Xaaji Xunjuf

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Everything posted by Xaaji Xunjuf

  1. Observer you are right Djibouti and Somaliland have all ways been close. There is allot of kinship economic ties between Djibouti and Somaliland. Even though geele is in a difficult position by regional powers may they be the Arabs khaleejis. And the different super powers China and the US he got a warning from the US before in 2018. Cadnaan if he waved the sl flag soo xiidhiidka umadaan jarteeen qolladinan walanweyn.
  2. Begging wapeons somaliland has enough wapeons don't deal with all its enemies. This visit is more about the region. And the changes that are happening at the moment
  3. Ujeedada Safar Uu Madaxwaynaha Somaliland Ugu Amba Baxay Maanta Dalka Jabuuti SAWIRO Tuesday September 03, 2019 - 11:31:51 Hadhwanaagtv Madaxweynaha Somaliland Iyo Wefti Uu Hoggaaminayo Oo Maanta U Ambo-Baxay Dalka Jabuuti Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyadda Somaliland, Mudane Muuse Biixi Cabdi iyo wefti uu hoggaaminayo ayaa maanta oo ay taariikhdu tahay 03-09-2019 safar shaqo ugu baxay dalka Jamhuuriyadda Jabuuti ee aynu jaarka iyo walaalaha nahay. Safarkan shaqo oo qaadan doona muddo kooban ayaa isla maanta markay gaadhaan dalka Jabuuti weftiga madaxweynuhu waxay si rasmi ah u gudo-geli doonan hawlaha shaqo ee ay dalkaasi u tageen. Ujeedada safarka madaxweynuhu wuxuu daaran yahay xoojinta xidhiidhka qotada dheer iyo iskaashiga horumarka ee ka dhexeeya labada dal ee Jamhuuriyadda Somaliland iyo Jamhuuriyadda Jabuuti. Waxaana Madaxweynaha Safarka ku wehelinaaya wasiirrada wasaaradaha, arrimaha dibeda iyo iskaashiga caalamiga ah, gashaandhiga iyo xannaanada xoolaha iyo horumarinta kalluumaysiga.
  4. Xaaji Xunjuf


    Gooni anagu shaqo idinku Malihihin wala federaalkina wala fadaradiina. We simply do not share a country with you. And. Will never. Marka hadaynu sida ku nabad galno ayaynu buro sidna.
  5. They will get the presidency after farmaajo it's part of the 4.5. But he is says it all clear. Qabyaalaad in the open.
  6. This why alshabaab can never be defeated by dowlada taagta daran. Alshabaab taxes all the big companies in Mogadishu.. This is the sad truth. Even with all those millions of dollars send by Qataris and other donors they can't match the shabaab resources.
  7. Clan federalism will never work in Italian Somalia. Farmaajo does not have the man power to have influence in kismayo. Unless he has troops on the ground. Kismayo is the biggest test for clan federalism in Italian Somalia. I predict a big clash between farmaajo and madoobe on this. And uhuro is big man in this game.
  8. Somaliland law does not allow somaliland politicians to visit Somalia. And Somalia politicians are not allowed to visit somaliland. So this is not going to fly. But he can resign from parliament and go as a individual.
  9. Yemen has been an enemy state against Eritrea and somaliland for decades. It was never one state and now with the houthis the country is under destruction and will remain so for the next coming decades.
  10. Che no why would we we are more somali than the koonfurians.
  11. Yes it's horrible but then again you guys are our neighbors and give us a bad name. We keep the Somali name high. Because Somaliland is only democratic proud stable country in in the Somali peninsula.
  12. The break up of Yemen is coming and is in the making. This wonderful news
  13. Somaliland politicians work for the nation. We are only a country who held 5 successive elections presidential elections Parliament elections and local govt elections.
  14. Xamaraawi you are calling galbeedi a tribalist. Your defending madoobe probably for tribal reasons. And galbeedi is waving a blue flag with koonfurians and singing Somalia toosoy.
  15. I am always optimistic about Somaliland we have been in more difficult times. Our politicians need to learn new games that's true but letting Arabs rule us that never. We have fought so hard to achieve where we are now. The Arabs have leased the port that's enough for now.
  16. Elections Parliament are over due but we need to have free and fair election so its going to take some time. Once there is an agreement long lasting agreement. Election will happen.
  17. Ahmed abiye is still partly amhara half of the gallas are culturally politically amhara. The galla are going for expansion in the whole East Africa don't fall for the trap of cushetic banner. We kept these gallas away for centuries let's maintain that policy Trade ties lama diidin but keep your eyes open be vigilant Your dealing with 50 million gallas 30 Million amhara.
  18. Oromo galla is the same the galla is a problem for somali,, I don't believe these pictures in jijiga will change the political outcome. It will. Take a long process for there be real peace between orom and somalis in Ethiopia. Its impossible for tigre to overthrow afeweri. He has close to a million standing army unless they are planning something after his death. Not sure how he has arranged that.
  19. Never understood why tigre never declared independence like their Eritrean cousins. 6percent of the Ethiopian population they will one way or the other be dominated by gallas and amhara. Tigrayga xisaabta kaxun
  20. When will this end and stop its so bad after decades of being in the west somali youth keep on killing each other.
  21. They want your money but service is bad qof ticket goostay oo kun dollar iyo dheeraad bixiyey aya diyaaradi laga reebeya mid u garanyo saaraya.
  22. He has been anti somaliland for decades read the articles he wrote on bakinews. Siilanyo tried to bring him to the fold. But he went back to his old ways obsiye wa nin taarikhdisa lahayo.
  23. Gooni qulubta reerkina ayaanba is ogalayn xita isku shareeco ma aminsanid adiga iyo inaadeerka. Inago kala ab iyo isir ah aya si kala fog. Sababto ah wakhtiga ino samaxayn hada soddan San oh Bala kala maqna gaabkaas wu sii dheerenaya ina mahdigan NEEFK Beri markay xilka ka qadaan wu baroorsan si slaan odaygi ka dhintay.