Xaaji Xunjuf

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Everything posted by Xaaji Xunjuf

  1. Originally posted by General Duke: ^^^loool. Adeer we are all in the same shitt even today there are Somali clans fighting in Gabilay which resulted in 4 deaths. There is political nonsense and stuff in Hargaysa and a dirt poor region like the rest of the country. As for 100 years. Well Somalia will be better in 10 years, most things will change as it is better than 10 years ago. Clans that fight over ceelal and beero the passed 1000 years waanu arkayne. Even with dawladii kacaanka we saw those little clashes .Beelaha gabilay isku haysta na wa reer somaliland wa isku dad isku dhaqan isku sijnji isku qawmiyad isku dall. But the important thing is that we have a government that works for its people. Things that is happening in Somaliland is pure politics. Udub versus kulmiye wa hormar la ghaaday. Asxaab qarran. So in 100 years we will be a great nation, because if we have done this in 18 years what can happen in 100 years will be so great.
  2. Somaliland by then would be a great nation waad arki doonta. Siiday imika ku socotto. 18 years we build our citys. what makes you think in 100 years. it will be a super power. Somalia i dont know maybe same shit like today.
  3. xidigo keep telling that to your self ada daalii doona uun aakhirka. Dad aan ku rabbin hadaad isku dha dhajisiid adigay sharaf darro ku tahay lol
  4. Sophist you have to understand Somaliland is a successful story so far and the experiment we tried in 1960 lasted only for 31 years and it failed. Somaliland and its people made there choice very clear. Now if the konfuurians don’t accept that then it’s their problem. Somalia and its people we wish them all the best. But leave us out of that mess please.
  5. Originally posted by Sophist: Paragon, I am disappointed with you brother. How double dare you allow the dismemberment of our state? the current horrid situation we find ourselves should never be an excuse to kala go'a Somaliya. Back to the question: the questions is idiotic one! Somaliya waa mid. Sophist There was no Somalia before 1960 there was only Somali people who are an Ethnic group that lives in east Africa. So if people can’t live together sophist. It’s better for every one to go its own separate way. Gobonimadu saasay ku jirta less problems for the konfuurains and we somalilanders are happy like this.
  6. As if Somaliland is going to ask kooonfurians for permission .Somaliland way tagtay idinku baa isku soo hadhay berry horre bay somaliland idinka tagtay. Somaliland borders are clear from Lawyacade ila yoocade.
  7. Ngongne why do people think that i dont understand i am die hard somaliland supporter dadkani waba ummad wadda juhalla. oo shakii wadda qaba. its true bbc somali yusuf garaad was doing a waraysi with sicid sulub. in hargeisa wa arin jirta.
  8. Ngongne why do people think that i dont understand i am die hard somaliland supporter dadkani waba ummad wadda juhalla. oo shakii wadda qaba. its true bbc somali yusuf garaad was doing a waraysi with sicid sulub. in hargeisa wa arin jirta.
  9. Taageerayaasha Xisbiga kulmiye oo Isku soo Bax Nabadeed Ka Sameeyay Magaalada Burco iyo jawiga Magaalada ee Maanta -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- (Taageerayasha kulmiye oo Banaanbax salmiya sameeyay) hadhwanaag 2009-04-06 (Hadhwanaagnews) Burco(HWN) Taageerayasha xisbiga Mucaaridkaa ee Kulmiye ayaa manta isku soo bax balaadhan oo si nabadgelyaa u dhacay ka sameeyay Maanta Xarunta xisbiga ee gobolka Togdheer ee Magalaada Burco. Isku soo baxan oo ku beegnayd 6 Aprill oo ah Maalintii la aaasasay Ururkii Dhaqdhaqaaqa Wadaniga Somaliyeed ee SNM waxa iyana ay ku beegnayd 6 April oo ah iyana maalintii ay Xisbiga kulmiye u qabteen in aanay aqoonsanayn Madaxweynaha iyo ku Xigeenkiisa oo sida ay sheegayaan uu ka dhamaaday wakhtigii sharciga ee mudada xilka hogaaminta loo doortay. Isku soobaxan oo ay ka hadleen Masuuliyiin sarsare oo ka tirsan Xisbiga Kulmiye waxa ay iyana mar labaad ku celiyeen in uu sharciyadii ka dhamaatay Xukuumada hada jirta isla markaasna loo baahan yahay in laga wadada