dhinaca kale in ay Soomaalidu heshiiso laakin marka aad fiiriso sida ay wax u socdaan hadda, iyo sida ay u sii yaraanayaan dadka daneynaya danta guud, waxa ay u muuqataa in lagu kala tagay dalkan oo aan dib loo arki doonin dal Soomaaliyeed oo mid ah, Islamarkaana ay ka jirto dowlad Soomaaliyeed oo xoog leh. Alla Soomaali ma sidan baa u danbeysay ? Qowm ma qaadin wadada ay hayno illaa hadduu qaado waxaa ku dhaco waxa Maanta nagu dhacay, Hadaba hadday jiraan dad Soomaali ah oo ay ku jirto wax yar oo Soomaalinimo ah, islamarkaana ka naxayo dalkan iyo dadkan, waxaan soo jeedinayaa hal talo oo aan is leeyahay waa midda kaliya ee na hortaallo Maanta, waa haddaan dooneyno Sharaf iyo Karaamo, waxa ayna taladaasi tahay midda soo socoto:- In la dhiso xisbi wadani ah sida SYL oo kale, kaas oo u istaaga badbaadinta dalka iyo dadka Soomaaliyeed inta ay goori goor tahay Haddii la dhiso xisbigaas loona dhiibo dad wadaniyiin ah sida Farmaajo oo kale,Waxaan aaminsanahay in la badbaadin karo dalkan qarka u saran in uu baaba'o. W/Q: Cabdullahi Ibrahim Cumar
  2. Xaabsade just wants to be consulted he gave an interview to haatuf few days ago , than the government found out and alienated from the Madaxtooyada and now he wants to be appeased by the government
  3. Theye. Decided their fate they want ic to support their case. Thats what they want their fate was decided in 1991.laakin as faisal puts it gaalada meyd sl daba wada
  4. Slaan hogog ugandhees ku jirta iyo kenyati ba hanjabaysa lool Somalidu waxy ku mah mahan slaan fadhida legdin wax uga fudud loool
  5. I never said Somaliland is an utopia Somaliland is very poor African state it is located in a very volatile and violent region full of terrorists and pirates. And they have helped themselves they have a long way to tackle major problem such huge unemployment and some of the rural areas having no basic services. But having said that Somaliland has a future when it joins the international community because it has a strong foundation.
  6. Saudi Arabia pictures Xuskii Xafladdii Sannad-Guuradii 23naad Ee Jaaliyadda Somaliland, Jiddah-Sacuudi Careebiya + Sawiro. Jeddah(Ramaas) May22, 2104 - Xaflad aad u qaayo badan oo loogu dabbaal-dagayo Sannad-Guuradii 23naad ee ka soo wareegtay la so noqashadii Gobanimada iyo Dawlnimadii Somaliland ee 18ka May ayaa ka qabsoontay Magaalada Jiddah ee Dalka Saudi Arabia habeynkii Isniintu soo galaysay ee ku beegneyd 18/5/2014ka. Xafladdaas waxa isku soo duba-riday soona agaasimay Guddida Jaaliyadda Somaliland ee Jiddah-KSA. Halkaas oo Dadweynihii ka soo qalay ay ku muujiyeen Midnimada iyo Qarnimada Soomaliland. Habeynkii Xafladda waxa iyaguna madasha ku sugnaa Marti-sharafeed ay ka mid ahaayeen: Mudane, Cabdi-Risaq Jaamac Cumar (Ciyaale)-Guddomiyaha Guddida Diiwaan-gelinta Ururada Somaliland. Mudane, Maxamed-Rashid Muxumed Farax - Xoghayaha Guud ee Ururka Suxufiyiinta Somaliland (SOLJA) Mudane, Cisman Aw Faarax - Mas’uul ka mid Shirkadda Deero-Group. - See more at: http://ramaasnews.com/index.php/News/Xuskii-Xafladdii-Sannad-Guuradii-23naad-Ee-Jaaliyadda-Somaliland-Jiddah-Sacuudi-Careebiya-Sawiro.html#sthash.CSeg0TZI.dpuf
  7. Somalia rising Somalia is not fit to be married to any one and especially not since her former husband Somaliland divorced her. She cant get over him , even though she cheated on him with an Ethiopian and a Kenyan and a Ugandan. There are just some obsessive woman out ther who remember the good life remember when MR somaliland was married to miss Somalia how cute and fine she was now she is ugly she is about to explode every time u come near her. And if you consider Somalilanders Ethiopians why on earth do you want to share a country with them dont u hate Ethiopians contradiction there , and how on earth do you allow xabashis in Somalia if u hate them makes no sense Stockholm syndrome there. Slaantan Somalia waba tu isku buuqday waxay jeceshahay waxay necebtahay way kala garan la aday wa dhibka jirta marku waliyul amrkagu ugandhees noqdo lol
