Xaaji Xunjuf

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Everything posted by Xaaji Xunjuf

  1. Africaown kan ma ki warersana eeh la odhan jiray chief caaqil baa
  2. Somaliland can have a president from any region may it be sool sanaag buhoodle togdheer saaxil gabiley awdal selel hargeisa , there are no limits my friend and hargeisa is the capital of Somaliland.
  3. He is a nobody I don’t even understand why you read what he has to say
  4. Originally posted by Land_Soldier: Xaji, your (tribalist) opinion is no suprise to me. All those 3 candidates candidates you just named are from Hargeysa. The people from the regions are fed up of the Hargeysa domination. It wouldnt suprise me if one of them is your uncle. Its time for a wise Leader from the East to stand up. I would hope someone from Sanaag or Sool to stand up. Libaahe, do you have any suggestions? What are you talking about Abdulraxmaan tuur aun was from burco Maxammad xaji ibrahin cigaal aun was from Burco Axmed Silanyo is from burco. Somaliland had 4 presidents 3 of them are from burco lol.
  5. Muuse Bixii hands up next leader of somaliland presidential candidate of Kulmiye Somaliland he is a great leader and one of the liberators of Somaliland he is a united not a divider. in the late 1980s . Ibrahim meygag samatar would make a good leader to Mr Ina warancade I like him to
  6. Good news Which other gobols are left to have new police commander and Military commander
  7. ssdftu manay ahayn kuwii is dhiibay, maxaad ka hadal haysiin
  8. qiisadi aw jamac ciise , waxasay islahayeen naga ibiya beriganu dhaliyarada ahayn waxa dadku manay ka weynaan wixi kacaanka tirin jirtay
  9. Originally posted by Jacaylbaro: Aan wada hadalno waa aan heshiino ......... sax wa caynkaas
  10. Suladiintii Sida Weyn Uga Soo Horjeeday jiritaanka S/land Oo Dhaweyey Hadalkii Xukumada Silaanyo Saturday, 21 August 2010 Burco-(Togdheernews.com)-Qaar ka mid ah Madax-dhaqmeedka Reer Sool, ayaa markii u horeysay shaaca ka qaaday inay soo dhaweynayaan hadalkii, ka soo yeedhay Xukuumadda Cusub ee Madaxweyne Siilaanyo ee lagu sheegay in Wada hadal iyo Nabad lagu xalinaayo xiisadda iyo Dhibaatadda ka Taagaan Degaamada Buuhoodle. Garaad Abshir Saalax, oo ka mid Salaadiyiinta Reer Sool, ayaa sheegay in Shir Maalmahan ka scday magaaladda Widh-Widh,oo ay ka soo qayb galeen, Madaxdhaqameedyo iyo Waxgarad badani oo Beeshaasi , lagu go’aansaday in wada hadal iyo Nabad lagu dhameeyo Xaaladda iyo Mushilaadaha ka taagan Deegaanka Buuhoodle, isle markaana lagu soo dhaweeyay dhawaaqii ka soo yeedhay Xukuumadda Cusub ee Madaxweyne Siilaanyo. Talaabadan ayaa ku soo beegantay Wakhti Xukuumadda Madaxwayne Siilaanyo, ay Todobaadkii hore u magac waday Arrimaha gobolladda Bariga Soomaaliland guddi Wasiiro ah oo uu gudoomiye ka yahay Wasiirka Arrimaha gudaha Soomaaliland, Dr Maxamed Cabdi Gaboose, kuwaaso la sheegay in loo xilsaaray Waxka qabashada Xiisadaha ka jira Degaanka Bariga Soomaaliland. Haseyeeshee, hadalkan ka soo yeedhay garaad Abshir Saalax, oo ka mid ahaa Madaxdhaqameedkii Sidda Weyn uga soo Horjeeday jiritaanka Soomaaliland, kana mid ahaa Xubnihii Sida wayn u taageeri jiray Jabhadda SSC, sidda ay go’aankiisa ugu Qanci doonaan Maleeshiyaadka ka soo horjeedda Somaaliland, iyo garaadada kale, ee Reer Sool , inkastoo ay Madaxda Maleeshiyaadka SSC, aya hore u Cadeeyeen ina u jeedadda ay u dagaalamayaan ay tahay, sidii ay Abuuri lahaayeen Maamulka ka Madax banana Soomaaliland iyo puntland. Hortaanti Bishan ayay ahayd markii Madaxdhaqameedyo ka tirsan degaamadda Togdheer iyo Buuhoodle, kulan ay wada yeesheen ku soo saareen go’aamo dhowr Qodob ah , kuwaaso ay ka mid ahaayeen in Ciidaamada Qaranka ku sugan Deegaanka Buuhoodle dib loogu celiyo Fadhiisimaddii hore, Balse wax markiiba