Xaaji Xunjuf

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Everything posted by Xaaji Xunjuf

  1. Old observer you are correct this stalemate since 1991 can only be solved by the international community. If they are honest and if they are neutral. The problem is they have regional and economic interest in the region.
  2. The TPLF is absolutely not done it has allot of cards left to play. Debretazion and seyoem mesfin understand the political game in Ethiopia.
  3. Ethiopia and Somaliland have business ties berbera coridor and port business . Your Faroole said og are not Somali you handed your own kith and Kin to tigray. You used Ethiopians to fight the Islamic courts union. The list is long saaxib Your coward treasonous past cidwalba og. Waydinki sacabka u tumay dhamaantinba. Odaygi cabdilahi yusuf yey iyo adeerkin gabre. Maantana cabdicawar baad somali xalaal ah ka dhigaysa. Hada weynu isnaqana.
  4. On the contrary samafal we have had a successful elections. Next year we are going to have another elections. The pirate enclave security is failing there are daily killings every day like this one. The pirate business Hadamaba jiro wu so xidhmay. The south is still the same same old shabaab and just a new thief in town. Tukaraq you have lost you are still to coward to fire one bullet you know madaxweyne muse will capture the small cabdi cawar and arrest him. As for the Ethiopians we all know who is on the side of the Ethiopians it was always you. Who sided who even sold your own clan cousins to the tigres. Marka xabashi mabaan so hadalqaadeen hadaan adiga ku ahaan laha.
  5. Your an amisom protectorate and some south African fellow represents you on the international stage. The entire south central Somalia is in the hands of alshabaab jihadists. Dowladnimoy xaal qaado. Waxani wa maqaarsaar dowlad maha. Wa wax la so nabnabay. Isu keen keen baad tahay gabigaaguba. Adiguna lacagta ayaad ngoyar ku shubata deedna Kenya ayaad ku cunta. Qaraxu iyo dhimashadu na wa halkeedi waku caadi. Maafish caqli thalatheen sannah.
  6. That's the point there Is no authority in Mogadishu it's been 11 years since the amisom came and you are still where you were in 1991. Don't be fooled by the small sadaqa US gives or the Qatari ikwaani funds. You and your clan are nothing but furniture stealers iyo anarchists and Ethiopia and Kenya both have their troops inside your supposed territory. And there is nothing you can do about because they have the approval from Washington and Brussels. Let me tell you a secret there is no sovereignty today Ethiopia has the power to arrest kheyre and Farmaajo. And there is nothing you can do about it. Adeer isma ogid wax Somalia layidha maanta majirto. It ceased to exist long time ago.
  7. There is no such thing as an sfg it's a western backed govt in hiding. It controls zero districts. Somalia had no government since the communist dictator was removed from power in 1991. You need 30.000 African union troops to keep your head on your body. I am not impressed Turks do some construction the Europeans pay your bill. And Uganda and Burundi and the Ethiopians protect you.
  8. Sheikh Ibn Arabi imam junaid baqdadi explain spiritually you have to do dikr. And worship Allah as if you see him. It's a very strong sense of worship. Salaada when u pray that connection has to be there.
  9. Excellent news reer jirde xuseyn one of the autocratic families of Somaliland. They started their bussines from berbera than to old Somali republic xamar even as far as other regions in south central Somalia. I know jirde grandson baasha very bright fellow lives in Kenya. Highly educated. This project is nice we need more of these projects so that the people of Somaliland especially the youth can get opportunity jobs.
  10. Hargeysa is a Somaliland city there are no May may speakers gudhus koonfurians or walanweyn warrawarooods. And if they are in hargeysa they have a work permit hargeysa anaga koonfurians nalamalaha hala idinku dhaarto. Sadex wallehhala idin marro. Hargeysa waxa leh Somaliland
  11. Axmed abiye is your master Your leaders ran towards him the cheeseman or maybe samafal doesn't represent you. Gallas we know then very well for centuries. Even though axmed abiye is more amxara than galla from a cultural point of view. Either way I think the pirates are done budhlayn way burburtay no humanrights no elections and we are almost near garowe.
  12. The international community should be blunt and honest tng tfg sfg All the gs the western backed gov't failed. If they want us to sit with the officials of the amisom bunker than they should mediate arbitrate we bring our legal experts lawyers and we once and for all dissolve this cancerous union which destroyed both Somaliland and Somalia. But they are just playing lip service haa dhakhleyse eh daa haa is raamsate. Balweynu eegi who is the last man standing. Somaliland republic long live.
