Xaaji Xunjuf

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Everything posted by Xaaji Xunjuf

  1. That is if u get rid of Emir Seylici the governer of jubbaland wal shabaabiya Federal Bugland uun ba hadal haysa Wala sh dalxiis ba hadal haya wala aw xisbal xasuuq ba wakhti u haya. somaliland na hadalkeeda ba da ama frenchie dhe ama federal dhe yaa ba ku og inad jirtid sxb
  2. Originally posted by Qhalib: This thread made me laugh I don't know why. Duke is truly outstanding clown. ahhahaha Pugland ba beryahan yara qiiqaysa marka wa inu is yara ilaawsiya
  3. Madaxweynaha Puntland ayaa ku dhaliilay Madax dhaqameedka Sool, Sanaag Iyo Cayn go,aamadii ka soo baxay shirka Buurawadal isaga oo sheegay in ay ahaayeen go,aamo la mid ah kuwii Nairobi, laguna doonayo in lagu dhiso maamul kale, wuxuuna sheegay sida ay xaqiijiyeen ilo xog ogaal ahi in ay keeneen go,aamadaasi in golayaasha maamulku la kala saftaan oo noqdaan kuwo go,aamadaas diidan iyo kuwo ogol. C/raxmaan Faroole waxa kale oo uu sheegay in aan maanta loo baahnahayn in Maamulka Hargeysa lagula xisaabtamo deegaanka Laascaanood xaalado jiro awgood, wuxuuna soo jeediyey in aan loo ololayn sidii Laascaanood hadda ciidan loogu ururin lahaa. War ninki faroole sooka bah dilay khuusuusigi
  4. Originally posted by Alien13: Qaran news & Gabileynews. Sorry afnugaal beri bay so qori doonaan
  5. Wefti Culus oo ka Kooban Xukuumadda iyo Baarlamaanka oo Maanta u Ambabaxaya Maraykanka Weftigan oo uu Hogaaminayo Wasiirka A/Dibadu waxay ku sii Hakanayaan dalka Djibouti Hargeysa (GNS) Wefti culus oo ka kooban Xukuumadda Somaliland iyo golayaasha Baaralamaanka ayaa la filayaa inay maanta u anbabaxaan dalka Maraykanka. Waftigan oo ku tagaya marti-qaad rasmi ah oo ay ka heleen xukuumada Maraykanka waxay ku sii hakan doonaan dalka Djibouti oo ay u sii dhaafi doonaan dalka Maraykanka. Waftigan oo uu hogaaminayo Wasiirka Arrimaha Dibadda Somaliland, C/laahi Max’ed Ducaale waxa ku wehelinaya wasiirada Arrimaha Gudaha C/laahi Ismaaciil Cirro, Wasiirka Qorshaynta Cali-Sanyare, Wasiirka Macdanta iyo Biyaha Cismaan Sh Cabdi Sh Maxamed iyo labada gudoomiye ku xigeen ee labaad ee golayaasha baaralamanka (Wakiilada iyo Guuritida), Baashe Maxamed Faarax iyo Siciid Jaamac Cali, ayaa Mudada ay joogaan dalka Maraykanka waxa la filayaa inay wada hadalo rasmi ah la yeeshaan xukuumada Maraykanka taas oo uu ku saabsan xoojinta xidhiidhka labada dal iyo arrimaha iskaashiga ay ka yeelan karaan labada dal. Waa markii ugu horaysay ee wafti culus oo ka kooban xukuumada iyo baaralamanku ay socdaal wada jir ah ugu baxaan dibadda, taas oo xoojinaysa dadaalka ay Somaliland ugu jirto inay aqoonsi ka hesho caalamka. Gabileynews
