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Everything posted by Xaaji Xunjuf
Jihaadkii Awdal oo bilaabmay! Dagaal xoogan oo qarxay!
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to Axmed1508736699's topic in Politics
No one got Hurt i am still waiting for a dagaal ay cidi ku dhimato ama dhawac -
Nonsense Faisal ali waraabe daughter is not married to Puntland Faisal has 2 sons and 2 daughters one of is sons is married to a girl from the Garaad clan and his son has not been married the young one the one in Syria he might wed a Syrian. And his 2 daughters one is married to the Clan of Hargeysa from the same sub clan as the late Amir Godane. And his other daughter is married to the same sub clan as faisal him self.
NobLe sawdigi beri hore sharafta ka qaaday magaca somali and u continue to that. Uganda is only Enriching them selves but ur brain dead leaders will never see that. ILeen wa dad guno ku nool. Beesada soo tartibi hee lool
If wishes were horses You People have been saying thats 23 years and a half i think perhaps ur politicians will wear ugandan flags
On Khatumo On the deceit of the Pirates on Somaliland growing strength On Turkeys role on Somaliaas and Somaliland talks On President Silaanyo visit in the next coming days to Borama On Building a more stronger Somaliland defense force On the Uselessness of the Mogadishu government.
The pirates lost big time Cumar Buur is in Damuljadid pocket
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to Xaaji Xunjuf's topic in Politics
Tillamook thats a very weak argument saaxib and u know it to the whole issue of the former cabinet and the reason the pirates were making allot of noise was sanbolooshe and farax being dismissed and even guleed who resigned is back. What is the purpose of constitutional ministry, when Somalida constitutionkoodu qabiil yahay Dastuurka qabyo qoraal ma ciid ba ku shaqeysa it still has to be put to a referendum before its adopted. There were no negotiations Xassan and damuljadiid got what they want thats a fact.What does Somaliland got to do with all of this lets stick to the topic there was always one or 2 sell outs from Somaliland in the Mogadishu administration nothing new here fawziya was the deputy pm to. So this is nothing new. -
The pirates lost big time Cumar Buur is in Damuljadid pocket
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to Xaaji Xunjuf's topic in Politics
Qeylo dhaaan ka soo yeedhay Beelweynta Puntlandi.com midnimo qaran baad sheegeysa doonti ilma budhdcad badeedki wala sii quustay:D Xukuumad Midnimo Qaran baa la sugayay, laakiin waxay noqotay mid Masiibo Qaran xasan CPHMuqdisho–12.1.2015–Pi– Raysal Wasaaraha xukumada Faderalka Soomaaliya Mudane Cumar C/rashiid Cali Sharmaarke ayaa xalay saqdii dhaxe waqtiga Somaliya ku dhawaaqay xubnaha golahiisa xukumada cusub ee mudaba loo dheg taagayey. Xubnaha Xukuumada cusub ayaa ilaa hadda aan wax soo dhaweyn ah ka helin warbaahinta, Shacbiga Somaliyeed,xubnaha beesha caalamka ee daneeya amuuraha soomalida, Xildhibaanadii iyo marti sharafkii ku sugnaa goobtii xukumada lagu magacaabay xalay oo aheyd xafiiska Raisal waasaraha. Golaha Wasiirada ee cusub oo badankoodu yihiin xubnihii xukumadii hore ee Raysal wasaare Cabdi Weli Sheekh iyo xubno hore oo siyaasada ku fashilmay, oo mar hore Madaxweyne Xasan Sheekh ku eedeyey in ay yihiin Xukuumad Fashlinatay oo ka gaabisay waxqabadkii ummada soomaliyeed ka sugeysay. Dhismaha iyo magcaabida xukuumada cusub waxaa ka muuqata in mar kale ummada soomaliyeed ay ku dhacday nasiib daro iyo masiibo siyaasadeed,oo horseed u noqon doonta in ay lumiso fursadahii iyo rajadii yareyd ee la qabay ee ah in la yagleelo oo la helo Dawlad midnimo qaran, oo horseed u noqto in la gaaro higsiga iyo rajada ummada ee ah nabad,cadaalad, midnimo iyo doroshooyin xor oo xalaal ah, mudada yar ee dawalada u dhiman. Waxaa nasiib daro ah in Madaxweyne Xasan Sheekh iyo kooxdiisa Damul-Jadiid ay danhooda shaqsiga ah ka hor mariyaan dantii qaranka, isla markaan afduubaan taladii iyo aayahii Ummada Soomaliyeed, iyagoo dhagaha ka fureystay baaqayadii bulshada caalamka iyo shacbiga soomaliyeed, ee ahaa in la gaaray wakhtigii loo dhaqaaqi lahaa dhismo xukuumad midnimo iyo musaalaxo qaran ka dhex muuqdaan. ugu danbeyntii waxaa dhismaha xukuumada cusub ka dhex muuqada in Madaxweyne Xasan Sheekh iyo kooxdiisa Damul -Jadiid dadaal iyo diyaar garow xoogan ugu jiraan fulinta qorshe siyaasadeed oo salka ku haya mudo kordhsi,kaas oo ay ku carqaladeynayaa qorshihii ahaa higsiga cusub ee sanadka 2016,oo ku suntanaa balanqadkii beesha caalamka iyo madaxweyne Xasan laftigiisa ee ahaa in dalka iyo dadka soomaliyeed la gaarsiiyo jawi siyaasadeed caafimad qaba oo saamaxya ln dalka ay ka dhacdo doorsho xor, oo xaalal ah. Puntlandi.com Muqdisho -