Arritan Beeniyay kuna tilmaamay waxba ka ma jiraan Xukuumadda Cusub ee Madaxwyene Siilaanyo, kuwaaso sheegay inay soo dhaweynayaan talaabo kasta oo lagu gaadhaayo Naabad. a Haseyeeshee Ciidaanka Qaranka Soomaaliland Dib looga soo Celinayn goobaha ay iminka degan yahay haddaba si kastaba ha ahaatee waxa is weydiintii tahay xukuumadda Soomaaliland, ma ku dhiiran karta in Ciidamada Qaran ee ku sugan. Gobolka Sool, ay dib u soo celiso, haddise ay dhici waydo, Madax dhaqameedka Reer Sool, heeshiis iyo Wada hadal ma la qaadan doona Xukumadda Soomaaliland Su’aalaha Jawaabaha ay soo Bxi doona Markii u horeysay ee wada hadal Fool ka Fool dhex mara, labada dhinac. Togdheernews.com/ Burco
  11. Suldaanka this is what i believe there is nothing wrong with traditional elders meeting their colleagues from other regions of somaliland. But the traditional elders should not just be from East burco their should be a delegation from every part of somaliland and our house of lords Guurti. i dont believe in relocating the somaliland army as they are peace bringers in that particular region of somaliland.
  12. Suldaanku they will talk how to bring peace in the region and how the administration can reach the last place which is buhoodle.
  13. The garaad wants peace for the people of widhwidh he understands no khusuusi can bring that then he has to talk to those who want to bring peace in widhwidh.
  14. Well done this was going to happen sooner or later
  15. Good news and garaad ashir garaad salaax is also willing to talk well done.
  16. Garaad Abshir ayaa isaguna qorshahan u guuxay isaga oo sheegay in ay diyaar u yihiin in ay wadahadal ;la galaan jabhadda SNM sida uu sheegay Xoosh, wuxuuna Garaad Abshir sheegay in aanay ssc weyne u daba fadhiisanayn xaaladda widhwidh ee ay wadahadal la galayaan Siilaanyo.
  17. I don’t know if they were appointed by the former regime for instance garaad cali garaad jamac was a minister under adan cade aun his regime garaad ismacil the father of garaad cabdirashid the pro Somaliland garaad who currently lives in laascanood and This garaad abshir garaad salax is the garaad from widhwidh while garaad abdulahi garaad soofe is also willing to talk to Somaliland he already did 2 weeks ago., There are about 14 garaads for each subclan 1 garaad
  18. Even garaad abshir salax is ready to talk to Somaliland Beesha Guuleed Garaad (Barkad )Oo Wadahadal La Bilaabaysa Maamulka Hargeysa Written by Jidbaale.com Thursday, 19 August 2010 05:11 Xamar-Lagu-Xidh(Jidbaale.com):-Sida aanu ka soo xiganay Kayse Cali Jaamac Xoosh oo haatan ku sugan magaalada Xamarlagu xidh ee gobolka Cayn waxaa halkaasi ka socda shir loogu gogo;l xaadhayo sidii beesha Guuleed Garaad (Barkad) ay wadahadal ula gali lahayd maamulka Siilaanyo. Xoosh wuxuu sheegay in xubno ka soo jeeda beesha Barkad oo dhaqaale xoogan wata laga soo kala diray magaalooyinka Hargeysa iyo Boosaaso sidii ay beesha Barkad ugu qancin lahaayeen in ay wada xaajood la galaan maamulka uu haatan hogaamiyo danbiile dagaal Siilaanyo , waxaana raggaas ka mid ah Faarax Sugaal, Ismaaciil Axmed Dayib, Shucayb, Maxmed Jaamac Caraale oo isagu ka mid ah ganacsade Boosaaso laga soo diray. Waxaana ay xubnahani Garoowe ka soo kaxeeyeen sida uu shegay Kayse Cali Jaamac Xoosh Garaad Abshir Saalax si uu wadahadalka hormuud uga noqdo, iyada oo haatan sida uu sheegay Kayse Cali Jaamac Xoosh wadahadlaku uu u dhaw yahay in laysku raaco in beesha Barkad wadahadal gooniya la gasho maamulka SNM ee uu hogaamiyo Dhiigyacab Siilaanyo. Wuxuuna intaasi ku daray Xoosh in odayaal dhaqaale lagu qarqiyey laysugu keenay goobta iyada oo deegaanka beesha magaalo kasta 5 oday laga keenay la yidhi u codeeya in aynu widhwidh nabad ama colaad mid ku doorano, odayaashuna qorshaha ay wataan xubnahaani u