  6. Wefti Culus oo ka Kooban Xukuumadda iyo Baarlamaanka oo Maanta u Ambabaxaya Maraykanka Written by Qaran News Feb 23, 2010 at 07:32 AM Hargeysa (Qaran News) -Wefti culus oo ka kooban Xukuumadda Somaliland iyo golayaasha Baaralamaanka ayaa la filayaa inay maanta u anbabaxaan dalka Maraykanka. Waftigan oo ku tagaya marti-qaad rasmi ah oo ay ka heleen xukuumada Maraykanka waxay ku sii hakan doonaan dalka Djibouti oo ay u sii dhaafi doonaan dalka Maraykanka. Waftigan oo uu hogaaminayo Wasiirka Arrimaha Dibadda Somaliland, C/laahi Max'ed Ducaale waxa ku wehelinaya wasiirada Arrimaha Gudaha C/laahi Ismaaciil Cirro, Wasiirka Qorshaynta Cali-Sanyare, Wasiirka Macdanta iyo Biyaha Cismaan Sh Cabdi Sh Maxamed iyo labada gudoomiye ku xigeen ee labaad ee golayaasha baaralamanka (Wakiilada iyo Guuritida), Baashe Maxamed Faarax iyo Siciid Jaamac Cali, ayaa Mudada ay joogaan dalka Maraykanka waxa la filayaa inay wada hadalo rasmi ah la yeeshaan xukuumada Maraykanka taas oo uu ku saabsan xoojinta xidhiidhka labada dal iyo arrimaha iskaashiga ay ka yeelan karaan labada dal. Waa markii ugu horaysay ee wafti culus oo ka kooban xukuumada iyo baaralamanku ay socdaal wada jir ah ugu baxaan dibadda, taas oo xoojinaysa dadaalka ay Somaliland ugu jirto inay aqoonsi ka hesho caalamka. Waaheen
  7. Disarm puntland that’s not good that would mean the security of puntland will get better.
  8. Suldaan sicid Suldaan Cabdisalaan Suldaan Maxamuud Suldaan Cali shire, oo maanta calanka Somaliland siita wa arin aad u qurux badan
  9. Jacaylbaro its called gobolka badhan hada la soco Good on the maakhir Sultan
  10. war inantu ma foga inadeerkeed Cumar iley bey la joogta , marka naga daya buuqa.
  11. War deg deg ah:Alshabaab oo dib u qabsatay Dhoobley iyo Axmed Madoobe oo xadka dhaafay. Warkii 19-Feb-2010 iyo Qormadii: NEWS Wararka aan ka helayno magaalada Kismaayo ayaa sheegaya in saaka ay dib ula wareegeen degmada Dhoobley xoogaga mujaahidiinta Alshabaab,iyadoo halkaas ay ka firxadeen malayshiyadii Axmed Madoobe oo shalay qabsaday magaalada,waxaana wararku sheegayaan in Axmed Madoobe aan la hayn meel uu jaan iyo cidhib dhigay,iyadoo loo badinayo inuu galay dhinaca Kenya. Ciidanka Mujaahidiintu Alshabaab ayaa Dhoobleey ka soo galay Jihooyin kala gedisan sida dhanka waqooyi ee Diif iyo dhanka Qooqaani oo ay ka dhaqaaqeen Boqolaal katirsan Ciidanka Alshabaab iyo kuwa Diif kasoo dhaqaaqay. Dhowr Gaadiid dagaal oo ay ka carareen Maleeshiyadii ONLF iyo kuwii Axmed Madoobe ayaa laga helay Howdka Dhoobleey waxaana weli socda baaritaano ay saraakiisha Wilaayada Islaamiga Jubbooyinka ku baad goobayaan Maleeshiyadii Axmed Madoobe. Wararka oo faahfaahsan ha ka fogaan Afnugaal.com Afnugaal News Desk. Contact:info@afnugaal.com
