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Everything posted by Xaaji Xunjuf
Warlord Siilaanyo from Maamulka Sland fight against Press
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to Axmed1508736699's topic in Politics
The turks are not mediators they are mere facilitators of the talks, so its not important where its held aslong as it is not inside Somalia or Somaliland.. The talks had no break through because meelo aad u kala fog ba l kala taganayahay. If the Turks were mediators that would be different story. Doctor thats nonsense MYTH there are no HAG ancestors buried in Somaliland. -
Warlord Siilaanyo from Maamulka Sland fight against Press
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to Axmed1508736699's topic in Politics
The opposition parties want to be included in the talks they dont necessarily call for the end of these talks., the talks are slow and the koonfurians just want to prolong it but one way or the other the core dispute and the elephant in the room shall be addressed and when that happens we know where these talks are headed. All SL leaders wanted the talks just with mediation we just miss that factor but sooner than later that will come. -
Warlord Siilaanyo from Maamulka Sland fight against Press
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to Axmed1508736699's topic in Politics
They havent harmed anything so far just nothing with substance has come out of these talks 2years were confident building and ofcourse the airspace agreement has been honored. Having said that we will see more of these talks and how they end the ending of these talks are important. February next month will be interesting. -
Warlord Siilaanyo from Maamulka Sland fight against Press
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to Axmed1508736699's topic in Politics
Saalaax talking to the koonfurians is something the West issued and we will go with it until the talks reach a dead end we must walk every path to reach our Goals. The deal was to hold talks outside Somalia and Somaliland to clarify our future relationship this is what the Europeans and Americans want. president siilaanyo still remains one of the most patriotic Somaliland leaders ever. -
Warlord Siilaanyo from Maamulka Sland fight against Press
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to Axmed1508736699's topic in Politics
No association with Somalia is good thats viewed by the Somalilanders the vast majority , Siilaanyo is winning points of the public, the SL public will welcome this move. And thats the most important thing for Siilaanyo. to be re elected and his party to be seen as a reformist . President daahir rayaale changed woqoyi galbeed region into Maroodijeex Ina cigaal brought astaanta qaranka remodeled the Flag. And Siilaanyo dropped an intro song for radio hargeysa eventhough a Somalilander composed but because its used by Xamar , its only right to drop it. -
Warlord Siilaanyo from Maamulka Sland fight against Press
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to Axmed1508736699's topic in Politics
We can do it because we can and we want to -
Warlord Siilaanyo from Maamulka Sland fight against Press
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to Axmed1508736699's topic in Politics
No one wants your rotten fruits have u seen somalilanders talk about that never. Somaliland predates somalia was there before somalia dirac and macawis is a somalilands clothing wear. U were wearing guntimows Nin leh adigu afka somaliga ka tag when somali language is more asociated With somaliland in term of poetry songs mah mahs more than With the southerners when koonfurians struggle With simple sounds in the somAli language. Good riddence -
Warlord Siilaanyo from Maamulka Sland fight against Press
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to Axmed1508736699's topic in Politics
Siilaanyo is doing a good Job the less connection with somalia the better the song in the begining of radio hargeysa was composed by xaaji bispaas. Same as the two national anthems the introduction of hasha maandeeq. The koonfurians had little contribution to the state formation of the former somali republic. Though sl songs reached all corners of the somAli speaking people. We have reversed and changed everything the flags the coat of arms our national anthems there is nothing that connets somaliland to somalia other than a shared langage. All symbols have been changed -
Doctor there are no Somalia troops inside Somaliland there are some Militias in half of a district in Somaliland and its just matter of time until they pledged allegiance to the government in Hargeysa. Axmed actually the SNM captured Buhoodle 2 times in the late 1980s , But there is no point of fighting Somaliland government has used the right methods to Kill any rebellion in the east whether it was the ssc. Siilaanyo understood the conflict as a former rebel leader he knew exactly how to deal with the rebells called ssc after the wars in Buhoodle 2011 and 2012 he severely weakened them because they are just some militia, Though in 2011 emotions were high in the region and clans allegiances are always strong , Silaanyo wanted to weak the Militia in BUHOODLE , but because the people were supporting the Militia and saw the SL government as the aggressor, You cant go in Hard though Siilaanyo gave his troops the authority to wage war against the Militia the last general Jidhif went in hard and went into Buhoodle, always avoid Human casualties and there were some human casualties. If there was a allot of Human casualties Somaliland would have lost the war and lose the moral high ground. If Siilaanyo was attacking the people and led an assault on the small town with allot of casualties and the media would hear about it , that would have been ugly very ugly and it would be over for Somaliland government . Siilaanyo was very smart he weakened the Militia and build a training Somaliland military camp in ceegaag not far from buhoodle. he in cooperated former Militia in the Somaliland division the 9th division in Buhoodle, At the same time making peace with Xaglatoosiye under the pretext full peace in the Buhoodle district. Releasing more than 50 prisoners of war. While at the same time building up in CEEGAAG and Somailand officials to be allowed back freely to roam in Buhoodle. Eventually the Buhoodle town will completely fall in the Hands of Somalilands.
