Xaaji Xunjuf

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Everything posted by Xaaji Xunjuf

  1. Somaliland existence isn't dependant on these colonial products called the AU. Somaliland deals with their masters the EU. Somalia your country on the other hand depends on the AU literally with out African Union. Your government will not survive in Mogadishu for 3 hours this is a fact.
  2. The talks of Somaliland and Somalia will not get any where until there is real mediation and a real agenda of these talks and a time frame. Aslong as there is non of these things above. Its just a waste of time and effort. Galbeedi still has hopes that somaliland will be ruled by Mogadishu. Its been almost 30 years give it up.
  3. The African Union is the most worthless organisation. It allowed Libya to be bombed by the EU. And Somalia is actually a colony of the AU for over a decade. Are you proud of that mma.
  4. Somaliland is very clear that's very good also the talks need to have a timeframe. The walanweyns love to waste time talking about nothing important. It's true the previous agreements need to be honered for the talks to proceed.
  5. These communique is just very funny its like they keep talking about having talks. But no one talks about the things that matter. I was expecting this out come.
  6. It's always on the table that's why the koonfurians try to stop these talks. The final solution will be total seperation. Those in the bunker know it the and the US UK EU know it to.
  7. Somalia and Somaliland can never be reconciled. The only option is total seperation that is the only way there can be little peace in the horn of Africa. Umad kala jaad ah wadan ma wadaagi karan
  8. Dadkee ma reer budhudhuqland baanu isku dad nahay. War beenta jooji ninweynbaad tahay. Wax Somalia layidha majirto 1991 ba u dambeyse. Wa harag waxa meesha yaala.
  9. Hada gooni ma wuxu inaleeyahay Ciidanki Somali Republic eeh Inta leeks. Isaga is burburiyey oo wu iska burburayv with no rebel movement. Ma ciidan iyo dal iska Jira aya iska burbura bila cause. Bal ninkani wuxu ku sheekenayo ila eega.
  10. Why would any one in Somaliland like farmaajo an open enemy of their people and country.
  11. Hadanay SNM jirin afweyne ba Ciidanka 26 two third of the army umuusan direen. SOMALILAND. Dagaal ku 1988 bu bilaa may not 1991. Gooni imika wuxu Lee yahay afweyne shacab ma dilin. Oo dadki Hargeysa ku dhintay ilmaadeeraday Bay ahayeen oo reer qabridhahare ah.
  12. Eritrea conflict with Ethiopia is longer then one generation its from 1960 to 1991. And from 1998 till 2018. And it can restart any moment again. And it probably had conflict in the middle ages to.
  13. Afweyne killed people not just put them. Behind bars. He sentenced people to death.
  14. Ha calacaalo eeh daa ilaahay bahdilaad kugu talogalay. Bahal duli ah weye
  15. I hope Djibouti stays safe. We don't want that country to go up in flames. Also if iog dies he has a son who will take over.
  16. This is a very strange tone of deni. I believe he is being cornered by bunker govt as galkacyo is burning. I think if he stops Claiming Somaliland territories. Somaliland should safe him from the cheese fellow.
  17. It's the fault that jihadi sheikh umal.
  18. He is pathatic I think deni will impeach him. The beef all started when karaash wanted to have the say about who to appoint from the garaad clan. And deni said no your office is purely symbolic and you have no say. Now he moved to Facebook his days are numbered.
  19. He is kinda right somaliland only obstacle is the neighboring failed state of Somalia. Good speech by the president.
  20. It has been a great ceremony and a good speech by the president 18 May 2020. All of you landers happy 18 may.
  21. Afweyne dadka somalida intu silciyey jaahilnimadisi ayuu cidla nijeeria ku haligmay
  22. Inaalilah wa inaailahi rajicuuun Allah ha unaxaristoo Mujaahid xassan guure was a great man
  23. Ma kan ba dhaliyara ah atleast wa 50 jir. Ta xigta fikir xumo aragxumo ku darsaday.