hadlo sida looga gudbaayo arintani. Xarunta ay ka socotay isku soobaxan waxa si adag loo adkeeyay Nabadgelyada iyadoo ay Ciidamada amaanku xoojiyeen agaaarka uu ka socday isku soobaxani, waxa iyana dhankooda si adag ula hadlay dadkii isku soo baxa sameeyay Masuuliyiinta ka socotay xisbiga kulmiye oo dadka ku dhiiirigalayay in aanay samayn wax nabadgelyada ka hor imaanaaya isla markaasna ka uruuriyay dadki halkaasi iskugu yimi Boodhadhkii ay ugu talagaleen banaanbaxa . Ugu danbaytii waxa goobta ayka socotay Banaan baxu yimi Wasiirka Wasaarada Warshada Somaliland Mohamed Saleebaan Weyn markii lagu soo dhaweeyay Wasiirka ayaa waxa qaylo iyo Buux isla oogsaday dadkii halkaasi iskugu yimi iyadoo mar ay xaaladu faraha ka bixi gaadhay markii dadweynahu arkeen Wasiir ka tirsan Xukuumada oo dhex taagan Banaanbaxan Si kastaba ahaatee Dadweynaha ku dhaqan Magaaalada ayaa werwer fara badan ka qabay 6 Aprril waxana ay dadweynaha werwer xoogan ka qabeen waxa dhici doona lixda apriil . Magalaada Burco ayaa jawigeeda guud degenyahay iyadoo Meherada hawlahu sidi caadiganahayd ay usocdaan goobaha Ganacsiga iyo ku Gaarka loo leeyahayba waa furan yihiin dadkuna waxay is weydinayaa waxa ay ku danbayndoonta xaaladda Siyaasadeed ee Cakirani CabdiSalam Mohamuud Duale Hadhwanaagnews.com BurcoSomailand Ilkacase1@hotmail.co m
  10. Taageerayaasha Xisbiga kulmiye oo Isku soo Bax Nabadeed Ka Sameeyay Magaalada Burco iyo jawiga Magaalada ee Maanta -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- (Taageerayasha kulmiye oo Banaanbax salmiya sameeyay) hadhwanaag 2009-04-06 (Hadhwanaagnews) Burco(HWN) Taageerayasha xisbiga Mucaaridkaa ee Kulmiye ayaa manta isku soo bax balaadhan oo si nabadgelyaa u dhacay ka sameeyay Maanta Xarunta xisbiga ee gobolka Togdheer ee Magalaada Burco. Isku soo baxan oo ku beegnayd 6 Aprill oo ah Maalintii la aaasasay Ururkii Dhaqdhaqaaqa Wadaniga Somaliyeed ee SNM waxa iyana ay ku beegnayd 6 April oo ah iyana maalintii ay Xisbiga kulmiye u qabteen in aanay aqoonsanayn Madaxweynaha iyo ku Xigeenkiisa oo sida ay sheegayaan uu ka dhamaaday wakhtigii sharciga ee mudada xilka hogaaminta loo doortay. Isku soobaxan oo ay ka hadleen Masuuliyiin sarsare oo ka tirsan Xisbiga Kulmiye waxa ay iyana mar labaad ku celiyeen in uu sharciyadii ka dhamaatay Xukuumada hada jirta isla markaasna loo baahan yahay in laga wadada hadlo sida looga gudbaayo arintani. Xarunta ay ka socotay isku soobaxan waxa si adag loo adkeeyay Nabadgelyada iyadoo ay Ciidamada amaanku xoojiyeen agaaarka uu ka socday isku soobaxani, waxa iyana dhankooda si adag ula hadlay dadkii isku soo baxa sameeyay Masuuliyiinta ka socotay xisbiga kulmiye oo dadka ku dhiiirigalayay in aanay samayn wax nabadgelyada ka hor imaanaaya isla markaasna ka uruuriyay dadki halkaasi iskugu yimi Boodhadhkii ay ugu talagaleen banaanbaxa . Ugu danbaytii waxa goobta ayka socotay Banaan baxu yimi Wasiirka Wasaarada Warshada Somaliland Mohamed Saleebaan Weyn markii lagu soo dhaweeyay Wasiirka ayaa waxa qaylo iyo Buux isla oogsaday dadkii halkaasi iskugu yimi iyadoo mar ay xaaladu faraha ka bixi gaadhay markii dadweynahu arkeen Wasiir ka tirsan Xukuumada oo dhex taagan Banaanbaxan Si kastaba ahaatee Dadweynaha ku dhaqan Magaaalada ayaa werwer fara badan ka qabay 6 Aprril waxana ay dadweynaha werwer xoogan ka qabeen waxa dhici doona lixda apriil . Magalaada Burco ayaa jawigeeda guud degenyahay iyadoo Meherada hawlahu sidi caadiganahayd ay usocdaan goobaha Ganacsiga iyo ku Gaarka loo leeyahayba waa furan yihiin dadkuna waxay is weydinayaa waxa ay ku danbayndoonta xaaladda Siyaasadeed ee Cakirani CabdiSalam Mohamuud Duale Hadhwanaagnews.com BurcoSomailand Ilkacase1@hotmail.co m
