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Muxuu wasiirku ka yidhi qaabka Somaliland iyo shirkaduhu u qaybsan doonaan saamiga dakhliga shidaalka + diyaarinta shuruucda macdanta + rajada laga qabo in dalka shidaal laga soo saaro iyo waxa laga yeelayo shirkadihii heshiiska la saxeexday dawladdii Siyaad Barre? “Shirkadda TGS-NOPEC sahanka iyadaa samaysay oo maalgelisay, markaa xogaha ka soo baxay sahankaas iyadaa iska leh. Laakiin..,,” Hargeysa (Jam)- Wasiirka Wasaaradda Macdanta, Tamarta iyo Biyaha Somaliland Eng. Xuseen Cabdi Ducaale, ayaa ku dooday in aanay Golaha Wakiilladu wax shaqo ah ku lahayn ansixinta heshiisyada xukuumaddu la gasho shirkadaha shisheeye ee ku shaqada leh soo saarista macdanta iyo shidaalka dalka, arrintaasina tahay mid ganacsi oo fulinteedu gaar u tahay xukuumadda oo keliya. Eng. Xuseen Cabdi Ducaale oo xafiiskiisa magaalada Hargeysa waraysi khaas ah Jamhuuriya shalay ku siiyey, waxa uu sheegay in faa’iidada dakhliga ka soo xerooda marka shidaal la soo saaro ay si isle’eg u qaybsan doonaan dalka Somaliland iyo shirkadda soo saarta, isagoo rajo buuran ka muujiyey in si dhaqso ah loo soo saaro shidaalka iyo macdanaha ku dugan dhulka Jamhuuriyadda Somaliland. Waraysigaas oo wasiirka wax lagaga weydiiyey arrimo dhinacyo badan taabanaya, waxa uu ku sheegay in wasaaraddiisu qaranka Somaliland wakiil uga tahay saddex waaxood oo kala ah biyaha, macdanta iyo shidaalka, waxaannu tilmaamay ilaa hadda in waxyaabo badan uga qabsoomeen dhinaca wax-soo-saarka biyaha, isla markaana ilaa toban ceel-biyood oo cusub ka qodeen degaannada Jaleelo iyo Xumbo-weyne oo dhinaca woqooyi-bari ka xiga caasimadda Hargeysa, kuwaasoo uu xusay inay wax weyn ka tari doonaan xaalada biyo yaraanta ah ee ka jirta caasimadda Hargeysa. Waxa kale oo uu shaaciyey in ilaa 8 ceel laga qoday degaannada magaalada Burco, halka laba ceel oo kalena loo sameeyey Berbera. Eng. Xuseen Cabdi Ducaale, waxa uu *****lka ka qaaday inay qorshaha dhow damacsan yihiin sidii ay dalka ugu samayn lahaayeen harooyin iyo biyo-xidheenno waaweyn oo looga faa’iidaysto biyaha roobka ee sida dhibta yar badda ugu darsama, mashruucaas oo uu sheegay inuu maalgelin doono Bangiga Horumarinta Afrika. Wasiirka Macdanta iyo Biyaha oo ka hadlayey arrimaha shidaalka Somaliland, waxa uu caddeeyey inay wax-ka-beddel ku sameeyeen heshiisyo dhinaca shidaalka ah oo xukuumaddii Daahir Rayaale Kaahin la gashay saddex shirkadood oo kala yidhaa OPHIR Energy, Asante Oil iyo Prime Resources, arrintaas oo uu xusay in shirkaduhu la qaateen, isla markaana isku afgarteen in hawlo cusub iyo shaqo la bilaabo, isagoo intaa ku daray inuu wax-ka-beddelka heshiisyadaasi u gudbiyey golaha wasiirrada, si dhakhso ahna loo dhamayn doono. Waxa kaloo uu tibaaxay in shirkad la yidhaa Tullow Oil PLC oo haysata liisamada shidaalka ugu badan qaaradda Afrika timi Somaliland, sidoo kalena wadahadallo la yeesheen masuuliyiinta ugu sarreeya shirkaddaas. Sidoo kale wasiirku waxa uu waraysigaas ku sheegay in xilligan xoogga la saarayo dhinaca sahaminta shidaalka dalka ku jira, balse aan weli la gaadhin waqtigii qodista ceelasha, waxaannu tibaaxay in sababaha sahamada badan loo samaynayaan tahay sidii looga badbaadi lahaa in khasaare lagu dhaco, maadaama ceelka keliya qodistiisu ku kacayso adduun gaadhaya ilaa 25 milyan oo dollar. “Waxaannu doonaynaa in aannu shirkado tamar iyo awood ba leh oo wax inoo soo saari kara heshiis la galno, heshiiskaas oo noqonaya mid aan dhinac u janjeedhin oo caalami ah, isla markaana la mid ah ama u dhow heshiisyada shirkadaha shidaalka iyo dalalka Afrika wada galaal. Heshiishka aannu shirkadaha shidaalka la galayno noqon maayo mid Somaliland siinaya saamiga ugu yar, laakiin wuxuu noqon doonaa mid khayraadka si isle’eg loo qaybsado.” Eng. Xuseen Cabdi Ducaale waxa uu sheegay inay shirkad laga leeyahay dalka Canada la galeen heshiis dhinaca macdanta ah, taas oo baadhitaanno sahan ah ka wada degaanno ka mid ah gobollada galbeedka Somaliland, isla markaana jiraan shirkado kaloo xidhiidho la soo sameeyey, waxaannu intaa ku daray in macdan badan ku jiro