Xaaji Xunjuf

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Everything posted by Xaaji Xunjuf

  1. Somaliland has a long way to go on judiciary and distribution of wealth it's indeed important to distribute wealth but Somaliland domestic short comings need a Somaliland solution. We don't need an amisom solution as you mostly suggest. That Somaliland needs the incompetent and good for nothing koonfurians who are all pirates terrorist jihadists and anarchists and ex Italians mobsters. As for hargeysa population when was the last time you visited hargeysa.
  2. Djibouti is run by a family it's a kingdom geele was abtidoons nephew. Its not going to change boore was defeated by geele. And lives in exile the jesus elders intefered and gave geele the authority to expell boore. As for Jamac xaydh and his sister khadra xayd they are just good at investing theirs stocks in hargeysa businesses diredawa Addis Ababa Nairobi mekelle Dubai the Maldives Newyork city. You can't hate people because they beat you in a finacial game when geele dies khadra xayd is busy crowing his son. Gheele and his fam control the economic aspect of Djibouti the poltical and militaristic institutions of Djibouti there will be no opposition in djibouti the next few decades
  3. Ina cumar geele is unhappy he didn't welcome Failmaajo at the airport dowlad Jesus the mamasan kingdom of Djibouti they feel betrayed and this is a strong indication that geele will have strong words with the amisom representetive from the Ugandan protectorate to support Djibouti stance and stand with Djibouti unconditionally in Somali solidarity I know koonfurians don't know the essence of what Somali isu hiilisu means in the poltical sense. Because they all use foreign entities to cancel each other and are morally and ethically corrupt the leaders of the koonfurians. We shall see how this story develops as a famous scholar once said Somaalinimo died in Mogadishu and the south. And we see it today mar tigray loo niikiyo iyo mar gaala madow loo niikiyo ama Mar yuweri musafaniin caloosha looga ciyaaro the Swahili Dance way ku deysey
  4. Galbeedi Somaliland republic has a centralized state structure because hargeysa the capital has 1.5 million people living there governors are appointed mayor are not it works in Somaliland. Saaxil is a legitimate gobol during the 1980s your marxist hero afweyne was on the verge of naming saaxila gobol but he backtracked because of the SNM afweyne war. Cigaal created saaxil dastuuriyan Somaliland has six gobols since 1994. There is also no such thing as woqoyi galbeed it's called maroodijeex you have been to long in qurbaha ottawa ka kalay qottidan iyo gaalo madowdan aadku dawakhday iska daa and go on picknick in qulijeed xarirad and dila. Waad ku tawaftay qurbaha ur using out dated regional names galbeedi. Ilaaahay haku soo hadeeyo anagu ka quusan mayno Intad gaalamadowdi ilaahay nacay uga duceyneysid Ottawa iyo Vancouver. Dadkaagi iyo dalkaagi baaku bahaan mise self imposed exile baad ku jirta. Sida adeerka abdi ismaciil samatar
  5. Barwaaqo horta wa runta inagu wey inugu adagtahay sidaynu federal u noqono because 4 million dadkeena aad isugu duuban mana jirto dictatorship ama keligi taliyey asxaab mucaraad iyo mucaraad baa jira
  6. Jamuuryada Faderalka Somaliland Madaxweynaha Fadarlka Muse Bixi Dawlad Gobeleedka Khaatumo (Galaydh) Dawlad Gobeleedka Sanaagland (Caare) Dawlad Gobaleedka Togaland (Muraad) Dawlad Gobaleedka Saaxilland (Cidin) Dawlad Gobaleedka Awdalland (Wabar) Dawlad Gobaleedka Marodiland (Solteco). Horaa Loo Soconayaa Somaliland will come out stronger and more United from lawyacade ilayoocade
  7. Che is right speaking a certain tongue doesn't make one close just look at Somalis we fought each other destroyed each other livelihood burned each other villages it means little if some one from the same language kills you or some of from another language. Killing is killing qataalu as reer hargeysa say.
