Xaaji Xunjuf

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Everything posted by Xaaji Xunjuf

  1. Originally posted by Che -Guevara: ^Not really but it's OK-you are only reporting the news of brotherly nation Brotherly or sisterly Ethiopia is a big player in the horn of africa As for zack you know what they say keep your friends close but your enemies closer
  2. Xiin fanin Siyaad bare and his dictatorial regime failed to defeat the SNM politically (Mengistu Agreement) and military SNM marked the date of civil war of somalia 27 may burco 1988.We transformed him from the Dictator of somalia to the mayor of mogadisho in mid 1990. As for the financial institutions cause of collapse sure somalia partly turned into a beg nation with all the Mismanagement and boliqaran .
  3. Che i am not mouthpiece for any one but this news is just important for the region as a whole.
  4. when a Somali government with all its political machinations are in place to influence the political affairs in the Somaliland. The former Siyaadist government tried that but they miserably failed and back then Somaliland with it's functioning government institutions didn't exist. What makes you think a failed state can be a threat to somaliland.
  5. ^^ Magaca raisal wasaaraha ma wax kalaan ku sheega? Nimanka somalida eeh wasirodawlo laga dhigay. Soo reer godey iyo reer qalaafe maha.
  6. ^^ Dee wayahay joojiya walaaqa aad ka wadin, Barlamaanka TFG. Mamuulka budhcad badeedka wax laga sasso maha wa Mamuul iska suuro badan .
  7. Originally posted by xiinfaniin: Xaggee wax ka qasanyihiin ? Barlmaanka Baydhabo iyo Barlamaanka bosaaso ba mr cheese u heshiyey
  8. PM Meles appoints 48 State Ministers Wednesday, 20 October 2010 Addis Ababa, October 20 (WIC) –Prime Minister Meles Zenawi has appointed 48 State Ministers on Tuesday. They were appointed based on their educational qualification and leadership ability. The appointment of the State Ministers is effective as of October 18, 2010. Here are the newly elected State Ministers: 1. Nega Tsegaye, Foreign Affairs State Minister, 2. Berhane Gebre-kiristos, Foreign Affairs State Minister 3. Berhanu Abera, National Defense State Minister 4. Berhanu Negash, National Defense State Minister 5. Alemayehu Ejigu, Government Communication Affairs Office State Minister 6. Shimelis Kemal, Government Communication Affairs Office State Minister 7. Dr. Abraham Tekeste, Finance and Economic Development State Minister 8. Ahmed Shide, Finance and Economic Development State Minister 9. Alemayehu Gujo, Finance and Economic Development State Minister 10. Dr. Kaba Urgessa, Education State Minister 11. Fuad Ibrahim, Education State Minister 12. Wondwosen Kiflu, Education State Minister 13. Firenesh Mekuria, Women, Children and Youth Affairs State Minister 14. Almaw Mengistu, Women, Children and Youth Affairs State Minister 15. Sileshi Getahun, Agriculture State Minister 16, Mitiku Kassa, Agriculture State Minister 17. Wondirad Mandefro, Agriculture State Minister 18. Tadelech Dalecho, Culture and Tourism State Minister 19. Dawd Mohamed, Culture and Tourism State Minister 20. Mulugeta Wuletaw, Federal Affairs State Minister 21. Wondimu Tekle, Water and Energy State Minister 22. Kebede Gerba, Water and Energy State Minister 23. Tolosa Shagi, Mines State Minister 24. Dr. Kebede Work, Health State Minister 25. Dr. Keseteberhan Admasu, Health State Minister 26. Remedan Ashenafi, Labor and Social Affairs State Minister 27. Dr. Zerihun Kebede, Labor and Social Affairs State Minister 28. Mohamuda Ahmed Gass, Science and Technology State Minister 29. Getachew Mengiste, Transport State Minister 30. Tekletsadik Reba, Transport State Minister 31. Peter Gat Cot, Communication and Information Technology State Minister 32. Hailemeskel Tefera, Urban Development and Construction State Minister 33. Dr. Misrak Mekonnen, Civil Service State Minister 34. Adamu Ayana, Civil Service State Minister 35. Ahmed Abagisa, Justice State Minister 36. Berhanu Tsegaye, Justice State Minister 37. Tadesse Haile, Industry State Minister 38. Ahmed Tussa, Trade State Minister 39. Yakob Yala, Trade State Minister. 