Xaaji Xunjuf

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Everything posted by Xaaji Xunjuf

  1. Cumar visited galkacyo for political reasons and for signing an agreement with faroole remember when the TFG promised faroole that puntland will get an anti piracy base well it didn’t happen so the whole visit was useless cumar so called power was undermined by an illiterate TFG minister called IBI there is no need to brag about that. Living in Mogadishu under the same conditions as sharif being protected by African union troops. At least sheikh dalxiis lived like a holywood star while cumar was sitting in Xammar and didn’t do much as you say and now he left the building like he was just another Employee for sharif.
  2. Daahir rayaale I don’t think so try again I mean rayaale is not even from Somalia you need some one from Somalia and by the way former president daahir rayaale kahisn has retired from politics
  3. Lol are you telling me the TFG president cant visit the territory that is free of alshabaab because he doesn’t hail from particular clan obviously balcad afgoye jawhar is under shabaab. But he can visit other parts of the country such as galkacyo hobyo dhuusomareeb or even other parts of puntland he is still the president of Somalia
  4. You act like if cumar had the upper hand in this whole defeat from sharif he doesn’t the TFG is yes still weak and it was weak when cumar was the pm so don’t act like now cumar left the building its going to be worse sharif can visit galkacyo Hobyo and dhuusomareeb
  5. Libaahe yeah that is true perhaps he will stay in qardho for a few days before he departures to Yemen it’s like déjà vu
  6. Duke Well sharif didn’t want the whole new constitution and the only way to get rid of the so called constitution was to get rid of the prime minister and he did. Remember that clan elder from Mogadishu two weeks ago when he was making those clannish statements that Cumar cabdirashid Should leave the tfg it was just a process and to today sharif finalized it. For sharif its 1 against Nill.
  7. Ciidan Tiro Badan oo Wata Gaadiidka Dagaalka oo la Sheegay Inay Isu soo Dhiibeen Millatariga Somaliland ee Fadhiya Sool Boosaaso (Jam)-Ciidamo wada gaadiid tigniko ah oo ka tirsanaa maamul-goboleedka Puntland, ayaa la sheegay inay isku soo dhiibeen millatariga Somaliland eek u sugan jiidaha hore ee Gobolka Sool, kadib markii ay ka soo goosteen dhinaca Puntland oo laga maamuli jiray. Ma jiro war rasmi ah oo ka soo baxay ciidanka Somaliland iyo maamulka Puntlnad oo ****olka ka qaaday ciidammada reer Puntlnad ee isku soo dhiibay Somaliland, hasa yeeshee sida ay ilo xogogaal ah oo ku sugan Laascaanood Jamhuuriya u xaqiijiyeen ciidan tiradoodu ka badan tahay ilaa 200 oo askari oo wata saddex baabuur oo tigniko ah, ayaa fiidnimadii habeenkii Isniinta isku soo dhiibay ciidanka qaranka ee ku sugan jiida hore ee Gobolka Sool, kuwaasi oo la sheegay inay ka soo firxadeen maamul xumada iyo kala daadsanaanta ka jirta ciidanka iyo maamulka Puntland. Ciidammada ka soo goostay Puntlnad ee isku soo dhiibay Somaliland oo dhammaantood dhalasho ahaan ka soo jeeda deegaanka Gobolka Sool, waxa hadda gacanta ku haya ciidanka Somaliland ee ku sugan jiida hore ee Gobolka Sool, kuwaasi oo la filayo in loo soo gudbiyo gudaha Somaliland. Maaha markii ugu horaysay ee ciidamo ka tirsan Puntland isku soo dhiibaan Somaliland, hasayeeshee tiroba dhawr jeer ayey dhacday in askar reer Puntland ahi u soo goostaan dhinaca Somaliland, kuwaasi oo inta badan isu dhiiba ciidanka qaranka ee ku sugan jiidda hore ee Gobolka Sool iyo Sanaag-bari.
  8. Duke the whole government is a joke no Amisom or African union troops can defeat Alshabaab but at least Sheikh dalxiis got rid of cumar and that was his aim so mission accomplished for sharif
  9. Who do you guys think will be the next prime minister of the transitional federal government will it be someone who Is familiar in the Somali politics or a fresh guy from abroad. And does this also mean the end of the new constitution for the federal government?
  10. ahhahaha alaya raxmo , this was comming though
  11. It’s not an insult I just found it amazing how sh sharif master minded cumar from North America it’s called politically owned I wonder who is going to be the next prime minister
  12. So let me get this straight nur cade got rid of cabdilahi yusuf and Sheikh dalxiis got rid of cumar buur
  13. Originally posted by The Zack: Xaaji thinks Ethiopia is his friend. He probably rather deal with Ethiopians than "koonfurians". Ethiopia is neither my good friend nor is it my enemy we deal with Ethiopia as our neighboring country and have diplomatic relations And we have mutual interest that’s about it . As for the koonfurians we rather not deal with failed people.