codeynayaan iyaga oo aan aqoon u lahayn qorshaha ka danbeeya. Garaad Abshir ayaa isaguna qorshahan u guuxay isaga oo sheegay in ay diyaar u yihiin in ay wadahadal ;la galaan jabhadda SNM sida uu sheegay Xoosh, wuxuuna Garaad Abshir sheegay in aanay ssc weyne u daba fadhiisanayn xaaladda widhwidh ee ay wadahadal la galayaan Siilaanyo. Kayse Cali Jaamac Xoosh ayaa waxa uu sheegay in Beesha Barkad ay ka tirsan tahay beelweynta ssc isla markaana aysan shacabku ku qanacsanayn qorshahan ay wadaan xubnaha doonayo in shirqool loo dhigo beesha Barkad, wuxuuna sheegay in arrimaha Siyaasadda iyo wada xaajoodka ay ssc weyne kala mid yihiin, wixii intaa ka soo soka marana aanay marnaba qaadan doonin. Dhinaca kale ilo xog-ogaal ah oo iyaguna goobta ku sugan ayaa xaqiijiyey in ay xidhiidh la soo sameeyeen Xamar lagu xidhay Siilaanyo iyo C/samad Cali Shire oo labadooduba ku booriyey beesha Barkad in ay iska dhaafaan SSC oo ay toos wadahadal ku saabsan widhwidh u galaan. Waxaanay ilaahi sheegeen in xubnaha ololahan wada oo u badan wadaado xataa gaadhsiiyeen arrinka sidii ay ugu qancin lahaayeen odayaasha Barkad in Aadan Madoobe iyo Yeesif beesha bariga burco Iyo Barkad eeh ssc xidhiidh gooniya uu ka dhexeeyo oo laysku riixo. Waxaana arrimahan ay salka ku hayaan dadaal aywadaan xubno haatan horgalo cusub noqday oo h ore wadaado u ahaa oo ay ka mid yihiin C/risaaq Dawdar , Cismaan Garaad Soofe iyo Atash ninka lagu magacaabo oo wasiiro haatan ka ah golaha SNM, dedaalkaas oo ay ku doonayan in ay wadahadal u furan malayshiyadda SNM iyo wixii ay ka helaan beesha ssc iyaga oo qoys qoys iyo jilib jilib u abbaaraya si ay u wiiqaan midnnimada beesha SSC, arrintii Xadhadhankuna ahayd bilow. Waxaana haatan ololaha badhtamaha kaga jira xubno u badan wadaadada darawisheed oo iyagu haatan hormuud ka ah arrinta Xamar Lagu-xidh ka socota. Haddaba waxa ay isweydiintu tahay, Beesha Barkad wadahadal kaligeed malagali doontaa Maamulka Dhiigyacab Siilaanyo oo la ogaa hore wuxuu xasuuq uga gaytsay deegaanka ssc intuu uu hore u hayey maamulka malayshiyada SNM?. Source Jidbaale.com
  19. Somalia's once stable Puntland hit by insurgency Written by AP Aug 19, 2010 at 10:05 AM NAIROBI, Kenya — The northeastern tip of Somalia has been a peaceful haven in an often violent nation, but a powerful warlord and a series of recent clashes are threatening to open a new zone of lawlessness. Militants loyal to warlord Mohamed Said Atom have repeatedly clashed with government forces in recent weeks, and Atom told a local radio station that his men have retreated to their mountain hideout in Gal Gala to plan guerrilla attacks. A U.N. report in March said officials had credible information that Atom has delivered arms sent by Eritrea to al-Shabab forces in southern Somalia. Al-Shabab is Somalia's dominant insurgent group and its members have ties with al-Qaida. Al-Shabab has so far distanced itself from activities in Puntland, a semiautonomous region that set up its own administration in 1998. But fears are rising that the militant group could expand into the north if local authorities fail to address grievances that feed Atom's ambitions. The warlord wants the administration to dismantle the U.S.-backed Puntland Intelligence Service and to apply Islamic law in the region. "Puntland is a very weak administration and if it loses the military initiative, there is a strong fear that it will have a southern-like scenario," said Rashid Abdi, a Somali expert with the International Crisis Group. "Its forces are better organized than those of the Transitional Federal Government in Mogadishu. But they can't withstand alone a determined insurgency for a long time." Clashes between Atom's fighters and government forces began in late July, when the militants attacked Puntland forces