Xaaji Xunjuf

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Everything posted by Xaaji Xunjuf

  1. ka aad meesha ku so sawiirtay uu malayn mayo inu shaqadiisa ba fursad u heli doono, iska da haba la ansiixiyo , ma shaqayn kara weye suaashu oo jaanis ma u heleya.. awoow isku dad wanu nahay kala siyaasad iyo kala waddan uun eh inta kale wa kheyr sarta Unta ii so hell eeh magaalda moqdisho lol , koley daar garan weyday
  2. waa afsomali daarta idinku waxad u taqanin sarta lool waxan ku yidhi sarta Unta ku taal iska dayo Miid xamar ay untu gasho ma u haysin???
  3. Nina Nc awoowo Daarta Unta haku danbeyseo eeh daar Untu fadhiisato Xammar wey ka wayeen maxa xal ah bye the way waxad iga waranta ciidanki jabuuti eeh so socday jimco wanaagsan awoowo
  4. There is just a foreing policy somaliland has now at the moment to secure our long term goals and short term goals you just stay tuned. These Nobodies such as kaluun people make them bigger then they are and he is there for family related issues. As for galmudug and Ximan iyo xeeb these clan states do support Somalilands Independence there should be no hostility towards them.How many times did we hear Daahir rayaale is working secretly with warlord Cabdilahi yusuf when they flew in the same plane to london in 2007. Siilaanyo is as rightwingSomalilander as you can be
  5. qodax its just stuff and nonsense man , waxba kama jiraan.
  6. Am i trespassing you must be kidding me, in my own bloody country. i will protect my country from any sort of agressor wether its Xaglajifiye or the so called tribal chief Called Jamac cali jamac.
  7. Horta kan Zack marka xita Kenya laga hadlayo muxu Ethiopia uga sheekeya?
  8. i know u like nonsense thats why you like the so called khusuusi clan jabhad.
  9. Originally posted by Ismahaan: Liberate from whom?? :confused: From the so called clan terrorist
  10. ^^i do not Hate Ethiopia nor do i love them, they are just another neighbouring country Just like Somalia and Djibouti.
  11. Originally posted by The Zack: ^I don't know what other times u referring to but I do know he is incorrect this time. all the other times he talked.
  12. this is the second topic u made about somalilands recognition , prof abdi ismacil samatar na wad hadal hayey tallow maxa jira oo so socda.
  13. i lived in the south i am well aware how they speak and talk and pronounce words , it's just incorrect thats all. Oke che another question what do you call a beard in afsomali koonfurians say gar , but gar is garta la wada dhigto. its Gadh.
  14. Originally posted by Che -Guevara: ^They are spelled the same way but sound or pronounce differently-you have to know southern cultural and linguistic nuances to tell the difference, Koonfurians need to learn when to use the dh when to use the r.
  15. Originally posted by Gabbal: quote:Originally posted by Xaji_Xunjuf: you did not answer the question bal ku noqo. Caro is one word with two different meanings based on how you pronounce it (classic tonal language). Also inan is written inan, how do you signify masculine and feminine? Thats why its not caro its cadho and not caro caro means dhulka carada
  16. Let me tell you something gabbal bar = spot = barta Badh = half Bar can mean teach , bar ta teach comes from baro Kalmadaha Bar wax la barto waxad kula sooci for instance sentenceka siday ugu jirto . koonfurians when they are referring to the booty of the female body they say bari. but bari means east its badhi , how do i say in koonfurian badhi bari ka so jeeda??.
  17. i predict more new TFG paper governments in the next coming years.And more islamic factions on the rise and not to forget,, Also new so called clan states yesterday i heard about greenland whatever that's supposed to mean.
  18. Jb adigu soo borama ma joogtiid, maad baqatay ?