Xaaji Xunjuf

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Everything posted by Xaaji Xunjuf

  1. The cultural differences between Somalilanders and those from the pirate enclave has also allot to do with the pagan culture called caano shub , this culture is alien in Somaliland but the pirates in Arab clothing did the same pagan culture.
  2. Che u have to watch the last 8 minutes its hilarious , i blame nadaaro he loves conflict disputes and tribal talk on his show its his specialty. Somali female fadhi ku dirir
  3. They will always find reasons to fight thats just the way things are and there is already a border conflict in some areas part of Somaliland sovereignty claimed by the clan bantustan of Somalia. This can even intensify in the future
  4. Doctor the reason why i told you the Countries Somalia and Somaliland can never co exist and have brotherly relations and will have hostile relations like The 2 koreas. Is this reason This supposed to be a Somali nationalist who wrote this article now read all the comments on Hiiraan online and all the bitter comments on both sides http://www.hiiraan.com/op4/2014/may/54748/18_may_a_symbol_of_division_disunity_and_a_failed_state.aspx#sthash.EftQ8gnw.dpbs
  5. <cite> @Mahiigaan said:</cite> I wonder if the rest of Somalia ( without Somaliland) can live together. Ask anybody from Kil5 or NFD if they would join Somalia if they cecede from Ethiopia & Kenya respectively. Their answer would definitely be a big NO!. Can anybody tell me why they better stay away from Somalia?. O'gaden communities they dont even use the Somali name and wish to create an O'gaden state ONLF movement once they fight do you really think they fought xabashis and free themselves, if they will allow Mogadishu to lord over them. NFD wishes to remain part of Kenya and they are doing fine there. We Know Djibouti to
  6. ALl of Somaliland no need to break SL in constituencies and regions all Somaliland is one and united with Somalia and all of SL withdrew from the union. The last unionist from awdal was professor samatar and we all know how he feels about the Koonfurians now
  7. Because he calls him self the Amiir of Alshabaab its his tittle
  8. The Mogadishu lady wa libaaaxad waleh, wala idin nacay puntland wala idin nacay slaanta puntland aduunka anaga u sareyna lool
  9. Doctor i base my opinion and future prospects on many factors because of the long tense history because of the turbulent past. And because the countries cannot ever agree on how to solve their issues. Somaliland lost allot not being recognized investment trade deals militarily contracts development. So Somalia has been nothing but a liability either to themselves and due to the fact they are not able to come to the negotiation table. And i never said there is a conspiracy it might be just neglection on the part of the Koonfurians but thats not cutting for SL , if the koonfurian elites are thinking about how to miss abuse funds and care little about the people they govern or supposed to govern in this case since you say they care little about reer bay and bakool. The Somaliland government cares for its people and will point out the faults of Mogadishu government for not acting responsible from a Somaliland perspective not Somalia. Doctor Somalia and Somaliland are located in a very volatile region. We know the conflict beween south sudan and Sudan. We know the long no war no peace between Eritrea and Ethiopia. Somalia and Somaliland will not be any different we have a border conflict with one of the bantustans of Somalia and ofcourse no real agreement with so called Mogadishu government. So how will it be different from north and south korea.
  10. I never said the world resolved around me i merely said they are not helping the situation i have no problem what they do in their Somalia aslong as their politcking does not effect SL and in 2001 we lost our livestock trade with the Arabian country those were hard times this was because of the TNG. I care little about the sentiment of the Koonfurians of the south because they will never have the power of their leaders there is no point of focusing on them i dont keep my self busy with the sentiment of others and how they possibly feel of me or my people.In Somaliland people dont care what others think of them,if the southerners missmanage their funds is not my problem if they build 100 clan states its not my problem. Anything that affects only becomes my problem. This thread is also directed towards Somaliland and the people of Somaliland
  11. Tallaabo in an ideal world i would love to be the Somaliland ambassador to Mogadishu , but it will take years till we officially forge relations. Its been 23 years in 7 years Somaliland will surpass the existed union from 1960 to to 1990. But you are right i would love to construct beach resorts at Jazeera beach and stroll between Xamar weyne and visit teaterki and go there on Fridays and in the evening i drink bun at a cafe at afar idood. That would be the good life.
