Xaaji Xunjuf

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Everything posted by Xaaji Xunjuf

  1. Originally posted by Che -Guevara: War deg deg Ah Mudahaarad ka dhacay Magaalada laascaanood Posted to the web on May 21 Waxaa caawa fiidnimadii abaaro 8:30 ka dhacay magaalada laascaanood mudaharaad balaadhan oo ay bulshada reer laascaanood kaga soo hor jeedaan dagaalkii galabta ka dhacay magaalada buuhoodle ee goblka cayn kaasoo u dhexeeyey ciidamada ethopia iyo ciidamada SSC. Dadkan mudaharaadayey ayaa iyagu dhagxaan dhigay wadada laamiga ah ee dhex marta magaalada laascaanood,waxayna ku dhawaaqayeen ereyo ka dhana itoobiya iyo ciidamadeeda faragelinta ku haya guud ahaan gobolada SSC gaar ahaan gobolka cayn Dooni mayno. dadkan iyagu mudaharaadka dhigayey ayaa waxaa soo dhex galay policeka maamulka somaliland ee ku sugan magaalada laascaanood kuwaasoo rasaas ku ridayey si ay u kala didiyaan balse mudaharadayaashu way sii wateen mudaharaadkooda, Cabaar kadib ayaa waxaa soo galay Ciidamada malatariga somaliland ee gobolka sool iyadoo ay rasaas aan kala hadhayn ku ridayay shacabka magaalada laascaanood. Sidoo kalena gebi ahaanba dariiqyada waaweyn ee magalada laascaanood ayaa guud ahaanba Cidi dhex marayn Iyadoo Dhawaaqa rasaasta waaweyna laga dhexmaqlayo gudaha magaalada laascaanood. Ciidamada maletariga ee maamulka labaxay somaliland ayaa iyagu hoos ugu dhigayaa shacabka xabada iyadoo ay qabqabteen dad aad ufara badan Wali lama sheegin wax dhawac iyo dhimasho ah waxii warara ee ka soo kordha kala soco holhol.net Well done ciidanka qarranka , They need premession first From the Government , before they demonstrate
  2. Originally posted by Cowke: Duke is your wife from that somaliland? why are you always so soft on them? Sxb its ppl like you who bend over backwards to please those cuqdad filled losers. Buhoodle has been invaded, they didnt call these invaders to come like the las anod issue this was clear breach done by the seccessionists. I cant stand people like you always soft on the seccessionists, go and join the farole and his wife club PUNTLAND DOESNT WANT NOTHING TO DO WITH THOSE LOSERS IN HARGEISA. Why are we being forced? We should give them karbash like aideed was done in galkayo. Seccessionist and usc are no different get it thru your head sxb I smell frustration from the pirate state if your leader is Incompetent , then thats your problem
  3. Careful who you mock Boy the Ethiopian Troops that led the operation liberate Buhoodle today , Were all Ethnic Somalilanders They were not Highlanders From Ethiopia.
  4. ^^ Taliye Kuxigeenka Ciidanka somaliland eeh gobolka sool Mudane Sacad Ducaale. In the footsteps of Col dhancade
  5. Originally posted by Sacad *Ducaale: Mujahiid Xaji Xandjuf keep up the updates. Well the rebels are being crushed as we speak, Somaliland took over widhwidh district and Both buhoodle and widhwidh are with out electricity right now . The rebels lost over 7 people , Somaliland Army might move towards Horurfadhi , The people of Buhoodle shall not be used as human shield By these Clan fanatics Somaliland shall prevail
  6. SOMALILAND: Ethiopian troops clash with local militia HARGEISA (Somalilandpress) — At least thirteen people were killed and over thirty wounded when Ethiopian troops based in the town of Buhodle clashed with armed tribal militia. Reports reaching us from the disputed down suggested that at least ten Somalis were killed and three Ethiopian soldiers when violence broke out at 12:00 afternoon in the town. According to the head of Buhodle hospital, Mr Ali Ukun at least 33 were wounded in the fight consisting of minor and serious injuries. It is unclear how the war started but local media reported that last night the local militia fired a number of mobile rocket launchers as planned military exercise. They added they would fire more in the nights ahead and it is certain it has drawn the attention of the Ethiopian troops. However another reports suggest after Ethiopian troops detained commercial trucks angry militia attacked the Ethiopian check-points killing three soldiers. At least 100 trucks from Ethiopian army are stationed in the western side of the town [somaliland-Ethiopia border] for the past seven days. The Ethiopians have been inspecting trucks in and out of the town and according to unconfirmed reports have seized at least 40 trucks. However, those trucks traveling in and between Buhodle and Somaliland’s second city Burao were granted entry, only trucks traveling from Puntland to and from Buhodle were inspected and obtained. Somaliland troops who were also stationed in the city have since moved to near by towns including Widwid and Bali-ade in search of an armed militia. Somaliland and Ethiopia are worried the militia might spoil the election process in both countries and might be used as proxy by Somalia’s Islamist groups and Eritrea. Both states are opposed to the militia who call themselves Northern Somalia Unionist Movement (NSUM), who want to see the region being part of Greater Somalia which also includes Ethiopia’s Somali state. Buhodle is part of the disputed Sool region between Somaliland and the semi-autonomous region of Puntland but neither regime has full control of it. Somaliland maintains the region falls within the 1960 pre-union borders while Puntland’s argument is based on tribal bases, the inhabitants of the town also belong to Puntland’s ***** family. Somaliland has no so far commented but according to the Defense Minister, Mr. Suleyman Warsame Guled, troops from Somaliland and Ethiopia would be working along side each others to maintain the security of the region.