dhulka Somaliland, sidaa darteedna xoogga saari doonaan sidii ay heshiisyo ula geli lahaayeen shirkado soo saara. Wasiirka Macdanta iyo Biyaha oo la weydiiyey qaabka shirkadda TGS-NOPEC u iibinayso macluumaadka ka soo baxay sahamin dhinaca shidaalka ah oo ay hore dalka uga samaysay, loona fasaxay inay khayraadkaas ku xaraashto suuqyo ku yaal dalalka Maraykanka iyo Ingiriiska, waxa uu ku jawaabay; “Horta shirkadda TGS-NOPEC sahanka iyadaa samaysay oo maalgelisay, waxayna ku bixisay malyuumaad doollarka Maraykanka ah, markaa xogaha ka soo baxay sahankaas iyadaa iska leh, laakiin waxa heshiiska ay Somaliland la gashay qeexayaa in marka macluumaadkaas la iibiyo Somaliland la siiyo saamigeeda. Ilaa iminka saddex jeer ayey shirkaddaasi macluumadka ay hayso iibisay, saddexdaa goorna dakhligii ka soo galay dawladdu qaybteeda way qaadatay. Ta kale markii shirkaddu macluumaadkan qaaday waxa kaga baxday lacag badan, lacagtiinna weli kalamay soo bixin. Macluumaadkaas waxay Somaliland ka faa’iiday in shirkado badan ku soo xidhmaan, haddii aanay xogtaasi jiri lahayna cidba inoomay timaaddeen.” Waxa kale oo Jamhuuriya weydiiyey su’aal u dhignayd; ‘Warbixin shirkadda OPHIR soo saartay waxay ku sheegtay inay 75% saamiga shidaalka dalka qaadanayso, halka shirkadda RAK-gas oo laga leeyahay Imaaraadka Carabtu qaadanayso 22.5%, iyadoo Somaliland loo qoondeeyey 2.5% keliya, bal sida arrintaasi u dhacday faahfaahin ka bixi?, Wasiirka oo su’aashaas ka jawaabayey waxa uu yidhi; “Horta halkaas khalad baa laga fahmay. Saamiyada laga hadlayo ma aha kuwo ku saabsan sida loo qaybsanayo khayraadka shidaalka dalka, laakiin saamiyada laga hadlayaa waa kuwo ku saabsan goobaha (blocks) shidaalka Somaliland sida loo qaybsanayo iyo sida loo kala leeyahay liisanka goobahaas. Markaa 75% saamiga goobaha laga hadlayo waxa leh shirkadda OPHIR, halka 25% ay ka leedahay RAK-gas, markaa haddaba aan idiin sheego halka 2.5% ka Somaliland ka soo baxay. Shirkadahan shidaalka ayaa oggolaaday inay saamiyadooda wax ka siiyaan dawladda Somaliland, markaa shirkadda RAK-gas ayaa oggolaatay inay 2.5% Somaliland siiyo 25%-ka ay haysatay. OPHIR waxay oggolaatay inay 7.5% Somaliland siiso saamigeeda, sidaa darteed waxay Somaliland helaysaa saami dhan 10% oo ah goobaha, laakiin marka kharashaadka iyo wixii meesha la galiyey laga jaro dakhliga faa’iidada ah ee saliidda laga helo waxa loo qaybsanaaya si isle’eg (50%-50%). Haddaba, markaynu si guud uga hadalno dalka Somaliland waxa uu ka mid yahay meelaha baatroolka laga helo, saliidda dalkeenna ku jirtaana waa nooc fiican oo ah nooca khafiifka ee qaaliga ah, dalkeenuna rajo badan buu leeyahay oo laba sanno ama laba sannado iyo badh gudahood waxaad ka arki doontaan riiggii shidaalka oo meel Somaliland ka mid ah laga qotomiyey, wixii dakhli ah ee ka soo xeroodana dalkeennu qayb fiican buu ka qaadanayaa.” Dhinaca kale, Wasiirka Macdanta iyo Biyuhu waxa uu sheegay in shirkadaha shidaalka ee heshiisyada la galay dawladdii Siyaad Barre ay Somaliland hadda ka maarmayso oo heshiisyo la geli doonto shirkad kasta oo tayadeeda la hubiyo oo dalka wax ka soo saari karta, isagoo xusay inay Somaliland shirkadaha heshiisyada hore ku jiray marar badan la samaysay xidhiidho lagaga dalbay inay dalka ku soo laabtaan, balse aanay wax jawaab ah ka helin. Mar uu ka jawaabayey sababta ilaa hadda loo samayn waayey xeerka macdanta iyo shidaalka Somaliland ee loogu dhaqmo kii dawladdii Siyaad Barre samaysay saartay sannadkii 1984kii, waxa uu ku tiraabay; “Arrin culus baad i weydiisay oo runtii ah waxyaabaha iigu muhiimsan ee aan doonayo inaan dhammeeyo, shuruucdaasna waa lagu gudo jiraa. Wuu jiray sharci hore oo la diyaariyey, laakiin markii aan eegay wuxuu iila muuqday mid aan dalka anfacayn. Waxaan tagay dhowaan dalka Norway oo aan ka codsaday inay shuruucdaas innaga caawiyaan, iminkana waxaannu diyaarinay oo aannu gacanta ku haynaa sharcigii macdanta oo aannu isleenahay bilaha soo socda Golaha Wasiirrada u gudbiya, dabadeedna baarlamaanka loo sii gudbiyo si loo ansixiyo, sharcigii baatroolkana waannu diyaarin doonaa insha Allaah.”
