Xaaji Xunjuf

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Everything posted by Xaaji Xunjuf

  1. Golaha Guurtida Oo Mudo Kordhin Isugu Kordhiyay Iyaga & Wakiiladda September 7th, 2010 Comments Off Hargeysa (Somaliland.Org) Mudanayaasha Golaha Guurtida Somaliland, ayaa muddo-xileedkii sii dhamaanayey ee Golaha Wakiilada ugu kordhiyey mudo laba sanno iyo siddeed bilood ah, waxa ay iyagu iskugu kordhiyeen sadex sanno iyo sideed bilood halka ay Golaha Degaankana xukumada Madaxweyne Siilaanyo ugu baaqeen in muddo sannad iyo badh gudihii ah oo maanta ka bilaabmaysa in Madaxwaynuhu ku qabto Doorashada golayaasha deegaanka iyagoo mar hore xilka loo kordhiyey. Fadhigan maanta oo ka dhacay hoolka shirarka ee Wasaarada Arimaha Gudaha, ayaa waxa shir-guddoominayey Guddoomiye ku xigeenka labaad ee Golaha Guurtida ahna ku simaha Guddoomiyaha Md Sh Axmed Nuux Furre. Waxana madasha maanta ka soo qaybgalay 68 mudane. Ku simaha Guddoomiyaha Guurtida Somaliland Sh Furre, ayaa isagu mudanayaasha ku wargeliyey in sida distuurka JSL u ogalaanayo Golahan inuu u kordhin karo mudo xileedka Goleyaasha qaranka oo dhan marka uu dhammaado ee doorashana la gali kari waayo sababo sharciyeysan. Isla markaana uu Madaxweynaha Somaliland Md Axmed Maxamed Maxamuud [siilaanyo] uu dhawaan ka soo dalbaday in loo kordhiyo mudo xileedka sii dhammaanaya Golayaasha Wakiilada iyo Deegaanka, sidaas awgeed-na loo baahan yahay in maanta loo kordhiyo mudo macquul ah Golayaasha Wakiilada iyo Deegaanka oo iyagu wakhtigoodii sii dhammaaday. Waxana isla markii-ba Md Furre Xildhibaanada ka dalbaday inay cod gacantaaga ku diidaan amma ku ogolaadaan wakhtiga loo baahan yahay in Golaha Wakiilada loo kordhiyo oo ahayd laba sanno iyo sideed bilood. waxana soo jeedintaas oggolaaday 65 Xildhibaan, halka ay ka diideen 2 mudane Guddoomiyuhu-na ma codeyn sidaas ayuu ku ansexay wakhtiga dheeraadka ah ee Wakiialadu. sidoo kale mudo xileedka Guurtida ayaa hal sanno ka dambaynaya kan Golaha Wakiilada. Sidoo kale Golaha Guurtidu waxa isla fadhigan ay Xukumada ugu baaqeen in mudo sannad gudihii ah ay ku qabto Doorashada Goleyaasha Deegaanka dalka Somaliland oo dhan, isla markaana diyaariso wax kasta oo looga baahan yahay qabsoomid Doorashadaas. Si kastaba ahaatee waxa iyagu dur-ba cambaareeyey mudo kordhin Golaha Guurtidu sameeyeen labada Xisbi Mucaarid ee UDUB iyo UCID, iyagoo ku tilmaamay mid aan loo dulqaadan karin oo khalad ah, isla markaana meel kaga dhacay wadahadalkii arintan ka yeesheen komishanka doorashooyinka, asxaabta siyaasada iyo goleyaasha qaranku. Ramaasnews
  2. Golaha Guurdida oo Muddo kodhin u Sameeyay Golayaasha Wakiilada, Guurtida, Deegaanka iyo Xisbiga udub oo Canbaareeyay Muddo kordhintaasi. Fadhigii Maanta oo ay ka soo Xaadireen 68 mudane oo uu Gudoominayay gudoomiye ku Xigeenka koowaad........ Hargeisa (GNS)Mudanayaasha Golaha Guurtida Somaliland ayaa maanta Cod Aqlabiyada ah ku meel Mariyay Muddo kordhin loo sameeyay golayaasha Wakiilada, Guurtida iyo Deegaanka, Mudada Xilka Golaha Wakiilada ayaa loogu kordhiyay laba sanno iyo sideed bilood halka Golaha Deegaanka loo kordhiyay Muddo Sanad iyo Badh ah, Guurtiduna isku kordhisay seddex Sanno iyo Sideed Bilood. Fadhigii Maanta oo ay ka soo Xaadireen 68 mudane oo uu Gudoominayay gudoomiye ku Xigeenka koowaad ee Golaha Wakiilada ahna ku simaha Gudoomiyaha Golaha Mudane Sheekh Axmed Nuux Furre ayaa isagu mudanayaasha ku wargeliyey in sida distuurka JSL u ogalaanayo Golahan inuu u kordhin karo mudo xileedka Goleyaasha qaranka oo dhan marka uu dhammaado ee doorashana la gali kari waayo sababo sharciyeysan. Isla markaana uu Madaxweynaha Somaliland Md Axmed Maxamed Maxamuud [siilaanyo] uu dhawaan ka soo dalbaday in loo kordhiyo mudo xileedka sii dhammaanaya Golayaasha Wakiilada iyo Deegaanka, sidaas awgeed-na loo baahan yahay in maanta loo kordhiyo mudo macquul ah Golayaasha Wakiilada iyo Deegaanka oo iyagu wakhtigoodii sii dhammaaday. Shirgudoonka golaha ayaa Ka dalbaday in Cod fartaag ah lagu ansixiyo ama lagu joojiyo Muddo kordhinta Golaha Wakiilada oo ah laba sanno iyo sideed Bilood, waxaa ogolaaday 65 mudane, waxaa diiday laba Mudane, Gudoomiyuhuna muu Codayn. Mudanayaasha ayaa ugu Baaqay Xukuumad Cusub inay sanad gudihii ku qabato Doorashada Golaha Deegana lana diyaariyo Wixii ay ku Qabsoomi lahayd doorashadani. Mudo kordhintan ayaa ahayd mid la wada filayey hase yeeshee aad uga badan intii la filayey, mudo kordhintan ayaa ku dhamaatay si nabadgelyo ah aan wax buuq ahi ka dhalan. Xisbiga Mucaaridka ah ee UDUB ayaa isagu markiiba ka hadlay, kuna tilmaamay xadgudub lagu sameeyay hanaankii wada tashi ee xisbiyada qaranka u dhexeyay. Ku simaha gudoomiyaha xisbiga UDUB Axmed Yusuf Yasin ayaa sheegay in arinkan mudo kordhinta golayaasha loo balansanaa 15ka September 2010 in ay iskaga yimaadaan sedexda xisbi iyo gudida dooroshooyinka. Waxaanu yidhi Madaxweyne Siilaanyo wuxuu gawracay taladii la iskaga iman lahaa. Waxaanu sheegay gudoomiye ku xigeenka UDUB in mudo kordhintani tahay mid aan la aqbali Karin haba yaraatee. Xisbiga UCID ayaan isagu ilaa hada ka hadlin mudo kordhinta maanta loo sameeyay golayaashii qaranka. Waxaana la filayaa inuu UCID si weyn uga hor imadoono mudo kordhinta oo uu hore gudoomiyahoogi uga sii digay in aan mudo kordhin la samyn inta ay xisbiyadu ka wada tashanayaan wixii laga yeelilahaa.
  3. ^^ The so called professor or the article
  4. This guy Abdi samatar is the most delusional so called professor i have ever seen, honestly this guy is either is the most naïve individual he regularly keeps repeating The only way Somalia can find peace or some sort of governance is if you move the War to Hargeysa ( Somaliland) he is insinuating moving the capital to another country Confused I say
  5. So cowke your saying a doctor should kill patients what kind of world do you live in
  6. ^^ Dr gaboose is a somalilander whether u like it or not wether he was born in xammar or mudug it doesent matter
  7. Originally posted by AfricaOwn: ^^Cool my SSDF bredren. Would this be an appropriate time to label X folks "mugged ones"?
