Xaaji Xunjuf

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Everything posted by Xaaji Xunjuf

  1. i am still looking for qoddobkii haday dooorashadu qabsoomi weysoo guurtiidu ma kordhiinays where is that qoddob it was in the heshisku gudiga dhexhdexaadinta riyaale is smart taa meesha kuma jirto.
  2. not really its guubaabo for some people but for us its bad this guy wanted disunite the people of somaliland.
  3. The only thing that is missin in hadii ay doorashadu qabsoomii weyso guurtiida anay mar danbe kordhiin karreyn. The most important qoddob of the deal ururkii gudiga dhexdhexaadku soo gudbiyeen kii na wa ka maqanyahay. The rest is all the same I am just missing that qoddob Jacaylbaro.
  4. Dastuurka cusub ee Puntland oo qeexaya in Puntland Gobolada waqooyi Barri samaysteen. Warkii 27-May-2009 iyo Qormadii: Afnugaal News Desk Dastuurka cusub ee maamul Goboleedka Puntland ee hadda la horgeeyay Golaha Baarlamaanka maamul Goboleedka Puntland ayaa waxa uu qeexayaa in Gobolada Bari,Nugaal iyo Mudug ay ku bahoobeen maamul Goboleedka Puntalnd ayna saddexdaas Gobol ay samaysteen maamulka Punland. Dastuurkan oo hadda la horgeeyay Baarlamaanka Puntland kadib markii ay ansaxiyeen Golaha wasiirada ee xukuumada Faroole ayaa waxa ay horgeeyeeyeen Baarlamaanka Puntland kaas oo si wayn ugu abuuray gudaha Baarlamaanka Puntland buuq iyo sawaxan qaylo dhaliyay kaas oo qarka u saaray inay gacmaha isla galaan xusbnaha Baarlamaanku. Gobolada Sool,Sanaag iyo Cayn ayaa si toos ah loogu cadeeyay Dastuurka cusub ee la doonayo in ay yeelato Puntland inaysan saddexdaasi Gobol aysan kamid ahayn ayna ku jirin iyadoo lagu cadeeyay in Gobolada Nugaal,Barri Iyo Mudug ay ku bahoobeen dhisida maamulka Puntland ee hadda ka jira saddexdaa Gobol. Hordhac waa lifaaqii Dastuurka ee muranka dhaliyay:- Dadweynaha Gobollada Waqooyi Bari, waxa ay ku guuleysteen in ay sameystaan maamul uu u dhameystiran yihiin Qaybaha Dawladda, taas ooo ka dambeysay, markii waxgaradka Gobollada Waqoooyi-Bari ay shirweyne isugu yimaadeen magaalada Garowe 15kii Maajo 1998kii. Bishii Agoosto 1998kii waxaa halkaas loogu walqalay dhisme maamul cusub oo ka mid noqda Dawlad Soomaaliyeed oo leh maamul baahsan, kuna qotoma hannaanka dawladeed ee loo yaqaan habka Federaalka. Puntland waxay rumeysantahay in nidaamka Federaalka uuu yahay kan qura oo Soomaali isku raaci karto…… Arintan ayaa waxa si wayn uga cadhooday shacab waynaha ku dhaqan Gobolada Sool,Sanaag iyo Cayn iyagoo ay dadwaynuhun isla dhexmarayaan arintan cusub ee hadda ku qoran Dastuurka maamul Goboleedka Puntland iyagoo ku tilmaamay inay tahay arin dhaawac ku keentay jiritaanka Puntland iyo awood qaybsigii. Hadaba guuda haan shacabka Puntland ayaa si wayn uhadal haya lifaaqa ku qoran Dastuurka Puntland ee qeexaya inay saddexda Gobol ee Sool,Sanaag iyo Cayn aysan kamid ahayn maamulka Puntland iyagoo dadwaynuhu ay xusayaan in meesha laga saaro arinkaasi Dawladuna raali gelin buuxda ka bixiso. Afnugaal News Desk info@afnugaal.com
