Xaaji Xunjuf

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Everything posted by Xaaji Xunjuf

  1. Great o n l f is a treat to the safety of Somaliland as well as that of Ethiopia
  2. Still doesn’t make any sense ina rayaale reerkiisa ayaa labba gobbol uu sameyee awdal iyo salal right And sallal is not only exclusive Beesha Madaxweynuhu uu dhashay. Beesha Djbouti ugu baddan xata wax wa ku leeyahay and you know How close they are related to The s n m Gobolka gabiley s n m Gobolka maroodiijeex capital hargeysa s n m Gobolka saaxil s n m Gobolka sanaag s n m Gobolka sarrar s n m Gobolka togdheer s n m Gobolka oodweyne s n m Just check the population if in hargeysa are 1.2 milion people what makes you think about the other six provinces ta labaad No usp is pro somaliweyn maybe xaabsade and co people but not rayaale beeska hu ka soo jeedo
  3. Wont work Sh sharif said Dawlad ma aqoonsanii
  4. secconist lol since when are we secconist we existed before mogadisho existed any way the money we will get it komishanka doorashada aya wax laga sugaya
  5. its just a show We have host these kind of shirs the past 17 years in Djbouti its just a way to make lots of money waxba kama soo socdaan adeeer ha ku daaliin
  6. he is my aawoowo siciid meygaag samatar fure camir ayuun allyaraxmo raximiin profesorka
  7. Djibouti doesn’t need any help from any other country Its got its own citizens And people army most of you keep Mentioning french And Americans the Americans are not there to protect Djboutian Interest they are there to hunt Men like cayrow ma fahanteen. Aniga ii weydiya aniga boqoll jeer Djibouti taggay
  8. He means s n m jabhada s n m aya qabsatay lascanood lol like the Jidbaale crews says
  9. Sheikh sharabaad not welcome in Mogadisho
  10. Wauw now that’s a achievement ka nax uu naftada waa
  11. About a name givin to A part of hargeyssa named bye A famous Sh Cumar
  12. Gen duke Somaliland is off limit no one can touch it in 2009 there will be elected a new govt for Somalia this hol abdilahi yusuf coaltion with the nur cadde is not working there will be a new peace conference Somaliland with our with our recognition is off limit Yusuf and his gang knows that
  13. war nimanka maxaad uga jiidhii way lacagaysanaya
  14. Somaliland wa meesha kaliya eeh tagaan eeh wixii Somalia la isku odhan jiiray waagii foogayd Maraykanka wa loo bahanyahay inay saldhig weyn ka samaystaan Berbera Africa anaga baa ku hanbalyenayna
  15. war meesha wa lugu jabbay affar slaamood buu soo urursaday cabdilahi yusuf iyo ina axmed jamac jangali i cant believe still people support this government while The Ethiopians are Killing People in Mosques kuwanina dawlad baa jiira bay ku leeyihin
  16. noo do you see some one laughing
  17. noo do you see some one laughing
  18. bbc baan odaygiii ka dhagayste ooh cabdilahi af ingreesiigi barray
  19. Gen duke sharif and his crew Don’t control the alshabaab even if they talked to the t f g u cant stop the Fighting against the Ethiopian troops and there T f g Puntland alies.The guys in exile Cant do really much just to support the Continuing struggle, the alshabaab is doing If u really want your t f g work u need to come with a good deal With those who want to fight the T f g govt Alshabaab abu mansuur turki these guys are in side Somalia mogadisho
  20. Somaliland is doing great they got good international ties politically t f g = puntland and puntland is the enemy of state which makes T f g enemy of the Somaliland. T f g wants to drill oil in the Somaliland region when t f g tries to that with Djibouti ii soo noqo T f g has failed in Somalia Djibouti Supports the Those Who are fighting the resistance in Mogadishu , And the world now Knows Who is the real boss In Somalia not cabdilahi yusuf or His Ethiopian friends
  21. The Somaliland President trip Washington: "The Most successful one" Written by Americanchronicle Apr 17, 2008 at 04:21 PM The visit of Somaliland President to London and Washington was successful and productive for three main reasons. First, the trip was the president´s maiden official visit to U.S. and dwelt upon many issues including immigration, security, and development of democracy in Somaliland. Second, the president traveled with aid agencies and businessmen from Somaliland, who signed many projects with their US counterparts including USAID that handles many projects in Somaliland. Defiantly, this will attract US investment in the country including aid supplies and Washington administration will not mind of such projects in the stable and democratic Somaliland. The Pentagon was another target for Somaliland delegation as high-ranking military officials exhibited interest in dealing with Somaliland during US Defense Secretary Robert Gates visit to U.S Forces in Djibouti. The president met with U.S. President Advisor for African Affairs during his visit. Third, the United States is home to an overseas Somaliland Community of over 100,000 or close to half of Somaliland Diaspora. The president met the community and demanded their support to the country and he discourse the current situation home back. Also, Somaliland Minister of Health met with his U.S. counterpart. He discussed several projects to enhance the health services in Somaliland, which is free for all citizens equally. During the visit that took the president from Hargiesa to London and Washington via Addis Ababa, he dwelt upon health, security and aid issues. The outcome and gains of the visit has allayed the fears and misgivings of the skeptics of Anti-Somaliland figures, who voiced up against the trip and later described as useless. In 2005, the president visited London and he made the historical speech at House of Commons. During his current visit, British Prime Minister Gordon Brown personally welcomed and he praised the Somaliland democracy