Xaaji Xunjuf

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Everything posted by Xaaji Xunjuf

  1. ^^Are you going to vote for ina riyaale when you get the chance?
  2. ^^Maya qaadka ina riyaale aad buu uu jabna quality ma ahayn. siday dawladisu quality uu lahayn
  3. Originally posted by Jacaylbaro: when the engineer, architect, doctor, habar, ciyaal, middleman, pimp and everyone talks about politics ......... Riyaale ba qaadku ku ibin jiray Hargeysa xafada cabaaye, Marku qaadlihi madaxweyne noqday Dakhtarki na iyo engineerki na jaahil noqdeen tallow ma ana walaan mise cabaaya laga heeseyaa
  4. Indhabuur Dacar Oo Maanta Hargeysa Loo Dhaadhiciyey Written by Jidbaale.com Monday, 30 November 2009 16:06 Laascaanood(Jidbaale.com):-Waxaa xabsiga Hargeysa Loo Dhaadhiciyey Maanta Maxamed Maxmuud Faarax(Indha Buur Dacar) oo hore u ahaan jiray ku xigeenka Cali Sandule, haddana ka tirsanaa baarlmaanka Dawlada Kumeel gaadhka ah. Indhabuur Dacar ayaa la qabtay isaga maalin sadexaad maraya Waqda Jaadka goob u dhaw waxaana loo taxaabay xabsiga magaalada Laascaanood, isla maalintiina damaad lagu soo daayey. Hadana isla maalintii ayaa gurigiisa laga kaxastay ilo xogogaal ah waxay ay sheegeen in loo xidhay arrimo ku saabsan qaraxyadii ka dhacay magaalada Laascaanood, iyada oo dad badan oo kalena ku xidhan yihiin magaalada Laascaanood. Indhabuur Dacar oo labadii bilood ee ugu danbeeyey ku sugna amagalada Laascaanood ayaa waxa uu ahaa ninkii hore u sheegay isaga oo u shaqeeya malayshiyada Hargeysa in ay dileen 50 ka tirsan shacabka SSC, wuxuuna ka mid ahaa isaga iyo Mahad Canbaashe kuwii u gacan galiyey malayshiyada Riyaale Kornayl Dayr Xaaji Cabdi Iska Toos, kuna faanay in ay qaarna laayeen qaarna qabqabteen. Xiliyadii danbe ayuu ku biiray baarlamaanka dawlada kumeel gaadhka isaga oo dhinaca kooxda Shiikh Shariif ka soo galay Baarlamaanka, ka dibna uu ku noolaan kari waayey Muqdisho una cararay Nairobi, Nairobi ayuu kala kulmay waji gabax ka dib markii ay ka hadhiweyday Magac xumadii uu ka dhaxlay la shaqayntii Malayshiyada Hargeysa , wuxuuna go,aansaday in uu Laascaanood dib ugu noqdo iyada oo loo baryey malayshiyada Hargeysa, iyada oo maantana ay xidheen dhaadhiciyeena. Jibaale.com
  5. Nuune sxb .This lad wants to go back i am sure but, cooperating with a government like the riyaale administration is not a way to live out your ambitions. And I don’t think this guy is safe in Somalia
  6. UDUB Party is in Decline, Anyone is better than UDUB for Somaliland" With the President’s political future in the balance, he still attaches great importance to the advices and guidance Inner Circle Advisers of the President By: Eng/Architect Hussein Adan Igeh (Hussein Deyr) {UK & Netherlands} On the Presidential boardroom there are too much useless hangers-on who willingly and knowingly creating a climate of collective confusion among the people of Somaliland. They co-opted this strategy precisely against the targets that pose an economic or political challenge. They are that ones who think they know everything about the country and its people. They are the ones who are continuously misleading the President, cheating the nation and deliberately thwarting the rule of low and the legal system of the constitutional State. In fact, they are the ones who are probably laying the seeds of every crisis, causing repeatedly periodical conflicts so that they can achieve their agenda on the sly. Unfortunately the President is so much under the grip and influence of his trusted ‘advisers’ and circle of friends- some of them known as malicious, scare and scandalmongers- that they are the virtual rulers of the country. With the President’s political