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Gudoomiye Xigeenka Baarlamanka Somaliland Baashe Maxamed Faarax oo soo gaadhay magaalada laascaanood Posted to the web on Jul 29 S Gudoomiyaha Xigeenka Baarlamanka Somaliland ahna masuul katirsan xisbiga Talada haya Ee Kulmiye ayaa maanta soo gaadhay magaalada laascaanood waftiga Gudoomiyaha ayaa si weyn u soo dhaweeyay maamulka gobolka waxayna u soo galbiyeen dhinaca hotel xamdi halkaas oo gudoomiyuhu warbixin kooban siiyay warbaahinta la xidhiidha safarkiisa Gudoomiyaha ayaa tibaaxay in socdaalkiisu yahay mid uu ugu kuurgalayo habka maamul ee gobolka waxayna intaasi ku daray in xiligan oo la magacaabay badibada xukuumada cusub uu sii gogol xaadhi doono qaabka maamulka loo u si buuxda uga hirgali lahaa gobolka Gudoomiyaha oo mar wax laga waydiiyay in safarkiisa ay ku jirto inuu shir la yeeshaan kooxaha mucaaridka ee ku sugan qaybo ka mid gobolada Sool Sanaag iyo Buuhoodle ayaa uu ku jawaabay inay shir la qaadan karaan oo kaliya madax dhaqameedka goboladan si ay ugu wada hadlaan arimahooda haday suura gasho si kasta oo ay ahaataba booqashada gudoomiyaha labaad Ee baarlamanka somaliland ayaa noqonaysa tii ugu horaysay ee xiligan kala guurka uu ku soo gaadho magaalada laascaanood iyadoo la filayo inuu shirar la yeesho qaybaha kala duwan ee bulshada iyo maamulka gobolka sii joogay
Interesting so atam is not shabaab, but still he wants to introduce sharia law in his maakhir state.Also sh atam spokesmen spoke today and said they have no links with shabaab.
British Official Says No Recognition For Somaliland Forever
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to Cowke's topic in Politics
^^ cowke cawa ma xaaladi puntland ba yara xun wa adigan cadheysan eh -
Great stuff
Guddoomiye-ku-xigeenka Baarlamanka Kenya oo Sheegay inay Dawladooda ku Dhiirrigelinayaan Sidii ay Xafiis uga Furan Lahayd Somaliland Hargeysa (Jam)- Guddoomiye-ku-xigeenka Baarlamanka Kenya Md. Faarax Macallin oo hoggaaminaya wefti ballaadhan oo Somaliland u yimi sidii ay goob-joog uga noqon lahaayeen munaasibaddii dhaarinta iyo xil-wareejinta Madaxweynaha cusub ee shalay la qabtay, ayaa sheegay inay dawladdooda ka codsanayaan sidii ay xafiis ganacsi uga furan lahayd Somaliland. Md. Faarax Macallin oo shalay markii ay dhammaaday munaasibaddii xil-wareejintu weriye ka tirsan Jamhuuriya waydiiyey aragtidooda ku wajahan qaabkii xafladdu u dhacday iyo hannaanka dimuqraadiyadda Somaliland, waxa uu ku jawaabay, “Sii qiimo iyo qaayo leh ayey u dhacday munaasibaddu oo u baahan in Afrikaanka iyo adduunka kaleba ku daydo, waxay muujisay Somaliland bisalay aan laga muujin qaaradda Afrika intii ka horreysay hadda. Waa waddan sabool ah, waa waddan aan aqoonsi helin oo ku dagaallamaya ilaa hadda in aqoonsado, iyada oo sidaas ay ayey bileys cajiib ah muujiyeen madaxdeeda kuwii hore, kuwa dambe iyo shacabka.” Guddoomiye-ku-xigeenku waxa uu ammaan u jeediyey madaxda siyaasadda Somaliland iyo shacabkeeda oo uu sheegay inay muujiyeen bisayl siyaasadeed oo aan ka jirin qaaradda Afrika, sidaa daraadeedna waxa uu adduunka ugu baaqay in la taageero laxaad leh loo fidiyo dalka Somaliland oo uu tilmaamay inuu yahay mid sabool ah oo sameeyey taariikh cusub. “Dareenkayagu waa mid aad iyo aad farxad u leh oo soo dhoweynaya bisaylka Somaliland muujisay, weli doorasho heerkan gaadhsiisan oo cid ku dhimatay aanay jirin ee nabadgelyadeedu sugan tahay, oo cod la kala xaday iyo cid isku dayday aanay jirin oo dawladdii sii jirtay aanay isku dayin inay wax muuniso, ta timidna tahay mid ku dagaallamaysa sidii dadka loo midayn lahaa weli laguma arag qaaradda Afrika. Markaa Somaliland sharaf ayey soo hoysay, annaguna waannu dareensannahay, sidii loo kobcin lahaa dimoqraadiyadda dalka ee marxaladiisa dhaqaale isku beddeli lahayd ayaanu ka codsanaynaa adduunka, in si adag looga hawlgallo sidii loo horumarin lahaa kaabayaasha dhaqaale ee dalka oo noloshiisa kor loogu soo qaado oo garab iyo taageero looga noqdo ayey Somaliland u taagan tahay,” ayuu yidhi Md. Faarax Macallin. Guddoomiye-ku-xigeenka oo la weydiiyey waxa uu Somaliland u soo kordhin karo socdaalka weftiga uu hoggaaminayo ee dalka yimi, waxa uu ku jawaabay; “Wax badan ayuu soo kordhinayaa socdaalkayagu, waxaannu dawladdayada ku boorrinaynaa inay xafiis ganacsi ka furato Somaliland, waxaananu aaminsannahay in waqti dhow la furi doono, idinkuna [somaliland] aad Nairobi xafiis ka furan doontaan.” Jamhuuriya Online
Originally posted by STOIC: Oodweyne and Jacaylbaro, Try to educate me here. I read somewhere that Dr. Ahmed Esa Hussein fall out with Silanyo on the politics of Kulmiye...Is he still Kulmiye member? if so what position did he get? He is one of the few Somalilanders from the West with a vision for Somaliland....I hope he continues his work in Somaliland..People like him is what we need...Men who roll up their sleeves and get to educate the citizens of the nation Dr axmed Xuseyn Ciise wanted to run for president unfortunately he lost against Silanyo and he left Kulmiye , he is kind of neutral who knows he might run for another party in 2015, he is very ambitious
Oodweyne your not a fan of Dr gaboose, I my self think dr abdi aw daahir should have been the interior minister he deserved he was Kulmiye from the beginning
