Xaaji Xunjuf

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Everything posted by Xaaji Xunjuf

  1. In Feb Qodobada Masiiriga will be discussed and thats where the talks will fail in Turkey 2015 talks will be very interesting watch here. So far the airspace issue has been resolved and ofcourse The Djibouti government can join the talks if needed but the most important bad will be the February talks in Turkey
  2. Mooge governments in SL come and go but every one in SL knows SL is a strong nation no threats at all the people of Awdal back their troops on the ground all the major elders in Awdal have abandoned Abibakr thats the truth i know u have been hoping the down fall of Somaliland but it will not happen in this world Moogee. Bal weynu u fadhina in the next coming year if something happens in Awdal or not.
  3. Mooge Nickolas Gaal does not represent the British crown at this moment but the UN. Qoslaya is a good man he played the pirates very well he removed Yuulka and got cumar buur in his place and now Cumar buur will not put up a fight and will appoint the Ministers Hassan sheikh wants him to bring forward.
  4. There is nothing to say about Awdal , Awdal region is peaceful and everything is oke there ciid dhimatay iyo cid dhawaacantay ma jirto.. Unlike in Mudug today the governor almost got killed today in mudug.
  5. Madaxweynayaasha Somalia iyo Somaliland oo ku heshiiyay Qodobbo dhowr ah Axad, December 21, 2014 (HOL) — Wadahadalladii gellinkii dambe ee shalay ku dhex-maray magaalada Jabuuti ee dalka Jabuuti, madaxweynaha Soomaaliya, Xasan Sheekh Maxamuud iyo kan Somaliland, Axmed Maxamed Siilaanyo ayaa waxaa laga soo saaray war-murtiyeed. Madaxweynayaasha Somalia iyo Somaliland ayaa kulankoodii shalay ee ahaa hordhaca waxay isku garteen qodobbo dhowr ah, kuwaasoo ay ka mid yihiin; In dib loo billaabo wadahadalkii u dhaxeeya labada dhinac 15-ka illaa 16-ka bisha Janaayo ee sanadka nagu soo aaddan ee 2015-ka, kaasoo ay labada mas’uul ku heshiiyeen in lagu qabtay qabto magaalada Istanbul ee Turkiga. Sidoo kale, heshiiska ayaa waxaa qayb ka ahaa in wadahadalladaas intooda badan looga hadlo arrimaha siyaasadda, lana fuliyo qodobbadii horay ay ugu heshiiyeen Somalia iyo Somaliland, isla markaana laga joojiyo wax walba oo caqabad ku noqon kara wadahadalkii u socday. Qodobbada heshiiska ayaa waxaa sidoo kale ka mid ah; inaan deeqaha ka yimaada beesha caalamka ee bani’aadanimada ah iyo mashaariicda kale ee uu dib u dhisku ka mid yahay la siyaasadeyn, lana dhiiri-geliyo. Waxaa kaloo heshiiska ka mid ah; In la fuliyo heshiiskii dhinaca hawada ee horay loogu heshiiyay, isla markaana la sameeyo guddiyadii farsamo ee ka shaqeyn lahaa. Waxaa kaloo qodobbada ka mid ah in labada dhinac ay isla-gartaan in wadahadallada laga qayb-geliyo dalalka saaxiibka ay yihiin. Dhanka kale, qodobbada ayaa waxaa ku jiray in labada dhinac ay iska garabsadaan sidii ay uga hor-tegi lahaayeen argagaxisada, burcadbadeedda iyo dambiyada abaabulan, si labada dhinac ay u adkeeyaan ammaankooda. War-saxaafadeedkan oo laga soo saaray madaxtooyada Jabuuti ayaa yimid kaddib markii madaxweynaha dalka Jabuuti, Ismaaciil Cumar Geelle uu u fidiyay casuumaad Xasan Sh. Maxamuud iyo Axmed Siilaanyo su uu u wada-hadalsiiyo, maadaama wadahadalladii labada dhinac u dhaxeeyay uu hakad ku yimid. Si kastaba ha ahaatee, kulanka ayaa wuxuu noqonaya kii labaad oo labadan mas’uul Xasan Sheekh iyo Axmed Siilaanyo dhexmara, iyadoo la xusuusto in sannadkii hore ay ku kulmeen dalka Turkiga, markaasoo ay labada dhinac u socdeen wadahadallada hakadka galay. - See more at: http://www.hiiraan.com/news/2014/Dec/wararka_maanta21-89439.htm#sthash.Z92JOOxG.dpuf
  6. The next Phase of Talks in Turkey in February The Air space agreement need to be put into work That Djibouti President can assist if needed
