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Everything posted by Xaaji Xunjuf
Gen Caare pirate wixisu wa sahalo reer bohol iyo ismaciil xaji nur of ceerigaabo will reconcile him with ina bìixi ina shaqale Wa military cadhooday wala cadho jabinaya
Ama amlayn waxa anu nahay nimanka ugu amarka sareya. Alla bari walaga tagay marku ina amaan abtirsaday.
Galbeedi adigu dadkan garan maysiid dadkan wa dad shaqaale tigray iyo gaaalamadow isu qeybiyey. They will never change qofkan maskaxyan bu cabiid u yahaay. Mental slave.
Cagjar is still a stooge he is a gaala madow stooge. The only difference he is a qawsaaar who is well versed in the English language and read 1 or 2 books about poltical science. But wa isla wixi uun. Cagjar baad sheegeysa farjar na ha noqdo same game. Different stooge our abtigiis.
It was always funny afweyne groupies in the 1980s inay dadka niyad jabiyan bay doonayen. So when we were in diredawa sheikh cumar said always war iska bakhtiya recordhada kuwi ehlu shirkigi ilma linin iyo stalin ba dhegeysanaya. Saliga nabiga before anything else. Dhulku wa harighey
Mujahid Axmed mire nuux dhakada labba xabadood bakaga jira. Iyadu xabadu dhakada kagajirto ayuu isagu is tolayey. And ofcourse ina kahin commandows al daahirya And we had colonel libaaxe south of Oodweyne and later he went to bohol.
Suldaanka ninwalba marka siyaasad laga hadlo nin walba waxba usawirma kan madhinku ma reer burca mise moholin bu ka yimid. Burco horta reer myga ku baddan. Some times if you mix mye and magaalo and the green grass. Iyo heesi faysal cumar mushteeq waxba ku sawirmaya walaalkeen maadhin waxba u sawirmay ta aynu ku deyno lol
Alla maxa rag naga dhintay but we had mujahid axmed dhagax muj biixi ina askar barkhad and maxammad cilmi galaan. Dhagoweyna cadaadlay banu u dirnay carab ducaale saaxil. Geedeeble iyo biyaha shiinah marka la marayu uun ba la haraadaya. Our darkest hour 1988. 27 may. Laakin weynu galayna sheikh cumar wa duceeye sheikh daahir wa duceeye.
Mukhtar Roobow being groomed to replace Sharif Sakiin
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to Che -Guevara's topic in Politics
Oodweyne horta nimankan isku af Somali manihin afkoodu is a mixed southern kushite. Wa ilma dhirwaaq. Oday ba beri saabaxil tegey oo kuwan garanwaga nooga waramay. Wuxu yidhi rendhile bay walaaloyihin marka wa dad qaqawan. Oo webiyasha taagan dhuug bay xidhan. Dee wa cali beysteeneni burco. -
Mustafe maadhin this is hilarious people should make a movie about this. Martin Lawrence baan xasuustay iyo naagtisa Gina the red boned girl.
Rebels in Eastern Ethiopia to Seek Self-Determination Vote
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to Suldaanka's topic in Politics
ONLF is a clan organisation they play a sort of game flipthe coin marna cabdulle cabdulle. Marna dhagaxbuur dhagaxbuur And allot of Somali cry. Nonsense. -
Rebels in Eastern Ethiopia to Seek Self-Determination Vote
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to Suldaanka's topic in Politics
Che waxan aad waddin ma shaqeyneso. Aniga og its a wrong process -
Rebels in Eastern Ethiopia to Seek Self-Determination Vote
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to Suldaanka's topic in Politics
The koonfurians tallo maad qadatan. Calan blue shaqeynwaa. African shaqeynwa. Hebbel keith shaqeynwa. Now you can be angry at Somalilanders but it's you who can't govern not me. But fix your house. Runta caloosha usi daa caloosha idin taagan. -
Rebels in Eastern Ethiopia to Seek Self-Determination Vote
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to Suldaanka's topic in Politics
Sheeko baaralay adeer Somalia is failed state in 2018 as it was in 1990. Xaqiiqada indhaha haka qarsan. -
Rebels in Eastern Ethiopia to Seek Self-Determination Vote
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to Suldaanka's topic in Politics
Runtu way xanuun kulushahay -
Rebels in Eastern Ethiopia to Seek Self-Determination Vote