  5. 26 May 2009 (14:05) Codka Dhageeso Dastuurka Puntland ay samaysteen Gobolada Waqooyi Bari, isla markaasna aan meesha lagu xusin Gobolada Sool, Sanaag iyo Cayn Madaxweynaha Puntland Dr.Cabdiraxmaan Maxamed Faroole iyo Golihiisa Xukuumadda ayaa maanta u gudbiyey Golaha Wakiilada Dastuurka Cusub ee Puntland. Bishan 24 teedi (24.05) ayaa Golaha xukuumadda Puntland ay ansixiyeen Dastuurka Cusub, waxa ayna isku raaceen in loo gudbiyo Golaha Wakiiladda si ay uga baaraan degaan isla markaas u ansixiyaan ama u diidaan. Soo gudbinta maanta ayaa waxaa ka dhashey buuq iyo ismaandhaaf kadib markii lifaaq la socda dastuurka Puntland oo qeexaya xaaladda kala guurka ay ku caddahay in Puntland ay samaysteen Gobolada Waqooyi Bari, isla markaasna aan meesha lagu xusin Gobolada Sool, Sanaag iyo Cayn, waxaana xildhibaanada ka soo jeeda Goboladaas ay sheegeen in aysan ka mid ahayn Puntland sida uu qeexayo lifaaqa dastuurku, waxaa meesha ka dhashey buuq ay ku sigteen in Xildhibaandu gacanta isula tagaan. Hadaba halkee ka yimi Magaca Waqooyi Bari? Soomaaliya waxa ay ka koobneyd 18 Gobol markii uu bur burey haykalkii dawladnimo 1991-kii, Goboladii markaas dawladdu ka duntey kuma jirin magac la yiraahdo Waqooyi Bari, waxaase kamid ahaa Gobolka Waqooyi Galbeed, marka laga yimaado magaca Gobolka, waxaa meesha ka muuqdaa waa Jiho haddaan Tusaale u soo qaadano Magaalada Bosaso waxa ay xarun u ahayd Gobolka Bari, haddii jiho ahaan la eego Bosaso kuma taalo Jihada Bari ee waxa ay dhacdaa Jihada Waqooyiga Soomaaliya ama Waqooyi Bari.. Magaca ah Waqooyi Bari ka hor bur burkii Dawladdii Soomaaliyeed waxaa mar mar isticmaaali jirey Gobolka Sanaag, laakiin Siyaasiga Gen.Maxamed Abshir Muuse ayaa magacan arkey in uu ku haboonyahay in ay wada isticmaalaan Gobolada uu markaas hogaanka u hayey, Gen.Maxamed Abshir waxa uu markaas u isticmaaley Gobolada ay deganaayeen dadkii isir wadaaga ahaa ee markii danbe samaystey Puntland, waxaase la yaab lahayd sida uu markiiba Caalamka magacaas uga gaday isla markaasna u noqdey mid rasmi ah oo loo isticmaalo. Hadaba Axdigii Puntland ee la ansixiyey 1998 bishii shanaad, kaas oo lagu dhisey magaca Puntland ayaa lagu qeexay in ay ku midoobeen Gobolada Waqooyi Bari, Sool Sanaag iyo Deegaanka Buuhoodle, waxaa muuqata in ay ka weecdeen ergooyinkii axdiga dhisaayey qaabkii uu u isticmaaley Jananku magaca oo ay ahayd in ay ku qeexaan in Puntland ay ku midoobeen Gobolada Bari,Nugaal,Mudug,So ol,Sanaag Bari iyo Deegaanka Buuhoodle, sababtuna waa mar aan weydiiyey mid kamid ahaa ragii la shaqeyn jirey Jananka 1992-dii, ayaa ii sheegay in Waqooyi Bari loola jeedo in ka badan Bari, Nugaal iyo Mudug waxaana uu dallad u yahay ayuu yiri inta isir wadaaga ah oo dhan. Waana midda keentay sida muuqata in aan si gaar ah Gobol loo xusin sida, Bari, Karkaar, Nugaal, Mudug, ama Sool, Sanaag iyo Cayn, balse la isku wada yiri Waqooyi Bari. Qaladka ku Jira Lifaaqa Dastuurka Waa hubaal in ay ilduuf iyo deelqaaf uu yahay in la yiraahdo Puntland waxaa