The pirates lost big time Cumar Buur is in Damuljadid pocket
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to Xaaji Xunjuf's topic in Politics
The Cries of Wardheernews.com A CABINET MADE IN HELL January 12, 2015 By WardheerNews Somalis both in the country and abroad kept longing for the appointment of the new cabinet. Rumors swirled around in Mogadishu about a deadlock between the president and the prime minister about the formation of the cabinet. Then last night, PM Sharmarke dropped a bombshell. Omer Cabdirashiid1“I am bringing back the old cabinet,” declared Sharmarke. What followed was a regurgitation of the list of the cabinet ministers that the last PM Abdiweli Ahmed had left behind. President Mohamoud has finally got the right prime minister he has been looking for. It is obvious that there was no deadlock or misunderstanding between the president and the prime minister. The whole thing was a game that Villa Somalia and PM Sharmarke had concocted. President Mohamoud was the one who in fact orchestrated the appointment of these ministers. The cabinet consists of the usual suspects: Damul Jadid ideologues, old friends of the president, and a few faces that have no distinction. For instance, a former cabinet named Abdikarim Hussein Guled (a Damul Jadid figure), failed in his old job as a minister in charge of Interior. Under his watch, there was an unprecedented spike of violence by Al-Shabaab, where civilians and various Parliament members have lost their precious lives. Subsequently, Guled was forced out of his job. Today, thanks to PM Sharmarke, Guled was gifted to his old job. This travesty only happens in Somalia under the leadership of President Mohamoud. The new cabinet has 26 ministers and only two are women. In other words, the 60 officials PM Sharmarke appointed, only 4 are women, and hence less than 1 percent (0.06% to be exact). Omar A. Sharmarke comes from a family steeped in Somali politics and history, and he himself was a former prime minister. He had spent most of his life abroad and worked for the United Nations. Only a few weeks ago, Sharmarke was the Somali Ambassador to the U.S, and was suddenly thrown into the PM position when the president needed someone who could bring to live his life’s vision of nepotism and corruption. If Mr. Sharmarke was chosen for his unique and stellar background, it did not help him select a fair, competent, inclusive, and gender-sensitive cabinet. The predictions are clear, he will relent his duties to the President who had been infighting with two former Prime Ministers, because they refused to allow his willy-nilly, overextending, and manipulative ways. The new cabinet is an embarrassment to the nation and to PM Sharmarke who has shown the world that he is nothing but a lackey to a president who never learns from his past colossal blunders. It is ironic that this sham cabinet will preside upon a government that is supposed to prepare the country for the 2016 elections. Prime Minister Sharmarke has lost an opportunity to be visionary, creative, and an agent of change. He failed the mothers and children who are caught in the abyss, those whose lives haven’t seen a break in the interim of president Mohamoud’s tenure. He is one notch lower than the previous two prime ministers who—at least—had a modicum of independent mind. Omar Abdirashid “Sharmarke”, reduced himself to a man who has accepted, from day one, a mere figurehead status. http://www.wardheernews.com/cabinet-made-hell/ -
The pirates lost big time Cumar Buur is in Damuljadid pocket
Xaaji Xunjuf posted a topic in Politics
