Xaaji Xunjuf

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Everything posted by Xaaji Xunjuf

  1. Ooh that explains allot your right it is gallas vs Abyssinians Eritreans and Amharas. On the same side where do the tigrayans stand since the tigrayans were enemy of the Eritreans and the Amhara and to some extend also one time the enemy of the gallas
  2. The Ethiopian Chief of General Staff stated two days ago that his country will soon become a Red Sea nation. It is unclear what precisely he meant by this. If Ethiopia is indeed making such claims, one must question what, if anything, President Hassan Sheikh achieved during the recent discussions in Turkey with Ethiopian officials. If diplomatic talks were intended to address Ethiopia’s maritime ambitions and how to get access then it was a success for the Ethiopians , But Hassan said that Ethiopia will only use Ports for trade related issues ,yet the country continues to assert its imminent status as a Red Sea state, then one wonders what the true outcome of those negotiations was.
  3. Ethiopia to be given a free port on the indian ocean in exchange Ethiopia will not interfere in domestic affairs of Somalia thats what somalia gets in return.
  4. Welk done wat is muuujiyeen intaas uun ba laga rabay I am glad there is still principled Somalis left
  5. Che I am willing to give the koonfurians the benefit of the doubt let’s see if they protest as they protest during the early stage when the mou appeared . If they don’t protest then they are no different then culusow matter in fact what ever culusow says they will do and he was the organisator of those protests to begin with . Remember the Ethiopians never officially cancelled the mou they just trying different angles they might want to get culusow signature remember culusow said he wanted to replace Ethiopia with Egypt . What happend to that Ethiopia is back and locals in Mogadishu seem to be oke with this I want to be wrong though . And they speak out and protests as they did before that is if u genuinely oppose Ethiopian interest no matter who signs them whether it’s biixi or culusow
  6. Galbeed the problem is. It’s not who is going to come or who is going to change one person can’t change anything the entire mindset of the people of Somalia needs to change this dependence on the international community needs to change. Actually a whole new entity needs to be constructed one that is inclusive one that is established inside Somalia with the trust of the people an inclusive military force . Real negotiations with alshabaab needs to begin . Only then can change personality and people individuals can’t change anything whether culusow comes or deni becomes president or even kheyre . When it’s 2026 you will see all the koonfurians will line up all to become president waliga ma aragtay umad dhamaantood madaxweyne inay noqdan rabaan
  7. Galbeed the problem is. It’s not who is going to come or who is going to change one person can’t change anything the entire mindset of the people of Somalia needs to change this dependence on the international community needs to change. Actually a whole new entity needs to be constructed one that is inclusive one that is established inside Somalia with the trust of the people an inclusive military force . Real negotiations with alshabaab needs to begin . Only then can change personality and people individuals can’t change anything whether culusow comes or deni becomes president or even kheyre . When it’s 2026 you will see all the koonfurians will line up all to become president waliga ma aragtay umad dhamaantood madaxweyne inay noqdan rabaan
  8. I dont think so, he was never going there that would have caused enormous damage to the Bunker goverment thats why he didnt do that.But now a year later he is back in Mogadishu his troops can stay , Culusow seems to be happy the koonfurians are not upset at all, they even lifting his picture all over Mogadishu , I mean it seems he was never really the enemy. I mean the Koonfurians only had issue with him because of a possible relationship with Somaliland , but they never really had issue with the gallas Ethiopians or the Ethiopian state, they had no issue with Abiye him self. But only because of the said relationship he had with our former President Mr Muse Bixii. Had he visited Somaliland hell would break lose on the side of the Koonfurians but him visting the Bunker its all good , because he is not really the enemy lol. Anagay filin noo dhigayaan hahaha
  9. Madaxweyne ku-xigeenka Jamhuuriyadda Somaliland Muddane Maxamed Cali Aw Cabdi iyo wafti ballaadhan oo u hoggaaminaayo oo ay mid yihiin Wasiirka Gaashandhigga , Wasiirka Gaadiidka, Wasiirul Dawlaha Arrimaha Gudaha, Wasiir ku xigeenka Maalgashiga, Taliyaha Ciidanka Qaranka iyo Xildhibaanno ayaa socdaal shaqo ku gaadhay Magaalada Ceerigaabo ee xarunta Gobolka Sanaag. Waftigan ayaa soo dhawayn loogu sameeyey Deegaanada u dhaxeeya Berbera ilaa Ceerigaabo iyaga oo waftigu galabta casarkii gaadhay magaalada Ceerigaabo. Ugu horreyn Cuqaasha, waxgaradka Gobolka Sanaag oo soo dhaweeyey waftiga ayaa sheegay in ay si bilaa shuruud ah waftiga kala shaqaynayaan doonaan hawlaha ay u socdaan. Badhasaabka Gobolka Sanaag iyo Maayir kuxigeenka Ceerigaabo oo iyaguna waftiga ku soo dhaweeyey Magaalada Ceerigaabo. Wasiirka Gaashaandhiga Somaliland oo madasha ka hadley ayaa hoosta ka xarriiqay in Xukuumadda cusub ay diyaar u tahay in ay bulshadeeda dhageysato isla markaana kala shaqayso arrimaha horumarinta Bulshada. Ugu Dambeyntii Madaxweyne ku xigeenka JSL Md.Maxamed Cali Aw Cabdi oo halkaasi ka hadlay ayaa si qoto dheer uga waramay ujeeddada socdaalkooda oo u ku sifeeyey sidii nabada Ceerigaabo looga wada shaqayn lahaa iyo Qaramaynta Ciidanka Madaniga ah.