  11. Somaliland: Military Fire On Crowds In The City, Take Aim At Opposition Leaders April 6th, 2009 Hargeysa (SomalilandGlobe) The Somaliland Special Commando Unit, otherwise known as SPU have fired on a large crowd of civilians, following a peaceful celebration and march through the city to celebrate the day of the formation of Somali National Movement (SNM), which is the guerrila organisation that liberated Somaliland from Siyad Barre’s dictatorial rule. The Somaliland government has banned the annual celebration of 6th April to commemarate the the formation of SNM, this year, due to fears of demonstration. The government’s term of office is due to end today and the two opposition parties in Somaliland declared both that they do not recognize Rayale’s presidency after the 6th of April. Hence the fear of the Rayale government of public gatherings and the consequent fire and shooting. As a result of the ban on the celebrations to mark SNM day, KULMIYE party, the main opposition party of Somaliland, has called for the event to be remembered at a gathering it hosted in its main office in Hargeysa. At the end of that gathering, the leadership of KULMIYE party together with the people that took part in the meeting, walked through the main road of the city, as a mark of rememberance, towards the house of the Chairman Silanyo, leader of the opposition. This is when the government troops fired on the walking crowd and as a result injured one person. The leadership of KULMIYE were not hurt in the fire, although, some reports coming from Hargeysa say that the firing squad targeted the leadership of the opposition, in particular Mr Silanyo. However this was not and could not have been confirmed by independent sources. The situation in Hargeysa is tense at this moment and reports coming from the opposition camp state that there are demonstrations planned across Somaliland cities in the coming few days to demonstrate against the government whose term of office has ended. The opposition parties state that they plan peaceful demonstrations to register their displeasure with what they call Rayale’s disregard for the law. However the government has banned all demonstrations in the country and its not known whether the government will face these demonstrations with fire power as it did today.
  12. Somaliland: Military Fire On Crowds In The City, Take Aim At Opposition Leaders April 6th, 2009 Hargeysa (SomalilandGlobe) The Somaliland Special Commando Unit, otherwise known as SPU have fired on a large crowd of civilians, following a peaceful celebration and march through the city to celebrate the day of the formation of Somali National Movement (SNM), which is the guerrila organisation that liberated Somaliland from Siyad Barre’s dictatorial rule. The Somaliland government has banned the annual celebration of 6th April to commemarate the the formation of SNM, this year, due to fears of demonstration. The government’s term of office is due to end today and the two opposition parties in Somaliland declared both that they do not recognize Rayale’s presidency after the 6th of April. Hence the fear of the Rayale government of public gatherings and the consequent fire and shooting. As a result of the ban on the celebrations to mark SNM day, KULMIYE party, the main opposition party of Somaliland, has called for the event to be remembered at a gathering it hosted in its main office in Hargeysa. At the end of that gathering, the leadership of KULMIYE party together with the people that took part in the meeting, walked through the main road of the city, as a mark of rememberance, towards the house of the Chairman Silanyo, leader of the opposition. This is when the government troops fired on the walking crowd and as a result injured one person. The leadership of KULMIYE were not hurt in the fire, although, some reports coming from Hargeysa say that the firing squad targeted the leadership of the opposition, in particular Mr Silanyo. However this was not and could not have been confirmed by independent sources. The situation in Hargeysa is tense at this moment and reports coming from the opposition camp state that there are demonstrations planned across Somaliland cities in the coming few days to demonstrate against the government whose term of office has ended. The opposition parties state that they plan peaceful demonstrations to register their displeasure with what they call Rayale’s disregard for the law. However the government has banned all demonstrations in the country and its not known whether the government will face these demonstrations with fire power as it did today.
