Xaaji Xunjuf

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Everything posted by Xaaji Xunjuf

  1. The problem is Somalis can’t agree on a government what ever the problem maybe. They just cant, they need to embrace that and look for other alternatives Somali people are successful business people but they fail as a nation. We all know what caused that .My point is if we all agree to have a healthy discussion about Somali politics with out any personal attacks. Then things will be just fine. I am from Somaliland I love my country I would do everything to develop it , but the problem is we the somalilanders , wax alale waxay isla jecelyihin koonfuriansku anagu waanu la jecelnahay. Laakin maalintay nala jecladaan waxanu anagu isla jecelnahay maalintasanu hormar gaadhnay waleh , anigu koonfurianksa markay cabdilahi yusuf soo doorteen alla ha idin sahlo baanu lahayn sh dalxiis markay soo doorteen waanu idin la jecelnahay , xata shabaabkina iyo mansuurkina wanu idinla jecelnahay . laakin maalintad Somaliland nala jeclaatan iyo goaamadanu yeelanay. Maalintasay somalinimadii iyo wanaagi iyo iskaashigii soo noqonaya.
  2. Abtigis wagaan internetka soo gashaday ayaan google ku qoray Somali , iyo online markasu websitkanii ii soo booday iyo awr yaro ku sawiiran dee waan iska soo raacay.
  3. Leave us out if it my friend , Federalka idinka idinka dhaxaysa idinku watta.
  4. Jidbaale dadka qora xafiskooda weyn wuxu ku yaala mafrish ku yaala london oo calan yar faras ku sawiiranyahay uu logo yahay
  5. AALIYAH Lascanood is still laascanood its still the same buurtii sayidka wali meeshay ku taala waxba isma baddalin soo is dadji
  6. Garaaad beeldadjiya ayaanu naqiinay garaad beel dagaal galiya waligeen maynu arkiin.
  7. Che sheikhu , sharciga kama weyna ya waxa kugu sheekeye horta?
  8. Originally posted by Bile Bile: Somalilantaba SNMta ayay Mujaahidiin Dhahaan, Siyaad iyo Saraakiishiisi miyaa gaala ahaa mase Riyaale kuwa uu keenay laascaanood ayaa diinta saxdaa haysta miyaad leedahay Maya snm waxay la dagalemeen dawlad Marxist Atheist ku dhaqan ayay la dagaleemen ayada quraanka badhna na beeniye marka dawlada cidii riiday wala odhan kara wa mujaheedin ileen quraanka kariimka ayay uu hiiliyeen.
  9. Originally posted by Mansa Munsa: Waa mujaahid qofka falkaas fuliyey. Ma qof nin somali ah oo muslim ah dilay aya mujaheed ah
  10. The guy buraale fled to widh widh i heard, , he fled buhuudle
  11. So onlf struggle is a fake jihad on what do u base that. If you defend your land from kafir , according to Islam you’re a mujaheed.