  12. Originally posted by The Zack: Puntlanders and Jubba can't go together unless Puntland = Clan. I thought Puntalnd was on northeastern of Somalia. Can good Xudeedi explain where the relationship is coming from here? On the other hand, Xaaji Xunduf, unlike you, Xudeedi calls all Somalia his home, adigu 3da magaaalo xabsi iskaga dhig. i call Jerusalem my home 2 , that doesn’t mean its my home
  13. Originally posted by Sikaawe: quote:Originally posted by Xaji_Xunjuf: Yuhuuda iyo maraykan iyo ingrees manay isku mid ahayn ma gaalada kala fiican hada , Gaal wa gaal hadaad mid cilaqaat la yeelatid ka kale maxa ku didaya, wa waxba, qirada inaga daya walalayaal. Carabtu iyo Reer bani isreal waxay isku hayaan wa mid iyaga u taal. Ta anagu dhex gali meyno. Laakin anigu danaha Somaliland comes first danaha Somaliland cidi laga arko inay wax la qabanayso walala xidhidhaya Diin la eegi mayo isir la eegi mayo nassabkooda la eegi mayo dhaqankooda la eegi mayo Dalkooda la eegi mayo taarikhdooda la eegi mayo. Laakin wixi somaliland maslaxadooda ku jirta anagu wanu So dhaweyneyna Xaaji waa runtaa intaa aad sheegtay oo dhami waanan kugu raacsanhay, laakiin waa in aynu xarfad ku darno oo aynaan haadaan iska tuurin. Yahuuda, Mareykan iyo Ingrees inooma kala sokeeyaan, laakiin Yahuuduna qori dableh ayuu la wareegaysaa oo meel ay ku gubto raadineysaa kuwa kalenana siyaasad iyo xarfad ayey aduunka ku kala wadaan. Markaa adeer hadii maanta ay Yahuudi dooneyso in ay ictiraafto ha ku dhawaaqdo, cidina uma diidayso, laakiin kama yeeleyno in aanu "yes man" u noqo yahuud oo ay weliba nagu xidho shuruudo kale. Ma waxa aad dooneysaa in Saudi hadana inaga joojiyo xoolaha oo inta Somalida ahee ka shaqaysatana debeda u soo tuuro,loooooooooool.... ama Malaysia inta wax ka barata soo saarto. Aniga waxa markaa ila tahay in aan nimankaan lagu degdeg waayo ninka aad kabaha ka toleynayso kabahiisa ayaa la eegaa marka hore, nimankan wax wanaag ah weligood laguma sheegin wax ay xumeeyaan mooyaane. Horta inadeer wax an ku sheego siyasadu il qudh ah uun laga ma eego meeshan waxa jirta wala kala faiideysanaya, isreal ha u baqan inay kula so dagto , laakin xidhidku wa mid siyasadeysan , dadkeenu na maha dad lugu awr kacsan karo laakin danteena ayeynu markasta eegeyna ma fahantay , sxb xoolahan suucuudi caribiya aynu u dhoofino carabtu markanu anu yara macaashno adhiga wey inaga xiidha , markanu aad xaaladu u xumaato diib bay u furan anigu ma ihey nin mar ba afka wax loogu gurayo marka danbe na tummbada laga sarayo. War anigu livestock isreal baban ka iibin laha , horta isreal dunida gacan xoog baddan bay ku haysa ta ku darso, Yuhuudu dalka u soo guurii mayaan laakin xidhiidku wa mid dibloomasi ah iyo mid gacansi ba.