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to Suldaanka's topic in Politics
Ma suldaan diiriyihi burco eh ila danood dega. Mise hablahagaroodi eh dhamacda daud -
Somaliland is a country 4 million people It's a state country republic from 1884 to 1960 26 june. From 26 june . To 18 May Qofka na looma joojinayo masiirka ummada
Rebels in Eastern Ethiopia to Seek Self-Determination Vote
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to Suldaanka's topic in Politics
Somalia still burning since 1991 hiep hiep hoeray. Bunch incompetent pirate irhaabist and furniture furaash stealers Ma waxaasa dowlad ah bantugu ilaaliyo -
Rebels in Eastern Ethiopia to Seek Self-Determination Vote
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to Suldaanka's topic in Politics
Dhagaxbuur iyo qabridhahare labba qawsaar oo qawaananta wax ugu sheegi jirnay. Sultan diiriye iyo Sultan nur dhagocun iyo affar reer cigaal from xarsin. Used to wipe the flour with them from 1982 1983. Afweyne hebel massale emergency shaqeynweyday meyday meyday. Abdulqadir koosaar affaraad iyo maxammad calisicidun ilaahow ku naxariiso Hebel ileey iyo hebel cawar ishanu ka ridi jirnay waxan doobilayaashi gashaanbuur -
Mukhtar Roobow being groomed to replace Sharif Sakiin
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to Che -Guevara's topic in Politics
Dhibaatada nimanka walanweyn haysta qab baan jirin self worth pride. Gar maba garanayaan nin kontan jir ah xamar wa ciyaal xaafo. Umada isku abuur manihin Odayaal dhaqan maleh. For example we in Somaliland had xirsu amaan of burco cawad khuurshe caaqil yare. Ina sanweyne In hargeysa suldan guleed sultan farax sultan diiriye. Xaji Abdi waraabe. Sheikh Yusuf sheikh Ibrahim sheikh madar. Marka ummadan isku dhaqan manihin Culture Ethics Morals Political culture Tradition -
Mukhtar Roobow being groomed to replace Sharif Sakiin
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to Che -Guevara's topic in Politics
War qolladi garamgaramta ahayd eeh afka qotida ku hadli jiray. Garamgaram iyo garanwaa iyo garjante kuwi aan la kala guursan jirin aan gabdhaha siiyo. Geeljecel iyo kuwa gudooda. Eeh aan waxba gudoomin aan arin u gooyo. Nimanka gedo gidiga maalin goobila ciyaara. Aan sutida u gooyo. Marka waan geeraaray. Meeshan goayga shaalka aan kala guuro. Gasshaamo iyo baan degi. Iyo beerteydi gabiley. Diinsoor iyo waxba ima galin iyo nimanka gaala madow. Gacal kaygi baanu u tegi iyo hablahaygi gaaroodi. Gartaydana waxan u geysta goolayowaweyn. Gabalkuna wuxu idin gua kolkan gaariitaan. Garaad asker iyo baana gudoomiya iyo ina gafaadhi -
Failmaajo lacks charisma he lacks a backbone he lacks clan. He lacks experience he is a poltical novice in domestic politics and foreign policy. Waligay qof ka hadal jilicsan maan arag than this caanahan dhacday eh farmaajo layidha. Orodo buffalowdaadi iskaga noqo ilma bantu wey kuaasi. Muusafaanin ka yugaanda manaxo. Cheeseman is history. I think he is the most tabcaan of all the fake leaders of villa amisom. even cabdilahi beer bakayle. And Sharif hotel did much better than this caano madhatay Failmaajo. Oo reer dayniile miciin mooday. Wa bakhti meyd ah
Woyane top ranking in the woyane camp Meles asseb mesfin sebhet nega semoera yunis Seyoem mesfin aboy wolde bereket Simon. Seye abraha. Wasn't that the chain of command. I thought that was the chain of command always. I don't know where to place debretzion is he adwan or axumawi or shires idhesellassie. Tembien an enderta are mostly tpdm that was my undestanding of tigre poltics.
Ethiopia, Eritrea and Somalia leaders to meet in Asmara
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to Che -Guevara's topic in Politics
So in other words wa inay labba sannoh yarra soomaan no big things as long as you posses hard currency Petrodollar and cash every where. They can afford the sanctions in the gcc. But uncle Sam gives them all the power in the world when it comes to political islamisn ikhwaanisn ala sheikh and other brotherhood sects.