Xaaji Xunjuf

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Everything posted by Xaaji Xunjuf

  1. Ileey isn't the best representetive for Somalis he has years abused Somalis there whether in jamacdubad gaashaamo in wardheer in dhagaxbuur in xarshin in buhoodle jail ogaden torture .systematically killings he was doing the bidding for getechew an habasha general. Having said that we can never trust gallas they are our enemies two they want to landgrab Somalis remember the wars in mooyaale babile. Negeyle Marka what we want is autonomy for the state we want to protect the Somali resources in kilinka gas and oil. This should be our objective yaan xabashi xun masiixi ah ama qoti xuno gaala madow ah loo shaqeyn... they are one and the same
  2. Somaliland president to visit the awdal region of Somaliland the city of borana to attend graduation ceremony of famous gradutes it will be Somaliland second trip our side his earlier visit selel.
  3. Jigjiga might get a new administration the gallas are attacking the Somali region. Reminds me of king menelik of shewa when he defeated the harar emir and annexed the Somali kilil. History keeps on repeating it self and ONLF is in bed with the masiixi dictator of xamasien we don't really know their motives. Admiral osman and mr.mahdi have no clear plan for the region.
  4. Guy's gallas are our biggest enemy they want to landgrab and steal land we have to push them back ileey is a Somali problem we can deal later on but we need to stop.gallas.interfering with our domestic affairs because there is ethnic federalism in place in Ethiopia if the gallas want war we give them war the gallas want to abuse power qeero opdo and this new fellow Ahmed abiye they want to use their new political power to punish others ileen gallas have been slaves of the xabashas for to long tigray and amxara.
  5. Failmaajona taanki ugaandheesku ku dhex noolyahay ina cumar geelena xabashids baa u heshiisay carabtina waa u hanjanayaan. I think the republic of Somaliland is in the best situation in the horn of Africa
  6. Maakhir I doubt Ahmed abiye will allow the region to secede and allow a referendum
  7. If you sell your soul to habashaa this is what happens the gallas want him dead I wonder what will happen next. To the region
  8. Djibouti must be supported haday somalinimo jirto hadikale nagadaaya waalida inay somalinimo jirto every man for his own. Galbeedi baa ugu daran oo gaalka masiixiga xamasien tageerayaa oo ilaahay iyo nebigisi ka goay. Oo musliminta beja tigre ka eryaday guryahooda.
  9. SNM was formed in 1979 with a faction of afaraaad Ied by general maxammad cali. It did the bulk of the fighting hijacking planes ships birjeex operation gen lixles maandhere operation colonel abdilahi askar prison break the SNM wslf war 1983 1982 when the SNM wiped the floor with the afweyne militia wslf militia in Ethiopia in the hawd region.1984 burcoduuray. 2 third of the Somali army was in Somaliland the buhoodle wars axmedow dhici wa when axmed seleebaan duufle gave his clan allot of ammunition new toys weapons but still they got karbaashed and send to akhiro. SNM won the war against marxist dictator USC and SNM joint operation started in 1989 when general caydid visited us in baligubadle all the clan members who were captured from his clan we're release retrained and he took them to dhuusomareeb and later on he started fighting the Mogadishu mayor afweyne.
  10. Back in 1999 cigaal had a big beef with Djibouti ismaciil cumar geele lamabadaha mid mid baloo damiya. Cigaal was a politician who confronted the small skinny ina cumar geele back than. Oo hada naaxay. But he is cornerd now by failmaajo of Mogadishu and the xamasien dictator of asmara. I think we should rescue him
  11. The pirates want kayga lihi kaga kula lihi. They want a special status with in Somalia The pirate constitution States that puntland is an independent state untill la wafaajiyo dastuurka federaaliga dastuurka budhlayn
  12. Ducale exactly well said Somaliland is an African democracy based aqilship and xeer not a western democracy ..ooh halki loo batto laraaco no you can't be traitor in Somaliland bissadahad wax la cunaysa. Hadaad qarranimada Somaliland kasohorjeedsatid
  13. Let's not generalize entire communities reerwalba in fiican iyo in xun waleeeyhay. ONLF is on their own non of the somalis in Somalia and Somaliland djbouti support them. So the situation is very difficult hadaad hiil walaalka ka weydid It's problematic Though I believe Mahdi and admiral cismaan need to find new ways to fight Ethiopia New tactics new strategy
  14. Maxammad siyad barre caqeeedo farabadan malahayn wa ninki yidhi wixi laidinku shubtay wala idinka shubaya. Siyadbarre believed islam is an Arab religion He was willing to pray to Jesus Christ in order order for his defense budget to be doubled by the reagon administstion Ilaahay baa Somali ninka ka badbaadkue ummada somaliyeed iyo muslimka dhibay...
  15. He Is a traitor and should be locked up for good him nimco qorane are the 2 biggest traitors Somaliland has in 2018. Mujahid muse biixi should lock him or deport him
  16. Che let's put things into perspective who who is the enemy of Somalis today 2018 I say habasha gallas and the xamasien dictator of asmara.
  17. Somalinimo has died in Somalia it does not exist at they all use foreign troops to further their tribal economic interest. The place is corrupt to the lowest level. But the koonfurians will say with a straight face. Somaliland is Somali diid . Oke fair enough if we are Somali diid why do you wish to unite with us the way they think think is very crazy. Now the cheeseman did throw walaallkeen ismaciil cumar geele under buska. Wuxu ka doorbiday inu gaal xun oo masiixi ah oo tigray ah inu gacanta hoos dhigto. While the xamasien dictator annexed part of djibouti sovereign territory. Bal mr cheesow amisom bunker representetive waad ku fashilantay eh xilka iskaga deg buffalowdaadi iskaga noqo
  18. Djibouti is indeed very unhappy with the situation because farmaajo betrayed djibouti when he visited the xamasien dictator farmaajo yaa xiga jabuuti. Mise gaalka tigrayga afoworqi this about loyalty horta somalinimo dhimatay
  19. Good points they play a double game with us ileey the abdulla clan the largest in qabridhahare are playing clan politics ileey gets money from the x abashis to kill his own people than ONLF defects to abdi ileey he conscript them trains them make them thawaaf under the mad mullah statue in jigjiga combine with tribal poetry from raage ugaas and dhaanto reerku reerkina maha way xabashiyoobeen
  20. The term ogaden was coined by King haile selassie for one reason only to create a distinction between Somalis in the somali republic and the Somali kilil. The mad mullah his son was the interior minister for haile selassie in the 1950s
  21. Interesting book I am looking forward to read is the history of Somaliland 19 century is so beautiful emir sharmarke salah baashe of zeila khadiful somaal. In 1827 the berbera clan elders signing the British berbera trade comercial treaty . After the killings of lieutenant stroyan.
  22. Maakhir when the pirates were handing them over to Ethiopia . They never burned a single truck out of clan solidarity.
  23. Fair points Dalmar ONLF is a tribal organization one clan only the kilil 5 has so.many clans the shinile diredawa clans the hawd harargge clans than we have garre degodia sheikhaasb clans the gaadsan clans so no tribe can claim the kilil. That has to be said admiral osman had talks with the cheeseman and the masiixi dictator of xamasien afewerqi. It's time kheyre ina cumar geele and muj muse biixi half talks about the situation in the horn of Africa and kilil