Waxay bakh bakhleeyaan Saaxibkay Mooge oo laha aniga jab la maaganaa Damuljadiid Cumar Buur ba calooshisda ku toogonayaa asnaanta Damuljadiid. Wixi ba wa halki the (Koonfurians) Eyaa cunay Nooh. Guleed is back as the interior Minister Guleed is also the Minister of Federal affairs. Farax is the Don of Damuljadiid Sanbolooshe is back the Presidents Cousin And Xalana ku tiri the Damuljadiid he is their closest ally Farax is back as the minister of of Judicial affairs, waba Farax o cadaaladi loo dhibay. Majestic how Hassanka Muqdishu played this game he created an atmosphere in where the prime minister and the president had a disagreement and that they tried to take their time. But this was pre planned to fool the Gullible masses. Cumar Buur was bought before he was appointed as Prime minister. The cabinet is the same as before but Guled and Farax and sanboolooshe are back , mission accomplished Damuljadiid. I dont know how cumar buur can fit the pockets of Damuljadiid si kastaba ha ahaato jeebaabki Damuljadiid aad ba loo balaadhiiyey si Cumar buur dalaq uu yidha. 2015 will be a fantastic year for Somali politics. -
Ninki Akhyaar wa shaqo tagay , Jeebab buuxa and viva la South Western STATE
Aaah, the taste of victory. You cook camel meat when terrorist are defeated
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to Mooge's topic in Politics
They pirates are being to optimistic every time there is a war in Galgala they declare the war is over and Shabaab cell is defeated. Culusow has the same issue he declared Mogadishu was Shabaab free yet twice the Parliament was breached and Villa Somalia is still being shelled. And even Xalane was attacked recently. This just shows that they are to optimistic. -
Somalia is not my country it was never my Country and it will never be my Country but i am just saying who will come back and who wont.
Igad values the unity of Somalia,badnews for somalidiidka
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to Axmed1508736699's topic in Politics
Somaliland is not recognized by the international community for geopolitical reasons in the region. But the vast majority of the world deals with it as a defacto republic their representatives frequently visit Somaliland , Somaliland has formal ties with several European countries France Sweden and Britain in particular. The Somaliland development Fund is supported by several countries in Europe, Germany recently Joined it. Somaliland fulfilled legal criteria to full statehood defined borders stable political system historical legal boundaries with in the African continent.An act of Union never being ratified is also crucial in this. You are trying to Mock Somaliland but Somaliland has done a great job the past 23 years a stable country with a democratic system a booming private sector 3 political systems a re constructed Nation from scratch. Recognition from the United nations doesn't define who you are. We define who we are what we are what we achieved we rule the Land with our Guns and that is something no one can change. If Diplomatic recognition makes people it would have helped the anarchistic Koonfurians who not only Burned their own Homes but threaten the entire region. But no recognition or African Union troops can civilize your people. -
He will not come back Damuljadiid wants Fawzia back in that place U heard it from Xaaji Xunjuf Cumar buur has no say about the new Ministers Thats why it take so long for him to announce it.
Aaah, the taste of victory. You cook camel meat when terrorist are defeated
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to Mooge's topic in Politics
This is nonsense Puntland has been claiming it has defeated the galgalla cells since the day of Faroole and is still struggling we will see tomorrow another fight in Galgala. -
News from Wabar Mountains: Diaspora join the fight. Pictures
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to Mooge's topic in Politics
Still Dukhsi may dilin wamaxay jabhadan cidna dhawaaci laha cidna dili la Loooolz -
Igad values the unity of Somalia,badnews for somalidiidka
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to Axmed1508736699's topic in Politics
He was asked that by the reporter he didnt hold a press conference because of that he talked about the Koonfurians and their attempt to stop Mineral search in the blessed Somaliland republic. -
Suldan Wabar Arrested inside Ethiopia by Ethiopian security forces
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to Xaaji Xunjuf's topic in Politics
Mooge halkeed ku ogayd wabar why did he not hold a press conference that he is alright we havent actually heard of wabar 3 days now -