  7. Ofcourse all clans fought each other in the former Somali republic no one is a saint but Keyd media is creating a one sided narrative of the disastrous Somali civil war. Crimes have been committed on all sides though different in its form but the result is the same killing death and destruction. The Regime of Siyad bare and their brutal crimes in Somaliland, state sponsored terrorism in Somaliland innocent civilians were the biggest losers making them flee in their 100s of thousands into Ethiopia.And ofcourse the Killings in Mogadishu in 1991 against certain Somali clans people who their only crime was that they shared a tribal lineage with the former dictator dragged from their homes slaughtered. And ofcourse the 2007 tragedy and disgrace where the arch enemies of the Somalis were roaming in Mogadishu freely and where 100s of thousands fled into Kenya dadaab refugee camps and ceelasha biyaha and where a xabashi general by the name General Gabre remained in Mogadishu calling the shots. With so many lives lost so unfortunate all.
  8. Tallaabo ofcourse there are grievances but there were grievances against rayaale cigaal tuur any other leader in Somaliland the fact is what do we want reform , change there are opposition parties there are organizations there are other ways to make sure to bring change in the country. Troops on the ground is just a move to show who is in charge and that SL does not tolerate people who wish to destabilize the nation. Siilaanyos administrations is not any better when it comes to that but we must remain vigilant and make sure the security of our nation must remain unharmed The first few days the so called sultan was hiding in Qulijeed than he fled SL for ethiopia so far all we know he could have detonated him self near the border. Its the obligation of the SL army to protect the nation.
  9. Talks in Turkey talks in Djibouti Talks in swaziland it doesn't change the fact that the 2 sides will not agreee any time soon.
  10. Indeed norf and i will make one for 2015 Where is my Friend Xiinfaniin these days ma sadaaal fiican bay ahayd mise sidu sheegeyo habaar ,, Xunjuf runta kama gaba'ado lol
  11. Very interesting its a good point either the European Union can recognize states on their own or the mother country Politically has to agree. So Israel has to agree with a Palestinian state before the European Union can recognize its so technically its true.
  12. Unless the Abibakr guy will form an islamic state and will inspire thousands of Jihadists to fight the regime i dont see the comparison u are making. SNM were led by courageous people a group of men who changed the entire east African region And they were fighting injustice a dictatorship. Where WAS Sultan Abibakr when president Daahir rayaale was reigning over SL. What up rise in Borama i dont see youth protesting . protesting against what are they being belittled not allowed to join the political arena of SL. More journalists were arrested in Hargeysa since 2012 than in any other city of SL. Even the so called uprise in Syria is fake , its to destroy the one and only strong Arab state alive so called arab spring was a farce.
  13. <cite> @Che -Guevara said:</cite> Galbeedi, I don't know who is who when it comes to elders in Awdal, but the group below video has distanced themselves from the Suldan. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DmXWf55phuY Che the Awdal region elders are the guys in the video The Awdal clan can be divided into 3 branches all 3 clan elders were presented the so called clan elder abibakr represents only a sub sub sub sub sub sub clan of one of the main clans of Awdal but all Clan elders are in the video. Trust me Abibakr will either be captured by the Xabashis or he will crawl back to Hargeysa and ask for forgiveness.
