Xaaji Xunjuf

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Everything posted by Xaaji Xunjuf

  1. Kulmiye is the biggest party I think with biixi won last year 2017 its very difficult for an opposition to be strong to the incumbent govt how ever I believe we in Somaliland should work with the govt no need for pointless opposition with no fresh idea's also Biixi needs to implement allot of New things he is stocking allot of money I think by next year development projects need to be implemented. I don't think he will face any real mucaraadnimo from wadani or ucid. It's just individuals who are angry with muse personal vendetta also some want positions he refuses to give for the first time Somaliland has a strong leader from the SNM halgan who know the struggle what we went through Somaliland is in good hands. As long as he capitalizes on the shortcomings of geele and changes the foreign minister to a more well suited person to that position it's all good.
  2. The pirates fund them but the pirates are broke. Caare dhexdu ku banjaraya. Marku is kalangaranwaayo he will surrender to Somaliland
  3. I don't think the vp of these subclan states hold any power. These admins are in the hands of cabdi cawar hebel xaaf. Iyo hebel madoobe. Iyo sharif sakiin kan hirshabelle mamuula magaci
  4. Home Wararka Manta Jobs Ethiopia's Somali regional parliament restores flag, amends name 35Shares Saturday September 8, 2018 Lawmakers in Ethiopia’s eastern Somali regional state have voted to restore a flag that was changed by the erstwhile president Abdi Mohamoud Omar a.k.a. Abdi Illey. Harun Maruf, a Somali journalist with the Voice of America, VOA, reported that the parliament in the regional capital Jijiga restored a flag that contains the symbolic blue triangle with a white star. Before now, the Abdi Illey regime had replaced the blue triangle and white star with a yellow triangle with a camel. Legislators also voted to officially refer to the region as Somali Regional State (SRS) as against the Ethiopia – Somali regional state. The regional president Mustafa Omer wrote on Twitter: “There is no contradiction between our Somali nationality and Ethiopian citizenship. “We proudly uphold symbols of Somalinimo without abnegating our national responsibility. We are Somali Regional State (SRS): no prefix, no suffix. The original flag returns.” Plans to return to the original flag and the name with the “Ethiopia” prefix was reported in August 2018 but today’s parliamentary ratification makes it official. ijiga was the scene of military face off as federal forces entered the region to restore security in the wake of widespread rights abuse by the former president. Abdi Illey has since resigned his position as leader and head of the ruling party in the region. He is currently in custody facing criminal charges. He recently appeared before a court in the capital Addis Ababa.
  5. Deep inside the koonfurians know they powerless and that the so called sfg govt has no territorial control nor sovereignty over any territory because the Kenyans have the boots on the ground they call the shots. The jubbaland territory is the long arm of uhurru kenyatta inside Somalia. And Ethiopia uses bay and bakool in a similar way the mod spoken language after may may is amharic. The Ethiopians use those 2 region's as security zones to protect the main land of Ethiopia. The predicament the koonfurians are in is bad and the sad part is there is no sign that this will change in the foreseeable future. They all jumped up an down when the cheeseman was selected but he is even worse than sheikh dalxiis. Or cabdilahi tigray. For Somaliland they try to block here and there bussines deals investment projects but every one even their master's know where Somaliland stands and where they stand they are just wasting their time. The dubai port investment in berbera showd that they are toothless and that diplomatically they have no leg to stand on to block anything and they learned the very hard way. maantana kiiniya ayaa sida u bahdilaysa oo masuuliyintoodi dib u celinaysa silic iyo sharaf darro baa u dambeyse nimanka walanweyn..
  6. Tilamook The tigre are losing power but they are still in The game debretzion is the leading factor The gallas and amharas are temporarily in alliance untill further elections and also amhara political refugees are coming back in huge numbers from the United States and Europe. For us in Somaliland we are always in a good position because we don't sell our selves nor use Ethiopians or Kenyans against other Somalis we are at peace with all of our neighbours even with the anarchist in Mogadishu the pirate's have been completely defeated by the Somaliland army in tukaraq. And we are still waiting for their military response after almost 9 months no juuq no bullet nada. Other than a few empty threats from cabdi cawar and his spokesmen. Noo xiiniyo just a bit of xin iyo xasarad from the pirates.
