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Everything posted by Xaaji Xunjuf
Somaliland Conference in Brussels at European Parliament
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to Xaaji Xunjuf's topic in Politics
You are like a crippled trying to threaten a strong standing man , with what will you fight us with Ugandan Ammunition, your broken so are your people. -
Far from it Damuljadiid has no real threat they are preparing for post 2016 thats why Guleed Farax and sanbolooshe and xalane are very essential in the larger Plan. People keep saying damuljadid is finished but there is no counter weight against them.
Heated debate between the Pirates and the Anarchists
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to Xaaji Xunjuf's topic in Politics
Gheele it seems like u havent enjoyed the debate , how come adeer.. Qabiil wala isku garta oo kaliya its not bad , ileen la isku naco oo la isku xumeeyo uun ba xun and u will never see the good old xaaji do that , Xaaji Xunjuf wa oday Somaliyeed oo nabada iyo wanaaga dadka ka shaqeya. Adigu siday kula tahay doodan faraha la iskaga gubtay?? -
Somaliland Conference in Brussels at European Parliament
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to Xaaji Xunjuf's topic in Politics
Axmed fighting against who , the anarchists are only good at fighting each other and undermining their own kith and kin.You only fight against ur shadow never against your Ugandan overlords -
Where and what where is the Link
Heated debate between the Pirates and the Anarchists
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to Xaaji Xunjuf's topic in Politics
The debate was hilarious the guy caabi from the Pirate clan was very funny he was asked by one of the minority clans of the Jubooyinka the bold guy why cabdi cawar never visited Mogadishu and has visited Ethiopia more than 7 times. Than Caabi said , do you want Cabdi Cawar dead a big lady sitting in the front of the program with an orange Shalmad from the anarchist clan, she demanded Caabi to apologize and she verbally attacked him very scary lady. Also the Guy from Galmudug said that Puntland cannot exist on its own and caabi answered him and said the SFG is controlled by a couple of organizations the European Union UN and the AU the United states and Puntland if those 5 reject something nothing can work in Somalia just hilarious. The Galmudug guy was shaking his head the bold guy also said the Kismayo administration is Qashin and people started Yelling. Koonfurians are hilarious taasala leeyahay ha is raacdo -
Somaliland Conference in Brussels at European Parliament
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to Xaaji Xunjuf's topic in Politics
I have been sleeping well the past 23 years so where my people. Have your people been sleeping well the past 23 years i doubt it:D -
Somaliland Conference in Brussels at European Parliament
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to Xaaji Xunjuf's topic in Politics
The European officials frequently visit Somaliland to , second there is nothing the EU can enforce in Somalia even IGAD and Amisom cant enforce anything. You have to understand is its mere lip service the EU and the western powers play in the ears of the Southerners and thats where it ends really. There is nothing wrong with the EU supporting Somalia. But this is about Somaliland. The talks are always in the interest of Somaliland never in the interest of the Koonfurians and bringing in the Europeans in these talks eventually is a positive step also. All in all eventually Somalilanders will win and the Koonfurians will lose like they were losing the past 23 and a half years. -
Somaliland Conference in Brussels at European Parliament
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to Xaaji Xunjuf's topic in Politics
The Foreign secretary of the European union Commission and the Foreign Minister of Somaliland the patriotic Maxammad Bixii Yoonis addressed them today. Short interview -
Nonsense Buhoodle is ruled by clan elders last time i checked the people of Buhoodle showed their shoe to the camay guy. Somaliland parliament speaker and Somaliland health minister and a SL officials can enter the city when ever they want. How come than Puntland cant stop them if puntland has a say over the small town Try to visit Gambade taleex xudun laascanood can pirates set foot in those regions never.
The pirates and their excuses if you believe laascaanood is your Land why not fight for it , why not Kill for it , the same way Cabdilahi Yusuf Karbaasshed reer Bosaaso. It has been 8 years and counting aniga jab la magaan it has been a year since cabdi cawar took over. The so called garaad defected back to Somaliland in march 2014 , Somaliland doesnt rule the Land because of Clan elders it rules the Land because Somaliland is the Land lord.