  14. <cite> @galbeedi said:</cite> Xaaji, the disputes you are refining in nineties were among yourself, the SNM and other Habros. Juffa Idinka mida Ma nihin. We are a different political entity that made peaceful and political arrangements with SNM, in order to live in peace and build government institutions. That idea is no longer viable. You refused to abide by the rules. Your folks said " Sharcigu Waa Waxaan Ka Soo Dagaalanay". As Mooge said " We have moved". People like Tallaabo and tiny minority understands the decease that is going to finish off Somaliland. You can't fool people anymore. We all know this system is going to crush, if we just said " NO" let alone take weapons. There is a difference between state and tribe. INa warran Cadde ayaa yidhi" Aniga iyo Taliyihii Ciidamada ayaa Ethiopia Tagnay, Aniga iyo taliyihii nabad sugida iyo wasiirkii arrimaha Dibeda ayaa Nairobi Safaardaha U tagnay", Wasiirkii Maaliyada yaa miisaaniyadii Ku Dhawaaqay, Gudoomiyihii Bangiga ayaa lacag cusub Keenay, Gudoomiyihii Guurtida yaa hawsha galay, Gudoomiyihii Baarlmaanka ayaa Hadlay, Wasiirkii Macdanta ayaa Ciidan Ilaaliya Batroolka Samaynaya, Kii Airporka ayaa Yidhi " looma baahna Airporka Boorama, Taliyihii Ciidamada ayaa la bedelay, ina Adeerkii ayaa lagu bedelay, Kii Poliska ayaa La bedelay isla reerkii ayaa lagu bedelay. Xirsi iyo Wasiir hebel ayaa Stnbuul tagay. Is this a government or a tribe masquarding as a government. Waar Aaaway dadkii kale. Every AWdal official was replaced by another Habros member. I think Somaliland is very fragile. If a few members of Parliament from Awdal crossed to the border, this project will not last 2015. For twenty five years we never discussed openly about Awdal liberation or self rule. Now the time has came. You are our neighbors, we have nothing against you. We can co-exit peacefully. Xaaji , forget about Awdal, we no logger willing to be the Arbitrators of the warring Habroos, We have moved. We have 680,000 Awdalites in Zone Five. We have another 150,000 in Djibouti and about 450,000 in Awdal and other regions. That is about 1.2 million people. We collectively decided to build a viable self sustaining Awdal admiration free from Somalilnd. Awdal is not something new like Jubba, Bay or Somaliland. It is an old civilization that want to reclaim it's roots. Xaaji do not be fooled by the propaganda of Somaliland. The Time for tribal nationalism and self rule is here. It did cross Somalilnd in the late eighties. It passed through Jubba, Bay, Galmudug and now Awdal. You can't reverse the clock. When a woman reaches the child bearing moment , no one can delay. You can no longer bribe the old Suldaans. Four or five Suldaans bank rolled by Somaliland can't stop this uprising. This elders were making excuses for over four years. Just like you did yesterday , we will call them " SNM collaborators or worse " Faqash" who chose few dollars, rather than the freedom of their people. Xaaji, I know it is hard, to let it go something that you took for granted for so may years. " Dayn KUgu Raagaty, WAx Aad Leedahay Ayaa La Moodaa". THe sooner you understood this the better for all of us. WE want our own place under the sun. Utter nonsense to say the least since when does sultan abi bark represent Awdal and what makes Awdal more special than Maroodijeex or Saaxil or sanaag we broke Awdal in 2 regions Selel and Awdal. Its just one region of Somaliland , Sharcigu SL wa cadalaa its free and fair and its democracy. And no one is above the Law and certainly not a mere sultan from The US. Every one wants to imitate the courageous SNM they are in the History books they have done their work they have fought the war made sure SL broke away from Somalia, And later brought all communities of SL together under nationhood. In addition Awdal region was created in the 1980s SL predates any region with in SL. The Habros u talk about made peace between themselves and we know they tested their strength on each other they only came out stronger ofcourse rivalry exists but it will remain but SL comes first. As for mentioning demographics in Ethiopia and Jabuuti how is that relevant should we be frightened about those numbersLol. What are the numbers in Jabuuti and Ethiopia going to do for Awdal? If you are calling for violence with in SL than you are not a very wise man , nin dagaaal soo maray waligi dagaal kuma deg dego.