Igad values the unity of Somalia,badnews for somalidiidka
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to Axmed1508736699's topic in Politics
Somaliland is not part of IGAD it has no IGAD troops in its country the policies of IGAD has absolutly no ramifications for Somaliland. So what IGAD does with its subjects the Anarchists in the south is non of Somaliland concerns. Now if you focused more on Somalias stability and even brainstormed how you would help the devastated Somalia instead of seeing the Somaliland Boogeyman every where , Your people would have had it a bit better but i guess not. -
Alshabaab blows up Millatary convoy in Kismayo Somalia
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to Xaaji Xunjuf's topic in Politics
Al-shabaab oo sheegatay Qarax lagu dilay sadex askari oo ka dhacay Kismaayo Axad, Janaayo 11, 2015 (HOL) — Saddex askari oo ka tirsanaa ciidanka maamulka KMG ah ee Jubba ayaa ku geeriyooday qarax kolonyo gaadiid ah lagula eegtay xarunta gobolka Jubbada Hoose ee Kismaayo gellinkii dambe ee shalay oo Sabti ahayd. Mas'uuliyadda weerarkan ayaa waxaa sheegatay Al-shabaab, iyadoo qaraxan uu ka dhacay xaafadda Guul-wade oo ka tirsan xaafadaha Kismaayo, halkaasoo ay marayeen baabuurta ay la socdeen ciidamada geeriyooday. “Qaraxa waxaa lala beegsaday gaadiidka ciidamadeenna. saddex askari ayaana lagu dilay qaraxaas oo miino ahaa,” sidaas waxaa warbaahinta ugu sheegay Kismaayo mid ka mid ah saraakiisha booliiska Kismaayo oo lagu magacaabo Ismaaciil Xuseen. Goobjoogayaal ayaa iyaguna sheegay in ciidamadii qaraxa lala beegsaday ay fureen rasaas, kaddib markii uu qaraxu dhacay, taasoo dishay laba haween ah oo meesha marayay. Ismaaciil Xuseen oo ka tirsan sarkaasha booliiska Kismaayo ayaa diiday inay ciidamadii qaraxa lagu weeraray ay dileen haweenka. “Ma jiraan qof shacab ah oo ay dileen askarta qaraxa lagu weeraray kaddib.” Afhayeenka howlgallada Al-shabaab, Sh. C/casiis Abuu-Muscab ayaa xusay in weerarkaas ay iyagu mas’uul ka yihiin, ayna ku dileen afar sarkaal oo ka tirsan sir-doonka maamulka KMG ah ee Jubba. Sheekh Abuu-Muscab ayaa ku goodiyay inay weerarrada ay ka geysanayaan deegaannada uu maamulo maamulka KMG ah ee Jubba ay sii wadi doonaan, isagoo maamulkaas ku eedeeyay inuu dhibaatooyin ku hayo shacabka. Dhanka kale, afhayeenka howlgallada Al-shabaab ayaa sheegay inay iyagu ka dambeeyeen weerarkii lagu qaaday saldhigga Boosaaso, isagoo sheegay inay weerarkan ku dhaawaceen afar askari oo ka tirsan ciidamada booliiska Puntland. Ugu dambeyn, Bashiir Axmed oo ka tirsan saraakiisha booliiska Puntland oo isna la hadlay warbaahinta ayaa sheegay in weerarkaas ay ku dhaawacantay haweeney ka mid ah kuwa Qaadka ku iibiyo Boosaaso. - See more at: http://www.hiiraan.com/news/2015/Jan/wararka_maanta11-89712.htm#sthash.h1dqznMV.dpuf -
Blast hits troop convoy in Somalia's Kismayo Sunday, January 11, 2015 advertisements (Reuters) - A remote-controlled bomb hit a vehicle in a troop convoy in the southern Somali port city of Kismayo, killing at least three soldiers, police and residents said on Sunday. Militant group al Shabaab claimed responsibility for the attack, which hit the convoy as it drove through Gulwade village in Kismayu late on Saturday. "The bomb was targeted at our convoy. Three soldiers were killed," said Ismail Hussein, a police officer in the city. Al Shabaab has been weakened considerably by African Union troops and the Somali army, losing swathes of territory in the south of the country, but it has been carrying hit-and-run style attacks to show it has not been vanquished. Local residents said troops in the convoy opened fire after the blast went off, killing two women who were passing by. Hussein of the local police rejected the claim: "The forces did not kill residents after the blast," he said. Sheikh Abdiasis Abu Musab, al Shabaab's spokesman for military operations, said the group was behind the bomb attack and that it killed four senior intelligence officers. The group also attacked a police station in the port of Bosasso with grenades and guns on Saturday, said Bashir Ahmed, a police captain in the area in the semi-autonomous region of Puntland. They repulsed the attackers, but a woman who was selling khat, a narcotic leaf, sustained injuries from the fighting, Ahmed said. Abu Musab confirmed they had carried out the attack, saying that four policemen were injured.
