Xaaji Xunjuf

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Everything posted by Xaaji Xunjuf

  1. No one hates koonfuur we attempt to hold conference for them in 1999 and 2000. Again when the drougt came in the south we extended our hand to the koonfurians and gave them a million dollar in aid. I believe you mma has a grudge or deepseated dislike for Somaliland perhaps it's envy because they don't need Somalia. We managed pretty well in Somaliland the past 3 decades you on the other hand went from worse to total break up of Italian Somalia under tribal federalism and jihadism. And your region is now an Ethiopian region. Somaliland is stronger than ever.
  2. Ofcourse we are Somalis we are even more Somali than the kooonfurians. Soomali makes sense to Somaliland over 35 percent of the south is not even ethnic somali.
  3. Very good muse biixi visiting all of the sool region
  4. Kathaaabin xabashi ushaqeya but I am not suprised they will do anything For money
  5. Beautiful footage I like it Somaliland horay usocottay. Long live the president and the great people of oodweyne.
  6. Farmaajo nin gacmaha waxugu jiraanbamaha maxaad kahadalhaysa and ina biixi is right Somaliland is stronger than ever and by Allah's will we shall defeat the enemies of our country just like in the 1980s. It's very strange people in th south have hope for the old cancerous union which destroyed both of our lands. And wish to fight for such goals. It will never happen. Waxakadhow falastiin ooh diintya Yahuuda qaata. Ama basharalassad oo sucuudi iyo maraykan isu dhiiba.
  7. I think nothing beats 4.5 it's the best system till this very time it works
  8. Ethiopia will not change untill there is justice Somalis with in Ethiopians with gallas amxara tegarug gurage.
  9. What can the USA do saudi Arabia is USA strongest ally. The USA has no other major ally apart from Israel in the region
  10. Galbeedi western jeegaaan Easten jeegaan I am not sure what you are on about but I was talking about hawd and the hararghey region adiga dib inoogu celiyey Somaliland party politics and subclanish nonsense . In Ethiopia the game is different than in Somaliland. In Ethiopia it's it's whole different game it's an alliance of all the hawd clans from gashaamo to hartesheik to teferi ber.
  11. Lemme meqershe and maxammaf jawar are pushing the galla expansion agenda. How ever ina cagjar so far he is doing things very slowely but he needs to watch out the likes of galbeed already want to share and raise the gallaflag in teferiber and harowo. Somalis in kilinka are very divided along regional and tribal lines If we can't share the pie we know the hawd and reserve area border with ogaden clan. And I am sure galbeedi already loves sharing seats with gallas. The Jesus clan in shinile are not happy either. We in aware gaashaamo and hartesheik will make then a new capital. Possibly harte sheikha since diredhawe is under special zone.
  12. Who arrested him amisom or aboy axmed abiye
  13. Ethiopia has been in Somalia for a long time gabre might be gone but there are it guys Ethiopia is always against Somali interest in the region. And now tigre and tigringa and xabashis are even United. You do the math dead fellow. Xisaabta isu geeadigu
  14. Thats not true Ethiopia and Somaliland have strong ties it predates abiye It predates Meles mengistu and even xayle. The issue is in here is Ethiopia and Somaliland have no conflicting interest in the region they will use our ports. Its just the fresh Prince of finfine is entertaining asmara at the moment which will even anger the tigre on the sudden part of the mereb river. Its the khaleeji Arabs kuwaasu uqabsoomaya axmed abiye. As for the koonfurians their land is under Ethiopian occupation and Eritrea tigres will join soon 2. Soon Somalia will be owned by galla and tigers. Since The cheese fellow sold the ports 2 to Ethiopia. Somalia is in a worse situation xabashi Bantu kikiyu and Burundi owns the entire poltical organisations in Somalia. Idinku afkay idinka afkay idinkaga so hadhay. Turkigi xita sacuudigi baad ka raacdeen.