dhistey beelaha Waqooyi Bari mar haddii axdigii ugu horeeyay sidaas si kaduwan loogu qeexay, mar haddii dadku jiho ahaan in loola jeedo magacan ee awalba aanu ahayn mid jirey aysan ku baraarugsanayn, waxaana xukuumadda la gudboon in ay dib u saxdo, raali gelina ka bixiso. Xildhibaanada Baarlamaanka Puntland Xildhibaanadda buuqa iyo bulxanka ka keenay haddii aysan nidaamka jiho eegin ama magacu sida uu ku baxay, waxay ahayd in ay ka codsadaan in loo qeexo, waxaan filayaa Dr.Cabdi Xassan waa qoraa aad u yaqaana sooyaalka siyaasadeed ee Soomaalida, Shalay mar uu waraysi siiyey Horseed Media sidaas ayuu u dhigey qoraal ahaanse waxaan ku darney Sool, Sanaag Bari iyo Cayn sababtuna waxa aan ka raacney ujeedada Wasiirka. Xildhibaanada ayaa sii wadan doona eegista Dastuurka cusub ayagoo dooda ka yeelan doona dastuurkan marka ay dhameeyaan akhrintiisa. Dastuurkan ayaa ah mid muhiim u ah Puntland isla markaana ka saari kara nidaamkii qabiilka oo u furi kara nidaamka shacabku wax doorto. Xigasho; Horseedmedia
  6. lazy g inyoow wamaxay horta afsomaliga horta soo sax inaynu isku afsomali ahayn siida ku garro inanaynu isku somali ahayn siida ku garro.lol.
  7. Baarlamaanka Ingiriiska oo Dood Xaasaasi ah ka Yeeshay Dhibaatooyinka Soomaaliya iyo Aqoonsiga Somaliland -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- (Baarlamaanka Ingiriiska oo Dood Xaasaasi ah ka Yeeshay Dhibaatooyinka Soomaaliya iyo Aqoonsiga Somaliland) hadhwanaag 2009-05-25 (Hadhwanaagnews) London (HWN)- Baarlamaanka Boqortooyada Britain, ayaa shalay yeeshay dood aad u kulul oo lagu lafoguray dhibaatooyinka baahsan ee ka jira Soomaaliya iyo qaddiyadda aqoonsiga Somaliland. Dooddan oo Aqalka Odayaasha ee loo yaqaan House of Lords ee Ingiriisku ka yeeshay arrimaha Soomaaliya iyo Somaliland ka yeesheen, ayaa sida lagu baahiyey bogga wararka ee baarlamaanka Britain ku leeyahay Internetka waxa mudanaayaasha ka qaybqaatay aad u lafogureen dhibaatooyinka ka jira Soomaaliya iyo sida loogu baahan yahay in dawladda Britain aqoonsi buuxa u fidiso Somaliland, halka xildhibaanno kalena arrinta aqoonsiga iskaga soo riixeen dhinaca Midowga Afrika. Lord Steel oo ka soo jeeda degmada Aikwood ee dalka Ingiriiska oo dooddaas ka qaybqaatay, ayaa miiska soo dhigay in marka la eego xasillooni-darrada iyo dawlad la’aanta muddada dheer ka jirtay Soomaaliya uu xalka keliya ee meesha yaallaa yahay dawladda Ingiriiska oo si rasmi ah u aqoonsata Somaliland. “Mudanayaal, marka la eego dawlad la’aanta muddada dheer ka jirta Soomaaliya miyaanu kiiska iminka meesha yaal ahayn in dib looga fikiro guud ahaanba su’aasha meesha taal ee aqoonsiga Somaliland oo ahaa maxmiyad ka tirsanaa Ingiriiska, xalkuna wuxuu ku jiraa Ingiriiska oo aqoonsada Somaliland, meeshana aan laga saarin,” ayuu yidhi Lord Howell. Wasiirka Ingiriiska u aqaabilsan Arrimaha Dibadda iyo Barwaaqo-sooranka Mr. Lord Malloch-Brown, kana tirsan aqalka odayaasha oo isna dooddaas ka qaybgalay ayaa yidhi; “Mudanayaal, waxaad ka warqabtaan in