This results from the previous government. Ophir Energy and Dahir Rayaale In April 2003, Rova Energy Corporation Limited (Rova) entered into the Berbera Production Sharing Agreement (Berbera PSA) with the Government of Somaliland. Rova was a special purpose company established to acquire and develop the Berbera PSA. In return for providing early funding, Mvelaphanda was awarded an option to acquire 75% of the issued share capital of Rova. The remaining 25% was held by a private individual. Ophir acquired this option from Mvelaphanda in October 2004 and in March 2005 exercised its option to acquire 75% of Rova. In February 2007, Ophir and the private individual agreed to exchange Ophir’s shareholding in Rova for a direct interest in the Berbera PSA. This was subsequently ratified by the Government in March 2007 (with the transaction completing in May 2007). Ophir then became a direct participant in the Berbera PSA holding an interest of 75% and is the designated operator. In 2008 Rova agreed to sell its 25% interest in the Berbera PSA to UAE based Ras Al Khaimah Gas Company (RAKgas). Ophir and RAKgas currently participate in the Berbera PSA through a joint venture governed by a Joint Operating Agreement (JOA). The Berbera PSA originally consisted of four sub-blocks that were designated as 35/36 (onshore) and M10/M10A (offshore). In 2006, the Group elected to maintain the 35 (onshore) and M10A (offshore) sub-blocks and relinquish 36 and M10. Only three wells have been drilled in the original Berbera Block, two of which were located offshore in block M10, where they encountered minor oil shows. The third well, the only onshore well in the block, was a 243m deep stratigraphic well. Three wells, drilled adjacent to the western edge of block 35 (Dagah Shabel 1-2-3) over the period from November 1958 to November 1959, all encountered good oil shows. The M10A/35 PSA, located in northern Somaliland, is predominantly onshore but also extends offshore into the Gulf of Aden. The block encompasses an area of 16,270km2 with a water depth of approximately 0 to 1,000m
Official Somaliland provincial football tournament thread
Siciid1986 replied to Xaaji Xunjuf's topic in General
They have Announced the Groups.. wich will consist of 2 Groups.... Group A Togdheer Marooijeex Sanaag Hawd Group B Awdal Sool Saaxil Gabiley -
An Official Defects From Somaliland Government Hargeisa(hadhwanaagtimes) An official has reportedly defected from the government of Somaliland republic led by President Ahmed Mahamoud Silanyo. Reliable sources confirmed to Hadhwanaag Times that the general director of Somaliland’s minister of religion and endowments sheikh Ibrahim Ismail Mohamed defected with a lot of money and little luxury car. It is still unknown why he did so. But Hadhwanaag Times was not able to get through the minister of religious affairs to comment on the issue. The director is the second officer to defect from the government of Somaliland under the leadership of Silanyo. The Somaliland government has not released any comments about the defection of that official so far. Hadhwanaag Times
Hargeysa, Somaliland, November 19, 2011 (SL Times) – The results of a survey conducted by the International Republican Institute on the Somaliland media and political parties has generated a huge controversy and tension among both the journalist community and the political opposition. The Somali language newspaper Jamhuuriya, which is widely seen as a mouth-piece of the ruling KULMIYE party, is claimed as being the most widely-read journal, capturing 3% of the audience. The IRI poll gives the KULMIYE party a popularity rate of 64% in comparison with 17% and 15% for the opposition political parties of UDUB and UCID respectively. UDUB officials have already described the findings as an IRI conspiracy to aid KULMIYE win the next elections SOMALILAND OPINION SURVEY - HARGEISA DISTRICT http://www.iri.org/sites/default/files/2011%20November%2016%20Survey%20of%20Somaliland%20Public%20Opinion,%20September%2028-October%208,%202011.pdf
Sirdoonka Imaaraadka Carabta oo Xabsiga dhigay Boqor Cismaan Buur-madow “Boqorka ilaa hada ma ogin meesha lagu xidhay, waxa la qabtay isagoo ka soo degay Madaarka Dubai, kana soo laabtay Xajka” Maxamed Maxamuud Dubai(Waaheen)-Ciidamada Sirdoonka ee Dalka Imaaraadka Carabta ayaa la sheegay inay Xabsiga u taxaabeen laba maalmood ka hor Boqor Cismaan Maxamuud Buur-madow oo ka mida Madax-dhaqameedka waaweyn ee Somaliland. Boqor Cismaan Buur-madow oo markii la xidhay la sheegay in laga qabtay Madaarka Diyaaradaha ee Magaalada Dubai isagoo ka soo laabtay wadanka Sucuudiga oo uu u tegay Gudashada Waajibaadka Xajka ayaan la ogayn ilaa hada meesha lagu xidhay iyo sababta loo xidhay toona sida uu sheegay Maxamed Maxamuud oo Boqorka Cismaan Buur-madow ay Walaalo yihiin, kaasoo xalay u waramay TV-ga Horn Cable. Oday Maxamed Maxamuud ayaa cadeeyay in Walaalkii Boqor Cismaan Buur-madow ay qabteen Sirdoonka Imaaraadka xili uu ka soo laabtay Xajka, isla markaana aanay ilaa hada ka war qabin sabab loo xidhay iyo cida xadhigiisa ka dambeysa toona, waxaanu yidhi “anigoo ah Maxamed Maxamuud oo ah Boqor Cismaan Maxamuud Buurv Madow Walaalkii waxaan cadaynayaa in la Xidhay Boqor Cismaan Maxamuud Buur-madow, waxaana xidhay sida naloo sheegay Ciidamada Sirdoonka ee dawlada Imaaraadka, iyadoo xukuumadda Somaliladna la sheegay inay lug ku leedahay Xadhigiisa, laakiin waxa kaliya oo aan cadaynayaa in Boqor Cismaan Buur-madow la xidhay ilaa hadana meel uu ku xidhanyahay aan war loo hayn, saldhigyada Magaalada Abu-dubai oo aanu ka baadhnayna waanu ka waynay, markaa meel ay ku xidheen ama geyeen lama garanayo” ayuu yidhi. sidoo kale waxa sheegay Maxamed Maxamuud “Boqorka waxa laga qabtay Doraad Madaarka Diyaaradaha ee Magaalada Dubai, isagoo ka laabtay gudashadiisii Xajka ilaa hadana lama garanayo sababta loo xidhay iyo meesha lagu xidhay toona, inuu nool yahay inuu dhintayna war uma hayno, Xaaskiisiina waxay ku jirtaa Koomo tan iyo markii naloo sheegay in la xidhay”ayuu yidhi. si rasmiya looma oga Xadhiga Boqor Cismaan Maxamuud Buur-madow iyo ujeedada ka dambeysa ilaa hada, hase yeeshee Boqorka ayaa degenaa Dalka Imaaraadka mudo sanad iyo dheeraad ah,waxaanu maalintii khamiista ee todobaadkii hore Waraysi siiyay Laanta Afka Somaliga ee BBC-da, isagoo ka waramayay Doorkii uu Siyaasada Liibiya ku lahaa Wiilkii uu dhalay Madaxweynihii la Dilay ee Libiya Mu’camar al Qadaafi ee Sayf Qadaafi. sidoo kale Boqor Cismaan Buur-madow ayaa ka mid ah Madaxdhaqameedyada reer Somaliland ee sida weyn u dhaliila Xukuumadda Madaxweyne Siilaanyo, taasoo uu dhawr jeer Saxaafada ku dhaliilay.