  12. Qarax Caawa lagu weeraray Saldhig ku yaala Bosaaso. Horseed Media Breaking News Waxaa fiidnimadi caawa weerar bam gacmeed ah lagu qaaday Saldhig ku yaala Magaalada Bosaaso kaas oo geystay khasaaro dhaawac ah. Saldhiga lagu magacaabo Minjir oo ku yaala xaafada Biyo Kulule ee Bariga Magaalada Bosaaso ayaa waxaa lagu tuuray bam kaas oo sababay khasaaro dhaawac. Horseed Media oo booqasho ku tegtay Saldhiga u Qaraxu ka dhacay ayaa waxaa loo xaqiijiyey in Taliyihi Saldhigaas oo lagu magacaabo Duunge iyo Askari kale ay ku dhaawacmeen weerarkaas. Waxaana ay wararku sheegaayan in xilliga Saldhiga la weeraraayay u Taliyaha ku sugnaa, waxaana iminka dhaawaca Taliyaha la geeyey Cisbitaalka Bosaaso halkaas oo lagu dabiibaayo isaga iyo Askariga kale ee isaguna ku dhaawacmay. Lama yaqaano cida ka dambeysay qaraxaan caawa lala beegsaday Saldhiga Minjir,waxaana jirta in Ciidan ka tirsan Saldhigaas ay durbadiiba bilaabeen howlgalo ay ku sugaayan amniga aaga saldhiga, iyadoo sidoo kale ay kala ceyriyeen dadki isugu soo baxay Saldhiga oo rabay in ay ogaadan sidi ay wax u dhaceen. Qaraxaan ayaa noqonaaya kii labaad oo ka dhaca Magaalada Bosaaso mudo 24-saac gudahood ah, iyadoo habeenkii xalay qarax lala beegsaday goob ay ku sugnaayeen Ciidan ka tirsan amniga Bosaaso kuwaas oo xilliyadi habeenkii baara gaadiidka goosheeya laamiga dheer ee Bosaaso. Waxaana muuqata in falalka amni darada ah xilliyada habeenkii ay ku soo badanaayan magaalada Bosaaso oo mudooyinkii ugu dambeeyey aan looga baran, iyadoo sidoo kale maanta garoonka diyaaradaha laga afduubtay diyaarad ay iska lahayd Shirkada Daalo Airline kaas oo ay afduubeen Kooxo hubeysan oo marki dambe ay gacanta ku dhigeen Ciidamada Puntland. Horseed Media.
  13. Daldhac wa ninku dhashay uu dhashay Magaalada buhuudla ah na Taliyah Ciidamada somaliland Eh gobolk buhuudle
  14. Iska-hor imaad dhaawac sababay oo Magaalada Buuhoodle ku dhexmaray Ciidamada Somaliland iyo Kooxo hubaysan Isniin, 2 November 2009 (HOL)- Saddex qof oo laba ka mid ahi ay yihiin Dhalinyaro Arday ah ayaa dhaawacmay, ka dib markii maanta hawl-gal ay Ciidamada Somaliland ku doonayeen inay ku qabteen Nin sheegtay in uu ka dambeeyay Qaraxii shalay lagu dilay Taliyihii Qaybta 12aad ee Ciidamada Somaliland ay ka fuliyeen badhtamaha Magaalada Buuhoodle. Ciidamada Somaliland ayaa maanta hawl-gal ay ku doonayeen in ay ku qabtaan Nin ka hadlay Idaacad laga dhegaystay gudaha Magaalada Buuhoodle oo sheegtay in uu ka dambeeyay Qaraxii shalay lagu dilay Taliyihii Qaybta 12aad ee Ciidamada Somaliland Marxuum Cismaan Yuuusuf Nuur, kaas oo keenay inay la kulmaan iska caabbin ay kala hor yimaaddeen Kooxo hubaysan oo difaacayay Ninkaas. Ciidamada ayaa weerar ku qaaday Hotel uu Magaalada Buuhoodle ka degan yahay Ninkan Idaacadda ka hadlay, halkaas oo ay Rasaas isku waydaarsadeen Kooxaha hubaysan ee difaacayay Ninkan. Tanina waxay keentay in ay qaar ka mid ah Shacabku Mudaharaad kala hor yimaadaan Ciidamada Somaliland, isla markaana ay Dhagax-tuuraan ama shiidaan iyaga oo ku dhawaaqaya ereyo Somaliland ka dhan ah. Siday sheegayaan Wararka ka imanaya Magaalada Buuhoodle, Ciidamada Somaliland kumay guulaysan qabashada Ninkan oo wuu baxsaday, isla markaana waxay Ciidamadu dib ugu laabteen fadhiisimadooda. Guddoomiyaha Buuhoodle ee Somaliland Cismaan Yuusuf Maxamed ayaa sheegay in Ciidamada u tudheen oo ay ka daayeen Rasaasta Shacabka, maadaama ay dadweyne Dumar iyo carruur u badani isu soo baxeen. Wararku waxay intaa ku dareen in Dhalinyarada dhaawacantay la geeyay Cusbatallada oo lagu dawaynayo. Barkhad M. Kaariye Hiiraan Online barqad@hiiraan.com Hargeisa, Somaliland
  15. looooooooool@ air pirates. Onlf na cirkay qabadeen Faroole and his gang na badda