  15. Cadnaanka shalay waxakadhintay 50 iyo dheeraad qof. Walina waadso indhotagaantahay dadkaagi darxumo iyo qaxooti bay u dhinteen madaxweynekusheegi kahadheenka faqashtana afewerqi bu dhabta kaga fadhiya.. xalaadkaxun 2018 ilahay idinmtusin balweynu eegi gudhuugu inu caqliyeesho iyo inu ededi qaraxakadayo
  16. Menu War Deg Dega :- Madaxwayne Muuse Biixi Ayaa Hada Xukumadiisa Ku Sameeyay Magacaabis Iyo Isku Badal Iyo Wasiiro Xilka Wayay WAR-SAXAAFADEED: 10 /11/2018 Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyadda Somaliland, Mudane Muuse Biixi Cabdi waxa uu wareegto madaxweyne oo summadeedu tahay JSL/XM/WM/222-233/112018 uu Magacaabid iyo Isku-beddel ku sameeyey xubno ka mida xukuumadda. Waxaanay u dhignayd Wareegtada Madaxweynuhu Sidan:- Wareegto Madaxweyne Magacaabid iyo Isku-beddel Markaan Arkay: Dastuurka Jamhuuriyadda Somaliland, Qodobka 90aad; Markaan Arkay: Aqoontooda, Kartidooda iyo Waaya-aragnimadooda; Markaan ku Qancay: In ay Hanan Karaan Masuuliyadda ka Dhalanaysa Xilalkan; Markaan Sameeyey: La-tashi Ballaadhan; Waxaan Go’aamiyey; 1) In laga bilaabo taariikhda maanta aan masuuliyiintan u magacaabo xilalkan: Tir Magaca Xilka 1. Cismaan Jaamac Aadan Iimaan Wasiirka Wasaaradda Waxbarashada iyo Sayniska. 2. Deeqa Cabdi Yuusuf Dhidar Agaasimaha Guud ee Wasaaradda Horumarinta Maal-gashiga. 3. Faadumo Cabdillaahi Cumar Diiriye Guddoomiye Ku-xigeenka Hay’adda Qaxootiga iyo Barakacayaasha Qaranka. 2) In laga bilaabo taariikhda maanta aan mas’uuliyiintan u beddelo xilalkan: Tir Magaca Xilka 1. Yaasiin Xaaji Maxamuud Xiir – Wasiirkii hore ee Wasaaradda Waxbarashada iyo Sayniska In laga bilaabo taariikhda maanta uu ahaado – Wasiirka Wasaaradda Arrimaha Dibedda iyo Iskaashiga Caalamiga ah. 2. Sacad Cali Shire – Wasiirkii hore ee Wasaaradda Arrimaha Dibedda iyo Iskaashiga Caalamiga ah In laga bilaabo taariikhda maanta uu ahaado – Wasiirka Wasaaradda Horumarinta Maaliyadda. 3. Cabdiqaadir Maxamuud Sh. Muxummed Warsame (Dhaga-weyne) – Wasiir Ku-xigeenkii hore ee Wasaaradda Waxbarashada iyo Sayniska In laga bilaabo taariikhda maanta uu ahaado – Wasiir Ku-xigeenka Wasaaradda Horumarinta Maaliyadda. 4. Maxamed Daahir Axmed Furreh – Wasiir Ku-xigeenkii hore ee Wasaaradda Horumarinta Maaliyadda In laga bilaabo taariikhda maanta uu ahaado – Wasiir Ku-xigeenka Wasaaradda Waxbarashada iyo Sayniska. 5. Axmed Abokor Maxamed Yuusuf – Agaasimihii Guud ee hore ee Wasaaradda Horumarinta Maal-gashiga In laga bilaabo taariikhda maanta uu ahaado – Agaasimaha Guud ee Wasaaradda Waxbarashada iyo Sayniska. 6. Yuusuf Maxamed Cabdi Raage – Wasiirkii hore ee Wasaaradda Horumarinta Maaliyadda In laga bilaabo taariikhda maanta uu ahaado xubin ka tirsan Guddida Tacliinta Sare ee Qaranka. 7. Prof. Maxamed Faarax Xareed Qodax – Agaasimihii Guud ee hore ee Wasaaradda Waxbarashada iyo Sayniska In laga bilaabo taariikhda maanta uu ahaado xubin ka tirsan Guddida Tacliinta Sare ee Qaranka. 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  17. Well in a sense you are very close on point he believes he can play sort of game that he is the Emperor and that he rules by air sir like georfy a political aristocrat dating back from the times of the 1860s when a certain Mr alula conquered asmara. And now he believes he is the king beyond mirab milash judge jurey and executer well we in Somaliland don't take him much serieous. He has some assets in Mogadishu particularly In the gov't ars a Mr zakeriya from the pirate enclave. And that Mr observer is the xamasien dictator who hijacked the lowland Islamic liberation From the late king xayle sellasie tafari. Which was launched by Ibrahim Sultan who created jebha. Now they are in kassalla eastern Sudan. So for what is worth Mr geele has issues with abudhabi but it's mostly politics and economic politicos in the region. Geele played a game of guarantor for Somali conflicts since the 1990s. When mujahid caydiid was fighting Americans he sided with them. Mr cheese is playing undermindig game with geele. But if geele pulls out of Somalia who is going to patrol hiiraan regions the Eritrean or Ethiopians or a new force. Allot of questions remain unanswered.