  7. dowladda Soomaaliya Jimco, September, 07, 2018 (HOL)–Dowladda Kenya ayaa is hortaagtay Talaadadii todobaadkan diyaar ka anbabaxday magaalada Muqdisho in ay ka digto garoonka diyaaradaha Jomo Kenyatta. Diyaaradan ayaa dadkii la socday waxaa ka mid ahaa wasiirka Amniga xukuumadda Soomaaliya Maxamed Abukar Islow, dib ayeey-na markii danbe ugu soo noqotay magaalada Muqdisho, iyada oo degtay garoonka diyaaradaha Aadan Cadde oo markii horeba ay ka duushay. "Kabtanka diyaaradda ayaa u sheegay rakaabkii la socday in mas'uuliyiinta Kenya ay diideen in diyaraadu caga-dhigato sababo ay ku sheegeen dhinaca amnga iyo aysan ogolaasho heysan. Dowladda Kenya aya horey u amartay in diyaaradaha ka yimaada dhinaca Soomaaliya ay qasab tahay in ay soo maraan garoonka diyaaradaha Wajeer si baaritaan loogu sameeyo, hasse ahaatee arintaa waxaa horay heshiis uga gaaray madaxda labada dowladood oo isku afgartay in dullimaadka ka taga Muqdisho uu toos uga degi karo garoonka Jomo Kenyatta, iyada oo aan la sii marin Wajeer. Wali ma jiro wax war ah oo ay dowladda Soomaaliya ka soo saartay arinta ku saabsan diyaarada laga soo celiyay Nairobi. C/raxmaan Diini, Hiiraan Online
  8. Ofcourse it's moving forward because of the money how ever let say it tries to appear as neutral. But you are right money talks bulshit walks the khaleeji dollars are changing the policies of the horn of Africa countries
  9. Kharaada mise qaraada afsomaliga wa ka agnaan se waxay is leedahay hadal.
  10. I think whether the pirate enclave support a central form of governance or a more federal the sfg would still be dysfunctional entity
  11. Cadnaan goormaanu inagu deris noqonay ma inagaba iskuba dhow. Kala qaraadanu kukalanoolnahay
  12. Tigre is still in power via the military apparatus of Ethiopia. The cheeseman is on the side of qatar and Turkey but he doesnt want to completely alienate the imaraatis because he needs them they are all over east Africa his protectors are on his side with the exception of Djibouti only.
  13. Have they dropped secession aspirations I don't think ONLF exist as in a armed rebel movement any more it merely exist as a political organization for the moment.
  14. And before you know it the ONLF delegation get arrested. I don't think this is a good idea. Since Ethiopian intelligence are all over Somalia even abiye might not be hostile towards ONLF but I am sure the tigreans who control Ethiopia defense forces are not happy with ONLF. Since in their eyes ONLF is an Eritrean proxy.
  15. Jamac omaar is from gabiley jirde and raage and raqiya omaar are from hargeysa. Jamac omaar started his bussines in Djibouti and slowly opened a bakhaar in wajaale and then started doing bussines in hargeysa he started after 1991.and today he is one of the biggest guys in Somaliland and Djibouti. He imports tuna food item's building materials. He is now constructing a major building in town town hargeysa it's going to be massive.
  16. No it's another omaar family it's owned by jamac omaar a rich hargeysa bussineskan
  17. They are militia not trained no discipline at All Meles zenawi put them together in order to counter ONLF and with success ONLF does not exist atleast not military any more. Abtiigis has to give his clan 90 percent of all the political seat or else they will form a rebellion against their galla over lords in Nazareth meqershe and finfine for axmed abiye.
  18. I think president geele still believes that Eritrea sanction should remain. His biggest concern is the Abu Dhabi port dispute. Ethiopia is still neutral in all of this. The biggest challenge for Djibouti is Eritrea because Eritrea is gaining allot of momentum in the region they 're opened the Ethiopian embassy movement of people was 're established isias afewerqi will visit gonder along side with amhara leaders who came from abroad interesting time awaits us
  19. Caydiid mistake was he couldnt defeat cali Mahdi politcally instead going to war and destroying the 1000 year old city and turn it into ash and a uninhabitable place. That was general caydiid biggest mistake. He was a strong leader with strong dedication and believes he was also right on the money to dissmiss manifesto and other ex siyadist loyalists. His biggest challenge was cali Mahdi and the dvision of the USC into two factions that was the biggest mistake and error. Abdiqasim was a failure and so was cabdilahi yusuf and the guys that followed up to the cheeseman the sfg is a dysfunctional entity which will never fly aslong as alshabaab exists
  20. The Chinese are indeed for the long run Somalia govt is very fragile it has to many foreign shakers the Chinese want security some assurances that their investment is protected I don't think the cheeseman can guarantee any of that. I think with this igu sawir next to the tigrayan leader of asmara Mr afewerqi he only angers mr geele or perhaps failmaajo wants to replace Djibouti troops inside Somalia with the sawa camp militia of afewerqi.
  21. What's the cheeseman doing there Mogadishu is on fire alshabaab is having a field day and are killing left and right. After visiting Beijing he should have gone back to xamar and set up a security plan because security is getting out of hand. Intu gaalkan tigrayga marba booqanayo
  22. It looks like he is totally re educating them on all the elements of human growth and how govermental institutions functions in modern society . He is explaining the private sector and individualism. It looks like everything is at zero in kilinka shanaad I wouldn't expect that much from that region..
  23. Suufis are very spiritual people its not obsession with nabi muhammed it's love and dedication they have for the prophet they seek blessing through the lineage of the nabi just like how ibn umar did.
  24. Exellent news Somaliland quest for statehood is the will of the people we deserve our rightful place among the nation's of the world. Thank you Georgia Thank you Clarkson city thank you the United States