War criminal Ina Bureeqa delegation stoned in Faraweyne, Waqooyi Galbeed
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to Saalax's topic in Politics
Not really Its gobolka daad madheed and the capital city oodweyne. And its Maroodijeex capital Hargeysa. We threw the name woqoyi galbeed out long time ago. -
Your Prediction of Selfish Ahmed Samatar
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to Axmed1508736699's topic in Politics
Hahaha he is not even running what are you talking about Professor samatar just wants to contribute to his people. And history will be kind to his legacy to , for he jumped from the sinking ship Doctor is right in Mogadishu its normal to steal loot and be corrupt u will even get a medal warlords are honored and anarchism is the way. It has been like that since the late dictator was deposed. Prof samatar saw what he saw and we trust his judgement on that particular Subject. Umad dhanoo raadinaysa inay wax dhacan lacag yar urursadaan wadankuna dhiig baxo its so sad very sad. -
War criminal Ina Bureeqa delegation stoned in Faraweyne, Waqooyi Galbeed
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to Saalax's topic in Politics
There is no region called Woqoyi galbeed any more the correct term is Maroodijeex -
Parliament speaker what Parliament this is a Joke Khatumo is finished Galaydh is in Hiding in Xamar After Somaliland defense forces chased him away all the way beyond the Ethiopian border Eriigoo Somaliland controls now all districts of Sool. Buhoodle is no longer free of Somaliland , Somaliland has a mayor there and Somaliland officials can visit there when ever. Trust me Khatumo has no power in Buhoodle the clan in Buhoodle is very suspicious of the Somaliland government Because for the last 150 years there were wars between President Siilaanyos clan and the main clan of Buhoodle. That distrust needs to be resolved and Xaglatoosiye and ina Garaad soofe are working on that. The clan chief the most powerful clan chief of Buhoodle ina Xaaji Cumar camay, his father was killed by one of the warrior Clans of Oog and its still in his mind how his father was killed in the kalshaale wars back in 2011 he said the SNM clans killed my father now they are attacking Buhoodle and want to Kill me. this was in the 1940s but still, the distrust still remains. And allot of territories were lost and Somali nomadic warfare in Somaliland was very harsh any way it is all about to be solved. Any way This guy is using his balcony as a Parliament Building .