40-Roman Gebreselassie, Government Whip with the rank of State Minister 41. Meles Tilahun, Acting Government Whip with the rank of State Minister 42. Getachew Bedane, Acting Government Whip with the rank of State Minister 43, Wondimu Gezahegn, Acting Government Whip with the rank of State Minister 44. Alebachew Nigussie, Public Organization and Participation Advisory State Minister 45. Mengistab Gebrekidan, Public Organization and Participation Advisory State Minister 46. Temesgen Tilahun, Advisor to the Deputy Prime Minister with the rank of State Minister 47. Demisse Shito, Cabinet Affairs Advisory State Minister 48: Michael Tobias, State Minister for the Office of the Prime Minister and Cabinet Affairs
  9. Raysal-wasaaraha Dalka Itoobiya Meles Zenawi Oo Magacaabay Wasiiru Dawlayaal Ka Mid Noqon Doona Xukuumadiisa Cusub, Kuwaas Oo Ay Xubno Somali Ahi Ka Mid Yihiin. Addis Ababa(Ramaas) Okt.20, 2010 – Raysal-wasaaraha dalka Itoobiya, Meles Zenawi, ayaa magacaabay 48 wasiiru dawle (state ministers), talaabadan oo aheyd mid dhameystir u ah dhismaha xukumadda cusub ee dhawaan la dhisay. Xubnaha la magacaabay ayaa kala ah: 1. Nega Tsegaye, Foreign Affairs State Minister 2. Berhane Gebre-kiristos, Foreign State Minister 3. Berhanu Abera, National Defense State Minister 4. Berhanu Negash, National Defense State Minister 5. Alemayehu Ejigu, Government Communication Affairs Office State Minister 6. Shimelis Kemal, Government Communication Affairs Office State Minister 7. Dr. Abraham Tekeste, Finance and Economic State Minister 8. Ahmed Shide, Finance and Economic Development State Minister 9. Alemayehu Gujo, Finance and Economic State Minister 10. Dr. Kaba Urgessa, Education State Minister 11. Fuad Ibrahim, Education State Minister 12. Wondiosen Kiflu, Education State Minister 13. Firenesh Mekuyria, Women, Children and Youth Affairs State Minister 14. Almaw Mengistu, Women, Children and Youth Affairs State Minister 15. Sileshyi Getahun, Agirculture State Minister 16. Mitiku Kassa, Agriculture State Minister 17. Wondiyirad Mandefro, Agirculture State Minister 18. Tadelech Dalecho, Culture and Tourism State Minister 19. Dawd Ahmed, Culture and Tourism State Minister 20. Mulugeta Wuletaw, Federal Affairs State Minister 21. Wondimu Tekle, Water and Energy State Minister 22. Kebede Gerba, Water and Energy State Minister 23. Tolosa Shage, Mines State Minister 24. Dr. Kebede Work, Health State Minister 25. Dr. Kesete Berhan Admasu, Health State Minister 26. Remedan Ashenafi, Labor and Social Affairs State Minister 27. Dr. Zerihun Kebede, Labor and Social Affairs State Minister 28. Mohamuda Ahmed Gass, Science and Technology State Minister 29. Getachew Mengiste, Transport State Minister 30. Tekletsadik Reba, Transport State Minister 31. Peter Gat Cot, Communication and Information Technology State Minister 32. Hailemaskal Tefera, Urban Development and Construction State Minister 33. Dr. Misrak Mekonne, Civil Service State Minister 34. Adamu Ayana Mekonnen, Civil Service State Minister 35. Ahmed Abagisa, Justice State Minister 36. Berhanu Tsegaye, Justice State Minister 37. Tadesse Haile, Industry State Minister 38. Ahmed Tussa, Trade State Minister 39. Yakob Yala, Trade State Minister. 40-Roman Gebre-sillassie, Government Whip with the rank of State Minister 41. Meles Tilahun, Acting Government Whip with the rank of State Minister 42. Getachew Bedane, Acting Government Whip with the rank of State Minister 43. Wondimu Gezahegn, Acting Government Whip with the rank of State Minister 44. Alebachew Nigussie, Public Organization and Participation Advisory State Minister 45. Mengistab Gebre-kidan, Public Organization and Participation Advisory State Minister 46. Temesgen Tilahun, Advisor to the Deputy Prime Minister with the rank of state minister 47. Demisse Shito, Cabinet Affairs Advisory State Minister 48. Michael Tobias, State Minister for the Office of the Prime Minister and Cabinet Affairs.
  10. Pirate Parliamenterians causing trouble again dividing the TFG parliament for clan reasons.
  11. Ummadan Koonfurianska aad baan ula yaaba waleh , War calan ha isku mashquulinina dadkinu ha noolaadaan shacabkinu ha jiran calan dadka ka muhimsan.
