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Everything posted by BoldNewSomali

  1. Tillamook;865057 wrote: ^ No Raamsade, what are you on about? Hitler oversaw one of the best economies Germany has ever had. Remember, Hitler became Chancellor right after the great depression and the fiscal horrors of the Weimer republic. If anything, it was only because of defeat that their economy disintegrated and the Marshall Plan was needed. Thanks Tillamook for saving me the work of explaining this.
  2. General Duke;865113 wrote: ^^^He is a teacher and not a politician. Big ideals but no substance. I dont know if this has been said already but Sheikh Sharif and Gaas were both teachers. One at a duugsi and one at a University.
  3. Timur;865185 wrote: That's a very ignorant and jealous statement to make. Ethiopia had one of the fastest growing economies in Africa the past few years, and that affects everyone. If a big company makes big money, that means big taxes, and a bigger national budget. Ethiopia as a whole is moving forward - what you need to remember is that Ethiopia is not like Kenya, Nigeria, or other African countries where the elite take everything. Ethiopia's top business leaders give back a lot to the country. Just because Ethiopia's economy is statistically growing fast when compared to other already established economies means jack diddly. Their economic output is terribly low and any modest gain nationally appears to be ahead of the curve internationally. Nevertheless, what evidence do you have to back up your claim of the altruistic tendencies of the Ethiopian elite?
  4. Nice and all, but what does the fact that the fat cats in Addis bought a shiny new toy do for the poor in the dusty corners of the country?
  5. Xaaji Xunjuf;864452 wrote: Bold news Somali are there Somalis out there who have problems with Adolf Hitler Yea, the whole racial supremacy thing is totally not cool with me, and I suspect with most other Somalis. Now if we're talking qabil supremacy, then Somalis are totally down for that
  6. Tillamook;864869 wrote: We should all feel sorry for the Republicans this year. Instead of the real stars of the G.O.P gettin' nominated, they got themselves a pro choice, pro government health insurance, anti gun polygamist called Romney. Talk about a rock and hard I personally believe Romney is Obamalite, only he'd be a better manager of the economy. The President's role in the overall economy is totally overplayed.
  7. Raamsade;859187 wrote: Gaalka dil gartiisana sii. Whatever your views on the man there is no denying that he was one helluva shrewd operator. Meles presided over 20 years of politically stable Ethiopia the last 10 years witnessing a remarkable economic growth. For that he deserves plaudits. Yes, he was cruel autocrat who spared no mercy in repressing desent to stay in power and get his way. But lets not delude ourselves that the demise of Meles will usher in an era of peace and prosperity for Somalis. Somalia's problems transcend Meles. Hitler did wonders for the post WWI German economy, should we praise him as well?
  8. Farah Maalin is nothing like the bloated floor mat Illey. Maalin actually has scruples, and speaks his mind even when it is contrary to what Kibaki was saying. Illey on the other hand is a man totally serving at the whims of his masters in Addis. I dare him to publicly contradict the highlanders, as publicly as Maalin did, on anything.
  9. Somalia;863885 wrote: Only in your own minds are you a different country, you were sent packing when the funeral was over, no discussions with the international community for you! Niggas tried to be sneaky and shiit, they tried to take advantage of the man's death, clever niggas never even cared about our leader Meles Zenawi, isn't that what you guys are telling us? In your dreams mate Why do you curse so much? Cant you engage in a discussion without sounding like Young Jeezy track?
  10. Yea he is, I used to go to masjid with him in the mid 90's in Chicago. Totally just kidding, but it would be funny if some hack Rethuglican blogger picked up on this thread and took my first sentence. They'd be saying, "its an open secret on Muslim majority forums that Obama is a Muslim", and tons of bigoted sheep would believe it.
  11. This damn thing institutionalizes our utterly backward qabilism and for that I hate it. On the other hand I cant help but to mentally acquiesce to it given the fact that our clanish ways rule our collective lives as Somalis. I just wonder, will we ever move past our qabils and become an issues society?