future in the balance, he still attaches great importance to the advices and guidance of his kindred spirits profiteers, turning a blind eye to all their wrong-doing and disgraceful behaviour. It’s sad that the President frittered all his time and energy away on thoughtless and ill-advised policy which leads him to nowhere but trapped him in a blind alley. Mr. Riyale has been unable to combat and reverse the corruption and mismanagement that set in during his administration. He did not succeeded to create a sort contract between State & Citizens, based upon responsibilities as well rights. The President is now loosing legitimacy, political and moral authority among the Somaliland electorate, including his own constituency (Awdal region). UDUB is in Decline, Anyone is better than UDUB for Somaliland A cloud of doubts and uncertainty has descended on the ruling political party. The ruling party has lost any credibility content among the Somaliland population. UDUB party is an introverted, inactive and non-productive political party that lacks of clear vision, marketable social agenda and innovative ideas. It appears that UDUB party to have ceased collectively to believe in anything, or to stand for anything. It looks as if it heavily dependent is on the activities and political initiatives of the rival opposition parties. The ruling party is not geared up to the needs, challenges, obstacles & social-changes facing Somaliland’s people today. UDUB party is in decline and can no longer act alone as instrument of change. The outrageous behaviour and hostile attitude of UDUB officials towards the opposition parties is a very disturbing and it is a thorn in the eye of many potential voters. That is why so many voters are now turning their backs against the ruling party. They do not understand the content and essence of the political art. The only thing they do understand is: using dirty language, corruption, unfounded and unfair stigmatization of the competing political parties and their leaders, and attacking to anyone who refers to UDUB’s weakness and how innocent people of Somaliland are deceived by the gangs of government and the ruling party. As the election approaches, UDUB party is increasingly becoming nervous and lose all self belief and decency standards, if they have any! UDUB party is governed by ignorant ****** and macabre gangs who lack any self-respect and political decency. Within the party is very much appreciated how someone can scream, it does not matter the content he says. The more someone yells, the more he can kick well. UDUB party seems to be unmanageable. It is a big mess and body knows who does what. Creating recurring hatred, hostility and bloodshed between the brotherly people of Somaliland is a very accurate to the last details prepared strategy which the ruling party uses so that they can remain in power. The way in which UDUB leaders behave, their dirty language towards nation heroes, indifferent attitude regarding the future of the country and people are the real causes of the all misery UDUB party now dealing with. These are the main factors that collectively contribute to the decline of UDUB, as more and more people becoming now distanced from the ruling party and their devilish streak. In any case, as long as the current regime in power, things will never change and political realities in Somaliland will remain the same, or may be worse. Mr. Riyale needs to understand how the political art stabbing together, he should know that the political reality is not static; it is dynamic! UDUB have failed to lead the country in a decent and nice way. They failed to convince the Somaliland electorate