Xaaji Xunjuf

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Everything posted by Xaaji Xunjuf

  1. loooooooooooooooooool, waxaad mooda inu maanta garaadku hub so iibsaday
  2. fm baanu furnay bey beryahan udub ku sheekeyssa
  3. Originally posted by Maaddeey: quote:Originally posted by Cowke: but their abadoning somali-nimo and adopted gemal abdel-nasser pan-arabist idealogy which TOTALLY FAILED in the 60's by the way. Anyways it just shows the hypocrisy in the onlf and their supporters yet again. How did he abandon Soomaalinimo when he clearly says Dad Soomaaliyeed oo carab ah!? Soomaalidu ma carab baa waa dood kale, laakiin ninkaan soomaalinimo ma diidin. Siyaasad ahaanse waa saxsanyahy, Carabtuu rabaa inuu ku laxawsado!. Abdullahi Yusuf-ba waa kii lahaa JABARTI ayaan nahay! Maadeyow , cowke wuxu rabbay inu hogaanka onlf yidhaho waxanu nahay Dad Ethiopiaan ah,taasa ka cadheysiisay
  4. Originally posted by Jacaylbaro: quote: Abdullahi Yusuf-ba waa kii lahaa JABARTI ayaan nahay!
  5. black iyo blue iyo cadaan iyo calanka alshabab isku wadda darso wax ku qabso lol.caqli koonfurian
  6. Duke Duhur seexdow things are not just black and white the way you see things
  7. Originally posted by ThankfulSP: quote: sxb there is no such thing as snm clans or riyaale clans there is only Somaliland udub kulmiye and ucid So why do the leaders of the opposition belong to the same one, and the currect vice president? Where's Sool and Sanaag in the picture? Well they want to become president of Somaliland while some people support Udub and riyaale some people support kulmiye and ucid. And as for Sool and sanaag and buhuudle well they support the different political partys Fuaad adan cade Support kulmiye and xaabsade supports udub. While baashe supports ucid and muj talaabo supports udub.While seleban gaal and qeybe from buhuudle support udub. We can tell for sure when the election happen my friend.
  8. Originally posted by General Duke: ^^^The Ethiopians have given Riyaale the go ahead to Mugg the SNM clans once more, nothing more. As for the comment of Happless Ducaale, its in the long tradition of the secessionists. "Our Mother is the queen of England" "A child from Addis is closer to us than one from Mogadishu" "Berbera is a port of Ethiopia" its in the history books. sxb there is no such thing as snm clans or riyaale clans there is only Somaliland udub kulmiye and ucid. The spokes men of udub is No one other then Cali guray one of the Liberators of hargeysa in 1988. I heard the Ethiopians basically own galkacyo they kill who ever they want and take who ever they want is this a little pay back of what they did for inkaarqabihi mudug in 2006.
  9. Originally posted by Gheelle.T: quote:Abdullahi M. Duale, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Somaliland said that Ethiopia is not a landlocked country because it has Berbera Port that it can utilise it as its own. Really!! wa haddal siyasadeed Ethiopia is not land locked they can use berbera , no problem with that
  10. Originally posted by Hunguri: Xaaji_Xunduf lol hee is he from Somali land ? is that why you support Godane ? Juje, nice post Actually axmed cabdi godane is from Ethiopia just like xassan turki Axmed cabdi was born in Ethiopia. Axmed godane is the only leader who made good sharcii for the koonfurians , wa in la tageero.
  11. Originally posted by Hunguri: Xaaji_Xunduf lol hee is he from Somali land ? is that why you support Godane ? Juje, nice post Actually axmed cabdi godane is from Ethiopia just like xassan turki Axmed cabdi was born in Ethiopia. Axmed godane is the only leader who made good sharcii for the koonfurians , wa in la tageero.