  16. Somalia under UN Transitional Administration by Mohamud M Uluso Sunday, November 01, 2009 With this month’s (October) transition from non- extendable five (5) years’ term of Transitional Federal Government (TFG) to two (2) years’ term of Transitional Federal Unity Government (TFUG), Somalia lost the right for self-Government and fell under the authority of United Nations Transitional Administration -Neo-Trusteeship or peacekeeping without consent. The move has been made possible by the last two complementary policy traps of Bush Administration to deny Obama Administration the opportunity for significant policy change in the Horn of Africa. The traps were the hastily formed TFUG in Djibouti and the Security Council Resolution S/Res/1863/2009 that anticipated the establishment of UN peacekeeping operation, an euphemism for Transitional Administration. This also endorses the views of the experts who have argued that the United States and other Western Countries must support a United Nations Transitional Administration in countries where there is no functioning and legitimate government but that there is an international and regional consensus for the creation of Neo-Trusteeship. After brutal failed invasion, Ethiopia maliciously and tirelessly continues to campaign for AU-UN Occupation of South-Central Somalia. Therefore, understanding and taking stock of the implications of this juncture is very critical for Somalia’s future. The lost sovereignty is marked by the automatic repeal of the Transitional Federal Charter (TFC) in favor of Djibouti Agreement (DA) signed between the TFG and Alliance for Re-Liberation of Somalia (ARS-D) and by the formation of two committees- the Joint Security Committee and the High Level Political Committee- both chaired by the United Nations. The local counterparts play subordinate roles. Somalia was candidate for UN Trusteeship rule since October 1992, when former UN Secretary General, Boutros Boutros Ghali proposed the idea to the UN Security Council. At that time, the Council declined to formally approve the idea. But the emergency of major threats to international security because of large number of collapsed or rogue states, fierce resurgence of Political Islam, genocide, and calls for human security in response to catastrophic humanitarian crisis gave way an intense theoretical political and legal debate which produced large body of knowledge and generated rationale for international intervention in sovereign states on grounds of international security and human security. The risks, abuses and distortions inherent in foreign interventions have been forcefully raised. The inability of the Somalis to care their shared destiny and primordial identity, culture, values and land has been used against them and it remains an excuse for the neo-trusteeship. In a Speech of June 19, 2009 at Chatham House in London, the Special Representative of the UN Secretary General (SRSG) stated that most of the problems in the Somalia are related to leadership and the Elite- be they political, intellectual and business- have taken the population, the agenda and everything hostage. He hailed articles 8 and 9 of AD prescribing the formation of Joint Security Committee for security sector reform and the High Level Political Committee for national policy coordination and implementation. A Commission for drafting Federal Constitution is also chaired by the UN. The SRSG added, “It is very difficult to run a country or to be a candidate for running a country if you don’t have the right skills. This was visible in Djibouti and is the case with the opposition who are from young generation…… The High Level Political Committee will be a good preparation for the political management of a future Somalia…The committees will not be parallel government but something that helps address national issues and whose members should be seen as members of a leading group.” He asked: “Why should the Central Bank be under the control of the minister of finance? It is good that for the opposition to gain experience of the national central bank, where there is a problem of printing fake money.” However, it