their agenda and political vision. UDUB must accept the unpleasant but inevitable consequence of your shameless act. Somalilanders trusted you but you deceived them. Somalilanders have long lost in you and your gangs, so you should accept that you are defeated. Finally, I am warning the somalilander and saying made up your mind this time. The forthcoming election is an extremely crucial cause in our history, for many aspects. Therefore, you have to be careful this time and choose an honest leader today, a leader who heals the nation, not one who rubs salt into their wounds, by not doing so we will suffer more than we did before!! By: Eng/Architect Hussein Adan Igeh (Hussein Deyr) {UK & Netherlands
  7. Originally posted by Jacaylbaro: quote: An Open Letter to the EU, the TFG, UN and the AU gartay EU UN iyo AU laakin tfgdu ma tii vila somaliya mise wa awoow kalle uu calaamka ku soo biiray
  8. Bariis bay 2009 beereyan kuwaas na waan la yaaba Ma sheekadii udub weyaan ma midhihi bariiska lugu beereye ba imika la hellay
  9. Waad salamantahay sxb haa dee dadka ka mid noqda dawlada koonfurianska iska leeyihin gacan bir aya lugu qabanaya
  10. Sunday, November 29, 2009Somaliland oo xidhay Xildhibaan Ka Tirsan Baarlamanka Shariif Xukuumada Somaliland ayaa habeen hore qabatay xildhibaan ka tirsan baarlamaanka Sheekh Shariif, oo ay hore uga masaafurisay Xukuumada Somaliland ayaa habeen hore qabatay xildhibaan ka tirsan baarlamaanka Sheekh Shariif, oo ay hore uga masaafurisay magaalada Hargeysa, ka dib markii uu ku adkaystay inaanu ka tanaasulayn xubinimadiisa xilkaas. Ma jiro war rasmi ah laga soo saaray xadhiga ninkan, laakiin ilo xogogaala ayaa Wargeyska Geeska Afrika u xaqiijiyay in ninkaas la qabtay uu yahay Maxamed Maxamuud Faarax (Indhabuur) oo isagoo badhasaab ku xigeenka gobalka Sool ah Djibouti kaga qayb galay shirkii madaxweynaha loogu doortay Shariif Sheekh Axmed, markaas oo uu si rasmi ah ugu biiray baarlamaanka. Waxa ay ciidamada aammaanku ka qabteen magaalada Laascaanood oo uu muddooyinkii u dambeeyay joogay, isagoo ka yimid dhinaca magaalada Muqdisho. Waxa jira warar sheegaya in xukuumadda Somaliland iyo hay’adaheeda ammaanku ku tuhunsanyihiin ku lug lahaanshaha qaraxii horaantii bishan ka dhacay magaalada Laascaanood ee lagu dilay sarkaal sare oo ka tirsanaa ciidamada qaranka Somaliland. Mr. Indhabuur, ayay xukuumadda Somaliland Hargeysa ka masaafurisay dhawr bilood ka hor ka dib markii lagu qabtay madaarka Hargeysa, waxaana xilligaas loo masaafuriyay Muqdisho ka dib markii uu diiday inuu ka tanaasulo xilka dawlada dalkaas, maadaama oo ay Somaliland kala soo noqotay xorriyadeeda sannadii 1991-kii. Inkastoo ay jiraan warar sheegaya inuu Laascaanood ku soo galay cafis uu dalbaday, haddana ma jirto cid warkaas xaqiijinaysaa. Source: www.geeska.net , Wargeyska Geeska Afrika, Hargeysa
  11. Somaliland oo xidhay Xildhibaan Ka Tirsan Baarlamanka Shariif Written by Qarannews Nov 29, 2009 at 09:43 AM Hargeysa(Qarannews) -Xukuumada Somaliland ayaa habeen hore qabatay xildhibaan ka tirsan baarlamaanka Sheekh Shariif, oo ay hore uga masaafurisay magaalada Hargeysa, ka dib markii uu ku adkaystay inaanu ka tanaasulayn xubinimadiisa xilkaas. Ma jiro war rasmi ah laga soo saaray xadhiga ninkan, laakiin ilo xogogaala ayaa Wargeyska Geeska Afrika u xaqiijiyay in ninkaas la qabtay uu yahay Maxamed Maxamuud Faarax (Indhabuur) oo isagoo badhasaab ku xigeenka gobalka Sool ah Djibouti kaga qayb galay shirkii madaxweynaha loogu doortay Shariif Sheekh Axmed, markaas oo uu si rasmi ah ugu biiray baarlamaanka. Waxa ay ciidamada aammaanku ka qabteen magaalada Laascaanood oo uu muddooyinkii u dambeeyay joogay, isagoo ka yimid dhinaca