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Everything posted by BoldNewSomali

  1. Xaaji Xunjuf;750354 wrote: He is so strong for showing his soft side. He should be an example of a leader for all Muslim nations.
  2. The union will no doubt file a grievance on this matter and Hertz will have to establish that it had just cause in suspending the employees. If this case goes to arbitration, which is something that most union contracts require the company to participate in, the arbitrator will most likely be looking at a few things. 1) Did the employer give sufficient notice of the rule? 2) Was the rule reasonably related to the efficient running of the business? 3) Was the severity of punishment (in this case a suspension) reasonably related to the level of alleged offense? The union will have to prove that there was an established past practice of not having to clock out and that furthermore there was no rule. If the union can prove those two things then these folks will be getting back pay and win the arbitration. But if the employer can show that it had warned the employees that they must clock out and the rule was given to employees, then this suspension will be upheld.
  3. I find it odd how folks on here are "lol-ing" about what is going on in Somalia. I for one am one who believes in a healthy sense of humor. But there is nothing funny about the never ending political quagmire that is going on in Somalia.
  4. GaroweGal;744032 wrote: Some of us ascribe to Muslim brotherhood and perhaps NOT clan. Does that sound rather puzzling to you? I think you are assuming I subscribe to some kind of clan brotherhood, I can assure you that your assumption is off base. This ummah brotherhood ideal you talk of is a pipe dream. When Mogadishu was falling to the Ethiopians where were the protests from the Arabs whose affairs we Somalis invest so much emotional energy in? It (Ethiopian invasion) either didnt even register with the avg. Arab or if it did, they just didnt care. My initial comment stems from my sincere belief that the Palestinian plight receives an unreasonably out-sized amount of attention from the Muslim world.
  5. I think Turkey is doing a great job advocating for the Pals, but they should avoid a military confrontation with Israel. They have so many good things going for them and if there is a military confrontation I feel like there will be a coup, fully supported by the West, and the AKP will be banned. Also the IDF packs a good punch and Im sure the resources of the Pentagon in the region will be put to good use by the Israelis. So I dont think it is worth it really. If they must do something, they should do it in a coalition with countries like Brazil, Venezuela, China and of course the Arab nations. I seriously doubt that such a coalition can be cobbled together, for starters the Arab states are useless strategically because they are a bunch of weak dictators watching out for their own (by own i mean the immediate family of the ruler) interests.
  6. PasserBy;744520 wrote: Xaji Borat, Why did you change your avatar? It fit you so perfectly. Well, a pig with a lipstick on is still a pig, Dont people get banned for ad hominem attacks such as this one?
  7. Some mornings, I lie in my bed in apparent peace. This outwardly mirage of harmony cloaks the fact that within the confines of my mind and soul I wrestle with fear. I begin these days with the daunting task of recovering from what I failed to accomplish yesterday. And in some mornings, it's attempting to recover from what I not only failed to do the day before, but what I failed to accomplish last week, last year and a lifetime ago. Perhaps the trick is to allow myself to let go of yesterday's failures and begin each day with the excitement of accomplishments to come! While the fear of failure grips me in the morning, the hope for success often carries me away; dare I say I become drunk with the excitement it brings to my spirit. The sweetest thing about this hope is that it brings me joy that the success I strive for is not the materialistic and arrogantly selfish variety; rather my success is inextricably bound to the hopes and joys of others. I thank god that hope kindled is far more potent than the damp fears of the mind.
  8. Jacaylbaro;744009 wrote: Typical Somali clan mentality ..... What do you mean by this? Last I checked the Chinese and Tigray were not Somalis. The response is typical anti-foreign oppression mentality.
  9. The capitalist class, the world over, is so delusional. What makes them think that they can just walk on to a people's land and explore for oil, per a contract signed by a thugged out ruthless government. If they want to explore in peace, then they should ensure that they do not work with the thugs in the Tigrey supremacist regime. The only people that can give land leases to allow them to explore are the people of the Ogdn, not the Tigrey gangsters.
  10. Hoorta why are Soomalida so interested in the Israeli/Palestinian conflict? Makes no sense to me.
  11. Nina Fox;739872 wrote: You lost me at erotic mullah, yaab badanaa. My thoughts exactly!
  12. NASSIR;743701 wrote: All we need is embrace justice & equality for every Somali citizen and shun clan pride and sectarianism. We should therefore be careful of the raw application of false label in order to attract geopolitical concern. "Somaliland" is as well on that path of wrong policies, injustice and thus chronic instability. Let's use the Somali xeer system of resolving conflicts, for in the end our posterity reaps the fruits of peace and harmony. No doubt the poor nations of the world get exploited, mistreated and impelled to fight someone else's war. Think & collaborate! Amen to that brother! Call me hopeless, but i think the cancer that is qabilism has metastasized in every corner of Somali society, and Im afraid that it is terminal.
  13. The Zack;743731 wrote: ^I bet the prof has done/donated more than you did to his country. Plus he has every right to question the wacky things that sheriff canbe is doing in error. Okay so the Prof has done more for the country than I have, therefore he shall talk about stuff and nonsense while babies die and we must take him seriously. Got it, thanks for enlightening me, that makes a lot of sense. Next pressing issue, can we talk about making sure that when another dignitary visits Mogadishu, we must make sure that the plate settings, for the reception at Villa Somalia, are in order. Make sure that the forks , plates, knives, etc go where they must go per protocol.
  14. Abdul;743127 wrote: Godane should come out of his hiding place and announce this firings to the general public if he is a leader. But does he have to take his naqib off? lol
  15. A hip hop video for a regular Somali song, does not compute. This style is lame, bland and quite tired.
  16. This guy is fretting about stuffy protocol while thousands of babies are dying. I would suggest he spend his time and energy advocating for the poor and dying and not worry about petty nonsensical rules. I think this would be an appropriate conversation to have once Somalia has a functioning government and a society devoid of famine and warfare, in the mean time this so-called professor needs to go sit somewhere.
  17. peasant;743462 wrote: Where the f*** drones when you need them? Al Shabab need to get beat, but bombing thousands of non-combatants isnt gonna solve anything. As you could see from the pictures there are a few dozen Shababites and a sea of regular folks.
  18. burahadeer;743563 wrote: that's what shabab came up with; act this way & do your dirty jihad.Need to be thrown away.Garbasaar was beautiful. I agree the Shababites brought a lot of destructive ideology, but this jilbaab craze preceeded them. Even here in the West a lot of Somali ladies are wearing jilbaab. I dont get it. I find it really curious. PS: I agree with you Garbasaar was/is beautiful.
  19. Beutiful pictures here. It is truly inspiring. One point though, what is up with the proliferation of jilbaab with the ladies. I remember growing up in Xamar in the late 80s and my mom and aunts used to wear gaarbosaar and that was sufficient.
  20. Boom Boom what you preach is akin to what the Klan would say about people of color. Mass sterilization of Somali women because a dumb kid wanted to blow up innocent people is not the right say the very least.
  21. Mental Health ailments are rife in the Somali community. Its really sad how it is looked at as being taboo. I really wish there were more MH awareness campaigns within the community.