Xaaji Xunjuf

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Everything posted by Xaaji Xunjuf

  1. Garowe and most of Bintiland waxay isku mashquuliyaan somalilands aqoonsi ,, mean time attam is Preparing his last strike on bosaaso
  2. haa ina cabdulla xassan gobolka togdheer buhoodle bu ku dhashay afka somalilanderku bu ku hadli jiray koonfurianska isagu mu af garan jirin. Kh iyo dh xiliyada la isticmaalo wa kala yaqiinay.
  3. ^^ wa runta wa waxanu anagu afka somaliland ugu hadalno oo anu labba dal u kala nahay.
  4. wetenlunguhu maanu ahayn kii u faisal cali waraabe ku sheegey waxaan ragga lugu sheegin
  5. onlfta lacag badan baba kaga gashay operationka, kiro babay ka ahayd ka waran hada laga ibin laha
  6. i think its a photo Togane wu so wada maqalki eh xudeydi wu ka hor dhacay
  7. sheikh dalxiis wa inu dhoofka yareyaa and help fight alshabaab
  8. Originally posted by Maaddeey: quote:Originally posted by Xaji_Xunjuf: Koonfuriansku waxay xita heer gaadheen inay yidhahdaan wara wara instead of waryaa xita r la badalo iska dayo y baad ka tagteen Adigu waagii hore koonfurian baad ahayd, run sheeg?? War yaa, waa offensive word! markii waraa waraa lagu leeyahay attention'kaaga baa la soo jeedinayaa. war xamar anigu waxan tagay uun mar aan basaboor u baahday waligay ba buuraha naaso hablood baan jin ka baadhi jiray
  9. Originally posted by Jacaylbaro: Anigu waxaan ogaa Mid Koonfur ka yimid oo is yidhi diinta cay ..... markaasuu yidhi "Waaryaa, DIINKA Was" .. lmao
  10. Originally posted by Maaddeey: ^War Xaaji waa ku sidee? ma Q aldaamooba baad na leedahay?, Dh'da adiga iska heysto Unnukana R'da noo daa, diversity ma ogolid miyaa? ma liis jujuubaa? wah!!. Teeda kale, Dh' kasta inaga R uma bedelnee, waa Dh'da aad adinku asalkeedii R'da ahaa aad ka wareejiseen, ma ga dh atay? Iga daba dheh: Waa dh yee, Gaba dh ^^kuwaasi waa kuwa aad r'da ka bedesheen. Koonfuriansku waxay xita heer gaadheen inay yidhahdaan wara wara instead of waryaa xita r la badalo iska dayo y baad ka tagteen
  11. Hargeysa doesn’t come from hadh it comes from harar hargeisa used to be called harar back in the days when sultanate of guleed was ruling it You koonfurians should know when to use DH instead of r Can you say dhawaaq or do you say rawaaq you say gabar , laakin hada lugu yidhaho badi u say Gabdho , while its Just gabadh.
  12. Some of the Somaliland ministers talking about their visit in Nairobi dawasho wacan http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3DEksOAMNiU&feature=player_embedded#!
  13. That’s a good message they are sending to the World and in particular the Somaliland government good work by the way, who is by the way the chairman of the Somaliland forum?
  14. And the legacy continues as the fourth SNM chairman is the fourth president of somaliland
  15. Waxaan Ku Idhi Wuxu ku yidhi Waxay ku tidhi wa caynka weye awoowo Maya ma karan sabbato ah hadad xita saxafadooda eegtiid siday wax u qoran waxay ku odhanayan, dawlada federaalka qarashka waxa bixiyey dawlada ugandha.
  16. Maaday adigu ma waxad tidhahda Hebel wu ku yiri mise wu ku dhahay lol KH Wey jirta hadana wa inaynu baadho sabbabta ay dadka reer konfureedku ereyga kh anay u karin
  17. There is no difference between awdal or any other region of somaliland , they are very happy with the government if there are criminals with in a region of Somaliland that doesn’t mean the whole region is not happy come on don’t be so naïve. ONLF has nothing to do with awdal or any other region of Somaliland
  18. Libaahe u know man i have no problem if onlf is willing to fight Ethiopia it’s a cause which they are fighting for their dignity and land , we should not fight Ethiopia’s war how ever, we do not allow people going through our land and then attacking Ethiopia , Ethiopia is our neighbouring country and Somaliland policy towards Ethiopia is one of mutual interest living peace next to each other.