is important to note that at the end of the Djibouti process, there were no two parties sharing power. Instead, TFG became Transitional Federal Unity Government (TFUG) and the opposition leaders took over the power to run the country. Besides UN Trust Fund and the AMISOM forces, the spring-board for the UN Transitional Administration is UN Somalia Aid Coordination Body (SCAB) - International shadow government based in Nairobi, Kenya- , established after the collapse of Somali State and chaired by UNDP. SCAB manages the annual Consolidated Appeal Process (CAP) for Somalia. The 2009 CAP is $ 919 million compare to $ 662 million of 2008. The Report of the Secretary General S/2009/210 details the short and long term strategy, goals and policies for implementing Security Council Resolution S/Res/1863/2009. On October 2, the Secretary General submitted Report S/2009/503 that falls far short of providing a right picture of the human tragedy witnessed immediate after the UN-led Djibouti peace initiative and ignores the far greater crimes and systematic destruction of livelihood of the local population, corruption and poor governance in public domain associated with UN supported parties. The call for reconciliation on the basis of DA is a game as long as the operative policy is that the opposition must join ARS-D Government or be completely isolated. The report remains silent about the strategy of African Union Mission for Somalia (AMISOM) to fight insurgents by terrorizing the civilians in order to displace them so that Mogadishu remains empty. AMISOM’s recent compensation for killed camels in contrast to the standard denial of shelling, killing, wounding and displacing innocent civilians and destroying their properties has deeply offended and angered the local population who composed poems decrying AMISOM’s abuses. The dismissive, abusive and accusatory comments of AMISOM’s Spokesman are symbol of the hostile relationship between AMISOM and the public in Mogadishu. Despite the full knowledge of the absence of command and control security structure as well as political oversight capacity inside Somalia, the United Nations and International Community are spending millions of dollars in recruiting and training in multiple foreign countries soldiers of unknown citizenship, loyalty and selection criteria. Former Somali Military Officials who met in Washington, D.C had advised against such process. Massive extra CAP resources are allocated to security and development of physical infrastructure like pre-fabricated building, armored vehicles, fuel supply system, food refrigeration and distribution system, modern communication system and compensation. Recently, TFUG signed an agreement with US Private Security Firm for protection and training of forces. The efforts could be part of the establishment of Green Zone for the UN Transitional Administration in Mogadishu. In contrast, the Humanitarian Agencies (WFP, UNICEF, WHO, UNHCR) face huge shortfalls of humanitarian emergency assistance needed for 1.5 million Internally Displaced People since early 2007 and about 3.8 million people or 50 % of the Somali population. More worrisome, almost all displaced and vulnerable people are concentrated in the areas controlled by the opposition distrustful of UN’s role in Somalia. The wave of refugees in neighboring countries, high numbers of people drowning everyday in the sea or languishing in foreign prisons are merely statistics. The United Nations directs the local counterparts from the overlapping Administrations of Somaliland, Puntland and Sool, as well as from GalMudug and Himan and Heeb Administrations, Ahlu Sunna Wal Jama Authority, TFUG, Civil Society and whoever else comes along. Whether it is a deliberate obfuscation or genuine confusion about the ongoing mayhem in Somalia, incomplete narratives constitute major obstacle to long lasting peace and stability in Somalia. Peace and sustainable governance in Somalia depend on genuine conflict resolution and peace-building centered on the people and by the people. Mohamud M Uluso mohamuduluso@gmail.com