  14. Sometimes I think Somalis are learn to hate everything they want to be perhaps jealousy look at Somalia look at Ethiopia I mean reread what I wrote Ethiopia is not Somalia’s problem Somalis are Somalia’s problem the day you understand that is the day Somalis can achieve things no one is making excuses for Ethiopia. You need to categorize things che Ethiopia is at war with the people from the ONLF region Ethiopia is not at war with the Somali people as a whole they are fighting a rebel movement. Somalis and Ethiopians stopped fighting long time ago wake up the last battle was in 1977. Everything else is just pure politics now minus the ONLF Struggle.
  15. I didn’t say that gives Ethiopia the right to kill harass rape Somalis in Ethiopia how ever u make it sound like that Ethiopia is evil and they are the biggest problem Somalis are facing while Somalis them self’s invited Ethiopians in their capital for clan revenges
  16. Che Somalis raped killed murdered looted each other in the holy mosques and all kind of horrible awful things happened to what makes Ethiopia so special in this case.
  17. Danish delegation in Somaliland:President Silanyo receives a delegation from Denmark Danish Delegation in Somaliland Hargeisa – The president of Somaliland, His Excellency Ahmed M. Silanyo today received in his office a delegation from Denmark lead by Ms. Sus Ulbæk Kaaliyaha , deputy Minister of foreign affairs of the Danish government . The president briefed the delegation about the current security situation in Somaliland as well as the success that Somaliland achieved through democratic processes. The president also briefed the delegation about the fight against piracy in the region spear-headed by Somaliland and the support required to sustain effective campaign against it in the region. Mr. Silanyo reiterated the foreign aid that the government and the people of Somaliland need in development and sustainable democracy in the region. The Danish delegation in turn commended the people and the government of Somaliland on the recent elections in the country and the peaceful transfer of power afterwards. Ms Sus said that her government will work directly with the government of Somaliland and that all aid allotted for Somaliland will be directly given instead of routing it through aid agencies. The deputy director also promised that her government will closely work with Somaliland on security and development issues as well as on ways of sustaining the commendable democratic successes that Somaliland achieved since 1991. Danish Delegation in Somaliland The Danish delegation consisted of: 1. Ms. Sus Ulbæk, deputy Minister of foreign affairs of the Danish government 2. Ms. Anne Ehrenreich Head of Department MoFA, Denmark 3. H.E. Geert Aagaard Andersen, (new) Ambassador to Kenya (GAA) 4. Mr. Thomas Thomsen, Chief Adviser, MoFA Denmark 5. Mrs. Betina Gollander, Counsellor Development (BG) 6. Ms. Pernille Mortensen, 1st Secretary, Embassy of Denmark, Addis Ababa
  18. Mucaaridadu Inay Mid Wax Dhista Noqoto Weeyaan In La Isku Dhaliilo Maaha Monday, 20 September 2010 Madaxweyne ku xigeenka Somaliland C/raxmaan C/llaahi Ismaaciil (Saylici) ayaa Xisbiyada Mucaaridka ku eedeeyay hadalada ka soo yeedhaya baryahan u dambeeyay ee ka dhanka ah xukuumada talada haysa, taas oo ay ku dhaliilayaan dhacdadii xeebta Galbeed ee dalka, isaga oo sheegay in mucaaradka looga baahan yahay inay mucaaridnimadoodu noqoto mid wax dhisaysa, balse aanay noqonin in dhibta dalka ku timaada mid lagu ceebeeyo xukuumada. C/raxmaan Saylici waxa kale oo uu sheegay in xilligii uu xisbigooda talada hayaa mucaaridka ahaa wakhtigii qaraxyadii argagixiso ee ka dhacay madaxtooyada, Safaarada Itoobiya iyo xarunta UNDP-da lagu soo weeraray aanay xukuumaddii jirtay ku ceebaynin, balse ay ka tacsiyadeeyeen dhibaatadaa dalka ku timid, isaga oo xusay in mucaaridku toosiyaan xukuumada, islamarkaana tilmaamaan, balse inay ku ceebeeyaan laga