shirkii Jabuuti lagu ballaadhiyey baarlamaankii Soomaaliya, laguna doortay madaxweyne cusub, xalka mushkiladda taaganna wuxuu ku jira iyada oo la dhiso dawlad sal-ballaadhan oo wax ka qabata dhibaatooyinka bani’aadnimo ee haysta shacabka Soomaaliyeed, markaa inkasta oo dawlada Sheekh Shariif ay waqtigan la tacaalayso dagaallada ay ku hayaan kooxaha kacdoonka wada ee hubaysan, waa inay haddana sii wado barnaamijka dib-u-heshiisiinta iyada oo la kaashanaysa dawladaha dibadaha.” Wasiirka oo ka hadlayey qaddiyadda aqoonsiga Somaliland iyo dariiqa loo marayo waxa uu yidhi; “Arrinta Somaliland waa mid joogto ah oo markasta oo Soomaaliya ku sii durugto dawlad la’aanta iyo dhibaatooyinka ina hortimaad, mudanayaasha sharafta lehna way ogyihiin kaalinta innooga bannaan, taas oo ah in aynu taageero buuxda siino Somaliland, laakiin waxaynu ognahay in qaddiyaddeeda iyo madaxbannaaninada lagu xallin karo shirarka Afrika yeelato. Marka u horreysa waa in Somaliland iyo Soomaaliya wada hadlaan, dabadeedna loo soo gudbo Midowga Afrika oo halkaa lagaga doodo. Ma aaminsani in aqoonsi dawladda Ingiriisku siiso Somaliland ay xal u noqon karto madaxbannaanideeda iyo jiritaankeedaba, laakiin waa arrin xalkeedu u yaal Afrika.” Lord Howell oo laga soo doortay deegaanka Guildford ee waddanka Ingiriiska, ayaa isna shaaca ka qaaday in ciidamo ka tirsan dalka Eratariya oo taageero siinaya Al-shabaab ay galeen Soomaaliya, taasoo uu ku tilmaamay inay tahay ta fidnada sii hurinaysa. Waxa kaloo mudanuhu carrabka ku dhuftay budhcad-badeeda ka dillaacday xeebaha Soomaaliya iyo saamaynta ay ku yeesheen isu socodkii gaadiidka badda ee isaga kalagooshayay dacallada dunida. “Budhcad-badeeda ka dillaacday xeebaha Soomaaliya waxay leeyihiin halisteeda. Waa sax in dawladda Iiraan doonayso in ay marakiib u dirto Badda Cas iyo Gacanka Cadmeed si ay ula dagaallamaan budhcad-badeeda, arrintaasina waxay u baahan tahay in la iska kaashado si loola tacaalo budhcadda ka dillaacday badaha Soomaaliya,” ayuu yidhi Lord Howell. Waxa kale oo iyaguna dooddaas ka afkaarahooda ka dhiibtay mudanayaal badan oo dhammaantood ku dheeraaday dhibaatooyinka ka jira Soomaaliya ee ka mid yihiin budhcad-badeedda, argagixisada, xagdudubyada bani’aadanimo ee loo gaysto bulshada rayidka ah iyo sida loogu baahan yahay in beesha caalamku wax ka qabato, iyaga oo xildhibaannada qaarkood miiska soo dhigay sida Soomaalida Ingiriisku u kala tafaaraaruqsan tahay ee ay ula kala safan yihiin kooxaha ku hirdamaya Soomaaliya, halka ay jiraan qaar kale oo ka niyad-jabsan dhismaha dawlad Soomaaliya yeelato oo dalka xaslata. Jamhuuriya Online
  8. http://www.imeem.com /people/k2a7Sv/music /Nt_11IlC/theemperio r5-emperior-on-xamar wma/
  9. http://www.imeem.com /people/k2a7Sv/musi ... -xamarwma/ dhagaysii wanaagsan
  10. War nimanki ingreeska la odhan jiiray qadiyadii somaliland wabay oo soo jeedsadeen kuwii koonfurianska na waxay ku eedeyeen is qab qabsi qabyalaad iyo argagixiso loo bahanyahay ina gacan lugu qabto.