  12. xiinfanin ino qor maqaal dheer sidi oodweyne
  13. WASIIRKA ARRIMAHA DIBADDA SOMALILAND OO KULAMO LA YEESHAY MADAXWAYNAHA IYO WASIIRKA KHAARIJIGA EE DAWLADDA JABUUTI Isla maanta galinkii hore wuxuu wasiirka Arrimaha Dibadda ee Somaliland, Dr. Maxamed cabdillahi Cumar, kulan dheer la yeeshay Safiirka dawladda maraykanka u fadhiya dalka Jabuuti War-Saxaafadeed 19 October, 2010 WASIIRKA ARRIMAHA DIBADDA SOMALILAND OO KULAMO LA YEESHAY MADAXWAYNAHA IYO WASIIRKA KHAARIJIGA EE DAWLADDA JABUUTI Wasiirka Arrimaha Dibadda ee Somaliland, Dr. Maxamed Cabdillahi Cumar, oo booqasho diblomaasiyadeed ku jooga dalka Jabuuti ayaa maanta oo Salaasa -19 October,2010 qasriga Madaxtooyada ee Jabuuti kulan rasmi ah kula yeeshay Madaxwaynaha Dawladda Jabuuti, Mudane Ismaaciil Cumar Geelle. Wasiirku wuxuu Madaxwaynaha u gudbiyaya fariin uu ka siday Madaxwaynaha Jamhuuriyadda Somaliland, mudane Axmed Maxamed Siilaanyo oo nuxurkeedu yahay sida shacabka iyo xukuumadda Somaliland ay u danaynayaan horumarinta xidhiidhka walaaltinimo ee ka dhaxeeyay Somaliland iyo Jabuuti, iyo in loo baahan yahay kobcinta xidhiidhkaasi. Wasiirka iyo madaxwaynuhu waxay is waydaarsadeen hadalo ka turjumayay mawqifka labada dal ee siyaasadda mandaqada geeska Afrika iyo ilaalinta xasiloonida oo ah dan guud oo ay wadaagaan labada dal iyo wadamada kale ee gobolkuba. Madaxwayne Ismaaciil Cumar geelle wuxuu dadka Somaliland ugu hambalyeeyay guulaha dhinacyada badan leh ee ay gaadheen. Isla maanta galinkii hore wuxuu wasiirka Arrimaha Dibadda ee Somaliland, Dr. Maxamed cabdillahi Cumar, kulan dheer la yeeshay Safiirka dawladda maraykanka u fadhiya dalka Jabuuti, Ambassador Swan. Waxaa kulankan lagaga wada hadlay siyaasadda cusub ee Maraykanka ee ku wajahan taageerada iyo la shaqaynta Somaliland. waxaa kulanka oo hore loo sii qorsheeyay ujeedadiisu ahayd inay Somaliland talo ka gaysato siyaasad la filayo in dhawaan wasaaradda arrimaha dibadda ee Maraykanku ka soo saarto magaalada washington oo ku wajahan Somaliya iyo Somaliland. wuxuuna wasiirku u ololaynayay sidii aragtida iyo qorshaha xukuumada Somaliland loogu xisaabtami lahaa ka hor inta aanu siyaasaddaasi soo bixin dabayaaqada todobaabkan. Waxaa kaloo shalay wasiirka arrimaha dibadda ee Somaliland xafiiskiisa ku qaabilay wasiirka arrimaha dibadda ee Jabuuti mudane Maxamuud Cali Yuusuf. Waxay labada wasiir kawada hadleen sidii loo dardar-galin lahaa cilaaqaadka iyo iskaashiga labada dal ee dhinacayada ganacsiga, nabadgalyada iyo siyaasadda. waxayna isku raaceen qorshe wax lagaga qabanayo fulinta arrimaha ay kawada hadleen. Shirka ka dib wuxuu wasiirka khaarajiga Jabuuti qado-sharaf u sameeyay wasiirka arrimaha dibadda ee Somaliland. Dhinaca kale , waxaa maanta wasiirka arrimaha dibadda ee Somaliland qada-sharaf ugu sameeyay hudheelka uu degen yahay wasiirku ee Kimpenski, xubno ka tirsan xukuumadda dawladda jabuuti, qaar ka mid ah ganacasata waawayn ee reer Jabuuti, jaaliyadda Somaliland iyo hogaamiye dhaqameedyo. Shalay galinkii danbe waxaa wasiirka khaarjiga ee Somaliland la soo tusay hawlaha horumarinta ee dalka Jabuuti ku talaabsaday sanadihii ugu denbeeyay oo ay ka mid tahay balaladhinta dekedda iyo mashaariicda badan oo nawaaxigeeda laga hirgaliyay. Waxaa la qorshaynayaa in Madaxwaynaha Jamhuuriyadda Somaliland dhawaan booqasho ku tago Jamhuuriyadda jabuuti, oo qayb ka ah safar madaxwaynuhu dhawaan ku tagi doono wadamo ka mid ah dalalka jaarka
  14. Thankful don't twist my words i said the people who were behind it were people who had clan affiliation with the people of awdal.These people are Djibouti citizens. They are not Somalilanders so them waving the koonfurian flag is meaningless Lool so now people can't have something blue in their regional flag because the Koonfurian flag is attached to blue Come one Thankful. i wear a blue shirt every day and blue socks. Does that mean i am a Koonfurian flag supporter.