and described it "The unique model of democracy in Africa", during Prime Minister´s Question Time at House of Commons. This was the second president´s visit to UK and to the building of the House of Commons. MP Mr. Allan Michael, A friend of Somaliland, brought Somaliland issue in the discussions during Prime Minister´s Question Time. The Prime Minister Brown agreed the idea of Michael and entire house welcomed the answer of the Mr. Brown with "Yeah"…. Mr. Brown also offered his government support to Somaliland and promised to support Somaliland cause internationally. Mr. Brown clearly highlighted his government´s eagerness to support Somaliland in many ways including financial aid and to encourage the democratic progress in Somaliland. The Somaliland delegation was received with red carpet and full Presidential Protocol Reception at Heathrow International Airport. Reliable Source highlighted that UK government promised to sponsor the financial needs of next Somaliland Elections. Today, we can say, every English statesman knows about Somaliland development and democracy as Somaliland. The visit and UK government´s warm welcome demonstrated the strong traditional ties between the two countries. The delegates met with UK Minister for African Affairs and Commonwealth Mr. Malloch Brown at House of Lords, UK Minister for Foreign Affairs and other high-ranking officials in the government. The visit was one of the most successful visits by Somaliland Head of State in our history. The UK Foreign Office issued statement at end of the visit, and highlighted the importance of establishing strong ties with Somaliland. UK Government described Somaliland as an important ally in horn of Africa in war on terror. In Washington, the US policymakers realized that their failure in Horn of African would not undermine Somaliland only, but all Somalis who have shown goodwill toward the United States and the democracy. Washington administration received the Somaliland delegation with full diplomatic reception of State head level. Everyone could see the diplomatic security and bulletproof cars accompanying the president and the delegate always. United States of America clearly understood that Somaliland – if recognized – can play vital role in easing the violence that flared in Mogadishu as result of inter-fighting between the Ethiopian Forces and Islamist fighters. About AFRICOM, the U.S. Administration one year ago formed forces to help easing the conflicts in Africa and to eliminate the terrorism in African. AFRICOM stationed temporarily in U.S. Military Base in Germany, as well as, it has unit in Djibouti. Resources close to Whitehouse say that Washington is looking for permanent location for AFRICOM in Africa. As analyzer, I believe the two US War Ships that had docked to Berbera Port is the first step of relocating AFRICOM from Germany to Somaliland. In other hand, U.S has forces in Djibouti, but the country is too small to host two superpower countries. Also, it will be difficult to France to welcome U.S Forces in Djibouti permanently; we can say it like "Cat and Rat". In these circumstances, U.S should look for another base that can enable them to monitor Red Sea and hunt down the Al-Qaeda fugitives from Iraq and Afghanistan. Recently, U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates visited Djibouti to meet U.S. Forces in this tiny country. The high-ranking military officials supported Somaliland and advised Washington to recognize Somaliland that can offer a permanent base for AFRICOM. The Somaliland has strategic geographic location that will enable U.S Forces to control the Red Sea and stop Al-Qaeda fugitives from Iraq and Afghanistan. Washington policy in Somalia failed, particularly at a time the Islamist insurgency are battling with U.S. backed shaky transitional government and Ethiopian Forces. During the President´s visit, the delegation had lunch with Assistant Undersecretary for African Affairs Ms. Frazer who is engaged in Somali politics. The delegation explained their eager to disintegrate from Somalia. She expressed support to Somaliland democracy and development and promised more U.S. aid and support to new democracy in Somaliland. She insisted that U.S. Policy towards recognizing Somaliland remains unchanged. However, Washington administration look divided over Somaliland issue, where Pentagon is calling for Somaliland recognition and State Department remains unchanged. Today, War on terror is on top priority of the agenda of U.S. President George W. Bush and his government. This gives Somaliland fair chance to win the support of Bush Administration after failure to stabilize Somaliland. Knowingly, that current transitional government in Somalia cannot provide Military Base for U.S. in Somalis – as it doesn´t control 90% of the country – and even doen´t has military ability to stop Al-Qaeda fugitives. In other hand Somaliland controls its territory and has strong army that killed and jailed tens of Al-Qaeda wanted fugitives in last years. Somaliland Minister of Health during the visit met with his U.S. counterpart and they discussed on how the Washington will support Somaliland in improving health services in Somaliland. The health services are free for all citizens equally in Somaliland. The trip of Assistant Undersecretary of State for African Affairs, Dr. Frasier to Hargiesa was excellent signal or reply to U.S commitment to build relation with Somaliland Finally: I strongly believe that the gains and outcome of the visit will be a success and will normalize the relation between Somaliland and Washington Administration. The trip will usher of cooperation between the two countries and lead joint operation against terrorism in horn of Africa. By Abdulaziz Al-Mutairi Email: az.almutairi@yahoo.com Last Updated ( Apr 17, 2008 at 04:35 PM )