  14. labbada kooxood na kitaab quraanay wataan , intuba ayaado quraanay dalilsanayan
  15. Anti-Somaliland Campaigners: Descending to the Lower of Pan-Somali Polemics Written by Abdulaziz Al-Mutairi Feb 18, 2010 at 08:47 AM In last two decades, Somalia was dooming into devastation, and until today it has no signs of a recovery. After the collapse of brutal regime of Siyad Barre, the armed struggle between rival Mohamed Farah Aideed and Ali Mehdi, and beginning of Warlords, the international community hosted many peace conferences for Somalis to settle their differences including the latest in Djibouti. However, all failed due to reasons with personal interest. The entire infrastructure of Somalia collapsed and thousands of civilians were killed and other run away from their homes to the refugee camps in Kenya. The rape of women is common in southern Somalia and millions of children don’t go to schools, in addition to bloody so-called Islamic fundamentalism. This nonsense conflict in Somalia takes different shapes including tribal, political and religious. In other hand, Somaliland restored its lost sovereignty of 26th June 1960 with colonial border. Somaliland focused on peace-making, state building, democracy, creating social services including free education to all Somaliland children from Elayo to Loyado cities. Today’s Somaliland is based on 1960 territory that won independence from Britian and 35 countries including Israel, Egypt, Ethiopia and the five permanent members of Security Council recognized with predefined colonial border, permanent population, capacity interrelations with other states. We should remember that entire African states are based on colonial border. Somaliland rehabilitated refuges from Ethiopia. These refuges escaped the air bombing, killing and ethnic clearing against the people of Somaliland by the brutal military regime of Barre. Somaliland established multiparty political system and organized free and fair elections under international and African observers. Somaliland disarmed thousands of militia, trained and transformed them into National Army and Police. In last 20 years, Somaliland had three consecutive elected presidents and two parliaments in addition Municipal Council. The election took place without outside support. The democracy in Somaliland is homegrown, and every Somalilander contributed in to the democracy creation. The voters standing in long queues hit the headline of international news agencies. Somaliland established sustainable economy and social services, and today the government regularly pays the salaries of more than 150,000 security officers including army, police and jail guards. All these remarkable achievement was in less than 20 years, and without international support. UN, AU or EU did not send nor did Somaliland request crisis diffusers and election experts to support Somaliland in democracy development and state building. The commitment of the people of Somaliland towards peace, democracy and independence led these developments and progress. Unfortunately, the international community spends millions of dollars to restore peace and security in Somalia, and neglected to help Somaliland in state building and democracy promotions. AU fact-finding delegate to Somaliland in 2005 advised the African Union to recognize Somaliland because it fulfils all the requirements of statehood. Moreover, Somaliland is victim of terrorist attacks from lawless Somalia including Al-Shabab recent suicide bombing at the sensitive locations in Somaliland including UN Headquarter and Presidential Palace. There is Anti-Somaliland campaigns via the media, and they misbelieve that success of Somaliland will have backfire on their interests. Such campaigners tried many times to create chaos between Somaliland tribes who lived together for thousands of years in peace and harmony. The Anti-Somaliland figures support the recent bombing in Las Anod City of eastern Somaliland, and these series of bombs killed security officers and large number of civilians. In unsuccessful attempts, the Anti-Somaliland figures hire writers on the internet to change the centuries old history of Somaliland into their own favor. They talk to governments in Africa and Asia to disable their trade connection with Somaliland, which led the ban on Somaliland livestock to Arabian Peninsula. One of such Anti-Somaliland campaigners is Former Somali Foreign Minister Mohamed Abdullah Oomar in the cabinet of Sheikh Sharif Ahmed, who asked the WFP and UNDP to stop their development and aid programs in Somaliland. This desperate attempt was to downgrade Somaliland. The below paragraphs are note of Somaliland Constitution in 1960; this is to prove to Anti-Somaliland campaigners that Somaliland was an independent country with defined borders and today, it restored its lost sovereignty after 40 years of detrimental union