  17. Garaad Jaamac Iyo Kornayl Siciid Khaarajiye Oo Gacan Saar La Leh Ururka Al-Shabaab Oo Loo Aanaynayo Dilkii Taliyaha Qaybta 12aad Hargeysa Novomeber 02, 2009 (Haatuf) – Garaad Jaamac Garaad Cali iyo Kornayl Siciid Khaarajiye ayaa la sheegay inay gacan saar la leeyihiin ururka Al-shabaab, kuwaas oo loo aanaynayo dilkii Taliyaha Qaybta 12aad ee Ciidamada Qaranka Cismaan Yuusuf Nuur oo shalay dil Argagixiso oo aaladaha qarxa loogu addeegsaday badhtamaha magaaladda Laascaanood wakhti uu ku jiray kormeer shaqo. Taliyihii Qaybta 12aad ee ciidamada Qaranka Somaliland Marxuum Cismaan Yuusuf Nuur oo abaaro 8-dii subaxnimo ee shalay badhtamaha magaalada Laascaanood dil loogu geystay ayaa Garaad Jaamac Garaad Cali oo ka mid ah madaxdhaqameedyada gobolka Sool la sheegay tan iyo markii xilka garaadnimo loo caleemo-saaray uu olole taageero ah uga raadinayey ururka Al-shabaab Siddii looga taageeri lahaa deegaanada gobolka Sool, taas oo la sheegay in mawqifkaasi uu si weyn ugu dhiiri-geliyey siyaasiga Cali Khaliif Galaydh oo isagu ahaa Rayasal wasaarihii dawladdii C/qaasim Salaad Xasan ee Shirkii Carta lagu soo dhisay, kaas oo la sheegay inuu dhaqaale ku siiyo garaad Jaamac taageerada ururka Al-shabaab. Ilaa hada se xukuumada Somaliland war cad kamay soo saarin cidda falkaasi qaraxyada ah gaysatay iyo cida soo abaabushay-ba, hase yeeshee sida ay ila xogagaal ahi Haatuf u sheegay, in weerarkaasi argagixiso uu ka danbeeyey nin lagu magacaabo korneyl Siciid khaarajiye oo isaga dhawaan uu Garaad Jaamac Garaad Cali shirkii dhawaan ugu qabsoomay magaalad Nairobi ugu magacaabay talIyaha ciidanka xoraynta deegaanada Sool, bariga Sanaag iyo Buhuudle oo uu Sheegay in ciidamada qaranka ee Somaliland ee deegaanadaasi ku sugan ay kusoo qaadi doonaan talaabooyinay jiidahaasi ay kaga xoraynayaan, taasoo wararka la xidhiidha qaraxaasi ay sheegayaan in kooxo ciidamo dharcada oo uu dhawaan kornayl Siciid Khaarijiye ka qortay deegaanadaasi ay fuliyeen weerarka argagixiso ee lagu dilay taliyihii qaybta 12aad ee ciidamada qaranka Somaliland marxuum Cismaan Yuusuf Nuur. Dilkan argagixiso ayaa waxa uu ku soo beegmay xilli ay laba todobaad ka hor ay Garaad Jaamac Garaad Cali, oo ka mid madaxdhaqameedyada beelaha gobolka Sool oo waraysi siiyay idaacada laanta afsoomaaliga ee BBC-da uu ku sheegay in talaabo kasta oo ay ciidamada Somaliland kaga saarayaan deegaanadaasi ay qaadayaan, kuna hanjabay haddii ay ka bix waayaan ciidamada Somaliland jiidahaasi ay six un kaga bixi doonaan gebi ahana kaga xorayn doonaan, isagoo tilmaamay in guddi lagu magacaabo dibu xoraynta deegaanadaasi oo uu si rasmiya ugu magacaabay inuu hogaamiye u noqdo Kornel Siciid Khaarajiye oo isagu ka mid ahaa gacan ku dhiiglayaashi rajiimkii Siyaad Barre ee ummada reer Somaliland xasuuqay laguna tilmaamo labadoodaba niman gacan saar weyn gacan saar u la leh ururka argagixisada ee Al-shabaab oo iyagu inta badan adeegsada weerarada loo adeegsado aaladaha kala duwan ee qaraxyada dhaliya. Hase yeeshee xukuumada Somaliland ayaa iyadu sheegtay in baadhis rasmiya ay ka wadaan cidii falkasi geysatay iyo ciddii soo abaabushay-ba, iyadoo wakhtigan xaadirka ahna dhacdadan dilka ahi ay ku soo beegantay kadib markii wargeyska Haatuf shaaciyey 29 October Khamiistii todobaadkii hore in ururka Al-shaab ay qorshaynayaan qaraxyo cusub iyo dilal qorshaysan oo lagula kacayo masuuliyiinta Somaliland ay soo wadaan. maalintii shalay galab magaalada Burco lagu aasay taliyii qaybta 12aad marxuum Cismaan Yuusuf Nuur, labadaii askari ee dhaawaca ahaana lagu daweynayo cisbitaalka Burco. Dhinaca kale wararka aanu xalay ka helaynay magaalada Laascaanood ayaa sheegay in gebi ahaanba Magaalada lascaanood ayaa la geliyay bandow waxana la qabqabtay dad badan oo baadhitaan ku socdo.