  8. Still not powerful enough to take over Vila Somalia Mogadishu.
  9. These are Ethnic somalilanders they are welcome in somaliland their native land
  10. war jacayl baro wamaxay ninkan lacagteeni inaga cayey lol
  11. Thankful Rome was not build in one day everything comes step by step Somalia can’t be comparable with The Rep of Somaliland concerning freedom of media the reason why is Alshabaab beheads Journalists , and in the pirate state faroole threatens Amin Amir who lives Abroad
  12. Opinion: Lessons from Somaliland By Stephanie Hanson — Special to GlobalPost Written by GlobalPost Sep 05, 2010 at 05:19 PM BUNGOMA, Kenya — These days, Somalia is known for two things: its pirates and its Islamic militants. When Al Shabaab, the extremist Islamic insurgents based in southern Somalia, claimed responsibility for the July bombings that killed 78 people in Kampala, international concern over the problem of Somalia spiked. Somalia’s transitional federal government hangs on by a thread in Mogadishu. Despite several years of international support, including an African Union peacekeeping force, its authority remains tenuous. The international community seems torn over what to do next. At the end of July, the African Union was poised to widen the mandate of the AU peacekeeping force, but was deterred after the United Nations opposed it. What might be a constructive way forward in Somalia? Somaliland, a peaceful enclave in northern Somalia, offers some valuable lessons. The autonomous area is not recognized by the international community, but it recently held successful presidential elections that saw Dahir Riyale Kahin, the sitting president, hand over power to Ahmed Silanyo, a long-time opposition leader. Somaliland is a small success story within the larger failed state of Somalia. To understand what might be possible in Somalia, it’s useful to examine the history of Somaliland. In 1991, when the regime of Siad Barre collapsed, northern Somalia was left in disarray, much like southern Somalia. The area’s strongest political force was the Somali National Movement (SNM), which had been fighting against Barre’s government since the 1980s. The SNM declared Somaliland’s independence and created a transitional government that lasted until 1993. Somalilanders believed the SNM was only representative of one tribe and wanted a more inclusive government. From 1991 to 1997, Somaliland held more than 30 peace conferences. These conferences happened at the local, district, and national levels and were largely funded by the local business community. They used indigenous conflict resolution techniques to build political institutions that were acceptable to the majority of the population. By 1997, Somaliland had a basic government structure — a presidency, a judiciary and a bicameral legislature. The legislature had a house of elected representatives, and a house of tribal elders, called the Guurti. The Guurti was meant to provide a link between traditional governance structures and the state structures of Somaliland. In 2001, Somaliland ratified a constitution, and in 2003, it held presidential elections that were decided by a margin of 214 votes. The outcome was not contested. Somalia experts such as Ken Menkhaus believe the formation of Somaliland’s government was able to happen because it remained unrecognized by the international community and thus ineligible for foreign assistance. Since 1997, Somaliland’s annual budget is estimated at $20 million to $40 million for a population of 2.5 million to 3.5 million. By comparison, Somalilanders receive at least $200 million a year in remittances. Running a government on a shoestring budget has drawbacks. The government has focused its investment on maintaining security, not economic development. Somalilanders remain poor. However, they are better off than the rest of Somalia. Though development statistics are extremely limited, available data shows modest improvements in health, education and income indicators since 1991. Further, the limited budget might be what has held Somaliland together. In a Center for Global Development working paper, Nicholas Eubank argues that in the absence of foreign aid, Somaliland had to depend on local sources of revenue and thus, it had to consider voices outside the government. Somaliland’s business community has been instrumental in the formation of political institutions; it has lent money to the government, funded the security forces and financed peace conferences. More than that, it’s possible that Somalilanders have greater trust in their government because it is not the beneficiary of large foreign aid flows. Somalis associate state predation with foreign aid, according to Africa analyst Alex de Waal. When Somaliland’s political institutions were established, preventing a powerful centralized government was very important to the population. As a result, Somaliland has a decentralized governance structure that allows individual districts to retain 10 percent of their customs collection. Districts are also allowed to impose their own taxation. Somaliland’s government is still flawed, however. As Human Rights Watch has documented, it is somewhat repressive. Security committees operate outside the formal judicial system and journalists are persecuted. But Somalia is much worse. The transitional federal government, which is almost completely funded by international donors, has been trying to assert its authority since early 2007, with no signs of permanence. It hasn’t even managed to ensure basic security in Mogadishu. Whether Al Shabaab is growing more powerful is up for debate, but the group has certainly convinced those outside Somalia that it is. The transitional federal government has not been able to do the same. I recently met a government official from Somalia’s Ministry of Public Works. He was a civil engineer, trained in England, who had returned to Somalia from abroad to take a government position. Was he building any roads, I asked. No, he said. There was no money, and in any case, if he was able to build anything, it would just be bombed. He was on his way to a conference in Kigali about infrastructure development. Outsiders continue to believe, most likely because of the fear of a more powerful Al Shabaab, that they can influence the messy political situation in Somalia. It’s time to adopt the lessons of Somaliland to Somalia. The formation of political institutions will only work through an iterative process that involves all ethnic groups at the community level. This process should not be funded by the international community. The transitional federal government tried to form a parliament that represented all ethnic groups, and now has an unwieldy and ineffective body of over 500 people. Somaliland shows that the construction of political institutions is a slow process, one that needs local buy-in and most importantly, local funding. Of course, the threat of Al Shabaab cannot be ignored. In a March report for the Council on Foreign Relations, Bronwyn Bruton recommends that the United States adopt a policy of “constructive disengagement” in Somalia. Such a strategy would focus on limiting Al Shabaab’s influence and containing the flow of money and arms to the organization. Such a policy, in combination with giving Somalis the space they need to muddle toward their own governance structures, is the most pragmatic way forward for the international community.
