Xaaji Xunjuf

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Everything posted by Xaaji Xunjuf

  1. Che no more wars in Southern buhoodle district. Somaliand govt will use diplomacy camay and xaglatoosiye are same subclan how ever camay has little bit cuqdad because his father who was caaqil of buhoodle back in the 1930s was killed by the habarjones clan during the nomadic clan wars laakin xanuunka yar walaga heshiin kara
  2. Somaliland will soon annex the entire buhoodle region ina xaji cumar camay the vp of the pirate enclave might defect to Somaliland
  3. When we were in harar and the wslf along siyad barre militia killed our hero Mr mujahid mooge waki laha nimanka Jalafeed eeh jarka kabooda eeh jabartiga jabiiya eeh jacaylka no haya. Ilaahoow ku naxariiso abwaan mujahid qori qaade.and general maxammad farax caydiid waleh waa noo hiiliyey
  4. Cali naafto and cumarcarte were both 2 useless politicians they hijacked the SNM USC alliance
  5. This could have been avoided if Somaliland and Somalia never formed the somali republic. Afweyne should have stepped down after 1978 but he refused caydiidna garleh cali mahdina garleh. Caydiid did the bulk of the fighting he was the mujahid of the USC general. Manifesto were mostly faqashremnants and were xaraan madqac ah it's like accepting maslax maxammad siyaad as president. Waba waali cas war dadkani wareersana
  6. Horta anagu anzalooti iyo andaluuus iyo Armenia toona. Inanu isku mashqulino marabno hadda. Haddaan yara caabiro halkey Somaliland marayso iyo halkey Somalia marayso. Wa kaaf iyo kaladheeri.jiilka imika soo kacay eeh muse shaqaaleysiyey. Waa wixi dhashay the 1980s ama 1970s. Marka dadkaasi halganki dibu xoreynta Somaliland wey arkeen markay way adagtahay inad will xamar ku dhashay ku tirahdiid hargeysa qassab banu ku xukuna. That's Somalia and Somaliland for you Halka lakalakoogo. We said in 1991 anagu xamar dooni meyno xumaana u geysan mayno xeradi labba dawlad iyo xuduud banaga dhexeya. Was 1887 border defined Anglo Italian treaty
  7. Oo reer garowe ma inay somaliya ka goaan bay doonayaan.
  8. So after farmaajo the second Somali president to visit the masiixi dictator afewerqi ibn hazenge tsenge ibn bahta hagos is ina cumar geele of djibouti. I hope for somalis that asmara doesn't become like Addis Ababa for somali leaders to bend the knee for gaalkan xabashiga eeh carabtu biliiso ashahaada diiday afcarabigana bartay.ilaahoow xabashida iyo xuutiiyinta nagailaali. Labbadaasiba shar bay waddan. Fitna
  9. Ertirea Isniin, July, 30. 2018 (HOL)–Iyadoo ay muuqato in uu dib u soo noqonayo xiriirkii Eritrea ee qaarada Africa iyo guud ahaanba marka la eego caalamka intiisa kale ayaa dhawaan lagu wadaa in ay tagaan qaar ka mid ah madaxda wadamada ku jira Urur gobolleedka IGAD Todobaad kaddib sidoo kale waxaa tagi doona magaalada Asmara ee dalka Ertirea madaxweynaha dalka Kenya Uhuru Kenyatta, iyadoo uu hadda ku sugan yahay dalkaas madaxweynaha Soomaaliya Maxamed Cabdullaahi Farmaajo. Booqashadan lagu wado in madaxda wadamada ku jira Urur gobolleedka ku tagaan Asmara ayaa meesha ka saari karta go’doomintii lagu hayay dalka Eritrea, waxaana dhici karta in ay dib u soo ceshato xubinnimadeedii Urur gobolleedka IGAD. Sidoo kale Eritrea ayaa rajo badan ka qabta in laga qaado cunaqabateynta Qaramada Midoobey ee muddo dheerba saarneyd, kaddib heshiiskii taariikhiga ahaa oo ay la yeesheen Itoobiya. C/raxmaan Diini, Hiiraan Online diini@hiiiraan.com
  10. Xassan qoslaaye. Xassan gurguute. Ama culusow Eebow mahan goofkeygi waaye.
  11. Cabdi cawar and his milkshake. Faisal marku bidaaarta iska mudo bu biyaha iyo gaasta isku dara. Axmed hurdaaye ama ina bureeqa axmed laangadhe. Imam faroole ibn jesus goat
  12. Heshiiskumaba xuma halkeebaynuka biloowna salaaadu halkay iska qabsan laadahay. Somaliland and Somalia is to controversial for koonfurians In particular the gedo community and abudwaaq. The cheeseman has not allot of political understanding about the cause and conflicts between Somalia and Somaliland. The biggest issue we face now is diibouti raisdomeira the mad man afoworqi.