  13. Originally posted by J.a.c.a.y.l.b.a.r.o: quote:Originally posted by Belial: We already know that they wish for a united stable somalia with justice and freedom. Whats was wrong in the previous Somalia will be corrected and all citzen will enjoy Somalia as its best. You are not fouling nobody. Ask J.a.c.a.y.l.b.a.r.o Come on ........ too many WILLs and WISHES out there Waar i said 100 years ago, My rooxaan told me Xaaji-Xunjuf is a holiday and relaxing name for our brother Duke ,,,,,,, if you believe that then believe that laakin anigu xaqiiqadaan ogahay Somaliland hana jirto hana noolaato.
  14. Since 1991 that’s 18 years our constitution is working fine for us why start another method. There is no need for that. You are missing the point maybe Somalia needs it but we are doing fine sxb.
  15. My friend Somaliland does have a constitution and the wadaad needs to respect the law and order of that dastuur Somaliland has. As he said the people should come against the government. But we in Somaliland have a guurti and they said the president and vice president can stay in office for another six month. So he is willing to go against the law we have in Somaliland that is the problem. For example if a Somaliland local chief or caaqil would say the same he would get arrested wadaad is a citizen of Somaliland. Nothing more nothing less.
  16. He was talking about siyaasada Somaliland iyo lixda april yaa oo diirsaday. Waxaas mu masajidkisa joogo ciid ka saraysa sharciga dalka oo yala ma jirto sxb
  17. Originally posted by Shabelle: Independence of Somaliland will have no negative impact on the rest of Somalia. After all, there is not one commodity or natural resource which is present in Waqooyi Galbeed that can not be found in other parts of Somalia. The irony of all this is that long-term, it is Somaliland which is in more need of Somalia. Personally, I think a united Somalia is in the best interests of everyone. I wish our brothers in Waqooyi Galbeed would think better of us. sxb we dont need somalia we dont need its people we dont need its khudrad cunto banana everthing keep it idinka ha idin macanaato. maba cunno anagu muuska.sxb. ma ceeba ba idin na wixiina haysta anaguna waxayaga thats all dawlad baanu waa isku darsanay experiment bay ahayd way shaqeyn wayday. waanu kala tagnay idina dhulkina ha idin leekadu anagu kayagu wa na leegyahay.
  18. Sxb we have a constitution and every one will obey those rules. Sharia law does not work for us we have constitution that works perfect for us. Belial Ethiopia is the one that brought the to state solution and it will work you will many country’s see Somaliland already as a facto state. And in the future you will se because we are self determent. And that will pay off in the future. And Somaliland already got good ties with many country’s around the world the Recognition term is just a formality and we will get corrected. A government is for the people by the people and we have that today mashallah. Somalia is not our concert
  19. I think its good see when the konfuurians see that Somaliland is a independent state recognized by the international community and have a seat At the commonwealth the african union the arab leage and the united nation. They will not focus any more on Somaliland, they will focus on sh hotel al dalxiis and his new elected government. Another point is they will see that Somaliland is gone and they would make a government for there own people to save their own people from the misery. 3th is that people from Somaliland are multi tribal society. So if the ssc people are fully incorporated in to the Somaliland country. And there is a process under way and things are heading that way as wee see it. That means we as Somalis defeated tribalism and that is also a good thing.
  20. xaajii cabdi waraabe sawiirkiisa ii diilay looooooooooooooooooo ool
  21. xiin faniin wrong he is a somalilander whether he is president or a chairman of kulmiye somaliland jiritaankeedu wa muqadiis no matter what you will see
  22. burco uses both somaliland money and the walanweyn money now let me tell you something nationhood of somaliland kuma xidhna qoff ganacasii wax kala soo dagga dakadaka somaliya siida boossaso . burco is where somaliland started in 1991 sxb