Xaaji Xunjuf

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Everything posted by Xaaji Xunjuf

  1. Tillamook Somaliland haday hadal Somalia ku noqonayso Beri hore Bay ku noqon lahayd. But hadal wax ma taro. Somaliland isn't for sale the county destiny is so much more worth anything else. Its freedom is sacred. Farmaajo sounded like the minyaro of abiye Ahmed. Ninkaasu bartyeyye to bring him to hargeisa. Imagine you have to ask an Ethiopian galla to visit your own so called country you claim to rule. Ceeb weyna.
  2. Umad qudha manihin sababto ah adigu qura baad tidha. Anaguna qudha. Marka sidaynu dad qudha kunahay. Dadku afka Somaliga ku hadla wa sax. Somali speaking people. German speaking people English speaking people. Oromaduba af Somaliga wala bari kara.
  3. Why does this kid keep talking about national army. You mean the Mogadishu militia that can't liberate one single village. Is that your national army. A rag tag militia
  4. That's never gone happend in Mogadishu it will always be farrotaag. Xeer aan jiirn siyaasin that can never visit Somaliland handpicked who just want a payment. Every one can Rob these koonfurians.
  5. There is no one in his right mind in Somaliland that wishes to unite with amisom or alshabaab. Why are koonfurians so ridicoules to think that. I believe if today another referendum is held. People in Somaliland will vote no Somalia no Mogadishu. 100 percent. There is absolutely nothing Somaliland gains from Somalia. Other then magac xumo.
  6. Somaliland ideology is very strong the work and effort put it in can never be defeated by koonfurians or other low iq folks in the South. They can't even unite a small village. Let alone 2 countries in the horn.
  7. The koonfurians are celebrating something that is not even a winning point. Koonfurians were always allowed to visit Somaliland aslong as they pay the tax 60 bucks. I would have given it to you if your leaders were allowed to visit Somaliland. But that's not the case. Somaliland recognition is innevetible and the koonfurians know it to. another failed union with somaliland will never happen. At least not in this world.
  8. Non political it says. You can always visit hargeisa if your from Mogadishu is nothing wrong the only issue is politicians.
  9. So tell me the only. The only Reason you guys are together is because you believe Somaliland is part of Italian Somalia. What a fragile union you guys have if Somaliland is keeping you together what happens to walanweyn iyo in khiyaamo we trust.
  10. It's very important to implement previous deals. We know koonfurians think it's xaarifnimo to do khiyaamo and being dishonest about what they say. There isn't going to be any unity talks only on how to build two seperate peaceful states next to each other. No more wars but mutual respect. If the walanweyn want to meet us half way we will meet them half way and help them defeat alshabaab. If not the status quo is pretty fine. Somaliland will win at the end.
  11. Walahi runtu taabtay he is the most realest garaad clan garaads.
  12. Somaliland hasn't lost anything it stood its ground in these talks. We are showing the world that Somaliland is open to talks to come to an agreement. But koonfurians want to stall and waste time. And talk about meaningless things. Somaliland has gained one thing that we are willing to implement the deals signed previously. Why the walanweyns hate to talk about previous agreements. Such as the airspace agreement.
  13. It's wishful thinking Somaliland sending delegations to Mogadishu. There is a bigger chance neytanyahu accepting the west bank as palestenian and removing all Israeli settlers from there.
  14. Afmay sounds like af oromo maybe they are originally oromos.
  15. Why do Yemenis always have a little knif in the pocket.
  16. Your right the young generation in Mogadishu or in Italian Somalia. Have no feelings towards somaliland. They don't know it. It doesn't concern them. When somaliland seperated many of them were not even born. The old gen believe in a forced union to fight till the last bullet.
  17. Djibouti has lost but this was expected. Kenya is the darling of the west.
  18. Lol @ Somalia trying to invade Somaliland. In another war with Somaliland we know Somalia will lose again. SOMALILAND has never lost a war. Somaliland is ready to kill any one that comes near its border.
  19. Somalia and Somaliland way kala tageen. Long time ago. The reality is that the 2 countries have chosen to seperate long time ago. Those in Mogadishu know it to.
  20. This is the most retarded thing I ever read. What does somaliland gain from this absolutely nothing giving defense to Somalia. The whole reason of independence is to secure our self milltary.
  21. Qarax ka dhacay Muqdisho oo ay dad rayid ah ku dhinteen Khamiis, Juun 18, 2020 (HOL) - Afar qof oo rayid ah ayaa ku dhintay, dhowr qof oo kalana way ku dhaawacmeen qarax ka dhacay degmada Hodan ee Gobolka Banaadir. Goobjoogayaal ayaa HOL u sheegay in dadka dhintay ay ku jiraan hooyo iyo cunug yar oo ay dhashay oo saarnaa Bajaaj uu qaraxu qabsaday. Goobta uu qaraxu ka dhacay ayaa ah meel ku dhow madaxtooyadii hore ee Cabdiqaasim Salaad. Wararka la helayo ayaa sheegaya in qaraxaas lala damacsanaa gaari ay wateen ciidamada dowladda balse ma jiraan wax khasaaro ah oo ay askarta la kulmeen. Abdiaziz Ahmed Barrow, Hiiraan Online
  22. No the koonfurians wanted politicians to have free pass to visit the 2 countries. That's a no go zone. I am glad though the talks collapsed no more wasting of time. Now the ball is in the court of the international community to come with solutions. On this dead lock the biggest conflict in the region Somaliland vs Somalia.
  23. He can't he believes somaliland lives worth more than his own starving people. It's an inferiority complex. Has no cure.