Guys the new minister of commerce of Somaliland is a laascanood native he is very close related to the Laascanood garaad , garaad jamac garaad ismacil The guy next to the garaad is Wasiikra Wasaarada Ganacsiga Warshadaha iyo Dalxiiska C/risaaq Khaliif Axmed
Originally posted by Libaahe*: quote:Originally posted by Cowke: Well if siilanyo can why can't farole. Its very strange farole position towards ssc and its not a wise one Historically Faroole's group doesn't like dervish movements, remember Eyl cliffs? considering faroole is from Eyl it all makes sense. Silanyo knows all about khusuusi
Muhammad hashi cilmi ismacil will do amazing stuff
I don’t know what they mean when they say election of Somaliland did not take place in most of sool and sanaag both ceerigabo capital city of sanaag and laascanood the capital city of sool the elections took place. If that’s not most I don’t know what is
well done
David Cameron Backs Turkey's Bid to Join European Union
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to NASSIR's topic in Politics
This goes against what the French president wants Nicolas Sarkozy, I don’t think turkey now and days is that determent to be part of the European union. -
Mo Farah wins splendid 10,000m gold for Britain at European
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to ANTARA's topic in General
Great achievement I wish him all the luck in his career do u know where I can see the video when he won -
Puntland Coverage: Siilanyo Has Reached The Office.(PICS)
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to Cowke's topic in Politics
Yeah indeed it was a great historical day for somaliland , libaahe cowke was busy fighting the maakhirians today I bet he will congratulate the new leader -
Horgale Faarax Dawaare Oo Mar Kale Ku Soo Laabtay Jabhada SNM
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to Liibaan's topic in Politics
So now the deputy speaker of the parliament of Kenya is a horgale yuu horgale u yahay lol -
Sicid Atam Speaks Out On Paltalk And Says HE IS SHABAB
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to Cowke's topic in Politics
Originally posted by Cowke: Xaji as for somaliland u should be very worried because if the north-east is taken over shabab you know what that means 4 u dont u? Dont think these guy will hesistate going into hargeisa and burco, hell burco will probably welcome them considering the heavy shabab element there. This is not good news for you my friend a stable puntland is in the interest of somaliland because do you want to be neighbours with maniac wadaads who are on land expansion spree? because if u do then go ahead and support shabab and the atam cause because they wont just stop at bari. A stable puntland administration is what has kept somaliland at peace sxb your lucky alot of the mess from the south is flushed out at galkayo or else who knows what somaliland would be like today if puntland wasn't there or the ssdf clan wasn't there!!! Sxb somaliland existed before Puntland but I hope you guys get your security back in order -
Galgala: Root Causes Masked By SSDF Clan Media Outlets
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to Xudeedi's topic in Politics
Horta liibaan sxb I won’t call you names if I make a point I won’t insult you . however you accuse the puntlanders for supporting Faroole because it’s their leader according 2 you they share a bloodline together there for they can not support faroole that’s absurd , they elected faroole as their president there for they should support him. I support Silanyo indeed But I also supported Daahir rayaale kahin our former president of somaliland. Sxb I agree with you I support a united Somalia to The same way I support a united somaliland and a united Djibouti , And sh sharif is the president of Somalia. And AMM silanyo is the president of somaliland. But you support a clan faction called khuusuusi a clan faction you inherited from the ancient darwish in the begin 20st century and you want to terrorise the people in the hawd regions of somaliland. -
Galgala: Root Causes Masked By SSDF Clan Media Outlets
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to Xudeedi's topic in Politics
^^And don’t you support xaglajifiye because of clan reasons -
Sicid Atam Speaks Out On Paltalk And Says HE IS SHABAB
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to Cowke's topic in Politics
I don’t think paltalk is a reliable source cowke, puntland media picked up the wrong news. -
Jamac Ducaale Wanted Terrorist Has Died In Captivity From Heavy Wounds
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to Cowke's topic in Politics
Are you sure about that it could be that puntland just killed a prisoner of war -
^^Obviously not maybe its majiyahaan all over again just like few years back
6. In Ciidammada milateriga degaannada ay tageen laga soo celiyo. Puntland waa beelo, beelina beel kale dhulkeeda kuma fidi karto iyadoo ka faa’iidaysanaysa maammulka dawladda. So this is pure ssdf versus Maakhir , and there isn’t a terrorist cell in western bari region
How many psychiatrists will it take to treat this kind of sickness.
Xaaji Xunjuf replied to Abwaan's topic in Politics
horta suaale dawladan fadhida ah eeh sh dalxiis dadku amxay dawlad ugu yeedhan oo ay alshabaab dawlad ugu yeedhi wayeen, somalida caqliyan wali wala gumeysta waleh. War wali kooxo hub haysta wa jiran sida qoloda dikriyeya ehe gobolada dhexe. iyo xisbal xasuuq. iyo budhcad badeedka.