with Italian Somalia. If anyone need more prove about existence of Somaliland and its constitution, he/she either visit www.somalilandlaw.com or www.untreaty.un.org and search for Somaliland agreements with Britain, and announcement of UK that Great Britain don’t represent Somaliland because it is an independent state: A note on the Somaliland Constitutional History between 1946 to 1960 Somaliland Constitutional History – 1946 to 1960 The Somaliland Protectorate was of course governed directly by the Queen’s representative, the Governor, who exercised all legislative and executive powers. In 1946, an Advisory Council was established. This consisted of 48 selected members representing all the districts and the sections of the community. It had no executive or legislative power and only met usually once a year. The Council’s main purpose was “to stimulate the interest of the people themselves in the administration of the country and the in the collection and expenditure of public funds” (Touval, S Somali Nationalism, Harvard University Press, 1963, at page 107). Selection to the Council took the form of nominations made at clan meetings, with the District Commissioner aiming to “ensure that a reasonably representative body of delegates is sent from each District” (Lewis, IM The Modern History of Somaliland Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1965 at page 279). The Somaliland (Constitution) Order in Council 1955 was made on 10 February 1955, but did not come into force until 1957, when the first Legislative Council was set up for the first time. The Council consisted of 15 members, and was presided by the Governor. The rest of the members consisted of the three ex officio members (the Chief Secretary, the Attorney General and the Financial secretary), five official members who were heads of the Government Departments and six unofficial members nominated by the Governor. Nominations for the latter six seats were sought in the Advisory Council, but no agreement was reached on the nominations. “In the end, however, as was to be expected, 24 candidates representative of the main clans and lineages in the six Administrative Districts of the Protectorate were proposed, very much on the basis of the Advisory Council” (Lewis: 280). There was an Executive Council which consisted of the Governor, the 3 ex officio members and two of the heads of the Government Departments. The Somaliland (Constitution) Order in Council 1959 came into force on 20 February 1959. There were of course demands for elected representation on the Council, and in 1959, a new Council was formed, which consisted of the Governor as President, 12 elected members, 2 nominated unofficial members and 15 official members. In March 1959, elections for the 12 seats were held by secret ballot in a limited number of urban and rural districts and a vote by acclamation was sought in the remaining districts. Although the election was boycotted by the main political party, the Somali National League (SNL), because their demand for “an unofficial majority” (i.e Somali representation) in the Council was not accepted, this was, in effect, the first Somaliland election. Voters were males over 21 years old. In town constituencies, voters were required to possess either a dwelling or 10 camels, 10 head of cattle or 100 sheep and goats. The 12 seats were divided equally amongst the six principal districts. The Somaliland (Constitution) (No.2) Order in Council 1959 came into force on 21 November 1959. The number of the elected members of the Council was increased to 33 and the appointed membership was reduced to 3. The Somaliland (Constitution) Order in Council 1960 came into force on 16 February 1960. The composition of the Legislative Council remained the same, but the executive Council now consisted of three ex officio members and four unofficial members appointed by the Governor from among the elected members of the legislative Council. The Executive Council was designated as the principal instrument of policy and its members “shall be styled Ministers”. Elections for the legislative Council were held in February by universal adult male suffrage. This Order therefore heralded the second and more comprehensive Legislative Council elections which were held in February 1960. SNL won 20 of the seats, the USP, 12 seats and the NUF, 1 seat. Although the SNL and the USP won all but one of the seats, the number of votes which they obtained was only a little more than twice of that NUF. (SNL and USP gained 68.75% of the votes (as compared to NUF’s 31.25% and that netted them 99% of the seats – see Touval, S Somali Nationalism, Harvard University Press, 1963, at page 106). Four ministerial posts were held by Somalis for the first time, and the SNL leader, Mr Ibrahim Haji Ibrahim Egal was one of the ministers and the Leader of Government Business in the Legislative