Your Prediction of Selfish Ahmed Samatar
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to Axmed1508736699's topic in Politics
Nonsense Professor Samatar was one of the last honest Unionists from Somaliland who stood for Somali interest i remember him in 2002 and 2003 he hated even to use the term Somaliland and preferred the term Reer Woqoyi. He was proud very proud to be reer Woqoyi but he believed Mogadishu had hope and it can be the seat of the Somali people once again. and in recent years in from 2009 he was using the term degmada Somaliland and he was talking about the unity of the 2 states forming one republic with 2 different systems. And in the last 6 years he was attending conferences for Somaliland still hoping for Somaliland to Unite with Somalia, from 2011 he stated that Koonfurians have shamed the Somali name. And in 2012 he took part of the elections and he got involved really with Koonfurians and than he almost vomit what he saw. Than followed his historic visit to Somaliland in 2013 where he kissed the ground when arriving in Somaliland Berbera and he held discussions with Somalilanders across the Land. And his Final conclusions reer Somaliland u have won the debate we will no longer share anything with the Koonfurians we will work towards building a strong and a prosperous Somaliland. And ever since he is with Somaliland standing with Somaliland correcting Koonfurians. Koonfurians will never find a honest Unionist from Somaliland not the gold diggers in Xamars parliament from Somaliland. But honest people, The guy had Mawqif but he saw that no one in the south cared about real leadership honest work and Commitment to the republic but only about small projects and making Money real Fast. The man was the most Anti Somalilanders ever from Somaliland , but he saw something in Mogadishu oo u cunti weydo so he finally came home and is now with his people. If he runs for Somaliland he has a good chance of winning why would he go to Djibouti , Djibouti only one clan can become president the Jesus Clan. -
Hahahahaahahah wonderful and the Madness continues a useless government to replace another useless government. Why cant these people ever get it right perhaps it was wrong to bring cumar buur as the prime minister.
Puntland in turmoil Gaas failed Alshabaab attack Boosaaso
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to malistar2012's topic in Politics
Che Hassan ma failgaroobo all dembi waxa iskale prime ministerka haday se wax qaldamaan at least that is what we have learned thè past 2 years. Somaha malistarow. -
Jihaadkii Awdal oo bilaabmay! Dagaal xoogan oo qarxay!
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to Axmed1508736699's topic in Politics
Siilaanyo is in borama as we speak haye Who is thè boss -
Jihaadkii Awdal oo bilaabmay! Dagaal xoogan oo qarxay!
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to Axmed1508736699's topic in Politics
Mooge wake me up when some one gets injured dagaal habari ku kufin xita wanu maqli jirnay. Silaanyo will visit borama in a few hours time bal waad arki -
Garaad Soofe crowning Delegates From SL and Pl well present
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to Xaaji Xunjuf's topic in Politics