  15. i dont know if Galbeedi is naive but if he really thinks one or a few men can shake the foundation of Somaliland. A rude awakening awaits them. Somaliland overcame more struggles more deep inner disputes between Somalilanders. If we want justice we need to address the core problem the political leadership not just the current one but also the one before the current administration and the current opposition parties.If we want to make things better there are ways. But creating more divisions will not work the vast majority of Somaliland will not fall for that. Governments come and go but Somaliland remains the people remain the People in Borama and the People in Hargeysa have the same interest the same way the people of zeila and the people of berbera and the people of burco and the people of gabiley and the people of sheikh and the people of laasacnood. The interest of the people of Somaliland are intertwined. As of Sulta Abibakr he is a subclanist by nature and he divides even the main clan of Awdal he hails from the same sub clan as the former president of Somaliland opportunist, he was a close clan cousin of Cilmi Kabaal former Somaliland police chief and ever since his cousin has lost the seat he was wailing and making noise. But i say let him bark from Ethiopia. And i can tell you Somaliland is 100 times stronger than it was in the early 1990s and the mature elders of Awdal have spoken today and Somaliland people always use dialogue to overcome their problems Ninka khaldan na waxanu nahay dad iska qabta. And last but not least nin ama sadex SL waxba uma dhimi karan Somaliland struggle is more than 30 years and its people know where they stand.
  16. Lol@liberation movement does it even exist a liberation movement of just one man let him try to step foot in SL and we shall see what happens. Liberation front oo xaal qaado. magaci liberation front wala ceebeeyey. Kacdoonka so called Kacdoon have to bring casualties before we take them serious.
  17. Ofcourse it is no one can defy the Holy path the people of Somaliland are walking on.
  18. No can challenge the HAG boys in Mogadishu way xalaalaysten si aan caadi ahayn, the next PM will be much weaker than Abdiweli and will not put up a fight. Hassan will choose his PM carefully.
  19. <cite> @Libaax-Sankataabte said:</cite> Missed the first one, ya Xaaji. Libaax i concede that one,Awoow Hagbadi sadexda walaalo eeh Puntland baan is yidhi walaalaha garowe ba laba jeer qaadan laha, Oday Faroole ba la yidhi gadaal baad ka so bilaabaysa. Sida kale soo lama fiicna Libaax Salaanti Xaaajiga.
  20. <cite> @Xaaji Xunjuf said:</cite> The incumbent president of Puntland Faroole will be re elected as President <br /> <br /> President Bashar Asad will defeat the Saudi Al nusra jihadists<br /> <br /> Genel oil firm will start oil exploration in Somaliland<br /> <br /> Egypt will get a Military leader probably General Abdilaziz sisi.<br /> <br /> President of Sudan Basheer will die or be overthrown<br /> <br /> President Hassan of Somalia and his new Prime Minister will have renewed drama in 2014<br /> <br /> Sharif Sakiin will present him self as the President of Bay and bakool and lower shabelle regions<br /> <br /> Another African state will deploy its troops to Somalia.<br /> <br /> Somalia and Somaliland talks will collapse.<br /> <br /> Yemeni houthis will gain allot of momentum in Yemen<br /> <br /> Khatumo will be in a pursuit to a hold a conference some where in their territories.<br /> <br /> Pope francis will tour Africa Not bad Xaaji Xunjuf i only got Faroole wrong Sharif sakkin is president and he is touring Xudur today The Houthis are all over Yemen Khatumo lost all their strong holds in Somaliland and are preparing another Shir in London soon Asad la riixi kari waa we have the US on the side of Asad against ISIS Wonderful i just love it Egypt has Sisi as president and he is doing a good job for the Egyptians Hassasn and abdiweli sheikh had their drama as i predicted lol Somalia and Somaliland talks are about to happen in January but will collapse.
  21. Nonsense Siilaanyo was speaking 2 years ago when warancade was opposition and u and some other anti SL people edited Mr Warancades interview. Somaliland is stronger than ever Hows Somalia are the Pirates aiming to be the next PM and than pick a fight with damuljadid so that we can have drama all over again in 2015. I can tell you that Somaliland is doing much better than it was ever before it has its problems but i am sure the leaders in Hargeysa are mature enough to overcome their problems. We have seen the parliament dispute in Somaliland we have seen the Kulmiye dispute and how it all was solved. Say after me long live the Somaliland people and the blessed Land.