Attack in Mogadishu as Turkish delegates arrived in SYL hotel
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to Xaaji Xunjuf's topic in Politics
Mooge interesting so this could have been ochestrated by the anarchists them selves very intetesting turkish hand outs are not free -
Attack in Mogadishu as Turkish delegates arrived in SYL hotel
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to Xaaji Xunjuf's topic in Politics
Happy why would I be happy Just posting the latest News you should read what the turkish pm had to say about this me ahmed devot this Just show How incompetent the security apparatus of the mogadishu administration is. How can a vehicle full of explosive come so close to the hotel. -
The weak pirates usually cry and start their caambarayn the question is what can you do about it Maamulka Puntland oo Cambaareeyay Booqashadii Siilaanyo ee Laascaanood 0 0 Google +0 0 Khamiis, Janaayo 22, 2015 (HOL) — Khamiis, Janaayo 22, 2015 (HOL) — Maamulka Puntland ayaa cambaareeyey booqashadii kediska ahayd ee shalay Madaxweynaha Somaliland Axmed Siilaanyo ku tegey xarunta gobolka Sool ee Laascaanood. War-saxaafadeed kasoo baxay xafiiska af-hayeenka Putland ayaa lagu sheegay in Puntland raali ka ahayn daan daansina u aragto booqashada Siilaanyo iyo wafdigiisa. War-saxaafadeedka oo nuqul kamid ahi soo gaarey HOL waxaa sidoo kale baaq loogu diray Dowlada Federaalka, Qaramada Midoobey iyo wadamada deriska, kuwaasoo lagu wargeliyey in Somaliland xadgudub ka wado deegaano ka tirsan Puntland, waa sida qoraalka madaxtooyada Garoowe kasoo baxay lagu sheegaye. Booqashada madaxweynaha Somaliland uu shalay ku tegey Laascaanood waxay ahayd tii labaad ee uu degmadaas ku tago laga soo bilaabo markii ay si buuxda gacanta ugu gashay Somaliland bishii Oktoobar ee sanadkii 2007. March 2014 ayey ahayd markii sidan oo kale Madaxweynaha Somaliland booqasho aan horay loo shaacin muddo koobana qaadatey ugu soo gaarey degmada Laasqoray ee gobolka Sanaag. HALKAN KA AKHRISO WAR-SAXAAFADEEDKA: Maxamed Salaad Xaaji Dirir, Hiiraan Online xaajidirir@hiiraan.com Puntland Soomaaliya - See more at: http://www.hiiraan.com/news/2015/Jan/wararka_maanta22-89861.htm#sthash.Z7RxHM3f.dpuf
At least 23 killed in Somalia clan violence
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to Xaaji Xunjuf's topic in Politics
And the funny part there are Somalis who try to say with a straight face the Somali civil war ended in 2012. The Somali civil war is Ongoing and the leadership in Somalia have no clue on how to solve it , there has been no reconciliation efforts , nothing really has changed in the 1990s -
At least 23 killed in Somalia clan violence Thursday, January 22, 2015 AT least 23 people been killed in Somalia in clan-related violence caused by a land dispute, officials and elders said. The clashes between armed militia from two groups broke out around the villages of Burdhinle and Hada-Ogle, situated in central Somalia's Hiiran region and close to the border with Ethiopia. "The fighting was heavy and the clan militias used armed vehicles. Twenty-three are so far confirmed dead but the toll could be higher," local elder Osman Ahmed told AFP by telephone from the region. Another elder, Abdule Muhamed, said both sides were heavily armed and that fighting was continuing. Fighting between the Dir and Hawadle clans started late last year but had been stopped after the Somali national army and African Union peacekeepers from Djibouti intervened. Somali government officials in the Hiiran region confirmed the clashes. "We hope the brotherly clans will end their hostility