Kullan Balaadhan oo Ardeyda Reer Hargeysa ee Ku Xidhan (www.solagroups.com) ay uqabteen C/naasir Solla. Hargeysa: Kulan aad u balaadhan oo ay u qabteen qaar ka mid ah Ardayda reer Hargeysa ee sida tooska ah ugu xidhnaa Macalinka IT-ga ee Abdinasir Ismail Sola oo iska leh Shabakada Barashada Cilmiga Technology-ga (www.solagroups.com) ayaa laguq abtay Hoteelka Maansoor oo ku yaala Magaalada Hargeysa. Cabdinasir Ismaciil waxa uu caan ku ahaa sanadihii ugu dambeeyay inuu si taba ruca usiiyo Ardyada kuguda jirta Waxbarashada Cilmiga IT-ga si Free ah Barta Internet-ka Coursooyinka ku saabsan Guud ahaan cilmiga IT-ga sida (Networking-ka, Programming-ka, Troubleshoot –ka, & Web Design-ka iwm) Ardaydaas oo ku kala nool Aduunka daafihiisa. Cabdinasir Iscmacill oo dhawaan soo gaadhay Caasimada Somaliland ee Hargeysa ayaa hebaankii xalay waxa uu ahaa kulankii ugu horeeyay ee uu si toos ah ula qaato qaarka mid ah Ardeyda reer Hargeysa kuwaas oo kulan aad u qurux badan ugu sameeyay Hotel Maansoor, kulankaas oo Macalinku ardaydiisa ugu mahad naqay tan iyo imaanshihiisa Hargeysa oo si qiimo leh loogu soo dhaweeyay Magaalada hargeysa oo ah markii ugu horeysay ee uu yimaado. Furitaankii Munaasibada ayaa Macalinku aad ugu mahad naqay sida qiimaha leh ee Ardeydiisu isku soo Abaabuleen, gaar ahaan Siciid Mire & Adnaan Suldan Hassan oo ka mid ah Ardeyda soo abaabushay kulankan. Waxaana Macalinku kulankaas arday ku siiyay Lecture ay aad ula dhaceen ardaydiisu oo ku saabsanaa Guud ahaan Faa’iida ay lee dahay Aqoonta IT-gu, Lecture-kaas oo uu macalinku waday mudo 3saacadood ah, ayaa gabagabadii ardeydu macalinka halkaas ku waydiiyeen su’aalo kala gedisan oo ku saabsanaa It-ga. Cabdinasir Ismail ayaa si qoto dheer uga hadlay Casrigan iyo marxaladihii kala duwanaa ee ay soo martay Aqoonta IT-ga, isagoo sheegay in waliba si xawli ah ku socdo horumarka IT-gu oo maalin walba wax cusub soo baxaan. Intii kulankani socday waxa uu Macalinku si weyn ugu soo bandhigay faa’iidooyinka cilmiga IT-ga iyo sida uu u noqday baahiyaha lama huraanka ah ee adduunka iyo heerka uu isticmaalkiisu ka taagan yahay maanta Somaliland inuu aad u hooseeyo loona baahan yahay, halkii halkaas looga Ardyadu uga sii amba qaadi lahaayeen. Waxa kale oo Cabdinasir kula dardaarmay ardadiisa inaanay marnaba ka daalin ama ka caajisin barashada cilmiga IT-ga, waxanuu tusaale ugu soo qaatay oo uu yidhi, aniguba waxaan hada lee yahay macalin Jasaa’iri ah oo la yidhaa Abdul Malig, sidaas darted marna haka caajisina inaad maliin walba wax korodhsataan. Ardeyda ayaa aad ugu dhagtaageysey Macalinka oo ay u ahayd markii ugu horeysay ee ay si toos ah u soo hor istaago oo muuqiisa & maqalkiisaba ay arkeen, iyagoo awel macalinka codkiisa uun barta Internetka si toos ah ugala osocon jiray. Waxaana Macalinku Ardaydiisa halkaas ku siiyay inka badan data gaadhayso 1TB oo isagu jirta casharo & Software uu hadyad ahaan ugu soo talo galay Ardeyda reer Hargeysa. Waxaana Gabagabadii Xafladaas ay Ardeyda ka soo qayb gashay ay sawiro la galeen macalinkooda oo aad ka dareemaysey xiiso aad u weyn oo ay u ahyeen macalinkooda, iyagoo oo kala boobayey inuu ardey walba uu doonayey inuu sawir lagalo Macalinkiisa.