  12. Not true Somalia might have had a paper government since 2000 but the fact that they remained very hostile towards SL. Somalia let Somaliland lose 1.3 billion dollar in Livestock revenue in the 8 year Saudi Boycott. The situation will not be any better so much time has passed those time could have been used to bring the people closer but foolish politicians and other factors played a role that was not the case.I predict the Somaliland and Somalia relations will be as tense and one based on distrust and animosity similar between the 2 Koreas between Eritrea and Ethiopia. Thats just how nature is
  13. <cite> @DoctorKenney said:</cite> SomaliaRising, I don't like that strategy AT ALL. Not even one bit. In fact, as crazy as this sounds, it would sound like a better idea to conquer the NFD from those docile Kenyans rather than attempting to conquer Somaliland. It could only destabilize Somalia in the long run and definitely fuel even more animosity. If they want to separate from Somalia and have their tiny State, then go right ahead. After some time and after Somaliland/Somalia develops economically, regional integration will happen ANYWAY and Somaliland will apply to rejoin the Somali Republic, after a couple generations. She just needs some time off. Somaliland is tired of her husband Somalia and after some time, she'll reunite with him and they'll live happily ever after That will never happen Somaliland will never join Somalia again to form a state equal partnership coexistence side by side in peace is the way forward we cannot have a nation join another nation partnership in economy trade health and even build a common organization to protect our common interest.But i doubt that will ever happen as long as we have the likes of pirate rising in the midst of Somalia. The Anti Somalia elements will take control over Somaliland and they will build a massive wall between Somalia and Somaliland and all koonfurians will be deported to Somalia and all relations will be cut.There are some elites in Somaliland who condemn when Somaliland officials call the People of Somalia our brothers they say these people are not our brothers they are worse kind of enemies. Somaliland leaders some times walalahaya Somalia, and these people who say this are very respectable leaders of Somaliland former SNM leaders, once the next generation here this and the hostile elites of Somalia. I dont see a bright future of peaceful coexistence. The longer the discontent on both sides and no one is trusting each other the Somalia and Somaliland problem could have been solved in the year 2000. But since people cannot swallow Somaliland right to independence especially koonfurians the 2 can never meet eye to eye and that is very sad. But we are to proud and allot of time and energy will be wasted on each other
  14. Crushing Alshabaab with what army the African union troops the AU troops have no interest to defeat Alshabaab. As for the indomitable Somalilanders those people will outshine any one in the African continent. Tallaabo u have a point there i prefer also a hostile Somalia towards Somaliland so that we can say one more is keen kaya siiyaa bal ciiday caano ka daadato. I believe an appeaser a sympathizer and a sweet talker is much harder to come to an agreement is jiid wa gacmo daalis. Some how we need a more confronting elites in Somalia towards Somaliland. So maybe in 2016 we should support a person from Puntland in Mogadishu perhaps Somalia rising some one who acts hostile. And aires on their TV that he is coming for Somaliland for one more fight to unite Somaliland with Somalia But this war will never happen only when Somalia gets rid of the AU troops and defeats shabaab and it will take years. In the mean time no threat is coming from Somalia to Somaliland in years to come the last time they came after Somaliland , Somalia broke down in pieces beyond repair there is a catch though the Somalilanders know one thing is the divisive politics of Somalia the 4.5 system they will never manage to overcome the inter tribal conflict and agree to attack Somaliland or even Kenya or Ethiopia, all you have to play on the grievances of the certain clans of Somalia there is no sense of nationhood in the south.
  15. Admin since when is personal insults allowed on SOL ? Somalidu waxay tidha af caytanta af cataynatu leeyahay This Somalia rising kid is breaching all rules of Somalia online not only insulting Fellow Nomads but also using profanity? This should not be allowed on SOL
  16. Mooge puntland supports Axmed madoobe and supports the kenyans in Somalia another reason why Puntland is a target u might have cut ties with Sfg But u helped created SFG u are even proud of it cabdi cawar baad tidhahad isaga dhisay SFG and cabdi cawar is the president of garowe come on man u are smarter than that and u know Puntland is the enemy of shabaab and supports AU troops in Somalia actively thats why its a target..
  17. Puntlanders had troops in Somalia during cabdilahi Yusuf Puntland supports the SFG and helped created it Puntland is firm supporter of Kenyan troops inside Somalia , thus puntland is a target for Alshabaab plane and simple no need to make things harder than they are. Amiir Godane attacks those that are closely affiliated to the SFG and their Amisom sponsors which includes uganda Kenya and Djibouti and Burundi.
  18. Detoore farax topaz is not going any where he will not leave Culusow will never allow it and Qatar will not allow it to he is the god father of Damul jadiid. This damuljadi islaax is above the HAG clan politics their other Foreign hands in involved. Rich Arab states are involved and are pulling the strings behind the scenes.
  19. Why should he attack Somaliland does Somaliland have troops in Somalia. Does Somaliland meddle in Somalia affairs, all the IGAD countries meddle in Somalia and have troops in Somalia Uganda Kenya Djibouti etc and Ethiopia to but the Tigrians are very vigilant people and will never allow terrorists roam in their Land.