  13. Cabdi cawar his time Is up it's time to pass the torche to reer boosaaso. The guy failed to get a pm in the Alison bunker . The guy got a good karbaash from the Somaliland defense forces. He lost tukaraq he is still making threats. War bahalkan cabdi cawar wa bahal oo nagnagleeyo baryootama. Ama wax iska cell ama get out of the kitchen. The pirate bussines is also as good as done. The guy is bankrupt mamuulka buqland wu burburaya Hadaan cabdi cawar laga qaban. Ama kninkisi u qora oo seexiya.
  14. Four Ethiopian refugees killed in northern Somalia attack 29Shares Hiiraan Online Tuesday October 2, 2018 MOGADISHU (HOL) – Unidentified gunmen shot dead four Ethiopian refugees in Bossaso, the commercial capital of the northern Somalia semi-autonomous of Puntland, officials said Monday. Initial reports said that armed men have shot the four civilians thought be ethnic Oromos at a close range in an attack in Santos, a village predominantly inhabited by Ethiopian immigrants in the region on Monday evening. No group has claimed the responsibility for the attack which is thought to be linked to recent violence involving Somalis and Oromos in Ethiopia’s Somali region that killed dozens of people. The clashes started after ethnic Oromos alleging that the Liyu Police, which has previously been accused by rights groups of human rights violations, of being behind the current attacks have killed many ethnic Oromo people. advertisements
  15. The gallas are 2 subclans borana and bereentu bareentu noole subclans afranqallo and others near us. We fought them since the 18 century. Qeero as qeylodhan galla madow. I don't trust jawar and others lemme meqershe. The problem xabashida amxara are our enemies two this goes even deeper it's religous it's territorial. It's very deep. I think in order to defeat the gallas we need to divide The Tulama are amharas culturally The willow galla are Muslim but they are culturally xabasha.
  16. Gallas are the biggest threat to Ethiopia and the region. No family planning wa xoolo gaalamadow.
  17. Yeah that might be the case but they are ethnic Somalis not ethnic bantus. Che do you know the difference between ethnic Somalis iyo beesha jareerweyne. Ama ilma cabiid who are known as beesha shanaad by most of the koonfurians.
  18. Tigre will never submit fully to galla rule che. The tigres went through allot. Debretzion is re arranging TPLF. In order to be politcally ready against the galla amhara storm. The gallas have their qeero which is simply qeeylo in af Somali wa dee gaalamadow wa cawaan.
  19. Zinjigu ama bide ama sanweynta ama saanmadoobaha. Dee wa islawixi. Guurku waxa lugu doora nassabahum. Hadanu waalidku raali ka ahayn. Dee guur noqonmayo. Saanmadoobuhu soomaali maha dhaqaniyan ethnic wise
  20. There are know new people maybe salaad cali jeele will win eebow qaxmahuurto waaye. Ileen wa markoodi and the pirates might get the deputy in the amisom bunker. Sheikh Sharif is running he learned English he is a candidate. Not sure if he was ikhwaani or salafi jadidi jihadi.
  21. The Iranians the Persians are very sophisticated folks but trump and the white house is punishing them the new clear deal is thrown in the bin. The cash flow they were hoping for is not coming. But ayatollah ali Khemeini has Putin Iran his Qatari proxy the xuutis in Yemen. Al wazanu al lubnaanu xassan nassrallah. The Syrian war they won Bashar alassad It looks like they got allot of things going for them. It's just that uncle sam is just being a jerk. Khudafeez
  22. Galbeedi if gaaladu wants to give us sadaqo they know our bank accounts anaga inanyaro kahadheenki faqashta kasohadhay gacanta hoos dhigan mayno the same with the gaal saancadaale. It's not about the money we are not short on cash. Gaajo namahayso adeer mana baryootano.
  23. Muuse biiixi knows xayle sellassie muuse know ina xaylemaryam fresh Prince of qeero waxba meesha kuma hayo aan ahayn ina cagjar iyo Ina iley oo u xidhay iyo gaala madow oo fashaash sita. Qoladinan reer baydhabo xabashi caadi ah baad noqoteen baydhabo amharinya iyo afka gaalo madowdi walagaga hadla iyo afka dawersiga yaa alle waxsiiyey.
  24. Ama moxog diirataya ama dad madhiisaya ama dhiig miirato noqotoya. The koonfurians will wave the fake blue flag and say they are wadani muwaadinin with a straight face. Mix it with a bit of niiko iyo dabowareejis iyo hebel talyaani iyo baastoyaro qalalan. They will say somalinimadu waxay taala inside the amisom bunker.