Ophir Energy Issues Interim Management Statement And Updates On Africa Operations ■Ophir Energy have Transferred Operatorship of Blocks 1, 3 and 4 to BG commenced during the first half of 2011, with BG formally assuming Operatorship from 1 July 2011. ■The dynamically positioned semisubmersible rig 'DeepSea Metro-1' has been contracted by BG on behalf of the Joint Venture and is expected to arrive in Tanzania during early December 2011. ■Ophir signed a farm-in agreement to the East Pande Block, to the west of Blocks 3 and 4, on 29 March 2011 and the handover of operatorship from RakGas to Ophir is now complete. ■In Equatorial Guinea, Agreement has been reached with the EG Government regarding the addition of adjacent acreage to Ophir's existing Block R. The new acreage contains the Estrella de Mar and Oreja de Mar discoveries and potentially large prospects. Ophir Energy, the upstream African oil and gas resource company, has announced its Interim Management Statement in accordance with the UK Listing Authority's Disclosure and Transparency Rules. It covers the period from 31 March to 14 November 2011. Highlights ■On 13 July 2011 Ophir listed on the Premium segment of the main market of the London Stock Exchange and raised $384 million. ■Formal Operatorship Transfer Agreement of Blocks 1, 3, and 4 to BG was signed on 2 June 2011, with BG taking over Operatorship from 1 July 2011. ■On 13 October 2011, the Boards of Ophir and Dominion announced that they had reached agreement on the terms of a recommended offer by Ophir to acquire Dominion valuing the entire issued and to be issued share capital of Dominion and the Dominion Convertible Notes at £118.2 million. A further update on the acquisition will be provided in the weeks ahead. ■Ophir announced on 31 October 2011 that the amendment and expansion of the Block R production sharing contract in Equatorial Guinea was signed and includes two additional gas discoveries and several new prospects. ■The Group's cash position as at 30 September 2011 was $423.63m. Operational Update Somaliland A technical assessment of the Berbera Block was completed during the first half of 2011 and concluded that further seismic data is necessary to mature a drilling prospect. In parallel with this, negotiations continued with the Government of Somaliland to revise the terms of the Production Sharing Agreement and append some additional open acreage to the west of the existing Block. These discussions were concluded in November 2011 and an agreement to amend the PSA is currently in the process of being ratified. Once this is in place additional JV partners will be sought. Tanzania Blocks 1, 3, 4 Transfer of Operatorship of Blocks 1, 3 and 4 to BG commenced during the first half of 2011, with BG formally assuming Operatorship from 1 July 2011. BG now also operates the Mtwara Port facility on behalf of the other participating Operators. The Mtwara facility is currently being upgraded to accommodate multiple concurrent users and it is likely that operatorship will eventually be handed to an independent third party. The dynamically positioned semisubmersible rig 'DeepSea Metro-1' has been contracted by BG on behalf of the Joint Venture and is expected to arrive in Tanzania during early December 2011. The JV anticipates spudding five wells on the blocks in 2012. The associated optimum drilling sequence for the first three wells are likely to be Jodari. The newly acquired 3D data across Blocks 3 and 4 is currently being interpreted and prospects will be incorporated into the programme as they are matured. An additional 3D seismic survey is being considered by the Block 1 JV to cover the outboard area. This is believed to potentially contain an extension to the successful plays which have been drilled in Mozambique by Anadarko and more recently ENI. Tanzania E. Pande Ophir signed a farm-in agreement to the East Pande Block, to the west of Blocks 3 and 4, on 29 March 2011 and the handover of operatorship from RakGas to Ophir is now complete. The existing offshore 2D data has been used as a basis for an enlarged 2,100sq km 3D programme, and the survey is likely to commence in December 2011. A number of potentially significant prospects have been identified on the existing 2D data and, assuming the new 3D matures these to drillable status, a drilling campaign is provisionally planned for Q4 2012. Equatorial Guinea Agreement has been reached with the EG Government regarding the addition of adjacent acreage to Ophir's existing Block R. The new acreage contains the Estrella de Mar and Oreja de Mar discoveries as well as a number of potentially large prospects. This agreement has allowed Ophir to move forward into a second drilling programme and planning is under way for a campaign which is anticipated to commence as early as possible in H1 2012. Rig selection and the three firm plus one contingent well programme, is expected to include an appraisal/exploration well on the Fortuna discovery, an exploration well on the Tonel Prospect and a new exploration prospect along strike from the Fortuna discovery. Following the drilling campaign and block extension, it is anticipated that sufficient gas volumes will have been demonstrated. The objective of the campaign is to prove up sufficient reserves to underpin the planned train two LNG development at which time an appropriate farminee will be sought. Gabon Blocks Mbeli and Ntsina In Mbeli and Ntsina, variations were agreed to the PSCs during April 2011 such that the current term will now end during 2014 allowing sufficient time to acquire process and interpret the 2,000sq km of 3D seismic data which forms part of the new commitment work programme. In parallel with this, the Petrobras farm-in was executed on 16 June 2011 and they are now 50% stakeholders in the PSCs. An LOI has been issued for the 3D seismic acquisition and this is expected to commence during January 2012. The survey will specifically target the pre-salt play and is designed to mature one or more of the potentially large structures which have been identified on the current data; including the Padouck Deep structure, which has a mean resource estimate of 1,236mmbbls. Corporate and financial update On 13 July 2011 Ophir listed on the Premium segment of the main market of the London Stock Exchange and raised $384 million. The Group's cash position as at 30 September 2011 was $423.63m. Outlook The Group is now facing the most active period in its history, with a nine to thirteen well programme over the next twelve months. The drilling programme will span a mix of proven and frontier plays, targeting ca. 2.4Bboe of net unrisked resources. The campaign commences imminently in December 2011 with the drilling of the first of five wells in Tanzania. Ophir has a presence in four of the five key emerging sub-Sahara plays and the Group is well funded for its future plans.
