Xaaji Xunjuf

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Everything posted by Xaaji Xunjuf

  1. This is what I call horse shit the commander of ceerigaabo division was mujahid axmed mire the chairman of SNM was muj abdurahmaan tuur in 1989 mujaahid Carabduucaale who is habarlove gave muj axmed mire allot of men to liberate sanaag. While carab ducaale led the saaxil and sheikh operation. Ceerigaabo had allot of peace conferences in 1993 similar to the one we had in borama and burco. Adeer Somalilander matihid eeh inagadaa waalida adeerka cabdicawar Utag.
  2. Daadkee baanu ka fadhiisana ma daadbanaqaaday dhulkana anaga leh dee we killed people for this land the past 1000 years and no one can oppose the Somaliland Flag and national army and our guurti sharci iyo qanuunbajira from lowyacadde to yoocadde. Habarlamaan will always fight but at the end they make peace. We are called Somaliland not somalia or the pirate enclave.
  3. Exactly oodweyne I was in hargeysa to in 1993 but I think this guy salax doesn't know about the libaan conference the habarjones clan held in the midsts of the habarhabar war and they clearly stated Somaliland is us. And us is Somaliland till the bitter end. I think for certain he is not from ceerigaabo or bohol but from boosaaso. Talk to mujahid axmed mire he will tell you about all of these events I doubt he even knows mujahid axmed mire the liberator of sanaag from general afweyne.
  4. Somaliland eastern commander have always been bigbeards in ceerigaabo and in the sool region it was the late colonel dhancade
  5. No one wants to make an alliance with pirates jihadist terorists and anarchists your a dead corpse useless meyd Somaliland ladabba sidaadtahay.
  6. Nonsense ceerigaabo is majority the bigbeards the late mujahiid tallaabo a the man who build up the police of the city when cigaal made peace with his maternal uncles in 1996 ceerigaabo dispute was solved . As Somalilanders always solve their disputes gartayada cid shiisheeye manaqdo
  7. Sanaag and ceerigaabo is the ancestrial homeland of the hashemite clan. Musa ismail ancestor is buried inside the center city of ceerigaabo. There is absolutely no chance of ceerigaabo breaking away. It's like Saudi Arabia with out riyad. Or America with out new York city or the Netherlands with out the Hague. Colonel caare own sy clan will solve it since the ceelafweyn dispute was resolved .
  8. Oodweyne your right we will turn a blind eye the Saudis and us in Somaliland go way back historically. My grandfather even had 2 shops in in 3rdies. So I think we should build good people to people relations allot of Somaliland people in jedda and riyad and Mecca. I think this is a good step forward in the game of the Emirates and Saudis opening up for Somaliland.
  9. Excellent we need to close down the border Buurowadal and boocaame need to have strong institutions Our focus should be boocaame and buurowadal. Mostly the abdi garaad clan.
  10. The demolition crew failed in governance failed in economics failed in security. Failed in defeating shabaab. All you know how to put your hand up and beg the Europeans and Americans for USaid. Warmeesha tallo iyo dadnimo kuma haysaan. And ofcourse anarchistic behaviour
  11. Che is right kulu nafsi daqtl mawt. Galbeedi thinks that a man of cali sandule caliber would be neglected by the Somaliland govt. Cali sandule is not laangaab saaxib
  12. The demolition crew cannot tell people what fantasy is or fiction. You guys are terrorists anarchists and all you know is how to drag the dead since 1991. I rather live in a defacto state which has semi recognition then to live in a jihadi state or work for ugandians and Ethiopians and Kenyans. No mr burburiye try again. Waxad tihin khasaaro khasaaro dhashay.
  13. Why doesn't the gedo region just join baydhabo. It's much better it's seems the siyad barre loyalists can't share a state with the long footed community
  14. Cali sandule is from gambadhe and is a true son of Somaliland and we pray Allah Allah his recovery wanu u duceyneyna inshallah wu bogsan. And the Somaliland govt should help him. Or else garaad jamac garaad ismaciil needs to collect money from tolka and make It happen.