Council. On independence on 26 June 1960, the first Constitution of the independent State of Somaliland came into force. The Constitution which was annexed to the Great Britain Somaliland Order in Council 1960 (S.I 1060 of 23 June 1960). The Constitution, which consists of a total of 53 sections and a schedule is important, because marks the unique juridical status of Somaliland as an independent, sovereign state, albeit, for a short period. The Executive consisted of the Council of Ministers – a Prime Minister and three other Ministers- which had the full executive authority vested in them. Up to three Assistant Ministers may be appointed by the Prime Minister from among the members of the Legislative Assembly. The Legislature consisted of the Council of Ministers and the members of the Legislative Assembly. The Assembly consisted of a speaker and 33 members. Under s.18 of the Constitution, the first Legislative Assembly was the Legislative Council elected in February 1960. The term of office of the Assembly was three years, which applied also to the first Assembly. The Prime Minister had, however, power, under s.38 to prorogue or dissolve the Assembly at any time, which would lead to a general lection within three months of the dissolution. The Judicature consisted of the Somaliland High Court, the judges of which shall be appointed by the Council of Ministers. Section 40 set out clear terms for tenure of office of judges who shall hold office until the age of 62, and can only be removed from office “for misbehaviour or for inability to discharge the functions of his office”. If the Council of Ministers consider that a judge ought to be removed from office for these reasons, then it shall appoint a tribunal of no less two persons “who held high judicial office in Somaliland or any other country”. Other than the High Court, the Constitution stated that Somaliland shall have such other subordinate courts as prescribed by law. By:Abdulaziz Al-Mutairi Email: az.almutairi@yahoo.com
  16. Somali Islamist militias clash over southern town February 18, 2010 E-mail this article To: Invalid E-mail address Add a personal message:(80 character limit) Your E-mail: Invalid E-mail address Sending your articleYour article has been sent. E-mail|Print|Yahoo! Buzz|ShareThisText size – + MOGADISHU, Somalia—Residents in Somalia say two Islamist insurgent militias have clashed over control of a southern town. Discuss COMMENTS (0) Dhobley is only miles (kilometers) from the border with Kenya and near heavily forested land where fighters can easily hide. Resident Dahir Siyad says hundreds of fighters from Hizbul Islam forced militants from al-Shabab out of town after a pre-dawn attack Thursday. The U.S. State Department says al-Shabab is a terrorist organization with links to al-Qaida. Hizbul Islam and al-Shabab previously fought together against the U.N.-backed government. But they have recently clashed. Somalia has not had an effective government since 1991 when warlords overthrew longtime dictator Mohamed Siad Barre, then turned on each other. © Copyright 2010 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.
  17. Dagaal goor dhow ka qarxay Deegaanka Dhoobley ee gobolka Jubbada Hoose Khamiis, February 18, 2010(HOL): Dagaal xooggan oo u dhexeeya xoogagga Xarakatul Shabaabul Mujaahidiin iyo ciidamadii uu horkacayay Sheikh Axmed Max’ed Islaam (Axmed Madoobe) oo ka tirsan Ururka Xizbul Islaam ayaa goor dhawayd waxa uu ka qarxay deegaanka Dhoobley oo ku yaal xadka kala qeybiya Kenya iyo Soomaaliya. Qaar kamid ah dadka ku dhaqan deegaanka Dhoobley oo ay HOL la xiriirtay ayaa sheegay in ciidamo aad u hubeysan oo uu horkacayay Sheikh Axmed Madoobe ay soo weerareen deegaankaasi Dhoobley iyadoo dagaalku uu hadda ka socdo gudaha deegaanka Dhoobley ee Gobolka J/hoose. Lama oga Khasaaraha rasmiga ah ee ka dhashay dagaalka haseyeeshee dagaalka ayaa ah mid weli ka soconaya gudaha deegaankaasi Dhoobley, waxaana adag in la ogaado khasaaraha uu dagaalku geystay maadaama uu dagaalku weli socdo. Ma jiraan masuuliyiin ka tirsan maamullada Xakarada Alshabaab iyo kuwa uu horkacayo Sheikh Axmed madoobe oo ka hadlay dagaalka. Wixii warar ah ee ka soo kardha dagaalka ka socda deegaankaasi Dhoobley dib ayaan idinkaga soo gudbin doonaaIinsha’allah. Xasan Nuur, Hiiraan Online hnur@hiiraan.com Kismaayo, Soomaaliya
  18. wamaxay dadkan kala hadlaya cumar ileey wax bu leeyahay qolada jabhadu afkalay ku hadlaysa,