magaalada Muqdisho. Waxa jira warar sheegaya in xukuumadda Somaliland iyo hay'adaheeda ammaanku ku tuhunsanyihiin ku lug lahaanshaha qaraxii horaantii bishan ka dhacay magaalada Laascaanood ee lagu dilay sarkaal sare oo ka tirsanaa ciidamada qaranka Somaliland. Mr. Indhabuur, ayay xukuumadda Somaliland Hargeysa ka masaafurisay dhawr bilood ka hor ka dib markii lagu qabtay madaarka Hargeysa, waxaana xilligaas loo masaafuriyay Muqdisho ka dib markii uu diiday inuu ka tanaasulo xilka dawlada dalkaas, maadaama oo ay Somaliland kala soo noqotay xorriyadeeda sannadii 1991-kii. Inkastoo ay jiraan warar sheegaya inuu Laascaanood ku soo galay cafis uu dalbaday, haddana ma jirto cid warkaas xaqiijinaysaa. Source Wargayska Geeska Afrika
  12. i dunnow i said it long time ago dadku hadanay dawlad wadaagii karayn dee wala kala baxa , wa xalka kaliya
  13. Amiirka Xarakada Mujaahidiinta Al Shabaab oo hambaliyo ku aadan Munaasabada Ciidul Adxaa u direy Umada Soomaaliyeed. Posted: 11/28/2009 3:23:00 PM Shabelle: MUQDISHO Amiirka Xarakada Mujaahidiinta Al Shabaab ayaa waxa uu hambaliyo ku aadan Munaasabada Ciidul Adxaa u direy Umada Soomaaliyeed. Amiirka Xarakatu Shabaabul Mujaahidiin Sheekh Muqtaar C/raxmaan Abuu Subayr ayaa Canjal maqal ah oo uu soo duubay la soo gaarsiiyay Saxaafada Muqdisho ayaa waxa uu kaga hadlay qodobo kala duwan oo ku salaysan Siyaasada wadanka Soomaaliya. Waxa uu marka hore Umadda Muslimka gaar ahaan Umadda Soomaaliyeed ugu hambalyeeyay Ciida barakaysan ee Ciidul Adxaa. Amiirka Xarakada Al Shabaab Sheekh Muqtaar C/raxmaan Abuu Subayr waxa uu sidoo kale Cajalka Maqalka ah ee uu soo gaarsiiyay Saxaafada kaga hadlay Siyaasada Wadanka Soomaaliya isagoona sheegay in aysan Mujaahidiintu ka tanaasuli doonin dagaalka ay ku la jiraan dowladda KMG Soomaaliya iyo Ciidamada Shisheeye ee ku sugan gudaha dalka Soomaaliya sida uu hadalka u dhigay. Sheekh Muqtaar C/raxmaan Abuu Subayr hogaamiyaha Dhaq dhaqaaqa Al Shabaab waxa uu sidoo kale ugu baaqay Umadda Soomaaliyeed in ay garab siiyaan Mujaahidiinta isagoona tix gabay ah ku cabiray Marxalada haatan uu marayo wadanka Soomaaliya. Hadalka Amiirka Xarakada Al Shabaab ayaa imaanaya xilli Umadda Muslimiinta ah gaar ahaan kuwa reer Muqdisho ay u dabaal dagayaan maalinkii labaad Munasabada Ciidul Adxaa. Aqriso oo la soco Shabelle.net Saacad Walba si aad u hesho wararkii ugu dambeeyay ee Soomaaliya. Dhageeyso Wararka 1:30-duhurnimo Maalin waliba adigoo raacaya tilmaamaha Wabseydka. Daawo ShabelleTv Online
  14. Originally posted by Fu-Fu: Zack, awoowe xaajin xanjuf waa nin marqaansan oo iska hadlay ee hala yaaabin Miqraankayga ya ku tussay ma qaad baad ii qaaday
  15. looooooooooooooooooooool these kids are learning their abtirsi i cant wait to teach my daughter that markay yara weynato cabdi waraabe sii fiican buu uu hadlay lol
  16. dawasho wacan Listen carefully what he says he addresses the government of Somaliland and he also the people of Somaliland to stay united no matter what , he also warned the people to stay away from the fake wadaads who import their backwards ideology to Somaliland .From koonfuria.
  17. at hargeisa Stadiumka weyn http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jo6P6wMTpu0&feature=player_embedded#
  18. is that cumar buur ka hoosta eegaya are u sure inu sujudii karo yarku Sh dalxiis maanta wabu so fogaday masajid babu ku tukanaya last ciid vila somalia ayuu ku dhex tukkaday
  19. Runta ma idin sheega aniga qoray daqadan uga so dhacay allpuntland.Laakin way isougaden . odayga ilkaha jirka leh ayaan meesha rabbay inan horta ka saaro ileen wasiirka arimaha gudaha iyo wasiirka maaliyadu haday is casilaan way uu dhamaatay mamuulka buqland