near Atom's home base, a rugged and mountainous area about 20 miles (30 kilometers) outside of the region's commercial capital, Bossaso. Puntland's security minister said his forces had killed more than 30 militants since the fighting started, a claim denied by Atom. The March report by the U.N.'s Monitoring Group said Atom was importing arms from Yemen and receiving consignments from Eritrea, including mortars, for delivery to southern Somalia. Atom's "activities pose a growing threat to peace and security in both Puntland and Somaliland," said the report, noting that "Atom appears to be preparing to confront both the Puntland and the Somaliland authorities more directly." Until recently Puntland was spared by the large-scale violence that has been plaguing much of Somalia's southern and central regions, where Islamist militants are trying to topple the weak, U.N.-backed government in Mogadishu. Warsan Cismaan Saalax, a member of the Puntland Diaspora Forum, a group that promotes peace in the region, said the clashes between Atom and Puntland were "inevitable" because "no government will accept to have armed militiamen in its backyard. "But to defuse the situation, a frank dialogue with Atom is needed," she said. "And to reach that stage, there must be a cease-fire first." Since he took office in January last year, Puntland President Abdirahman Mohamed Farole has been reaching out to Islamists in his region to reduce al-Shabab's influence. "We have tried through his clan elders to persuade him to give up his terrorist activities but he rejected their overtures," said Puntland Security Minister Yusuf Ahmed Khayr. He said he fears Atom may start using suicide bombers. Atom was one of nearly a dozen suspected Islamist militants in Somalia whose assets were frozen by the U.S. Treasury Department in April. He considers Puntland officials apostates for failing to apply Islamic law, and is especially critical of the Puntland Intelligence Services, calling its members "Crusaders." Specifics on the clashes are difficult to find. Local authorities have imposed a news blackout on reports about fighting, and a court sentenced a radio station manager to six years in prison after his station aired an interview with Atom earlier this month. Abdi says Atom "is hijacking a long running local feeling of marginalization," a situation where some clans feel locked out of the running of the state's affairs. Atom's Warsengali clan cited that lack of consultation between government and clans when they took arms up against security forces in 2006 to object to a plan to conduct surveys in the mineral-rich area of Gal Gala. Analysts have long argued that the more the violence in the south is allowed to rage, the more the stability in the northern regions is threatened. Source AP "It is difficult to inoculate the north from the instability and chaos in the south," said Abdi. "What we are seeing in Puntland now is a perfect example of a spillover effect."
  20. So now attam bombed hargeisa this is getting hilarious by the minute , Alshabaab denied all links with attam so the terrorist card won’t work Dukey , what’s next Please Melez Put The maakhir people on the Terrorist list So i can steal their resources undisturbed
  21. I am just saying how it is and the facts on the ground we Somaliland might not agree with the maakhirians on Somaliland but the reality is the Pirate state is at war with them .If the administration of faroole was not stealing the resources of the maakhir people there would not be an uprising against the administration it’s that simple. Remember faroole the upper pirate was screaming on bbc Somali All the clans pick up your guns against the maakhir people. Now if that’s not a Pure Clan war I don’t know what it is.