fiican yahay. C/raxmaan Saylici waxa uu sidaasi ku sheegay mar uu shalay ka hadlayey Munaasibad loo sameeyey arday ka qalinjabisay Jaamacada ADMAS oo lagu qabtay Hotel Maansoor ee magaalada Hargeysa. C/raxmaan C/llaahi Ismaaciil (Saylici) mar uu ka hadlayay nabadgalyada waxa uu sheegay in Somaliland nabadgalyada kusoo caano maalaysay, isla markaana xukuumadii hore nabadgalyada ku dhisnayd, balse haatan xukuumadan cusubi nabadgalyadii jirtay ku darayso cadaalad, wax-soo-saar iyo shaqo abuuris waxanu yidhi “Ka dawladd ahaan in badan ayay Somaliland nabad ku soo caano maalaysay Soomaalidu waxa ay tidhaahdaa nabad iyo caano qoladii hore haday nabad uun ku joogtay anaguna waxa aanu rabnaa in aanu ku daro caanihii, hadaan nabadi caano lahayn nabadi ma soconayso, waa in caano lagu daraa sababtu waxa weeyaan, nabadu waxa ay u baahan tahay in cadaalad loo sameeyo, in ummadda shaqo loo abuuro si nabadii seeskeedu u adkaado”. C/raxmaan Saylici mar uu ka hadlayay ardaydan ka qalin jabisay Jaamacada iyo sida dawlada Itoobiya uga qayb qaadatay inay Cilmigeeda inoo soo gudbiso ee waxtarka leh waxa uu yidhi “Waxaan aad ugu mahadnaqayaa dawlada Itoobiya ee aynu jaarka nahay ee maanta iskaashigeedu gaadhay nabadgalyada oo qudha aan eekaanin ee inay Cilmigeeda inoo soo gudbiyaan ee wax inoo taraan. Maanta Jaamacadan aan joogno ee 240-ka arday ka qalin jabinayso waa wax aad iyo aad loogu mahadnaqo dawlada Itoobiya, jaarkuna xaq bay isku leeyihiin oo Diinteena Islaamkaa sheegtay” Madaxweyne ku xigeenka C/raxmaan Saylici mar uu ka hadlayay dawladaha aynu jaarka nahay Itoobiya iyo Jabuuti, islamarkaana xaqa Jaarnimadu leedahay iyo iskaashiga ka dhaxayn kara dhinacyo badan loo baahan yahay in la iska kaashado, islamarkaana dhibaato marka ay dhacdo loo baahan yahay mucaaridadu inaanay dawlada ku dhaliilin, balse in la is toosiyaa ama la is tilmaama qurux badan tahay, isaga oo xusay xilligii Xisbigoodu mucaridka ahaa, in qaraxyadii lagu soo weeraray madaxtooyada, safaarda Itoobiya iyo xarunta UNDP inaanay dhibaatada soo gaadhay dalka ku ceebayn xukuumada, balse in la is toosiyaa qurux badan tahay waxanu yidhi “Waxa weeye dawladaha jaarka aynu nahay xaq gaar ah baynu isku leeyihiin haday Itoobiya tahay, haday Jabuuti xaq baynu isku leenahay in wax alla wixii xumaan ah aynu ka wada dagaalanana waajib ina saaran weeyeen. Markastaba dhacdaa dhacda haday wadan gudihii ka dhacdo iyo haddii kaleba, waxa jirta maanta dhacdaa dhacday, dhacdadaa sidii la sheegay mucaaridadu inay mid wax dhista noqoto weeyaan, in la isku dhaliilo maaha ee halkaa wax ka toosi baa qurux badan markaa mucaaridadu inaanay noqonin haday dhibi dhacdo in la is toosiyaa qurux badan, markaa mucaaridadu, laakiinse in la isku ceebeeyo maaha sababta oo ah fal mar walba wuu dhici doona hore ayuu u dhacay oo madaxtooyada la soo weeraray, Safaaradan Itoobiya ayaa la soo weeraray iyo UNDP-da ayaa la soo weeraray maanu ceebayn xukuumadii ee ragii tagay iyada oon saacad laga joogin madaxweynaha iyo dadkii dhibtu gaadhay soo eegay baanu ahayn, markaa waxa weeye dhacdo markasta way dhacaysaa wixii dhacayna anaga iyo dawlada Itoobiya iskaashi fiican baanu ka wada yeelanay, iskaashigeeniina wax ku kordhay mooye wax ka dhimani ma jiro. Waxa inoo balan ah waynu wada shaqaynaynaa ummada reer Somaliland waxaan ku guubaaninayaa miyi iyo magaalaba in maanta nabadgalyada la wada ilaashado oo gacmaha is wada qabsano oo Ilaahay la kaashano inaan dalkeena maanta wax badan ka bedelo oo aynu horumar gaadhsiino. Waxaan kusoo gabagabaynayaa aad iyo aad bad u mahadsan tihiin dhalinyartiinan Jaamacada ka baxday ee qalin jabisayna waxaan idin leeyahay hambalyo halkaa ka sii wada dadaalkiina’ Sidaas ayuu yidhi madaxweyne ku xigeenka Somaliland C/raxmaan Saylici. Source Haatuf
  19. Seylici is a good leader he today said opposition doesn’t mean ,you have to be destructive when you are pointing out the errors of the administration you can be critical yet also be constructive.