  8. Hargeysa gabiley merchants were in djibouti way before guleed abtidoon was born way before the French were in djibouti. The mamassan clique and the suberiya order jujuule ibrahiem dhere baxsanes father. Muse biixi father. When the mamassan djiboutian so called aristocrats today were milking cows in northern shinile the suberiya order wer importanting silk carpets honey building materials from Indian subcontinent and Persia and even Arabia this was the early 19 century. Ismaciil cumar geele only harassed 3 hargeysa multi millionaire Ina caydiid owner of Djibouti media company who constructed the orange building in New hargeysa and jamac omar who payed a fine of 30 million dollars to geele. And ilma geele Arab I can only think of these 3 but they are all djiboutian citizen and have rights ilma geele Arab was actually a bussines feud between khadra xayd and her husband who just wanted a big cut from ilma geele Arab. Because the late jamac maxamuud xayd former bank governor of Djibouti helped build geele Arab build his fortune in Djibouti so khadra xayd and her husband just wanted a cut that was all. I think hargeysa elders and bussines elites solved the feud. So mr salaax the reer hargeysa gabiley wajaale community are not foreigners in djibouti but Bonafide djiboutians meesha marti kumaaha. But they own a lion share of xeebta djibouti oo wa reer jabuuti.
  9. Very valid points there Mr ducaale the problem is Somalis in general don't feel each others pain and there is lack of justice People koonfurians will say you somalilanders just forget 1988 the bombardments systematic killings the jazeera massacres . Adan gabyows hate speeches at kheriyada in 1988. And they will say come wave the blue flag with us. The pirates will say colonel cabdilahi yusuf was a halyey they named galkacyo airport after him after him and gabre bombed Mogadishu to the ground and much of the residents fled to ceelasha biyaha. And ofcourse the 1991 massacre in xamar and butchering of people Of innocent civilians mother's elders butchering when the usc militia went Ape mode on siyad barre clanmembers who just shared an abtirsi with the late general afweyne of gedo. And ofcourse the abuse of cadcads shaansi bravanese people and raping of their daughters in 1991. And humiliating them in a very inhumane and barbaric way I think all these events are still rehashed in the mentally damaged somalis in the war and we relive these events And ofcourse the jihadi war against somalida and qaraxyada. I think Somalis are all traumatised by the war and will never reconcile
  10. Eritrea is a creation of Arabs Saudis Egyptians funded Shabia in order to weaken Ethiopian. Eritrea was Abyssinia but it had ottoman masters Arab masters Italians masters British masters amhara masters. The place has been controlled by every one. Their struggle was hijacked by the Christian dictator now all the Muslims jebha remnants are all inkassal and sudani cities. I think Djibouti and Somaliland have some sort of gentlemen agreement. If djibouti is attacked Somaliland will support Djibouti. If djibouti meets us half way. We will defend djibouti with out own soldiers Especially under mr biixi administration when biixi visited djibouti ismaciil Omar geele our son has visited us. I think ties our good I think if iog give us allot of concessions politically we will have better state to start relations then today.
  11. Why would we have nightmare about a country we dissolved our cancerous union with nearly 30 years ago. Who also are the most failed state of the entire world. Dad iyo duul jira toona Somalia maha. Binaadanka sidooduna uma noola side xawayaankana uma noola a bit in the twilight zone I guess. Keep begging x abashis to restore your dignity koley damiir idin ma hadhin marna adoon saan madow oo santu ku dhegtey. Oo sankisa labba bakhaar madoodid oo kuwi ina idaan laha leeg. Marna qoti xun gaala madow ah bari oo ciidan weydiso iyo kalmo. Kulaha itoobiya ayaa maalgelinaysa 4 ports in walanweynistan. And the koonfurians were clapping. Marna na gaal xun oo tigray ah ilaahay iyo nebgisa ka goay oo kaso hadhay asxuubul fiilki habaarna. Gacanta hoos dhigo ileen dawarsi state baad Tihin eh
  12. This is is good gesture by Qatar to save turkey. But Turkey is in trouble in the long run it will only hurt their economy. America is the largest economy in the world. They can afford to lose a few transactions And business deals with turkey. But erdogan will be the loser in this war. Turkey and qatar their hopes in the horn is coming to an end all the 'redsea lines Indian ocean golf of Aden will be under their sphere of influences. Qatar can't win against ilma sheikh Zayid and maxammad bin Salman and sisi strategic alliance it's impossinle
  13. Most Somalis have this weird understanding of oromos oromo are not like the homogenous Somalis in terms of.culture traditions and appearance. Oromos have Christian orthodox Christians pentes Catholics waaqists. Sunnis wahaabists. But also shaaficists. Most Somalis think oromos are the few jaarso akichu and noolo subclans and small bareenrto and karrayu subcans we border or the boranas. Just because oromos have been enslaved by amharas they are not our friends since oromos because we both fighted the Ethiopian empire. Oromo have a mission of land grabbing And annexing large parts of kilinka under their fake oromia. Somalidu waligood iyaga cadowgooda soo dhaweysta waa waaali..
