Xaaji Xunjuf

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Everything posted by Xaaji Xunjuf

  1. Maakhiri why wouldn't They listen to him he is neutral in every tribal conflict ileen qabiilada somalida Makala jecla one thing though he might have left igad but I think the Ethiopian govt will still use him
  2. Israel supplies arms to Ethiopia since the time of haile selassie. It trains Ethiopian forces. The Ethiopian said that the Eritrean independence war is an Arab war against Ethiopia. Ethiopia than moved in and started training sending arms to haile selassie. They were suprised when afeweki met Israeli forces in 1982 and told them Eritrea is not against Israeli and Jewish interest in the middle east. We are a secular independence movement EPLF .and when Eritrea gained independence Israel and Eritrea forged close ties.
  3. Galbeedi do you really think a man of general taanis caliber will compramise on Somaliland borders because some an English United nations guy said so. You are mistaken saaxib. Nuux taani has been the commander of the armed forces since 1994.during theheydays of the late cigaal. He briefly left the position during siilaanyo when siilaanyo brought general ismaciil shaqale also a former SNM general and General jidhif commander of the SNM forces 99 divions western regions. Now taani is back and his objective will be yoocade to close down the border once and for all.
  4. Who even takes farmaajo serious he is a guy who hides in another clans capital. .and claims he is a president because qataris bribed the kangerou parliament of xamar. Farmaajo was born after 1960. In the 1980s he worked for his uncle as a dipomat and the rest he was some qurbajoog
  5. 26 days is great day for Somaliland it's always celebrated entire sections of hargeysa are called xaafada 26 June. Where we raised the flag in 1960 we build a mosque there now Ibrahim dhere mosque The sad day is first of July when we joined the koonfurians to create the cancerous union. Which would eventually destroy our people 1960 to 1979 were the worse years for Somalilanders
  6. Somaliland is a free market based capitalist system. We are not a socialist communist state like the 70s.some bussines are monopolized true but there is allot of bussiness opportunities if you have the capital to invest. The youth will always tahriib whether they have jobs money people are obsessed living the western life style snap chat Facebook instagram has gotten into the youth. And that will not change. Don't forget tahriib is not only a Somaliland problem but also koonfurians go and other Africans
  7. The pirates we are still waiting allot of dhuuso faaan hanjabaado since the sacred nation took over tukaraq in january you tried to start a war 2. Both times you were severly beaten into humuliation we are waiting for your next strike heblayo dheero ama cibaado gaab u yeedha. Bal xabad uun rida for once and see what happens
  8. Muse is pointing out the enemies of Somaliland mostly the remnants of The late general afweyne. It's always good to point out the enemies of Somaliland he is keeping the Somaliland people vigilant and awake I endorse his message
  9. Goooni iska dawaxaaso ciidanka Somalia eeh amisom kailaaliso shabaab inoogawaran tuulo maka xooreynkaran bila sanweynta iyo cabiida . 10sannoh kabacdi adeerka farmaajo ciidan waxmakayaqaana. Ina biixi wa askari ruush iyo maraykan waxkubartay ciidanki 77 kaqeybgalay. Ciidanka Somaliland codow dibad iyo kagude iska caabinkara eh
  10. Somaliland is still winning 27 years later. Somalia is still in ruins jihadist controling large swats of land. Amisom still protecting the koonfurians. And the pirates keep on losing territories tukaraq gambadhe laascanood. And soon north galkacyo in other news abdi cawar meets with facebok president martin of the Somaliland United Facebook group 2018 is a great year. For the people of Somaliland not so much for the defeated lot from the pirate enclave
  11. The pirates meeting with Somaliland social media president tallow labbadaasi maxay kasheekeysteen. Cabdi cawar iyo Martin madhane
  12. Samafal The pirates can claim I think they are entitled to the white mans money..ma mooda qaar gaalka lacagtisa inay laleeyihin. But one thing is certain the pirate's nor the other clan states can stop Somaliland not economically not politically. And certainly not militarily. Somaliland doesn't talk to the pirates. We consider you below us the same with the failed paper govt in the amisom bunker protected by the Africans. Who's only policy is how to beg europeans for aid money.
  13. So the 5 clan states sadaqadi gaalada Somaliland siisay ayay ka xunyihin ... in The name of somali unity. Yet they use Kenyans and Ethiopians to undermine each other because of tribal loyalty markay isgaranwaayaan beesha calaamka bay u cawdan.koonfurians wa umad cajib ah
  14. Muslims are not opressed islam flourishes in Ethiopia there are so many moques madrassas in Ethiopia the era of Ethiopia being anti Islam it's over. The orthodox church is diminishing in Ethiopia. The gallas want economic freedom They want political freedom more power more autonomy they have been opressed for to long. We yet have to see how opdo and abiye Ahmed performs for the gallas in Ethiopia
  15. Eritrea has a motive because the Eritrean don't really want peace with tigray. And ofcourse amhara group ginbot7 EPPF and other radical amhara groups who want to reinstall the monarchy. I don't think Ahmed him self is behind it. It's to easy
  16. Imikay ingriis kuwalaata. Cabdi cawar hadaad qabil ku sheegeneysid dhul Somaliland balwataase wardheer sheego hayb iyo qabil ku sheego. Bal aynu eegno halkay xabashidu ku mariyaan xabaashida kasakow abdi ileey baa ku raamsanaya
  17. Cabdi cawar can never walk the walk always making threats war xiinjyo isu yeel and attack tukaraq for a 3rd time see what happens
  18. Very sad some one trying to disrupt the peace in Ethiopia. I wonder who's behind it
  19. Farmaajo is as hopeless as all the other paper presidents before him cali mahdi caydiid abdiqasim colonel yey sheikh dalxiis. Hassan sh. And Mr cheese. Why would any country respect you when your own people don't respect or support you.
  20. Muse is doing a good job siilaanyo told the English guy before keating you are in the wrong country Somalia is next door. Muse is just not that diplomatic and told learning I will not compromise on my territory. Cigaal to in the 1990s send steversen packing after he went out of line. As for the koonfurians they have other pressing isssues thier whole country is in chaos controlled by jihadists.
  21. This is what I call arse licking by the defeated lot. One could say they are scared to death to lose bosaaaso and garowe.. war nimanku fulaysana yaaba is gaadhay
  22. He saw the light one could say and gave up on the failed union between Somalia and Somaliland. People can see the light you know. Its not like something good or positive can come out of Mogadishu
  23. 'Yes somalis are not well versed in their own region horn of Africa. Eritrea Ethiopia feud is just a family feud once they reconcile they will be the closest allies in the region wa laba reer oo Somali oo isdilay oo kale. From 1991 to 1998 relations were very well. Eritrea Ethiopia badme ended in a stalemate. How' ever Ethiopia won and conquered badme Eritrea failed to.remove Ethiopian forces from badme.
  24. There is no unity galkacyo is divided qalbi dhagax is not safe in Mogadishu. Unity and Somali unity is the most abusive terminology used on sol.
  25. Eritrea is also an orthodox Christian state atleast the prime minister of Ethiopia now is an oromo. The highland habasha in both Eritrea and Ethiopia are the same