  15. Abtigis has morals a bit unlike his kin from qabridhahar I am sure he is not 90 percent a stooge but he will further the clanish interest of his clan. He is a bit more educated than ileey the slave of assefa tigraawy. Having said that we cant know for sure one thing I know xabashis are the enemies of Somalis in general that won't change. Going from there abtigiis needs to a range of things he needs to 're establesh liyuu police train them dicipline them. He needs to go to every disrict in kilinka and work with the people and a honest power sharing formula needs to emerge. And his biggest task will be dealing with the tigre and the gallas who are the biggest enemy of Somalis I wish him luck inankan abtiiga u nahay
  16. Ilaaahay haa caafiyo cali sandule a strong man who helps build his Somaliland
  17. So where do we stand the New governor of jigjiga is our own abtigiis who hails from dhagaxbuur. Things are changing real fast it's getting some shape now. Now we should ask our selves what can abtigis do to bring ONLF on his side. Djibouti still feels cornerd by the xamasien dictator. In other news sources In saaxdheer are saying xaabsade wants to jump ship since cabdi cawar is going back to his cilaaj in the United States.
  18. Waleh anigu somalinimo kama dhegeysto nin qawsaar igu aha aware. Not in a million years. Waligi ba calan halulo abtigiis.
  19. Maybe the pirates think they can divide the great clan who's ancestor we call carre siicid who are the most wide spread Somaliland clan across the country from jihdali to the outskirts of danood. Ciidi ma dhexdegto macidkalaad Mooday soo cududa habarjones iyo ciiidagalle maha. Nimanki caamir iyo dillay iyo curudadiini. You can't play divide and rule on us It will never work. Ka awooow ka awooow. Cadawahanu kaga beeganahay curubta reer sheikh...
  20. Oodweyne the problem with koonfurians is they view things from their own perspective narrowminded clanish lenses . Now in Somaliland we support social justice . Justice between humanbeings and countries if some one is a criminal mujrimm than he needs to go to prison it's common logic. But as we have discussed on sol for years. There are clanish unionist regional unionst federal unionists pirate unionists jihadi unionists we have seen them all . But they still keep playing the game with us. And they the wallows are good with abusing terms such as somalinimo somaliyeed somali dis and that boosts bastadi qudhunka talyaaniga lugu walaaaqayaa allooree aboowe..
  21. The Saudi Somaliland relations have improved allot since the qatar khaleeji beef led by Saudi and emirate. If the saudis accept Somaliland passport then things will be fine we only need medina and Mecca from the sacuudis nothing else they are not good Muslim leaders since they really inside The trousers of Donald trump aka gaalka weyn
  22. Somaliland oo xabsi dhigtay laba wasiir oo ka tirsaa xukuumadii DDSI. August 23, 2018 - By: Mohamud Nadif Shares Ciidamada Laanta socdaalka ee Somaliland ayaa garoonka diyaaradaha cigaal ee magaaalada Hargaysa ku qabtay labo wasiir oo ka tirsanaa xukuumada dawlad deegaanka soomaalida Ethopia ee uu hogaaminayay Cabdi Maxamuud Cumar. Labadaan wasiir ayaa kala ahaa wasiirkii hore ee cadaalada Cabdi Jamaal Axmed Qolonbi iyo wasiirkii hore ee waxbarashada dawlad deegaanka soomaalida Ethopia Ibraahim Aadan Mahad, xariga labadaan wasiir ayaa lagu sababeeyay in ay Somaliland ku yimaadeen iyagoon haysan dal ku gal. Wax faaffaahin ah oo intaas dheer weli kama aysan soo bixin Somaliland iyo xukuumada dawlad deegaanka soomaalida Ethopia.
  23. Since when is taking over tukaraq a defeat for Somaliland the logic and reason people made is astonishing to say the least.
  24. I think this is our own very abtigiis who threw in the towel and became an Ethiopian citizen and now will be working under gallas. So after qabridhahare had the president reer dhagaxbuur get one. Aduunyo gudoon