  7. Originally posted by xiinfaniin: Horta ma la hubaa, inaan ciidankani ahayn ciidankii ninkii Barkad ee waallaa ? Ma keyse kaasi sooki anti somalilandka aha Mise guushi bu so raacay
  8. Cowke ragga xaasaaskooda meesha ka saar, thats uncalled for.
  9. Somaliland is more Important then Daahir riyaale kahin and his seat.
  10. Dude the rebels Are Being Crushed . And there is nothing you or the pirate state can do about it. Guul Somaliland And its People.
  11. ma awal bay buhoodle Puntland ahayd , iska magac uun bey ahayd lol, Xiino xiiray ba ka talin jiray buhoodle Not puntland , and soon ciidanka qarrankaa aya calanka somaliland ka taagi dooona
  12. Latest news from Widhwidh Maleeshiyada Maamulka Labaxay Somaliland Oo Qabsaday Widh-Widh-(Maqal warbixin)- Lasanod Online. Friday, May 21, 2010 Widhwidh,(Lasanod Online)- Wararka ka imanaya degmada Widh-Widh ee gobolka Cayn ayaa sheegaya in halkaas ay soo gaadheen Maleeshiyada maamulka Labaxay Somaliland. waxaana ay wataan gaadiidka dagaalka. Qaar ka mid ah dadka degaanka ayaa xaqqijiyey n Ciidankaas ay saaka magaalda soo galeen,waxaana ay bilaabeen in ay fariisimo ka samaystaan qaybo ka mid ah degmadaas. Shacabka ayaa iyagu si aad ah uga soo horjeestay soo gelida Maleeshiyadan Maamulkaas,waxaana socda qaban qaabo lagu doonaayo in lagaga saaro magaalada. Maamulka labaxay Somaliland ayaa dhaq dhaqaaq ka waday maalmahan gobolada Sool,Sanaag iyo Cayn, iyagoo degaamadaas raba inay geeyaan Kaadhadhka Codbixinta ee doorashooyinka. Dhanka kale waxaa soo baxaya inuu jiro xidhiidh iyo wada shaqayn ka dhexeeyay ciidamada Itoobiya oo maanta dagaal ku qaaday Magaalada Buhoodle iyo maleeshiyadan maamulka hargeysa ee saaka qabasatay WidhWidh. Halkan Ka Dhegayso Warbixin Xaalada Widh-Widh iyo Buhoodle Wariye: Fadumo M. Hassan Admin@lasanod.com Xafiiska Wararka Lasanod Online. Garoowe, Somalia
  13. Maleeshiyada Maamulka Labaxay Somaliland Oo Qabsaday Widh-Widh-(Maqal warbixin)- Lasanod Online. Friday, May 21, 2010 Widhwidh,(Lasanod Online)- Wararka ka imanaya degmada Widh-Widh ee gobolka Cayn ayaa sheegaya in halkaas ay soo gaadheen Maleeshiyada maamulka Labaxay Somaliland. waxaana ay wataan gaadiidka dagaalka. Qaar ka mid ah dadka degaanka ayaa xaqqijiyey n Ciidankaas ay saaka magaalda soo galeen,waxaana ay bilaabeen in ay fariisimo ka samaystaan qaybo ka mid ah degmadaas. Shacabka ayaa iyagu si aad ah uga soo horjeestay soo gelida Maleeshiyadan Maamulkaas,waxaana socda qaban qaabo lagu doonaayo in lagaga saaro magaalada. Maamulka labaxay Somaliland ayaa dhaq dhaqaaq ka waday maalmahan gobolada Sool,Sanaag iyo Cayn, iyagoo degaamadaas raba inay geeyaan Kaadhadhka Codbixinta ee doorashooyinka. Dhanka kale waxaa soo baxaya inuu jiro xidhiidh iyo wada shaqayn ka dhexeeyay ciidamada Itoobiya oo maanta dagaal ku qaaday Magaalada Buhoodle iyo maleeshiyadan maamulka hargeysa ee saaka qabasatay WidhWidh. Halkan Ka Dhegayso Warbixin Xaalada Widh-Widh iyo Buhoodle Wariye: Fadumo M. Hassan Admin@lasanod.com Xafiiska Wararka Lasanod Online. Garoowe, Somalia
  14. Good news Well done Ciidanka qarranka
  15. War deg deg ah:Ciidanka Itoobiya oo xasuuq ka geystay Magaalada Buuhoodle. Warkii 21-May-2010 iyo Qormadii: NEWS Buuhoodle:-Warka ka imaanaya magaalada Buuhoodle ayaa sheegaya in gudaha Magaalada Buuhoodle ka bilaabatay rasaas xooggan oo ay is dhaafsanayaan sida la sheegayo dadka degaanka iyo ciidamoa Itoobiya oo dhawaan soo galay Magaalada,kuwaasoo beryahanba deganaa dehinaca xadka Itoobiya ee magaalada Sid aan wararka had ku helayno rasaas xooggan o ka dhacaysa gawaadhida gaashaaman ayaa waxaa laga maqlayaa magaalada oo dhan, ciidanka Itoobiya ayaa waxay maalmihi ugu danbeysey halkaa ka wadeen arimo ka yaabiyey dadka deegaanka,kuwaas oo kala xidhay magaaladii,isla markaana qabsaday gawaadhi kor u dheefaysa 40 gaadhi,waxaana sida aan wararka ku helayno dhintay ugu yaraan 3 qof oo shacbka magaalada ah,kuwo kaloo