  14. Negative results Somalia has been negative since the demise of the late dictators removals or did you live on planet mars since 1991.. Imikana waxad nooga dhigaysa failmaajo oo gaal xabashi aah u niikinaya war wanaagsan. Tuulade yar ma magaalada hargeysa, ka sharaf badan kana weyn bulaacadihina koonfurta ku yaala eeh waddamada amisom ku saxaroodan.
  15. I doubt the amisom bunker representetive has the guts ' the political authority and the political might to be an arbitrator in the djbouti Eritrean conflict. First the tigrayan dictator is very hard headed and he got the blessing of the UAE. The tigrayan dictator is being used by the Emirates to influence Mogadishu in their geopolitical war in Mogadishu with the qataris and Turks The red line for djibouti is Eritrea must be under sanctions it's a policy ismaciil Omar geele won't change. And it's true the masiixi dictator sponsors terrorism and he should be punished for that afewerqi is a weird dictator who sponsors jihadists in the horn
  16. Observer king yohannes reign was even smaller than menelik and also smaller territory he rued over king yohannes Abyssinia was even much smaller Than what menelik created my point is if king haile selassie had such treaty agreement in his safe in menelik palace do you think he would just sit there and do nothing. He would challenge the French I think the Abyssinian were lying it's a mere myth just like the arch of covenant. Nobody has seen The lease treaty. As for the Somali afar population I guess you haven't visited djibouti The past 40 years demographic changed allot in djibouti since The country independence I think observer your to long in qurbaha.
  17. Old observer I used to hear that claim back in the 1980s by amharas when i lived in Ethiopia I always asked do you amharas have a document which says u leased djibouti to the French no amhara can show this said document. Do you think a man as powerful as king Haille selassie aka janhoy with his charesma and majestic imperialistic agenda would claim Eritrea and nullify their federation treaty but would not claim djibouti. Menelik never held djibouti territory so you can't lease land you don't own or occupy to a 3rd party. Djibouti is a Somali country the afars are a minority in djibouti 75 percent of Djibouti is Somali economically parliamentary socially. Djibouti is a Somali country. Afars and Somalis are close linguistic cousins though.
  18. Hag doesn't exist today in 1991 they came into power in 1991 after the Catholic dictator fled to gedo. I call them demolition crew all they did was just burn Mogadishu to the ground rape the poor defenceless cadcads ilma sheikh axmed suufis daughters. And slaamo who were over 70 who hailed from the pirate enclave. Than they turned on each other 4 months war berween caydiid and cali naafto. End result The hag were asked war nimankan Somali na madhiyey iyaguna is madhiyey. U gar qaada. And they chanted eebow caydiid garleh cali na garleh. Fast move forward cabdi qasbaaye and his failed tng who couldn't dissarm The various warlords yalaxow qanyare cismaan caato maxammad dhere. Than we had colonel yey aka cabdilahi beerbakayle. Gacmadheere qeybdiid maxammad dhere salaad cali jeeele half of your warlords supported the tigray funded govt aka tfg. Than the so called jihadi sheikh dalxiis afcase betrayed maxakim made a deal with the cia and then gave a good handshake to ededi kilillary Clinton and he became Sharif loogamay. And ever since him and what ever came after him because of your incompetence and warlordism iyo garmaqaaatonimadaa Somalia is the most failed state of the world all you know is how to drag The dead and you want more war. Ilaahay kuwa waxnoogu madaro nin dadkisa leeynaya falaysamina adeer..