  10. well she only asked opinions of people this it self it isnt a criminal act Ciiro is a man who stands with freedom of expression he is a great president so far
  11. so what does this mean a defense pact with Ethiopia what does it mean on the ground and how do you reconcile the treaties Culusow signed with Sisis Egypt. Its all getting more confusing the entire 2024 Culusow said Ethiopia is the only enemy we have and he at some point put them on the same level of Alshabaab that they are worse then Alshabaab. So what changed
  12. i remmber back in few years ago Borama was the only city in Somaliland where the Blue Somalia flag was burned
  13. UAE expands military ties with Somaliland as Somalia looks on Thursday February 20, 2025 Somaliland’s military chief, Maj. Gen. Nim’an Yusuf Osman, meets with Lt. Gen. Eisa Saif Mohammed Al Mazrouei, Chief of Staff of the UAE Armed Forces, to discuss military cooperation and security partnerships. Hargeisa (HOL) — The United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Somaliland are deepening military and security cooperation as the Gulf state expands its influence in the Horn of Africa, a move that could further strain relations between Somalia’s federal government and Abu Dhabi. Somaliland’s military chief, Maj. Gen. Nim’an Yusuf Osman, held talks in Abu Dhabi with Lt. Gen. Eisa Saif Mohammed Al Mazrouei, the UAE’s Chief of Staff, focusing on defence collaboration, military modernization, and security assistance. According to a statement from Somaliland’s military, the discussions covered UAE support in training, military technology, and logistics to bolster Somaliland’s defence capabilities. The meeting coincided with Osman’s participation in an international defence exhibition in Abu Dhabi until February 23. With access to the Gulf of Aden and Red Sea shipping lanes, Abu Dhabi has long been interested in expanding its military presence in Berbera, which could allow it to project power deeper into East Africa and counter rivals such as Turkey, which backs Mogadishu. Reports indicate that the UAE is seeking to establish a military base in the region, further solidifying its foothold in East Africa. For Somaliland, deepening military ties with the UAE is about security and a broader push for international recognition. Since declaring independence from Somalia in 1991, Somaliland has sought foreign partnerships to bolster its claim for statehood. Somaliland’s President Abdirahman Mohamed Abdullahi Irro has also taken two official trips to the UAE within the past month, reflecting the growing diplomatic and security ties between Hargeisa and Abu Dhabi. His most recent visit saw him participate in the World Government Summit, where regional security and governance were key topics. Somalia’s federal government has consistently rejected foreign military deals with Somaliland, asserting that such agreements undermine Somalia’s territorial integrity. The UAE’s military and economic footprint in Somaliland has been controversial since 2017 when Dubai-based DP World signed a deal to develop Berbera Port in a partnership that also involved Ethiopia. Somalia’s parliament denounced the agreement as illegal, declaring that all foreign investments must be negotiated through Mogadishu. Tensions reached a boiling point in 2018 when Somali authorities seized $9.6 million from a UAE aircraft in Mogadishu, accusing Abu Dhabi of financing regional militias. In response, the UAE ended its military training program for Somalia’s national army, shifting its focus to direct security cooperation with Somaliland and Puntland. The UAE’s growing role in Somaliland coincides with Ethiopia’s controversial Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Hargeisa, which includes potential Ethiopian naval access to Berbera. The agreement triggered a diplomatic crisis between Somalia and Ethiopia, further complicating regional alliances.
  14. Well it is the first visit since he was elected and also previous leaders of Somaliland all promised to bud an airport for borama but non of them actually did. And have u seen the welcome he got there wait let me post the videos