  13. The Pirate state security is getting out of hand by the day, this is really worrying Any way ilahay ha u naxarsito ninka
  14. horta sheikh dalxiis shaqo xun ma hayo wuu dalxiisa mar ba meel bu u dhoofa sida hollywood star bu uu noolyahay marba diyarad bu diyarad ku badala murayad madow wu xidha. suitki ugu danbeye eeh talyani made bu xiidha. waddan failled uun bu madaxweyne ka yahay eeh oo burbursan oo mustaqbal lahayn laakin isagu wu ka nooladay waliba waxa u fiicnaan lahayd inu xammar iskaga guuro sidi cabdilahi yusuf keniya iska dago inta uga hadhay oo uu yidha dawladii barlamaankeedi waxan u raray Nairobi.
  15. Jacayl baro ma xabashidi ba tanasulay lol, Silanyo nin rag ah dhe
  16. ki faroole ma raasaas bu u doontay adis ababa si ula dagaalamo Xudeeydi
  17. Taliyihii Booliska S/Land Md Saqadhi Oo Maanta Xilka Ku Wareejiyey Taliyaha Cusub Md Cilmi Kabaal September 2nd, 2010 Comments Off Hargeysa (Somaliland.Org) Taliyaha ciidanka Booliska Somaliland Md Maxamed Saqadhi Dubad ayaa maanta xilkii taliyaha Booliska ku wareejiyey taliyaha cusub ee Madaxweyne Siilanyo usoo magacaabay jagadan, Md Cilmi Rooble-Cilmi Kabaal. Xafladan xil wareejinta oo ka dhacday xarunta ciidanka Booliska ee Taliska Guud ayaa waxa kasoo qayb galay wasiir ku xigeenka arrimaha dibadda Somaliland Md Cismaan Garaad Soofe iyo madax badan oo ka tirsan xukuumada Md Silanyo. Ugu horeyn waxa xafaldaas ka hadlay Md Maxamed Saqadhi, taliyaha xilka wareejinaya oo ka waramay waxqabadkiisii mudadii uu xilka hayay, isaga oo sheegay in boolisku horumar badan sameeyey afartii sanadood ee uu xilka hayay, hawlo badana ka qabtay ciidanka booliska. Waxa uu u mahadnaqay ciidamada booliska iyo sidii fiicnayd ay ula shaqeeyen, isaga oo kula dardaarmay in sidii si ka fiican ula shaqeeyan taliyaha cusub. Waxa sidoo kale isna madashaas ka hadlay wasiir ku xigeenka arrimaha gudaha Somaliland Md Cismaan Garaad Soofe oo ugu mahadnaqay taliyahii hore hawsha fiican ee uu kasoo qabtay Booliska. Isla markaana waxa uu wasiirku dardaaran usoo jeediyey taliyaha cusub Cilmi Kabaal oo kula dardaarmay inuu dedaal iyo horumar la taaban karo mujiyo, isla markaana amniga iyo booliska dalka oo dhan xooga saaro sidii ay nabadgelyada u sugi lahaayen. Somaliland.Org Hargeysa
  18. Pure nonsense Muj Silanyo Joined SNM a year after its formation So Did Abulraxmaan tuur in 1982 , this not pure interest of a few individuals these people sacrificed their daily good live for the future and the people of Somaliland. Non of them Are living A miserable life they are living in the land they helped liberate in dignity and honour. The First Chairman of And the founder of The SNM was never part of any Siyad bare regime Mujaheed Axmed Jimcaale.
  19. SNM was not a personal interest it was the interest of the people of somaliland
  20. wayahay Mr correct lol Qudhac lool she is good to go fOr affur lol
  21. I did not knew meeting face to face with melez was a whole achievement for the pirates