badana ay ku dhaawacmeen. Ilaa hadda lama yaqaan sababaha dhaliyey in ciidanka Itoovbiya ayaa weerar cad ku qaado shacabka Soomaaliyeed ee ku dhaqan Buuhoodle,gudoomiyihii hore ee Buuhoodle Xuseen Dacawi ayaa ala ha u naxariistee ka digay in dagaal uu dhici karo haddii ciidanka Itoobiya aysan ka bixin magaalada Buuhoodle,gawaadhida ay haystaana aanay sii dayn. Arintan ay Itoobiyaanku sameeyeen ayaa ku soo beegantay,iyada oo ciidanka Somaliland ay saaka soo galeen meelo ka mid ah gobolka Buuhoodle,iyaga oo galay magaalooyinka Widhwidh iyo balicad. Wixii faahfaahin ah ha ka fogaan Afnugaal.com. Afnugaal.com Contact:info@afnugaal.com
  16. Buhoodle is going trough Big Changes , change will come Inshallah soon
  17. Abdiqasim salad Boy wasn't he the former Hotel president , We did not care what he had to say when he was the tng president what makes u think we care what he has to say in 2010. With no significant Political Influence in somalia. This might be in the interest of the pirate state, as they always want or love to be Acknowoledged by ex warlords and former hotel presidents, Good luck pirate sate with the former Hotel warlords.
  18. Aun to the guy but who will be the new mayor of Buhoodle Xaglajiifiye perhaps?
  19. Somaliland is cracking down on pirates Written by The Ottawa Citizen May 20, 2010 at 09:15 AM Somaliland is cracking down on pirates The Citizen article on piracy profits in Somalia coming back to Ottawa did not mention that Somaliland recently sentenced seven pirates to 15 years in prison and has now jailed more than 70, and sentenced a terrorist to 24 years in prison. Somaliland's reward for trying to be a good citizen in the international community is silence and neglect. Instead, newspapers are filled with stories of the mayhem in ungovernable Somalia. Somaliland was a British protectorate from 1884 to 1960. It gained independence and UN recognition and then agreed to join with Somalia although the union was never ratified by their parliaments. The informal partnership did not work and Somaliland attempted to withdraw in the 1980s. The succession was brutally repressed by the dictatorship in Mogadishu and lead to many refugees coming to Canada. In 1991, Somaliland successfully withdrew following the collapse of the government in Somalia and has operated independently ever since. It has kept its coasts clear of pirates, tried to keep extremists out of the country and held three democratic elections, all with almost no outside help or aid. One of the reasons these efforts have not been recognized is a desire on the part of the international community to put Somalia back the way it was. This will never happen given the situation in Somalia and the strong feelings that will always exist with respect to the 1980s conflict. I have personally visited Somaliland and it already compares very favourably to many other more "well regarded" countries in Africa. It is time to help Somaliland and reward its efforts through aid and recognition. I am personally investing in a business venture in Somaliland because recognition will happen as long as it stays on its present course. Gregory Bowes, Carleton Place © Copyright © The Ottawa Citizen Read more:
  20. Riyaale dislikes Koonfurians , Doonta ciid idin xukunta saaxiibayaal, Cumar buur kalle maad weydeen
  21. Also in gabiley it was celebrated, Just the official state one was cancelled due to security reaons. And the election preparations Which was a good move from the Somaliland Government.
  22. Somalia's Problem needs a somalian Solution we cant help with that. Mogadisho need to solve their own problems. Its Like Asking Tanzania to take part of a somalia State Reconsalation Deal.
  23. - Somaliland sent envoys to Turkey-Somalia conference, Riyaale refused to attend but sent his young miniter Xuunshe Saciid Abras instead(source from Somali Community in Ankara, not veryfied yet). You wish