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Everything posted by Xaaji Xunjuf
Xildhibaanno kashifay Lacag uu Farmaajo Somaliland ku Burburinayo
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to Barwaaqo's topic in Politics
Gooni x abashida iyo gaalamadowda wa wax idinku wadatan anaga dhulkayagamajoogaan ciidankooda ma isticmaalno. Xuduud banaga dhexeysa layidha the Somaliland Abyssinian border fitmokkajahan jajaanka eeh aad nahorwadiid wa ximaar farihisa kala aqoon tigray afewerqi waka u raxlayna isagu jabuuti dhulkaahaysto Somali iyo waxna waka sheekeeynaya wa munafaq. Bal weynu eegi halku idingeeeyo ninkan taaniga ugaandheeska ku xaraysan. -
Onward and forward - hore ayaa loo soconaayaa
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar's topic in Politics
Macquulba maha nin taangi ugandheesa kudhex jira inusanaag katalinkaro. The koonfurians try the same game all over again and expect different result. Somaliland can never be destabilized from somalia they failed in the 1980s. What makes them think the same strategy willl work now when we have in Somaliland strong army on the ground. Mise guusha Bantu ba uhaya -
Somalia uproar continues after former al-Shabab No. 2 seized
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to Khadafi's topic in Politics
Yes sekeriya is a former jihadist shabaanist and i think at some point he was spying for afewerqi. As for roobow this man belongs to the wrong clan he supported the wrong jihadi group. What I find strange why the Americans didn't ship him to guantoanomobay. Or is he not that important for them. -
Onward and forward - hore ayaa loo soconaayaa
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar's topic in Politics
Dad sideeyaa ma alshabaab I doubt these things development can Change things on the ground Somalia is still divided along tribal lines sectarian line people still get killed shabaab murders people and Ethiopian arrest people. -
Saudi And UAE troll farms attack Congresswomen Rashida and Ilhan
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to Che -Guevara's topic in Politics
The saudis and ilhaan are on the same side whats the big issue. Saudi is a US ally .and these women are in an America congress shouldn't they be on the same side. -
Ethiopia's FM welcomes President MBC to Addis Abeba
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to Suldaanka's topic in Politics
Gooni adiga iyo reerkiinu sawdiiinki u raxlayney tigrayga dowladi tigrayga barrehiiraala manu dawladi taagtadarnayd uu niikin jirin. Xabashidu idinku uunbay idin gumeysata hadana waad ukala dhuumatan -
Gheele is loved by the vast majority of djibutians he has ruled the country in good shape. He is a smart stratetical fellow and thinks in the long run for Jabuuti. Afewerqi is a tyrant he betrayed jebha in 1970s. He turned the country into a giant prison no constition no powersharing all Eritreans are fleeing with their organs into Sudan and they lose their vital organs by bedeoen rashaida and bejaawis smugglers take kidneys . The man supported jihadist in Somalia for years. And suddenly joined the Amisom camp and che is praising this Christian xabashi thug.
The two professors: Back to Muqdisho or Minnesota
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar's topic in Politics
Oodweyne made some good poins kooonfurians are a weird bunch for them future legacy building a tomorrow for the next generation. Is all secondary. For them it's the loot the cash the auction selling what ever you can sitting in meetings with the white masters acting all professional but it's just a monkey in a suit. Everything has a price tag there is no xeer there is birmageydo. There are no values or priniples when we talk about the politicians in the Amisom protectorate. Scamingkan ngo scamming iyo lacagahan ay gaalada kaboobayan they think they smart but the Europeans know the game. -
Ethiopia's FM welcomes President MBC to Addis Abeba
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to Suldaanka's topic in Politics
The trip will come sooner than later. I remmeber the koonfurians used to say Somaliland is under Ethiopia influences. Imika nawaxay maray car itooobiya taga itoobiya wa abahayo gabre iyo baydhabo isaganoogu taliya. I think the joke is on the koonfurians since the Ethiopians physically have boots on the ground ilma dawarsi semakala jecla I toobiyan oromo amxara tigre kikiyu ki soomaraba wa abahood. Somaliland doesn't need Ethiopia other than the port services and the qat we buy from them that's about it. There is a clear Somaliland Abyssinian border since 1948. -
Ethiopia's FM welcomes President MBC to Addis Abeba
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to Suldaanka's topic in Politics
Welcome Mr president to Ethiopia he will have meetings with top Ethiopian politicians also this Is part of an easy African tour. The president will visit Nairobi two -
Djibouti needs to hold it's ground after the despicable dictator sanctions are now lifted on him.
Maakhir afweyne was a communist socialist dictatorial leader sure he did some iskauqabso projects. Agriculture and we expanded the banana export. His regime did so much damage Italian Somalia alone is recovering from his cuqubo till this very day. He ruined the Somali military with the war with Ethiopia. Wuxuu kharibay babaddan wuxu than wuxu wanaajiyey
Diin afweyne wey kala tegeen wahore afweyne wuxu aminsana diinta masiixiga maraykanka sheegey he is willing to pray to Jesus in order to get hubfarabadan. From odaygi laodhanjiray Ronald reagon
Tigre tigrinya kebessa xamasien EPLF TPLF opdo OLF just playing their dirty game inside baydhabo and hiiraan Somalia. Nothing much has changed since zenawis death. It's just now asmara is back from isolation. But the game is still on. And Somalia fragile amisom Bantu tigre protected govt remains weak.
The cheeseman blames every one besides his own clan. Markay af iyo adin ku tageereyeen afweyne .They stood by him untill anu odayga gudaha villa Somalia ka so xaadhnay. Ana aan Afaray yar aanraaciyo. Afarta shaaca makaqaaday ina shiine inankisa. Ina shabeel bajooga ina shaacir inankisa. Shiinkan kaga bilaabay shiinile shuhaadeedi Affarta yada sheikh shiyuukh kala mala shaleeyey. Shuhaadayadi ma xusnay. Affar shanood maka dhignay, llma faqash shuqaladoodi. Sharkoodi maa ku quusinay webishebelle hoostisa. Utanga shabag makudaadhse iyo shuban biyoodkisii. We win the faqash remnants have lost It was a long bitter ugly war but we won. Gooni bakasohadhay old dynasourds Allah was on our side
If this is good I don't know what bad is
Maxa runti ah adigu ma faqashbaadahayd SNM iyo d owladi xaraantakudhisnayd boqojiho oo bay iskwaweerareem dagaalki buhoodk3 1983 dagaalki buuraha 1983. Dagaalki burco duuray end 1984.. the hijack of both Somali airlines and on the sea. Then the mother of all wars 1988. Which then late afweyne stoped claiming all somaligalbeed because SNM was a bigger issue for him. Afweyne at last said mengisit and Ethiopians are our now I can talk freely what he didn't know is we had a man inside Djibouti who told us anything top adviser to the late abtidoon. Afweyne thought he could talk freely unlucky for him the news reached the SNM camp in diredhawe with 10 minitutes. All his plab got leaked on which late president siilaanyo anticipated.