Madaxweyne Kuxigeenka Puntland oo si diiran loogu soo dhaweeyey Buuhoodle, CAYN (Sawirro) JANUARY 14, 2015 IMG_8248 Shacabka magaalada Buuhoodle ee xarunta gobalka Cayn ayaan u kala harin soo dhaweynta wafdi balaaran oo uu hogaaminayo Madaxweyne Ku Xigeenka Dawladda Puntland oo ka qayb Galaya Munaasasabadda Caleema Saarka Garaad Cabdirsaq Garaad Soofe. Madaxweyne Ku Xigeenka Dawladda Puntland Cabdixakiim Xaaji Cabdillaahi Cumar Camey iyo wafdi ballaaran oo uu hogaaminayo ayaa maanta waaberigii [14 January 2015] ka anba baxay caasimadda Puntland ee Garowe, waxayna u kicitameen magaalada Buuhoodle ee xarunta gobolka Cayn. ADVERTISEMENTS Madaxweynaha waxaa safarkiisa ku weheliya qaar ka mid ah golayaasha Dawladda Puntland, saraakiisha ciidamada iyo xubno kale, waxayna sii mareen deegaano fara badan oo ka tirsan Gobolada Sool iyo Cayn isyagoo soo dhoweyn aad u diirana kala kulmay dadweynaha deegaanadaasi, wuxuuna Madaxweynuhu u sheegay inuu ku faraxsan yahay booqashadiisa uu ku yimi deegaanda Sool iyo Cayn, isla markaana uu sii joogi doono maalmaha soo socda. Madaxweyne Ku Xigeenka Dawladda Puntland Cabdixakiim Xaaji Cabdillaahi Cumar Camey ayaa si weyn loogu soo dhoweeyey magaalada Buuhoodle ee xarunta gobolka cayn, waxayna dadweynuhu wafdiga madaxweynaha kaga hor yimadeen meel 50-km u jirta magaaladaasi. Camey ayaa soo dhoweynta ka dib dadweynaha kala hadlay barxadda weyn ee garoonka kubadda cagta ee Buuhoodle, wuxuuna bulshada uga mahad celiyay sida aadka u diiran ee ay usoo dhoweeyeen isaga wafdigiisa, isla markaan wuxuu u sheegay inuu maaalmaha soo socda joogi doono magaalada kulamo kala duwana uu la qaadan doono bulshada buuhoodle. Madaxweyne Ku Xigeenka Dawladda Puntland Cabdixakiim Xaaji Cabdillaahi Cumar Camey ayaa maalinta berri ka qayb gali doona munaasabadda caleema saarka Garaad Cabdirsaaq Garaad Soofe taasi oo ka dhici doonta magaalaada Buuhoodle ee xarunta Gobolka Cayn. Soo Dhoweynta madaxweyne Camey waxaa sidoo kale ka qayb gala ciidamada kala duwan ee Puntland kuwaasi oo jooga magaalada Buuhoodle iyo deegaanada ku dhow, wuxuuna Madaxweynuhu salaam sharaf ka qaatay cutubyo ka tirsan ciidamada Puntland ee gobalka Cayn. -
Garaad Soofe crowning Delegates From SL and Pl well present
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to Xaaji Xunjuf's topic in Politics
Somaliland Minister of health Xaglatoosiye and deputy parliament speaker Baashe. And the deputy interior Minister of Somaliland Cismaan Garaad Soofe he is the uncle of the to be crowned Garaad And the Deputy Minister of information Cabdiwaaxid Cabdiraxmaan Cabdiqaadir. Also Elders from other Somaliland cities have been arriving in Buhoodlle particularly from Burco Hargeysa and Ceerigaabo and Laascanood. -
Ujeedada Weftiyo Xukumadda Ka Tirsan Oo Ku Sii Qulqulaya Buuhoodle Buuhoodle(Ramaas)January-14-2015- Wefti uu hogaaminayo Guddoomiye ku-xigeenka Golaha Wakiiladda Baashe Maxamed Faarax, oo ay wehelinayaan wasiirka wasaaradda Hawlaha Guud Cabdirisaaq Khaliif Axmed iyo wasiir ku-xigeenka wasaaradda Warfaafinta Cabdiwaaxid Cabdiraxmaan Cabdiqaadir ayaa maanta gaadhay magaaladda Buuhoodle. Wetiga Buuhoodle gaadhay ayaa ka qayb galaya caleemo saarka Garaad Cabdirisaaq Garaad Soofe Duraan oo maalinta barri ah lagu caleemo saari doono magaaladda Buuhoodle, waxaana si weyn waftiga ugu soo dhaweeyey magaaladda Buuhoodle dadweynaha deegaanka. Wasiir xigeenka Warfaafinta ayaa saxaafadda u sheegay in si heer sare ah u qaabishay Weftiga uu ka midka yahay islamarkaana uu si aada ugu mahadcelinayo. Wasiirka wasaaradda Caafimaadka Somaliland Dr: Saleebaan Ciise Axmed ayaa shalay isagu gaadhay magaaladdaasi, waxaanu dadweynaha Gobolka ugu baaqay inaanay siyaasadayn xafladda dhaqan ee Garaadka lagu Caleemo saarayo, isagoo ugu baaqay xafladda ka bacdi inay deegaanadooda ku noqdaan siyaasiyiinta maamul Goboleedyada kale ee kala qayb galayaa. Ramaasnews-desk - See more at: http://ramaasnews.com/index.php/News/Ujeedada-Weftiyo-Xukumadda-Ka-Tirsan-Oo-Ku-Sii-Qulqulaya-Buuhoodle.html#sthash.ojnxIQYl.dpuf
Puntland has the right to defend their Tribal territory Somalia so dagaal kama dhicin they have a Tribal state they have the right to protect their Tribal state from others. Cabdilahi yusuf destroyed Jamac ali jamaac when he tried to flirt with Abdiqasiim in Mogadishu.