  8. Independence struggles are not easy especially if the country u used to share a union with no longer exist it was only up to 2012 when it had some sort of government though its still very fragile and has no control over the country its claims not even in Mogadishu. Defeating Somalia was very easy all u had to do is create rebel movements and the weak foundations the Somali republic was conceived on was destroyed and the mythology of pan Somalism was defeated by the SNM Followed by the SSDF and USC and SPM. And today the clan federalism is being build with the help of Neighboring countries Kenya and Ethiopia. There is no Somalia as we once knew it. Somalilanders were lucky their war was only between 1981 to 1991 10 short years. In reality Somalilanders remained 21 years with Somalia. 10 years Fighting against it. President siilaanyo gave 32 years of his life to Somaliland when he joined the SNM in 1982. This man wants to leave behind a legacy. if i trust some one with Somaliland its President siilaanyo and the Kulmiye leaders because they spend years and years in the Bush and really know what it was like to fight for Somaliland. Somaliland will eventually get its recognition , but independence was created because of the will and the aspirations and the strength and the political superiority of the Somalilanders. They made Somali republic in 1960 and they broke it 1991. Now what your pirates do with your piece of your land is your interest. The Somalilanders really had it really easy the Dinkas in south sudan fought 50 years the Eritreans fought 30 years The Afro hashimiates only fought 10 years. And have been living the good life since 1991 peace stability democracy and progressiveness and the people of SL have been living the quality life Hargeysa and main SL cities have grown rapidly this will only increase in the near future Somaliland tagtay oo wax noqo oo meel istaag Puntland risingow.
  9. Pirate rising HAGS have their own problems they have a busy schedule with drafting motions, the HAGs are not in power. SL is battling the interest groups that fund the AU protected government of damuljadid rich golf states such as Qatar who have interest in the region. But pirates like you will never understand, This is not a clan versus clan there are other hands involved.
  10. The pirates and Ethiopia not that long ago u used Ethiopians to fight a Somali clan in Mogadishu ,your biggest victory ever was riding on top of Ethiopian tanks only for Amiir Godane and Sheikh Zeylici to give you an unforgettable karbaash. PS Somaliland appeal is to the international community the world leaders the AU bantu leaders who gather in addis ababa every year who dont read their own charters. Not to the effeminate pirates or those in Somalia who are under Amisom protection.
  11. Hawdian Doctor kenney is a strange character he does not come out as a person from laascanood i have never seen him write Somali. He sounds like a Koonfurian he never supports Khatumo like our resident garaad clan members aaliyaah libaan and the famous Taleexi. He sounds more a person from the central regions who likes the union with Somaliland but he has no identity with the north at all. Somaliland held a referendum and its binding in 2001 and its enshrined in the SL constitution , when Somaliland was uniting with Somalia the elites of SL decided to unite with Somalia no referendum was held in Somaliland. When the union did not work for Somaliland they withdrew from the union, they can do that because there is no law binding Somalia to Somaliland. Somaliland is and was never a region of Somalia. And if the international community forces us to Hold a New UN supervised referendum in order to obtain diplomatic recognition, It will always be with in the boundaries of Somaliland and that will always be for the legality not to show to any one the aspirations of SL , that is loud and clear.
  12. Who's asking the pirates to recognize anything the pirates cant even fire one single shot towards Somaliland. Somaliland have left Somalia because it can and it did and they ask no one for permission. And Somalia is at the mercy of AU troops your handicapped no one in Somalia can threaten Somaliland nin kala yaala baa hadlaya lol.
  13. Clan is a form of insurance and protection if everything goes wrong you can always fall back on Tolka , and the toll filll form a circle in protection of you. Its a messed up system , but thats how Somalis end up defending criminals warlords and terrorists. Somali nomadic warriors of the 19 century used to chant laan laan markay ku noqoto waxayn ka dhashay laamaha ta u sareysa . Aba ablayn markay noqoto waxan ahay nin adeereysan oo abtiyesan.