  11. UK House of Lords debates: Somaliland/Somalia — Question Written by Parliament.uk May 23, 2009 at 02:40 PM Lord Steel of Aikwood: My Lords, given the mayhem that has characterised Somalia for so long, is there not a case for reconsidering the whole question of recognising the Government in Somaliland, the former British protectorate, which at least is stable and orderly?Asked By Lord Avebury To ask Her Majesty’s Government what assessment they have made of the political and humanitarian consequences of the conflict in Somalia. The Minister of State, Foreign and Commonwealth Office (Lord Malloch-Brown): My Lords, the Djibouti process led to the expansion of the Somali Parliament and its selection of a new President. The formation of a more broadly based Government provides the best opportunity to create a lasting peace and reconciliation necessary for tackling the ongoing humanitarian crisis. Although that Government are battling an assault by the armed insurgency, they must continue to strive for further reconciliation with those outside the political process. Lord Avebury: My Lords, if we are really determined to prevent the terrorists affiliated to Al-Shabaab taking over the whole country, is it not necessary to provide greater support in terms of logistics and training, both for the Government’s armed forces and for the AMISOM troops? With regard to the humanitarian crisis, is the noble Lord aware of any steps being taken through the Security Council or otherwise to meet the gap of two-thirds in the funding to meet the needs of the 400,000 people displaced internally, and a similar number in refugee camps in neighbouring countries, particularly Kenya? Lord Malloch-Brown: My Lords, the noble Lord has repeatedly brought the question of Somalia to this House’s attention, and correctly so, because it is often 21 May 2009 : Column 1433 one of those forgotten crises. About 40 per cent of the country’s population are displaced, completely dependent on international aid, and it has been very difficult to get it there. Despite the current upsurge of fighting, the distribution continues in key places such as Mogadishu, and the World Food Programme delivered something like 35,000 metric tonnes of food last month. On the noble Lord’s other point, we are also seeking to make sure that AMISOM, to which we have contributed generously, is properly supported during this crisis; and there was a move in the Security Council last week to make sure that the transitional Government’s armed forces be supported with the resources they need and to deal with this critical issue of salaries to solders and police. Lord Howell of Guildford: My Lords, is it true that the Eritrean army is yet again invading Somalia and helping the Al-Shabaab rebels? I do not know whether the Minister has any news on that. One area where we in this country have a direct interest is the offshore piracy. Is it correct that the Iranians now want to contribute through their naval resources to the anti-piracy movement? Might this not be at least one area where, despite all our disagreements with Iran on everything else, we could co-operate with it? Lord Malloch-Brown: My Lords, on the noble Lord’s first point, there is pretty strong evidence of Eritrean collusion in the upsurge of violence against the Government and of possible arms resupply to the rebels by the Eritreans. They were condemned in a Security Council presidential statement at the end of last week and have furiously denied the charges, but frankly that does not give me much confidence—it does not mean that the charges are not true. There is also a real risk of this situation escalating; there have been reports, again denied, of Ethiopian troops returning into Somalia. This is an enormously serious challenge to the Government and we all have reason to be very concerned to support and reinforce them over the coming weeks. I will have to get back to the noble Lord on his second point about Iran and piracy. Lord Steel of Aikwood: My Lords, given the mayhem that has characterised Somalia for so long, is there not a case for reconsidering the whole question of recognising the Government in Somaliland, the former British protectorate, which at least is stable and orderly? Lord Malloch-Brown: My Lords, this is one of those perennial issues which, quite rightly, come up every time that Somalia lurches back into crisis. The noble Lord knows our position, which is that we try to give Somaliland support but we think that its status and potential independence