Suldan Wabar Arrested inside Ethiopia by Ethiopian security forces
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to Xaaji Xunjuf's topic in Politics
Che Igad believed that from the begining and it has been their policy but its Just lip service to somalias authorites in xamar. But in the mean time they will continue their divisive politics in particular kenya and in ethiopia Will continue to intervene in somalias internal affaire. what is being said in the open and what happens behind the scènes are two different things. There for I dont believe there is a shift in policy same policy different communique. -
Somalilanders flee war criminal Siilaanyo's party
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to Saalax's topic in Politics
Somaliland can only have 3 political parties not more than that so Xaqsoor was not a legitimate party it was a candidate to be one of those 3 but not a legitimate national party of the republic. Did Somaliland president pre planned to attack the people of axmed dhagax based on their clan ur not answering my question why did he stop , you said he attacked them because of their qabil how come no one got killed since 2012. The Kenyan Luo Kikuyu killings is a different story allot of hate was incited. Somaliland has been cracking down Militias since the time of ssc and now Khatumo and they are all armed Somaliland never attacks civilians when they are dealing with separatists of the Khatumo group.So you cant compare xaqsoor incident with Somaliland security forces protecting the nation from domestic enemies. -
Somalilanders flee war criminal Siilaanyo's party
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to Saalax's topic in Politics
<cite> @Saalax said:</cite> First of all one doesn't have to be at war to be charged with crimes against humanity case in point Uhuru Kenyatta the president of Kenya was also summoned to the criminal court for his alleged part in the death of many unarmed acivilians. War criminal Siilaanyo Attacking opposition and other unarmed civilians with RRU which uses bullets which in turn kills people is Willful(deliberate), unless you're telling me senile Siilaanyo thinks they have been using pillows to attack people. The man your speaking of the politician that he himself was working to get Siilaanyo to the court he has sold his soul to the same war criminal that massacred the children of Ahmed Dhagax district and he is heavily critized by the people of this community for that reason. This is the reason Siilaanyo is a war criminal and if you don't like it tough luck. "1.Directing attacks against civilians" "2.Willful(deliberate)" He is guilty of both as seen in many of the sources posted in this thread. Now you are arguing for the sake of it lets go back again you said Siilaanyo is a war criminal because he has killed a person in Axmed dhagax while protesting, and the reason you gave was it was because of their clan. Now you changed from your initial stance and you said it was because of them being opposition but Xasqoor was not even a political party at that time. Than you went on and comparing President Siilaanyo with Uhuro kenyatta and William ruto a protest in Somaliland with one fatality in contrast to Kenya more than 1,000 people died and hundreds of thousands were displaced when ethnic groups loyal to leading candidates torched homes and hacked rivals in violence that raged until early 2008. How on earth can u compare that to President Siilaanyo and the incident in 2012, When did that happen in Somaliland how can you compare the 2 situation even. How can the guy who was running the case from the very start being criticized now a Question how come no one is re appealing the case against president siilaanyo i mean if he is a War criminal why are they letting him of the hook? -
Somalilanders flee war criminal Siilaanyo's party
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to Saalax's topic in Politics
<cite> @Saalax said:</cite> I think you need to read more of the definition of what a war criminal is it is wide.War criminal Siilaanyo fits in this critrea below. RRU is not a different issue because RRU comes under war criminal Siilaanyo's command and he deliberately killed unarmed civilians by telling the RRU under his command to crack down on them. International Criminal Court 2002 War crimes are defined in the statute that established the International Criminal Court, which includes: Grave breaches of the Geneva Conventions, such as: 2.Willful(deliberate) killing, or causing great suffering or serious injury to body or health Torture or inhumane treatment The following acts as part of an international conflict: 1.Directing attacks against civilians Conclusion Siilaanyo is guilty of both. Siilaanyo is a sadistic immoral war criminal no amount of poor excuses from Xaaji Xundjuf will change that. You are not reading clearly what you just posted. Willful is the word since when was sillaanyo deliberately willfully killing his people how come the guy who wanted to go to court is in Hargeysa today part of the Kulmiye party. If Siilaanyo is the war criminal. Since when did Siilaanyo torture the young boy who was shot or treat him in a Inhumane way. Than it says the following are part of an international conflict since when is there a military conflict in Somaliland how is it even part of an International conflict. How can you with a straight face try to sell us Somaliland protests are an international conflict. Did Siilaanyo willfully attack the people of Axmed dhagax because they are the people of Axmed dhagax. Or because of the color of their eye or political affiliation the answer is no. Siilaanyo RRU unit tried to stop an ongoing protest which caused the Young Somaliland Boy's death very unfortunate. How than did Siilaanyo stop the attacks on the civilians how come that no person from Axmed dhagax was killed in Somaliland since the 2012 protests if Siilaanyo was killing them because of their clan? Last time i checked they haven't changed their Clan. Your argument is very weak you need to try again why is Siilaanyo a war criminal according to you bal ku noqo halkaas.