  14. Some more pictures of the celebrations in Somaliland Future Ciidanka qaranka Sooraan and Jawaan
  15. Sool Laascanood http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PCdATLvrF5Q#t=87
  16. ANALYSIS 23 years after Somaliland declared independence, it is time for the rest of the world to accept that full sovereignty is the only viable solution. The most important and underreported success story of the last two decades in the volatile Horn of Africa may be the emergence of Somaliland. Located in the north of Somalia, Somaliland first declared independence in 1960 (before it merged with Italian Somaliland to become Somalia) and again in 1991 following the collapse of Mohamed Siad Barre's military government. Then, in May 2001, its independence was asserted again through a nationwide referendum that saw 97.1% of the population voting in favour of autonomy. Since then, with a population of around 3.5 million, Somaliland has held free elections, drawn up a constitution, and enjoyed relative peace and stability, all without the help of heavy foreign aid. And on 18 May, the people of Somaliland celebrated the 23rd anniversary of their independence. However, despite these achievements, Somaliland has struggled to gain diplomatic recognition as an independent state. The West, for example, is reluctant to recognise Somaliland as a sovereign state before members of the African Union (AU) do so, while the AU reiterates that one of the founding principles of the organisation was to respect the borders inherited from colonialism. However, even under this pledge, the AU's argument to deny Somaliland sovereignty appears to be invalid. After all, on 26 June 1960, the territory, which had been British Somaliland, gained independence as the State of Somaliland. It was only a few days later, on 1 July 1960, that Italian Somaliland also gained independence and then united with the State of Somaliland to become the Somalia we know today. Indeed, in 2006, an AU fact-finding mission declared Somaliland's status to be "unique and self-justified in African policy history," and insisted that "the case should not be linked to the notion of 'opening a Pandora's box'. " Furthermore, even if the AU did pledge to respect colonial borders, surely there is a way to allow Somalilanders today to decide their own political fate. If the UK can agree to hold a referendum over Scottish independence, why can't Somaliland be afforded the same opportunity? Time for independence Earlier this year, Somaliland agreed to take part in Turkish-brokered talks with the Somali government. However, it seems obvious that the two sides will not be able to agree on their future relationship through such means. Mogadishu still clings to the fiction of Somaliland being a region under its own authority even though the government struggles to govern at all, while Somaliland sees itself as autonomous and is keen to stay out of the chaos in Somalia. Furthermore, relations between the two sides are somewhat hostile. In the 1980s, when Somaliland secessionists were engaging in a bitter battle to break away from Somalia, the US-backed Somali dictator of the time, Siad Barre, used brutal military force to bomb the civilian population into submission. The conflict saw 50,000 civilians lose their lives and major towns like Somaliland's capital Hargeisa were heavily bombarded. With remarkable resilience and determination, the people of Somaliland slowly recovered from the devastation of that war, and today Hargeisa is a city reborn. However, relations between Somalia and Somaliland never fully recovered. In denying Somaliland the right to decide its own political future, the international community ignores the territory's rebirth, its success in eradicating the piracy and repression that once characterised it, and its testy relationship with Mogadishu. Somaliland's lack of diplomatic recognition also undermines the progress and stability it has enjoyed in recent years and prevents it from exploiting its rich coal and oil reserves since foreign energy companies are unable to trade directly with unrecognised territories. Describing the reasoning behind Somaliland's vote for nationhood, President Ahmed Mohamed Mohamoud 'Silanyo' writes: "From 1960 to 1991, we gave unity a chance. It failed disastrously. We have now forged again our own future. We deserve the chance to fulfil our ambition." Indeed, the people of Somaliland deserve a chance to decide their own political future for they can no longer tolerate years of uncertainty about their status as a nation. And Somaliland's move for independence is grounded in the same principles as the declarations of autonomy by British and French-owned colonies in Africa in the 1960s. 23 years after Somaliland declared its self-autonomy in the aftermath of Siad Barre's fall, it is time the US, European Union and Africa do the right thing and accept the only viable and sustainable solution: an independent and sovereign Somaliland. Ali Mohamed is co-founder of the Horn of Africa Freedom Foundation, a grassroots organisation located in Lewis Center, Ohio. The foundation advocates for the advancement of freedom and democratic values for the indigenous people of the Horn of Africa. He can be reached at aliadm@aol.com.
  17. ^^ As NGONGE said clan is everything stronger than anything
  18. Doctor hareysa was very populated at that time the city was totally destroyed no roof was standing. I dont like victim mentallity but sl was very bad in 80s. Any way somalilanders licked their wounds and they moved on and got out 100 times stroñger ever in history
  19. True Somalis can defeat shabaab, not 30.000 African union troops they have done a terrible job since 2006 its almost 8 years since the AU troops were in Somalia.
  20. He fled when the xabashis invaded Xamar to Asmara and was nurtured by another xabashi called isiyas afewerki the asmara dictator. Now that would still not be bad the fact that he gave up on his struggle and sought refugee in the Amisom bunkers that is cowardice culture of aweys.
  21. ^^ If 300.000 people fled Hargeysa was basically empty in 1988 , the 50.000 was the numbers of Human right watch but it could even be more ,remember the city was being shelled by Somalia's artillery and Mig jet fighters , hargeysa was very populated