  19. open a new diplomatic office in Hargeisa. As part of the growing bilateral relationship between the two governments, San’a is now interested in setting itself in Somaliland. Sources told Somalilandpress that the Yemeni government is sending an official delegation to Hargeisa in the coming few weeks to discuss the issue with the Somaliland authorities before the office is launched. It is believed that the office will mainly focus issues concerning the relationship between the two countries, piracy, terrorism and trade. There have been increasing common interest between the two governments since the Islamist groups in Southern Somalia threatened Yemen and vowed to bridge their fighting beyond the gulf waters to join their Yemeni Jihadists in the country. Struggling an increasing Islamist movements in Yemen, the government is now looking for other partners in order to tackle the Alshabab’s expansion to its country. There is no official statement from Somaliland government so far. Somalilandpress
  20. Originally posted by Xudeedi: Xaaji: Your greatest ambition is reaching out to Maryan Mursal "Riwaayada recognition", what do you know of the lower Jubba? I know my cousin Maxammad abu bakr seylici rules it with Kitaab weyn iyo khaamis cad
  21. Originally posted by xiinfaniin: quote:Originally posted by Xaji_Xunjuf: How ever a strong Somaliland can also combat Terrorism and piracy in the region we all know Somalia is now a save heaven for terrorist. It will benefit the region in the long term. With the latest Development in Yemen with the thought that it can escalate further The desire of becoming the nation we have lost in 1960 is bigger then ever, did the Former Siyadist Government play a role in the process of the declaration of independence in 1991, yes. Did the Somaliland people felt they sacrificed 10 times as much for Somaliweyn, Then the koonfurians yes. Fighting for Independence against the colonialist Uniting the Somali people under one flag. An armed struggle as well as a political one .Was there Zero Development in Somaliland during the Adan cabdule era as well as the siyadist era. Did the somaliland people achieve more in the last 19 years then in the failed marriage with the koonfurians for 31 years., We totally miscalculated we trusted The koonfurians Blindly which was the biggest mistake we ever did. But we learned from our mistakes Xaaji, your sentiment above is clear indicative of the fact that what is driving the craze to be separate from the rest of Somalia is precisely the political grievance I referred to. And that is the reason this notion of seceding because of being unhappy with how things went 40 years ago is failing to appeal to any country (Ethiopia included )---Qudhac says it may do so in the future, but that is beside the point. Relative stability, and some degree of political maturity are no longer rare in Somalia’s political discourse. You know how the argument goes. Puntland boasts same characteristics as well. If anything the secessionism policy succeeded to bury yesteryears’ political wounds deep in the psychic of Somaliland’s young generation. Some called that a positive, political reality on the ground where large segments of the society in that part of the country identify themselves with a sovereign Somaliland, and not Somalia. Others would point out it is a solemn sign of a dangerous indoctrination, deluding the young into believing a phantom state which in reality does not exist. In either case, sentiments and emotive, demagoguery speeches that constantly refer to past grievances can only go so far in changing the legal reality as accepted by the world. Not to mention it is not healthy when one elects to be a voluntary prisoner of the past. It is interesting to note that the only statue in Somaliland is a relic of a Mig 27 jet fighter of Somalia’s former air force as to keep the anger of the past quite raw Waxaasi waa cuqdad iska yuururta oo xiwaar iyo niqaash ogeleyn awoowe, europe few dosen millions bay iska dishay, maantana waxbaa iskugu jira. yaan taariikhda maxbuus loo noqon waryee But Xiin fanin what you are failing to understand is we created a whole new history from 1991 till present day 2010, and so far the experiment, Is working, if we where having this discussion in 1993 , it would be a whole different scenario, This what I think Most Somalis believe Somalis are One homogeneous group of people this can be true , or this can be false. And thus most Somalis believe they should have one government. But didn’t that fail How ever I believe this is the problem Because we are so alike , we fail as a united front whether is genetically, or we are traditionally to different , So the only option is to save the people ,From another destruction is to Go back to the 1960 borders. Something does not appear to exist because a white man tells you it does. It exist because you created it., besides you cant compare puntland to Somaliland., Puntland is a state with in Somalia and wish not to break away from Somalia and its whole creation was Just a way to get the top seat in the TFG. The rayaale Election was done by the people of Somaliland they voted for him. It has nothing to do With SMM and the former regime bombing Harigesa and burco.after all rayaale is a somalilander Ninka diyaraada hargeisa sudhay nin aad u caqli baddan bu aha