  19. Originally posted by Thankful: We know this area has been restless since the elections, there have been protests before this one. These current protests are part of a larger issue that the people have with the admin. Whether NW Somalia allowed them to protest or not, their is nothing they can do. Just like they were helpless in stopping 300 men cross the area. There were protests in hargeisa And borama after the elections so big deal, this has nothing to do with elections its rather related to that last incident
  20. ^^ The protest was not about Elections or anything like that it was about local incident which occurred at mountains of south west awdal. Somaliland allows people to demonstrate
  21. Originally posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar: quote:Originally posted by Xaji_Xunjuf: dee wayahay eeh hadaa xarafka Kh laga keenay badanekeeda bariga dhexe maxaynu ereyada loo badalaya ma siiday tahay loogu dhawaaqo haday khiyaamo tahay qiyaamo maha haday kheyr tahay qeyr maha Horta waxaa qoray ma aqrisay, mana dhuuxday? Ku noqo waxaa kor ku qoray ku sharxayna. Ereyada 'kh' ka bilowdo ama ku jiro oo Carabiga kasoo jeedo badanaa marka kaliya 'kh' la isticmaalaayo waa markee magacyada yihiin (nouns, like place names, people's names), sida makhtal, mukhtaar, kheyre . Hadduu erey iska caadi yahay oo magac ahayn markaa 'q' ayaa la isticmaalayaa, sida qeyr . Sharcigaan aniga ma keensan Soomaalidii dajisay afkeena la qoro keensaday, saan loogu wareerin hadhoow, waana wareerka hadda taagan aadan kala garaneynin. Soomaali badan ugu dhawaaqdo 'q' meeshee 'kh' oo afka Carabiga ah ka tahay. Afkeena kuma jiro, carabkeenana wuu qabtaa laakiin iskuma dhibno mana rabno. There are more nuances in Afsoomaali than you realize. It is not only limited to xarafka 'kh' and how we substitute it sometimes. Xarafka 'thaal' ama 'th' kuma jiro Afsoomaaliga, and we instead use either 'd' if it is a strong dhawaaq or the soft 't' if it is not that strong dhawaaq to the ears. A very useful example being the very letter 'th' itself. If, say, we are going to write in Afsoomaali, of course it would be 'daal,' not 'thaal.' Yet writing in 'daal,' it doesn't mean we are mispronouncing it. It just suits to write daal instead of 'thaal' since we don't have the 'th' letter in afkeena. Then there are some Carabi words we borrowed that end with the 't' letter. We usually substitute to 'd' instead because in original Soomaali, there never been a word that ended with the t letter. So instead of writing salaa t , we write salaa d , instead of siraa t , we write siraa d . Waxaan iyo wax ka badan ayaa u baahan in la barto, marka Afsoomaali barashadiisa iyo naxwadiisa waa loo baahanyahay in la wada barto, kumana koobno BTJX kaliya. saaxibow waan ku fahmay laakin aniga na ii fahan waxan ku yidhi afsomaligu xuruf bu leeyahay gramaar na wu leeyahay xarafka hadanaynu qorin oo aynanu ku so darin afsomaliga eeg 1972 afsomaliga lama samayn , eeh wa la qoray ma fahantay afsomaligu wu jiray waligiis ba. sababtan uu leeyahay Kh in la isticmaale weye hadanay xita ku jirin asalki afsomaliga waxa weye hadaanad kh isticmaalin oo aad q u sticmaashid kalmadu sii kala bay noqonaysa oo sii kalay dadku u turjumayan. Magacyada waxan arkay ummada fara badan oo reer xammar ah xita magaca khadar qadar bay ugu yeedhayan xita wa magacyadi waxan anigu marka waxan is yidhi wey is barren carabkoodey barran ama ereyga Kh ayanay karayn. sabbabto ah Ka hor inta la qorin afsomaliga adigu ma u malaysa inay Kh caadi u isticmaalayeen.
  22. Originally posted by The Zack: ^You missed my point. I have seen ton of Reer Waqooyis saying "abaayo macaanto" in a very funny and disgusting way. Pretenders are every where. Even though your dialect (Khaldaani)is spoken in a very small parts of Somalia, Reer Xamar dialect is not the most common one either. My dialect is similar to the dialects spoken in Gedo, parts of Mudug, parts of Bakool, Jubbada dhexe, Jubbada Hoose, parts of Galgaduud, parts and Gol-dogob. That is the dailect that the written Somali is based on. Nobody would write something like this "Waar dee waanu doonayoo..." in a formal paper. Where are you from in galbeed zack?