must be dealt with through African forums: first, through talks between the two sides in Somalia and, subsequently, through the AU. We do not think that British recognition of Somaliland would help its goal of independence. The Lord Bishop of Liverpool: My Lords, we have a large Somali community in Liverpool. Has there been any contact between the Government and local authorities 21 May 2009 : Column 1434 where there are large Somali communities, to address possible tensions that might arise within those communities? Lord Malloch-Brown: My Lords, the right reverend Prelate raises an important point. I will look into it and ensure that information is being shared. Broadly, I do not think—although he knows better than I do—that this is a situation where our Somali British community is divided, as is the case with some other conflicts with which we have been dealing. I think that among Somalis resident here there is quite broad support for the transitional Government; indeed, one very distinguished British citizen is now the Foreign Minister. Lord Judd: My Lords, does my noble friend agree that, in the immensely difficult situation as he described it, a priority is to regain access for the free-standing non-governmental humanitarian agencies, which are perceived to have no political agenda of their own and are therefore in a particularly strong position to make a contribution in a fraught situation? Does he also accept that humanitarian assistance and the political dimensions are seldom in watertight compartments and that, in approaching lasting solutions, it is terribly important to listen very carefully to non-governmental organisations about what they are learning in the context of their work? Lord Malloch-Brown: My Lords, my noble friend is absolutely correct about the critical role of humanitarian non-governmental organisations. DfID is in daily contact not just with the UN agencies and the International Committee of the Red Cross but also with the NGOs involved, to try to work out how we can programme an additional £3.5 million of support. The NGOs are obviously suffering from the same difficulties as the UN agencies, including the huge difficulty of deploying staff there due to the dramatic security situation. Parliament.uk Last Updated ( May 23, 2009 at 04:44 PM
  12. Koonfuurians oo aan jeclayn kala danbaynta iyo nidaamka
  13. anigu maan qorrin gaal ba qorray , but soon it will not be part of that crumbling country then it will be offical.
  14. Welcome to Somaliland, the nicer part of crumbling country Written by The Miami Herald May 14, 2009 at 05:55 AM HARGEISA, Somaliland — It might surprise you to learn that Somalia — that post-apocalyptic shell of a nation where Islamist insurgents, clan warlords and now pirates hold sway over a helpless government — has some nice parts, too. In Hargeisa, a visitor can walk the asphalt roads at dusk and freely breathe the sharp mountain air. The street markets are busy and boisterous, and hanging out there isn't likely to get you killed. Cell phone companies advertise mobile Internet service and the good hotels have wireless hot spots. If this doesn't feel like Somalia, residents say that's because it's not. This is Somaliland, a northern former British protectorate that broke away from chaotic southern Somalia in 1991, established an admirably stable government and hoped never to look back. No country has recognized Somaliland's independence, however. The argument has always been that to do so would further destabilize Somalia, even as Somalia seems to be destabilizing well enough on its own. So for now, this quiet slice of land along the volatile Gulf of Aden is an undeniable, if very reluctant, piece of Somalia. A territory of 5 million people, Somaliland is trying to be a good regional citizen, hosting tens of thousands of refugees from southern Somalia and, lately, trying and imprisoning pirates, which few governments anywhere have been eager to do. At least 26 men are serving time in Somaliland prisons for piracy. Last month, a European warship stopped nine men who were attempting to hijack a Yemeni vessel but allowed them to flee in a lifeboat. The would-be pirates washed ashore in Somaliland, where police and the scrappy coast guard, which patrols a 600-mile coastline with two speedboats and a tiny fleet of motorized skiffs, chased them down. "We are patient. We always feel like we are getting close" to recognition, said Abdillahi Mohamed Duale, the polished foreign minister, betraying just a trace