  19. Djibouti and Somaliland have absolutely no beef what's so ever you can enter djibouti with a Somaliland passport . Somaliland djibouti trade ties are enormous. Somaliland will not side with The xabashi dictator over Djibouti. Our current president Muse biixi is a djiboutian citizen. And so was his fathe BIixi cabdi who owned allot of shops in diibouti back in the 40s and 50s. Djibouti and Somaliland have special relationships people's relationship Djibouti govt might oppose Somaliland quest for statehood but as oodweyne they can't stop our cause either. It's good to help djibouti against failmaajo and the tigrayan mad man from xamasien ibn masiixi ibn ilma gaalo cross Djiboutians will thank us later.
  20. Excellent news The UAE is going to strip Failmaajo naked and his paper govt. Failmaajo tired to act like a big man when he sided with the qataris. UAE now has assab berbera and is using the tigrayan dictator of hamasien to be back in Mogadishu. Alla maxa loo yaaba kuwi hoogaga ugaandheesku ku dhumaneye
  21. I think first we need to unite galkacyo this is the biggest divide in the entire Somalia. Somalia it's self is the most disunifed country it has no central govt. Since embegati the situation seems to be the same Islamist holding the land the sfg holding the toothless paper govt. I think first maakhir you need to unify Somalia and all its opposing fractions clan states rebel movement Islamist groups. Whether they call themselves ala sheikh islaaxdamuljadiid ikhwaani or shabaab. That's one problem. I think solving this problem Somalia needs atleast another 40 years. Once Somalia has a functioning govt than it needs to open talks with Somaliland about future relations you know where Somaliland stands the koonfurians need to understand where the people of Somaliland who have been fighting for re independence for almost 40 years since 1979. Imagine In 2058 . Somaliland and Somalia having talks about their relationship. This contentious conflict won't be solved It will be a cold war between them knowing Africans they won't agree on talks. And both sides will be hostile towards each other similar norrh korea south Korea. After anothee half a century maybe in the year 2100. They might agree to respect each other boundaries. And then there is the nfd question whether Somalia in Mogadishu has the balls in 2058 to claim Kenya's north eastern province and will they challenge Kenya if they do maybe nfd can be United with Italian Somalia. But first we need to go te year 2058 for that to happen
  22. Somalis are more related to bejas afars sahos and agews. With the gallas we have Nothing in common they just invaded our land in the 17 century
  23. Somali galbeed is in the most critical situation it's on the brink to be invaded by galla hordes. Who are will about plundering and killing lynching and machhttas. This can be a unifying factor since all Somalis live in kilinka shanaad. There is a war in babile in negeyle in Liban distict and moyaale and in southern hararghe region They are attacking us on all fronts. Djibouti is being encircled by the habashas and Arabs. And the guy in the amisom bunker doesn't seem to care. I know the djiboutians are very dissatisfied horta hiil walaal wey beenowday.
  24. Miskin macruuf thinks calanka represents baydhabo alone and sharif sakins admin protected by xabashida. It' madness some koonfurians still believe in. Calanka if it loses its meaning wala badala ileen wuxu wa maro Quran maha. Indho adayg waxba ma tarto. Puntland galmudug jubbaland And hirshabelle all have their separate flags. Calano cusub bala wada samystey so what's so special about the blue one ma maalik jabriel baa samada ka so dedjiyey ... people have to adapt as time And circumstances changes . War ileen tan ooh kalle.
  25. Say what you want about sultan faisal But he is a patriotic man as for caare let him drink his whiskey in qardho with the pirates he lost all credibility the day he defected