  12. kow oo kuwanii maxay soo kordhinayaan, mise wa shuquladii riyaale, oo odhan jiiray suuqa ii galiya warkan
  13. By by Safiirka Ethiopia ka cusub na soo dhawoow walaalo
  14. Muxu yidhi puntland f16 bay berbera ka sooo dadjiinayaan lool
  15. Originally posted by Cowke: Juma-nne well shukul kuma lahaa snm-land sool iyo sanaag and cayn. The garaads at the time of somaliland british colonialist never ever signed the treaty to be apart of somaliland. However there is no point even arguing from historical point, because 1960 politics is totally irrelevant in todays politics. I can't go to kilinka shanaad and say "hey you amharas that land was part of italian somaliland and want it come back to it's colonial borders" qof ka oglaneyo ma jirto. Because colonial borders play no relevance in todays politics. It's the past, today is the present. That is why 17 years hargeisa has been the laughing stock of somalia. Miserable people lol. However i must say it has worked excellently in puntland favor, because as long as they remain unrealistical puntland has time to sort out somalia while the world ignores them. By the time somalia is sorted.. Their will be f-16's from america landing at berbera giving them an ultamitum either join federalism or consider yourself a rebel!!! Quite defying really, either they will be genocided and a new ppl settled in snm land or they will cede to federalism. Federalism is realistic it has the backing of big time allies around, sland seccessionism has no backing. You see who has the political leverage? War dadkasi sxb, ceeb weyn baa sugeyso just watch. And the funny thing is in the history books their going to down as the people who can never be trusted for patriotism just like their forefathers. As for the case of ssc, I wouldn't be to concerned, word on the street in garowe is "galkacyo was held for 2 years by usc" "las canood also seems to be the case" lakin 2 years dhaafi meyso inshallah. That is just word on the street though!!!
  16. cowke i was hearing those storys for 19 years and somaliland is still standing i was hearing this in 2001 2002 and i am stil about garaad jamac i never said he supported somaliland bu the is not a puntland supporter to
  17. Mr Somalia cali sandule iyo ina cambaashe ka dhadhicii iyo fuaad adan cade aniga ha iga dhadhiciin, lascanood iyo gobolka sool where part of Somaliland for the passed 2 years ciid ka mudaharadaysa na waligay ma arkiin intay heysten. Garaad jamac garaad cali garaad jamac kalsoonidii puntland wuu kala noqday garaad jamac garaad ismacil lives in lascanood wanu raali buu ka yahay Dawlada Somaliland Garaad selebaan na garowe wuu fadhiyaa Dawlada somaliland did good for gobolka soo dilki badna eeh gobolka ka dhacayee wuu joogsaday remmeber when it was part of puntland dad ba lugu diili jiray lascanood wa hadaad run sheegeysiid. As for federalism if u like it adigu wadankaga ku dhaq aniga ha ila iiman.
  18. sool wa somaliland dadka sool na wa ka raalii dawlada somaliland waad arkayssan.
  19. Mr somalia sxb with all do respect , somaliya iyo calankiina iyo dalkiina iyo dadkiina uu tashada, anaga ha isku kaya mashquulina wakhtii baddan uun ba idinka lummayaa. maxaad iskugu mashquulin qof aanba rabbin inu wax kula wadaago. waxba kama soo bixii karto markay dadku rabban inay wax wada qabsadaan oo ay wax wadaagii karran aya wax wadda qabsan karran. Somaliland wal goonii ah qarran goonii ah sharciyo barlamaan iyo madaxweyne gooni ah leh. the last 18 years na siidaasay ahayd. marka sxb naftada been ha uu sheegin wakkhtigina qaaliga na ha kulummin somaliland gaar bay isu taagtay shalay iyaka idinku soo biiray in 1960. maad weydiin waxay kugu la so biirin. maantana way iska tageen and they wish you all the best ilahay dhulkiina ha idin gargaaro iyo dadkiina. Somalia waxa la dariis ah Somaliland Ethiopia iyo kenya taa meel ku qorro sxb