Enforcing Taxation for Leasing Buildings to NGOs in Somaliland By Casey Kuhlman I have seen Somaliland grow unimaginably during the short three and a half years I have been living here. Institutions are maturing; businesses are booming; people are more hopeful than ever. With this increasing growth, sophistication, and maturity comes an increasing reliance on rules rather than clan-and family-based trust to regulate the conduct of the large entities of the country. The presence of rules is a good thing, no matter what the business leaders from Mogadishu claim. Think of it like this. If a football player is extremely dominant in his primary school league does that mean anything?How high are the stakes in that situation? Beyond his parents, family, and friends who cares that he is the dominant player? Yet, if the same player grows through the B-Leagues to the A-Leagues and perhaps even is scouted to go play for a major European club will people care then? Certainly. Will that player be subjected to more rules and more stringent application of the rules? Certainly. Rules, if smartly crafted, create a level playing field where all players can succeed based upon their talent and their ideas. So whether you, as a sophisticated, embrace or decry the increasing application of rules in Somaliland is definitely up to you but the rules themselves are coming. Without further adieu let us get out of the land of metaphors, roll up our sleeves and talk a small bit about rules. "Things as certain as death and taxes, can be more firmly believed." ~Daniel Defoe, The Political History of the Devil, 1726. As we careen beyond Eid al Adha into the latter parts of the calendar year, businesses should begin thinking about their taxes. Last year, if we all remember, the Ministry of Finance put all of the Somaliland businesses on notice that in the coming year the Ministry was going to take tax collection very seriously. So the wise among all of us business leaders in Hargeisa will ensure that we are ready to be taxed in a more thorough and authentic way than the prior, ad hoc way, that taxes have been collected. Many people are in the business of providing services to non-governmental organizations (NGOs). While the NGOs are exempted from tax on most of their financial transactions as a condition of the donors giving their aid to the NGOs to disperse, those that they do business with are not necessarily immune from having their taxes collected. Leases are taxable. If you lease a building to an NGO, especially an international NGO (INGO) than you should budget to pay your taxes on the rent from the building. It is not often discussed but certainly no secret that the Ministry of Finance has been collecting the rental contracts which your tenants that are NGOs have signed. These rental contracts will presumably be used by tax collectors in the coming year. Here is how the income from rental contracts should be assessed, according to the currently in force tax laws. The rent which you receive from the NGO will be logged as income on your balance sheet according to the provisions of Article 12(1)(e) of the Tax Law. Afterward this income will be reduced 30% according to Article 23 of the Tax Code. This 30% reduction is meant as a simple proxy for the “repairs, maintenance, and any other expense or loss which might have been incurred. ” There is a solid argument that if you have spent more than 30% on upgrades or maintenance for the compound that the total actual amount which you spent as expenses on the compound, rather than the proxy amount (30%) should be used but this is not yet a settled issue by the Somaliland courts. After the expenses are deducted,the amount which remains will be 70% of the total income which you received for the year. This amount is known as your tax basis. It is the baseline to which the taxation percentage is to be applied. There is one major exception to this rule of renting buildings to NGOs. This exception is where an individual or entity their building to be used as a school. If you have rented a building to a school the only thing which you need to double check is whether the school is licensed by the Ministry of Education. When the school is licensed by the Ministry of Education then the income that you receive on the building will not be included in your tax basis. In other words that money comes to you completely tax free. For those individuals who have buildings that are currently free they may want to consider leasing to a school for a slightly lower price than an NGO may pay for an office as the rent you receive on the building will be tax free. So there are two things to remember when you are thinking about your taxes in the coming months, and we all most certainly will be considering them. 1. If you rent any building make sure that the Office of Inland Revenue deducts the standard 30% from the total amount of rent you received from the year. 2. If you rent to a school it should be tax free to you. Please see our column in the coming months as we are hoping to address more issues which will be of interest to business people in Somaliland. Casey Kuhlman is a Managing Partner of Watershed Legal Services, Member, International & Compliance Division. Fallow him on Twitter @compleatang. A version of this article will appear the coming issue on TheBridge Magazine.
Somaliland becomes the 4th African Country to have Mining Code
Siciid1986 posted a topic in Politics
Somaliland becomes the 4th African Country to have Mining Code Hargeisa (ANN) Somaliland became the 4th African state to have an especial mining code for the exploration of minerals in the country. This mining code will help Somaliland to attract international companies and for mining to invest and implement mining projects in the country. The Mining companies will also compete with investment of the mining and digging of minerals in Somaliland. OREZONE Company – has succeeded investing the implementation of this especial mining code in Somaliland which was prepared by International Lawyers. And this code will be the main key for a new investment plan that OREZONE Company is going to start mining operation in the country. In an official letter written by Vice President of OREZONE Mr. Gregory Bowes to Somaliland President Ahmed Mohamed Silanyo, he said, “This mining code will be helpful to Nubian Gold and my efforts, I am sincerely interested in helping the country of Somaliland attract other companies to come by creating a mining code that is fair to both industry and to the government of the people of Somaliland. I would also like to take this opportunity to recognize the efforts of your ambassador Mr. Mohamed Ismael in promoting Somaliland and encouraging me to come Somaliland.” Gregory Bowes is the owner