  13. Hahaha good one ciiro has a good uppercut though Farmaajo failmaajo and kheyrlaawe kheyre . Cabdi cawar.
  14. Che its horn of afiqiue complex politicss sunuusiyintu waxa weye bejas tigre beni amer clans in western eritreea and eastern Sudan. History repeats it's self. Xabashidu wey heshiiyeen both sides of the mereb.
  15. Abtiyaasha waa ku neceen iyo ururti reer kheyre. Abtirisiintaadu waxay gasha eyda reer xamar duubcadki the suunusis where do we stand in 2018. Gaalo vs Muslim. Xabashi vs gallas. Somalis vs gallas. Puntkand vs Somaliland Somaliland vs Somalia. Masixiyiinti waa heshiiyeen. Xuuduudo gaal xuduudo kalle intaanu talyaanigu cidhifyamin cidhifyada keynta miyaanan cadceed iyo cadceed celinin jabartyiinta awoowgay yawle from sanaag. Xaajigu waa xunjuf
  16. Somaliland joint Somalia voluntarily we are equal to the union Mogadishu is not superior to hargeysa. We withdrew from the union in 1991. And there is no one that can stop us or force us something we don't want the Anglo Italian border is a legit African border it's as legit as kenya Somalia border Ethiopia Somalia border.. Somaliland iyo somaliyaa isku masonoqonayaan. SNM was a movement that got rid of the the afweyne Marxist govt. The movement under mujahid koosaar it had a Mogadishu deputy. So it's not one qabiil Why wouldn't Somalia accept a settlement unless Somalia wants tit for tat status quo. Somalia and Somaliland both lost in the union who benefits.the union.
  17. Somaliland and Somalia need to accept each other borders Anglo Italian treaty 1887. The pirate state qabyalaada ha inagadaayaan sheegashada dhulka Somaliland. Cabdicawar is from galkayo he shares nothing with the garaad clan. War gartina ma qadataan. Wanaad galgalataan. Waranka markan galka ka soofeeyo ayaad gariirtaa. Waynu kala adagnahay eh waki muse sheegey awoowyashay awoowayashin ka adag muse waba halyey hadu wax dhirbaaxayo If we do that we don't need gaalada iyo qollladan unta isku sheegeya. Laakin niman aan ogahay baan garqaadan. Marka garaantu hawareegto
  18. Somalia needs tallo odayeed xalwaarta. Somalia faces two problems Jihadism terrorism Arab money And transparency and good administration Arimaha dibbada it faces 2 problems galla madow iyo xabashi. Labbaduba wa cadawga somalia. Marka yaan loo riyaaqin afowoqri iyo axmed abiye toona. Barkhad cas wuxu yidhi oday abwaan out reer hargeysa maxaan labba gaal ii gudboon midna guusha usin midna aan guuldarayn Kenya problem buffer zone bay doonaysa kheyraadkey doonaysa. How are you going to tackle those problems
  19. War faisal wuxu qirto beri bu burinayaa ninkaasi qawl iyo balantooni maqabto marku beri idin caayo uun haa soo caabaadina
  20. Tilamook what has tfg achieved since 2000. Carta tng xita ku dar cabdiqasbaye cabdilahi yey sh sharif Hassan sh maxamuud and farmaajo. In terms of security stability reconciliation nabadayn. Walaalayn. What are the break through because there are still expliosion killings injustice no rule of law dadaab. Then there is Ethiopia the historic enemy the gallas . I think the leaders of Somalia are all failures war meesha ma idin mamuulna mise waynu kala tagna. Ileen waynu wadda qabna dawashiyo ceeb. Intay gabadh somaliyeed geeska ooyeyso oo leh tallahi meyeen raggi somaliyeed eeh mudakarka aha eh Muxtaramka aha. It's a sad situation.
  21. Mayans wasn't there a movie about earth apocolipze back in 2012 . Good that they are accepting islam mashalah. Islam will reach every corner of the planet we need to conquer south America. Stil kataooliga ku badan halka
  22. War qaaabilku hawadda loolaman sidi labba quromood eh qaabil iyo haaabil ba qadham bay iskaga siiyeen. Qadiryada iyo baynu nahay iyo quruumta sarsareh. Somaliland will always win at the end. No man from diinsoor or bakool or any can stop our cause to be a sovereign independent state May allah be with us because we are on the righteous path
  23. Muse and faisal are good buddies maybe fourth cousins 3 times removed. Sultan faisal has his own motives.and politics And reasoning . Mr pirate inooga waran galkacyo cabdi cawar. Tukaraq goormaad wax iska celinaysan. Mise wixinu wa hadal uun
  24. Afowerqi is not a man of reason he only knows the way of the gun and trenches. That's why all his people are fleeing biggest tahriib epedemic is in Eritrea eastern Sudan. The country has allot of resources bisha mine and man power to be a strong country .but this tigrayan mad man knows only how to kill jail Eritrea has no written constitution no parliament no free press nothing. It's an absolute Marxist totalitarian state.