  12. Apophis;861405 wrote: You give them too much credit sxb. They are not lead by 21st century Rommel with a beard. They are a bunch of Macaalin dugsis who benefited from the wide support and trust of the Somali people (hence their early successes). They've lost that now and there is no strategy which can bring it back. Amisom maybe overstretched but they have the ability to replace their losses much more quickly than Shabab. Shabab also lacks mobile armour and Amisom has and they (Shabab) can't defeat it (you need anti-tank weapons to defeat the T72s, not RPGs). I see the hardcore Shabab elements turning into hit and run insurgency but I doubt rural Somalis would be willing to support them. I see some kind of deal happening with a very much thinned Shabab outfit. Apophis said it all. Abdi the days of the beardos are numbered and they aren't capable of the master plans you attribute to them.
  13. Apophis;861170 wrote: I guess the elementary advise of "don't judge a book by its cover" and "don't be naive" were never taught in your school. Look if someone said to you that they are in Al-Shabab not only would you judge them (and rightly so) but you would go on to condemn the whole of the Somali community, as you have done so in this very thread. This woman, is a member of an extremist party. Her membership is not something as superficial as the cover of a book, rather it is demonstrative of the affirmative steps she has taken to align herself with neo-nazis. She is nothing more than the lawn jockey of this racist party and for that, yes I will judge her. And your cliched cliche of "Don't judge a book by its cover" is moot here.
  14. Somalia;860376 wrote: She's a member of the party that Anders Breivik the Norwegian terrorist was a member of. Uffay. That's all I needed to hear about this uncle tom.
  15. Reminds me of this sorta....
  16. Jen. Muuse Shiikh Xasan Cabdulle Xasan's first uncle is Sayid Maxamed Cabdulle Xasan.
  17. This discussion is a complete waste of all of your time, mark my words, this new government will fail, I promise this. This new governmental scheme is flawed at the core because of the qabilist essence of everything here. Maybe Turkey should take over and isticmaar Somalia for a little while and get things in order.
  18. Nin-Yaaban what is your infatuation with Somali criminals? Look we have disgusting sub-human scum amongst our far flung populace, this aint nothing new. Hell look at what we've done to ourselves in Somalia.. But what is the purpose of this thread, other than giving cannon fodder for skinhead types out there.
  19. Mario B;860446 wrote: I doubt if he would have seen justice had this happened in America. He should consider himself lucky. Agreed, if this was in the US this guy would still be rotting away in prison.
  20. Somalia;860115 wrote: Wallahi she didn't deserve this. This is like men who say women deserve to be raped because they are scantily clad or they brought it on themselves, always blaming the victim, what the hell, Ibtisam is right, you mandem be chattin' bare breeeez bruv. While any rational person should condemn this attack, I have to disagree with the correlation you have made here. In ND's assault, the attack was politically motivated, whereas the type of anti-female violence you describe is motivated by sexual predation.
  21. Miyir;856337 wrote: I know you have done the garlic treatment now lets move next level, the best hair grower!! Cow dung!! not every cow dung bro? you need fresh Cow dung, don't worry farms around your city will assist You. Apply 30 days every morning to your hair and go outside until it dries like Somali Ariish. Report back. It works trust me. I know you're joking but their is a "treatment" out there where they have a cow lick your scalp.People are desperate out there.
  22. Chimerra, I really think your hypothesis has feet. My father and his brothers did not experience MPB until they were in their 50's. I also think that the "edge-up" haircuts young Somali men have been getting at least here in the US has an impact on hairline as well.
  23. *Blessed;855411 wrote: Can't really comment on the bidaar-marriage thing but I strongly urge you to stay away from the weird remedies some are suggesting. A shiny, smelly head is not a good look. SOL is full of xasidiin. haha I think these guys were saying those things in jest (at least I hope so).