of Nubian Gold Corporation and dynamically partaken the company to come and invest in Somaliland. In an exclusive interview with Somaliland Ambassador to Canada Mr. Mohamed Ismail who was the leading person who helped this company to come and invest mining in the country gave The Republican further details about this company and said, “I would like to take this opportunity to thank Somaliland President Ahmed Silanyo and his Vice Abdurrahman Sayli and other government officials for their support to make everything possible that this company to start his mining work and to implement mining code in Somaliland for the first time in history and without them nothing could be achieved.” In response to company’s legality for mining and its planned activities, the ambassador answered, “After the President welcomed this investment, Somaliland Ministry of Water and Minerals had reached an official agreement with Nubain Gold Corporation – an agent for the OREZONE Company. Subsequently this agreement was confirmed by cabinet. And I have been working for 3 years to influence this company to come Somaliland.” Mr. Ismail added that his dreams came true after he succeeded to bring this mining company to Somaliland. “The company has already started his phase 1 activities including; a) implementing the mining code in the country. B) Giving capacity building trainings for graduate students – Geologists’ - as well as providing their remunerations. The second phases of Company’s activities are also including explorations which will be conducted in the western regions of the country and will be continuing for almost 4 months. The estimation budget of this exploration work will be $ 1.25 Million. The company has also planned to implement the digging and mining work in February 2012. This is the first time that Somaliland Republic have a special International mining code Source republic -
Dear Chris, No other accounts including this one that I am writing from have been affected. We have also been able to identify the hacking at an early stage and to take the necessary steps to limit the damage. No, we have not yet received any advice on IT security. Mohamed A Omar Minister of Foreign Affairs & International Cooperation Republic of Somaliland Email: momar@somalilandforeign.net Te. +252 2 4240032 From: chris.allan@fco.gov.uk To: momar@somalilandforeign.net Date: Tue, 13 Sep 2011 07:54:49 +0300 Subject: RE: Security sensitive information Dear Mohamed, I am very sorry indeed to hear that you have been a victim of this sort of hacking. You must be very concerned about the consequent possible leaks. Many thanks for letting us know. I’ll pass your email on to the relevant authorities. I am sure they will look into the matter. As you doubtless realise, and as Wikileaks demonstrated, it is likely to be the hacking itself that is illegal – not the publishing of the material. Two brief questions if I may: (i) are any other accounts affected (including the one from which you are writing)?; (ii) has the Somaliland government yet received any advice from anyone on IT security? Best wishes, and my sympathies for the invasion of your privacy, Chris From: Mohamed Omar [mailto:momar@somalilandforeign.net] Sent: 13 September 2011 05:35 To: Chris Allan (Restricted) Subject: Security sensitive information Dear Chris, I would like to draw the attention of the British Intelligence service to the following matter. My personal email had been hacked recently and information taken out of it has been published on a popular News-website called QARANNEWS.COM. The owner and the editor of this Website, Mr. Mohamed Jama , who resides on 5 Swindale Close, Liverpool L8 0YG, stated in writing on his website that he had a lot of confidential information hacked from email (momar@hotmail.co.uk), and that he intended to publish it on his website. Mr. Jama started publishing some of these materials on his website already and he said he would continue publishing more. The emails contained security sensitive materials which are of a confidential nature. As a Foreign Minister, I share a lot of sensitive and confidential information with governments including Britain. Therefore, it is very important that Mr. Jama is prevented from continuing publishing these information as quickly as possible. For this purpose, I would like to request the British intelligence agencies to contact him in order to stop him from publishing this material and to investigate into his involvement in the offenses of hacking, publishing hacked information etc. Mr. Jama may in a contact with terrorists or people who have similar motives. Mr. Jama is also wanted for other matters by the Manchester police. Case No. 593080911. Phone. 0161-872 5050. Best regards, Dr. Mohamed A Omar Minister of Foreign Affairs Republic of Somaliland Te. +252 2 4240032 here it is. nnj172f62 http://www.qarannews.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=12100&Itemid=62
Suldaan Maxamed Cabdiqaadir Oo Ku Baaqay Midnimo Dhexmarta Beelaha Hargeysa Suldaan Maxamed Suldaan Cabdiqaadir Suldaan Cabdilaahi oo ka mida Sallaadiinta waaweyn ee Somaliland, ayaa maanta ugua baaqay in beelaha ku abtirsada Habar-Magaado ay muujiyaan midnimo dhexdooda ah si ay mustaqbalka majaraha ugu qabtaan hogaanka dalka oo aan wakhtigan gacantooda ku jirin. Suldaanka oo ka hadlayay munaasabad maanta lagaga dhawaaqayay urur siyaasadeed la yidhaahdo Wadajir oo lagu qabtay hotelka Shiraaqle ee Magaalada Hargeysa , ayaa ka hadlay waxa uu ugu yeedhay kala daadsanaan iyo midnimo la’aanta beelaha Habar-Magaado oo aan ka midaysnayn dhanka siyaasada, waxaana uu soo jeediyay in loo baahan is fahan buuxa oo dhexmara beelahan, maadaama oo ay yihiin kuwa ugu tirada badan Somaliland. Waxa uu sheegay in beesha uu ka soo jeeda Madaxweynaha talada hayaa ay tahay mid isku duuban oo leh mawqif meelmar ah,taasoo sababtay in samaystaan yool siyaasadeed oo horseeday in ay ku guulaysteen hogaanka Somaliland. “ Waar Somaliland wixii la odhan jiray ama la yidhaahdo siyaasadii wadanka waa lagu kala dhaqaaqay, siyaasada maanta socota cid bay faa’iido u tahay marka runta iyo xaqiiqda lagu wadahadlayo, beelo waa is raaceen urur kaliya ayay furteen, xisbigii hore ee ay ka soo baxeen oo lagu soo guulaystayna sidii Maskiibaa laga xuubsiibtay, rag baa gidaar loo diibay oo weli gidaarkii ku tiirsan oo moodaya in xisbigii lagula jiro. Maanta haday reero-reero noqoto horta Magaado ayaa ka badan iyo labada darafyada ee Bari iyo Galbeed, qoladiina axsaabta badan furaysaa isugu soo uruura xisbi magac kaliya leh oo wadajir oo Bariga iyo Galbeedka labada beelood ee degani ay ku jiraan,laakiin markaynu furano 17 xisbi waxa anagu dhacaysa ayaandaro dhakadan waa lagaa saarnaan” ayuu Suldaan Maxamed oo ay hadaladiisa ka muuqatay cadho xoog leh.