of exasperation in his near-flawless English. "Time will put Somaliland where we belong." Yes, the territory has a foreign minister, along with liaison offices — don't call them diplomatic missions — in a handful of countries including the United States. It has a president and a bicameral legislature, as well as feisty opposition parties. It issues its own currency — crisp bills printed in the United Kingdom — and its own passports and visas. It can't make deals with other countries for development projects, though, and no international banks have opened here. The economy remains mostly pre-modern and farm-based. So you can understand Duale's frustration: While Somalia is a country without a functioning government, Somaliland is a noncountry with a reasonably functioning government. The president, Dahir Riyale Kahin, won the first free elections in 2003 and was rewarded last year with a visit by the then-ranking U.S. diplomat for Africa, then-Assistant Secretary of State Jendayi Frazer. This year, however, Riyale has sparred with opposition leaders over the timing of elections, which have been postponed twice and now are set for October. Some foreign officials are worried that the young democracy is backsliding. "They were a model for Somalia, in our minds, but now they're having significant problems," said a Western diplomat who closely follows Somalia and who wasn't authorized to be quoted by name. Experts regard the spat as temporary and expect foreign governments to keep funding Somaliland-based relief efforts and political reform projects, but Somaliland's limbo status appears more enduring. While the United Nations urges support for the transitional Somali government in the south, African countries are leery of encouraging their own secessionist movements and the United States is unwilling to go out on a limb for the obscure little territory. "Governments don't want to be involved in the politics" of Somaliland's independence, said Patrick Duplat of Refugees International, a Washington-based advocacy group. "But they have to be cognizant of the fact that it's the only operating government in this place." From colonial times, Somaliland took a different path. In the 19th-century scrum over Africa, Britain acquired the territory mainly to supply its more important garrison in Aden, across the sea in Yemen. Relatively few British expatriates settled here, leaving tribes and institutions intact, while southern Somalia became a full-fledged colony of Italy, complete with Italianate architecture and banana farms to supply the home country. The British and Italian territories were joined at independence to form the Somali Republic, but in 1991, with the southern-based regime verging on collapse, a rebel government in Somaliland declared itself autonomous. After two years of fighting, a new government emerged that melded traditional clan structures with Western-style separation of powers, a hybrid system that some experts have called a prototype for the rest of Somalia. Contrast that, Duale said, with the hundreds of millions of dollars the world has poured into Somalia's feeble transitional government, including $213 million pledged last month to bolster security forces and African Union peacekeepers. "It's pure hypocrisy," Duale said. "You have here in Somaliland a nation-building process that didn't require massive expense by others. And yet we have everything the international community preaches: self-reliance, inclusiveness, stability." The troubles down south have spilled over, with more than 75,000 displaced Somalis taking shelter in Somaliland. On Oct. 29, coordinated suicide bombings struck the presidential residence, a U.N. compound and an Ethiopian political office in Hargeisa, reportedly killing 30 people. The attack was immediately blamed on Islamist militants who are battling for control of Somalia, a reminder that for all its advantages, Somaliland remains yoked to that troubled land to the south. "Everybody was scared that we could be targeted so easily," said Mohammed Isak, a marketing manager for a mobile phone company. "You cannot enjoy peace while your neighbor is burning." http://www.miamihera ld.com/692/story/104 6827-p2.html Next>
  15. odaygan xassan daahir aweys ayaa ka danbeyaa waxa oo dan alshabaab na ma tabaan karran yusuf siyaad indhacadde. xassan daahir aweys ba khamiskisa ku qarin doona yusuf siyaad indha cade waad arki doonta.
  16. Axmed cabdi godane his father used to be butched in hargeisa. wa caan wala yaqana ilma cabdi godane.