  15. Xukuumadda dalk Jabuuti, ayaa markii ugu horaysay ka hadashay siday ka yeelayso haddii Madaxweynaha Somaliland socdaal ku tago dalkeeda. Wasiirka Daakhiliga Mr. Cabdulaahi Maxamed Cumar oo haatan socdaal ku jooga dalka Jabuuti, ayaa shalay kulan la yeeshay dhigiisa dalkaas mr. Maxamuud Cali Yuusuf. Sida uu baahiyay Telefishanka afka dawladda Jabuuti ku hadla ee RDT, waxay labada wasiir ka wadahadleen arrimo ku saabsan xidhiidha labada dale ee Jabuuti iyo Somaliland. Wasiirka Khaarajiga Somaliland waxa uu sheegay in dhowaan Madaxweyne Axmed Maxamed Maxamuud (Siilaanyo) booqan doono dalalka deriska oo ay ku jirto Jabuuti, iyadoo wasiirka Khaarajiga Jabuutina sheegay inay soo dhawaynayaan Madaxweynaha Somaliland.
  16. Every gobol in somaliland has it's own regional flag i don't see a problem with that. The protest were about more representation in the new govt so these people were pro somaliland. What is so funny are you telling me Djiboutians don't cross the border during the summer they do that and these people are not loyal to somaliland you should not be suprised at all. God bless the people of awdal
  17. No they are not i posted pictures of borama people waving the somaliland flag and kulmiye flag just before the election. So your point is baseless. We don't want your koonfurian flag in borama awdal berbera saaxil not in hargeisa maroodijeex not in burco togdheer not in laascanood sool not in ceerigaabo sanaag not in somaliland. Take it to your pirateland and the rest of your country :cool: .
  18. ^^^ they have every right to protest the same way there were protest in hargeisa and ceerigabo its normal in a democracy i dont see any problem i don't see any koonfurian flag in the video? do you see any flag in the video.
  19. Xiisaddo Ka soo Cusboonaaday Degaanka U DhexeeyaBuuhoodle Iyo Qorilugud Oct 19, 2010 Buuhoodle(Riinjinews)Degaanka Kalshaale oo u dhexeeya Buuhoodle iyo Qorilugud, oo uu ka taagnaa khilaaf Dhinaca degaanka ahi oo u dhaxeya Beelaha, Halkaasi wada degan ayaa lasheegayaa in dib uga soo cusboonaatay Xiisaddii iyo Muranka halkaa ka jiray. Khilaafkan ka taagan degaankaasi ayaa la sheegay inuu ka dhashay markii Beel ka midda Degaankaasi isku dayday inay Baraago ka qotaan, Balse Beelihi Degaanka Buuhoodle ay Arrintaasi si Adag uga Horyimaadaan. Wararka laga helaayo Degaankaasi ayaa sheegaya in Maleeshiyo hubaysan oo ka soo jeedda Qurulugud ay soo gaadheen degaankaasi. Masuuliyynta iyo Wagaradka deegaanka Buuhoodle ayaa la sheegaya inay maalinta Berito tagi doonaan goobtaasi khilaafku ka taagan yahay, si ay Xaaladda u Dejiyaan. Mudooyinkii u Dambeeyay aya Degaanka Kalshaale ahaa Meel Muran ka taagan yahay, marar badan Waxgarad iyo Odayaal Labada Dhinac Dhex galeen , Balse Guul aan gaadhin. YASIN MAXAMED AXMED GAROWE SOMALIYA
  20. This was 18 may 2008 Borama awdal You can't compare that with a few Immigrants from Djibouti who have no loyalty or devotion to the rep of somaliland what's so ever waving the koonfurian flag doesn't mean anything. these pictures you posted were taken in july during the summer reer Djibouti flood borama gabiley arabsiyo during that season. This is the reality in Borama awdal
  21. ^^We don't want your flag nor de want your capital you can take your flag to Mogadisho and take your unity there.
  22. Originally posted by Som@li: Any Taalo for the victims of SNM? Silaanyo is showing his true colors. What Victims?
  23. Sharifku ma jecla qof kursigisa ku cidhidhiya wa wuxu uga takhalusay cumarki cusla,,, Qolada Go'itanka rabta anigu maan garan kuwas adiga no faah faahin, Alshabaab na sharifku wu rabba inu ka ilaaliyo dawladisa laakin wax dawladnimo oo u raadinaya aya iska yar idinkuna gandhi iyo jengali baad ku mashqusheed iyo ma wasiir lanooga dhigo
  24. Jacayl hiiraale. godane u fadhiya wala jabinaya maalin dhow waad arki