Xaaji Xunjuf

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Everything posted by Xaaji Xunjuf

  1. Allowumanaxariistaha will not be missed by the majority of the people. A one proud nation bu ku so koobay. Xoolo reerkisu leeyahay ayu ka dhigay. isku dirka iyo xumaan beerista shaqadisa ayay ahayd.
  2. How was it extended. He came to power in 2009 and left 2012. Or am I missing something. Or was he a 2 year term president.
  3. Where did sharif added a year to his term never heard of this.
  4. What changing a tigrayan leader with an oromo leader changes anything. Ethiopia still has its troops inside Somalia. And alshabaab is far from defeated.
  5. Cali xaraare iyo nacamlihisa wax ka liita maan arag.
  6. Why is census and population such a sensetive issue. For Somalida.
  7. Farmaajo got allot of money from Qatar. I think this is better.
  8. How do we know they are from awdal they could be qadaadweyn.
  9. I think this guy is against the democratic elections. Go back to your cave.
  10. Lies lies lies. Somalia is as weak as 10 years ago. Kenya openly can violate Somalia sovriengty. Alshabaab is stronger then ever. Afeweriqi is a lone wolf his time is ending in the horn very soon.
  11. Farmaajo manu ahayn xoolo oo u Axmed abiye iska leeyahay. Sidu doono ka yeelo. Bal waxad madaxweyne ku sheegeyasid eeg.
  12. Eritrea needs to be dealt with one way or the other. They are putting all their hopes in the oromo fellow.
  13. How is iog muse biixi brother in law last time I checked muse is not married to iog sister. And neither is iog married to muses sister.
  14. I think no one wants the clan dictatorship back apart from the former Siyaad Barre Supporter remnants. Ilaahay ba daqaadka wadanka ka saaray.
  15. No one is moving to that he'll Mogadishu today alone over 10 people dead. Soldiers from the same army are killing each other. Is that the success kadafi and mma are welcoming to. Somaliland doesn't rely on Ethiopia its a neighbor a trading partner. But Ethiopia has no political influances in Somaliland like it does in Somalia. Ethiopia has troops inside Somalia it controls entire regions such as bakool and bay I think Somaliland is in a better situation than ever. And Somalia is still in anarchy and constitutional deadlock with no cohesion. There is so much internal divisions inside Somalia no one really seems to agree. I think Somaliland will get what it wants. Alll struggles in africa with the gun ended in success Eritrea South Sudan. And certainly Somaliland.
  16. No one denies being somali. Somali is an ethnicity not a country. Jabuutians are somalis a portion of Ethiopians are somalis. Somaliland case for statehood is the best in africa. There is no better case in africa. Than that of Somaliland. The west the au and the Arabs know this to. Somalilanders made their choice long time ago. No Mogadishu and it will remain like this till eternity.
  17. MMA WHAT ABOUT your leader cheese he used to frequently visit Nairobi. But he loves Addis Ababa. More the oromo fellow says jump and he says how high.
  18. So much for the Nobel peace price. The tigrayans will not give up with out a fight.
  19. Somaliland was never colonised it was a protectorate. There were only a handful English men in Somaliland. Unlike Somalia which was an Italian colony with over 40.000 setlers. And we know siday webiga uga talaabi jirreen the poor koonfurians. As for the mad mullah the dervishes were only fighting the English from 1899 till 1904. After the ilig treaty they completly surrenderd to Italy. After that they were pure camel raiders. O Mar ba geel ka kaso dhaca. And declaring takfiir on entire clans.
  20. So you think Somaliland inay nin kaliya wax u noqonayso. Think again.
  21. Maakhiri why do you say farmaajo doesn't have a chance. He is still got the Qatari hussle. And 4.5 it's any persons game.
  22. Miskiin SOMALILAND achieved all of its goals. Muuse made Somaliland stronger. In those 30 years Somaliland was completly rebuild. With minimum assistance.
  23. Farmaajo failed in elections and in security. He also failed to remove madoobe. But this was expected. Lets see if some one else can do a better job.