  18. The cheese fellow his so called capital is burning and he is conspiring with afewerqi the tigraway xamasenite dictator. Koonfurians are a weird bunch always pointing fingers at others. It's oke if they use kikiyuu xabashi all sort amxara gurage tigre against each other. But they will say with a straight face they are doing it aboow calankan ku taaga nooh. Fiiri nooh eebow amxaarku walaalkeen leewayeh. War waxani wa dad hogosh hogosh oo gebigoodaba talatabeysteyn wadankooda siisanaya carab bantu salafi jihadi irhaabi balayo iyo baas iyo buluch bashtun dadkani xadmaleh qawlmaleh garmaqataan. Jabuuti is not happy with this development.
  19. All we have to ask Abdul is where is ssc where is khatumo where is nsum. Where is galaydh garaad jamac garaad ismaciil . It's a natural process the garaad clan is an integral part of Somaliland culturally tradionallly territorial historically. Abtirsiinta iyo abablaynta ina dafle waxkuwaaye xaaabsadewaxkuwayey. Garaad selebaan homeless garowekunoqday. Camay ba qaxooti garowe kunoqday. Odaycismaanki 80jirka aha aya kasohadhay isna wardheernews beryaha calacaal iyo oohin musoqorin.
  20. The problem Oodweyne is the lack of self pride and no one is honest not one so called president or prime minister in the Amisom bunker adressed the fundamental core obsticles to their peace and stability. Their poltical culture is so rotten that they get optimistic every few years some selections happened in some African union protected compound. And over 200 koonfurian scammers try to get into political office just to steal the European aid money or US aid. And they all seem to say we are on the right track of this is the right track. Tallow what does a wrong track look like.
  21. Somaliland elders made peace between our brotherly clans in ceelafweyn. Just not that long ago. We made peace in ceelbardaale 7 years ago. We will make peace in dhumaay two. We have a culture of consensus and compramise we have a long centuries old akilship. I am certain that we can make peace between the garaad clan subclans in our country. I am hearing Somalilands guurti another badge just left hargeysa. Also allot of salaadin are on their way to sool region from hargeysa and borama they just left early this morning.
  22. There is no such thing as a economy in Mogadishu apart from a few Turkish build buildings. The place has no activety apart from being a big slum controlled by former kids who grew up in a wartorn city. Who now think they are in control of a city that is being guarded by dowlada shisheege who are there to eat their bucks in Nairobi hotels or in Addis Ababa. The European give budget support financial support but the budget of the so called sfg is less than 300 million. War meeshu wa meel ay u dhamaatay. Catastrophe bakadhacday. 2019 will be a great year for Somaliland. Not so much for the Ugandan gallacolony.
  23. Exactly no nobility and shame I mean you can protest all you like but you can't change the genetics of these folks. Because they hate the truth. Amisom is a mashruuc European pay the soldiers. Uganda eats the cake. And the koonfurians die. If you tell them this is wrong the way you are conducting politics. They will tell you hate my blue flag which actually has no meaning in 2019. Because the country Italian Somalia is under a foreign military control. But they don't see this at all. It's like you are taling to dad dhegola. Oo indhobeelay.
  24. The koonfurians are very funny creatures Somaliland actually builds a viable economy based on long term strategic alliances and they eat the crumbs of the Ugandan dictator of the galla boy from wolleegey. Waa nin qawaan oo nin dhar xiidhan leh waxkasheegeya. Why do the koonfurians hate to be told their ugly predicament they are in since when 1991when afbakhare was ousted. Mise waxad ti foosha xumayd eeh rabtay inloogu yidha waad quruxbadantahay. Well we can tell you lies. Laakin runtu ragga kama nixiso.
  25. And since when did Somaliland claim a U.N. bureaucrats zuid afrikane from Johannesburg who rules the koonfurians had any diplomatic U.N. relations that are official with the Somaliland republic. UNDP and UN offices are in Somaliland. Laakin he knows the limits. Just like Stevenson we deported from hargeysa Somaliland in the 1990s just like walladcabdalle just like mahiga and gaalki keithen English fellow who ruled the amisom project in the Bantu bunker. Somaliland is a sovereign State by land sea air territory. The actual existence is way important than a weak fragile non existent govt. That is ruled by Ugandans burundians and xabashis. Alla nimanku hanyara gaal south Afrikaan ayaa iisalamay.