through mediation and not bloodshed as is happening now," said Abdi Ga'al, a Somali local government official. "There are efforts to mediate between the sides, and the elders are about to go and solve it," he said. Somali Islamist militants praise strikes at 'heart of Crusader' - Reuters Turkey set to build economic zone in Djibouti - AA Somali children crossing into Kenya to get education - capitalfm Saudi single women challenge tradition in love and marriage - AP Foreign-owned shops looted in S. Africa - xinhua Kenya's collective punishment plan draws praise and alarm - sabahi OPEC, oil companies clash at Davos over price collapse - Reuters Post your comments HomeEmail advertisements
Attack in Mogadishu as Turkish delegates arrived in SYL hotel
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to Xaaji Xunjuf's topic in Politics
I wonder if Tayib erdogan will feel safe no matter how many Turkish special forces he brings with him. -
FAAHFAAHIN: Weerarkii ka dhacay Hotel SYL oo lagu weeraray wafdi Turki ah 0 0 Google +0 0 Khamiis, Janaayo 22, 2015 (HOL) — Qaraxii ismiidaaminta ahaa ee maanta lagu weeraray hoteelka SYL oo kasoo horjeeda madaxtooyada Somalia ayaa la sheegayaa inuu ahaa mid lagu weeraray wafdi Turki ah oo hordhac u ahaa booqashada madaxweynaha dalka Turkiga Erdogan oo hoteelkaas deggenaa. Inta la ogyahay laba qof oo ahaa kuwii weerarka fuliyay ayaa ku dhintay, laba qofna ay ku dhaawacmeen, waxaana goobta uu qaraxu ka dhacay ku sugnaa xilligaas dad fara badan oo isugu jiray shacab iyo askarta dowladda Soomaaliya. Warbaahinta dalka Turkiga ayaa qoray in hoteelka albaabkiisa uu ku dhacay gaari walxaha qarxa laga soo buuxiyay, balse ay badbaadeen wafdigii ka socday Turkiga oo hoteelkaas ku lahaa shir xilliga uu qaraxu dhacayay. “Hoteelka waxaa deggenaa wafdi Turki ah, wax khasaare ah oo gaarayna ma jirto,” ayuu yiri Faarax Nuur oo ka tirsan saraakiisha booliiska Soomaaliya oo la hadlay warbaahinta gudaha iyo kuwa caalamiga ah. Cap. Faarax Nuur ayaa intaas ku daray. “Gaarigu wuxuu ku qarxay illinka hore ee hotelka, welina waxaa socda baaritaanno lagu xaqiijinayo sida uu qaraxan ku dhacay iyo cidda ka dambeysa." Ma jiro cid ka tirsan wafdiga Turkiga ah oo waxyeello ay kasoo gaartay qaraxan, sida lagu sheegay war kasoo baxay wasaarada arrimaha dibadda ee Turkiga. mana jirto cid sheegatay inay mas'uul ka tahay weerarkan ismiidaamint ah. Weerarkan ayaa kusoo beegmaya iyadoo lagu wado inuu berri oo Jimco ah uu booqasho ku tagayo magaalada Muqdisho, taasoo ah mid hal maalin ah, wuxuuna furayaa mashaariic ay hay'adaha Turkigu ka fuliyeen magaalada Muqdisho. Si kasta oo ay tahay, Hoteelka SYL ee Qaraxa ismiidaaminta ah lala beegsaday ayaa kasoo horjeeda madaxtooyada Soomaaliya ayaa waxaa 10-kii bishan Jannaayo lagu qabtay shirkii 53-aad ee wasiirrada arrimaha dibadda ururka IGAD. - See more at: http://www.hiiraan.com/news/2015/Jan/wararka_maanta22-89860.htm#sthash.6MDhOWTK.dpuf
Dervishes were defeated and the largest raid of livestock was taken by the Duriyad clan , dagaalki Hagoogane. Khatumo clan , khatumo lost widhwidh kalshaale war taleex saaxdheer karin dabaylweyn Laascanood all those villages they were cleansed from. Bravery is to win the war. Not to Kill your own people. The Anarhcists thinks bravery is to butcher your own people and burn your own mother and city to the ground. Tell us a war the people of Somaliland lost in all of the history from the camel raiding era to the Modern era. Even when the odds were against Blessed Nation they fought a honarable war and Somaaali waxay so raaceen halkay Dyuriyadu u badatay. Trend setters.