* Three oil firms to begin exploration * Oil majors that left over 20 years ago must re-apply * Pirates face long jail sentences in break-away nation * Somaliland looks to Norway, not Nigeria By Ed Stoddard CAPE TOWN, Nov 1 (Reuters) - The break-away territory of Somaliland is open for hydrocarbon business and has a message for investors worried by its rough neighborhood: this is not Somalia and pirates here go to jail. Hussein Abdi Dualeh, the minister of energy and mining, said it was unfair to lump Somaliland with lawless Somalia, where pirates have captured oil tankers and headlines. "We have no navy to speak of but what deters pirates is the prison sentences they get, 25 years or more. We have been successful in catching them with limited resources," Dualeh told Reuters on the sidelines of an African oil conference. "We have over 100 pirates in our prisons," he added. Dualeh earlier told the conference that Somaliland, which declared independence from Somalia in 1991 but has not been formally recognised internationally, had seen almost no exploration but had huge potential with a geology similar to basins containing 9 billion barrels across the Gulf of Aden. He said three firms -- London listed company Ophir Energy , Asante Oil and Prime Resources -- had just signed deals with his government under which they will have 18 months to explore, conduct seismic tests and identify wells. Ophir has a track record in the region with gas discoveries off the coast of Tanzania. Only 21 wells have been drilled in Somaliland, making it under explored even by the frontier standards of the region, where the oil and gas industries are in their infancy. The minister said a number of big oil companies with permits to operate there left what is now Somaliland in the late 1980s and declared force majeure during Somalia's escalating civil conflict. "We are talking about the big boys like Chevron , Conoco . We asked them to come back for years but they would not. Now it's a clean slate," he said, adding they must reapply for permits or concessions. "It's been over 20 years so they no longer have a legal interest in Somaliland," he said. Offshore East Africa has yet to produce a commercially viable oil source but gas discoveries off Mozambique and Tanzania have prompted great interest. Oil discoveries would be a cash boon to Somaliland though hydrocarbons have often proven to be a curse to African nations as the opaque nature of the industry can breed corruption. Dualeh said he had recently been to Norway and preferred its oil revenue model to Nigeria's, where tens of billions of petro-dollars have been stolen or squandered over the decades and oil dependency has undermined other sectors of the economy. "Norway is a model we can at least aspire to ... they have managed to protect their other sectors without letting oil crowd them out," he said. (Editing by Anthony Barker) http://af.reuters.com/article/commoditiesNews/idAFL5E7M12OZ20111101?pageNumber=3&virtualBrandChannel=0
Missile hits somaliland sool region, or could it be the german satellite Where has the German satellite fallen? A defunct German satellite has returned to earth at speeds of up to 280mph - but scientists do not know where. Experts say there is so far no solid evidence to determine above which continent or country the ROSAT scientific research satellite entered the atmosphere. Most parts of the van-sized satellite were expected to burn up, but it was feared up to 30 fragments weighing a total of 1.87 tons could crash. There was no immediate solid evidence to determine exactly where the satellite entered the atmosphere. And Andreas Schuetz, spokesman for the German Aerospace Centre, said that indicated it had not hit a populated area. He said it must have travelled around 12,500 miles in the final 30 minutes before entering the atmosphere at around 3am UK time. And he added it could take days to determine exactly where pieces of the satellite had fallen, but that the agency had not received any reports that it had hit any populated areas. 'We have no such information,' he said. The largest single fragment of ROSAT that could have hit the earth was the telescope's heat-resistant mirror. During its mission, the satellite orbited about 370 miles above the Earth's surface, but had lost altitude since its decommissioning. http://bigpondnews.com/articles/OddSpot/2011/10/30/Where_has_the_German_satellite_fallen_679613.html
Dating on the cheap By ibtisam Unusual quiet dinner at Summer time on a Thursday night, I observed a common and accepted practice (apparently). On my way in, I saw a brother pull up in white idhocaad, park, exist his car to go around and open the passenger door, a beautifully girl, in multi layered dirac, heels, hair piled high on top of her head, shalmad half covering her strengthen golden and black extensions steps out. He opened the back door, and two equally dressed up girls emerged. He led the pack in to the restaurant, the sweet mixture of their perfumes and pleasant scent drifting pass me as they walked by. Sometime later I’m ordering my food and I notice the man and three girls sitting under the dimly light umbrella to my right. The passenger girl and man leaning in together closely chatting and laughing, the other two girls looking around and loudly chatting about the lateness of the waiter and dirt on the table. I marvelled at what passes for a date in Somaliland, and how under the circumstances the obvious couple were progressing while her two chaperons entertained themselves. Some hours later (food takes a long time to arrive here), While we were finishing our drinks and still sitting around, I noticed the brother at the next table walking pass us to the table on our left, asking another man (who also appeared to be on date) war ninyahow lacag na sii, I’m not sure what he told him, but he returned emptied handed to his seat. I watched with interest as he picked up his phone, took few steps away from his table practical standing over ours and calling four different people. He boldly requested in af Somali the following from whoever he called; “Hey, I’m in Summer time on a date with this fine Xalimo and her friends. I took them to eat, but I have no money to pay for it, can you sort me out. Don’t embarrass me and keep me waiting man, the dumb waiter has already brought the bill, so hurry up” He went back to the girls, asking them miyaad daashin, wax kale miyaad dooneysan innad dalbataan? and then proceeding to loud jokes and chatter. Over the next 30mins, I saw him systematically calling back his saviours and demanding “max ku helye dee, weeli waanu ku sugeyna ee so daqaso” at one point, he walked outside to speak to another guy who had just paid his bill and was walking out. The girls on his table were giggling, one of them proclaiming “naa wax kale miyaad doonesyan iida dalbatan, koleba isagu ma bixinaye wu so shaxadaya eh” When he returned, the passenger girl asked him “haye ma baxna” and he said, no miid baa Zaad ii gu so diraya” I shared my observations with my friends, one of them swears that this is normal and that this guy in particular does this practically every week. I believe that just by observing how confident, commanding and border line rude (to the unfortunate one who refused) he was to the people he called. Sometime later I saw him pay his bill via Zaad, pull the chair out for his date and escort her and her friends out. Such gentleman in that one moment… Puzzled and lost in my own thoughts, the waiter brought the bill to our table, with food so cheap the four people on my table spent under $20, I was tempted to call a few of my friends and see how the process works. Maybe I too can live like a well dressed scavenger on a date?! http://ibtisam.wordpress.com/2011/09/10/dating-on-the-cheap/
Madaxweynaha Somaliland Md, Axmed Maxamed Maxamuud (Siilaanyo) ayaa caawa markii sadexaad kormeer ku soo maray qaar ka mid ah meheradaha waaweyn ee laga dukaansado iyo shaaricyada caasimada Hargeysa. Madaxweynuhu waxa uu booqday Huteelka ku yaala bariga magaalada ee KAAH wax yar ka hor xiligii salaada makhrib, waxaanu soo kormeeray qeybta leexooyinka ee carruurtu ku ciyaaarto ee Huteelkaasi, ka dibna waxa uu Salaadii Makhrib kula tukaday Masaajidka Huteelka dadkii ku sugnaa halkaasi. Madaxweynuhu intii uu ku sugnaa Huteelka KAAH waxa uu xogwaraysanayay dadweynaha ku sugnaa halkaasi oo uu la sheekaystay. Madaxweyne Axmed Siilaanyo oo watay baabuur gaar ah isla markaana aan wadan wax ilaalo ah waxa uu soo dhex maray jidka weyn ee dhex mara badhtamaha magaalada Hargeysa waxaanu sii maray suuqa weyn ee Waaheen ee magaalada Hargeysa. Madaxweynuhu u gudbay dhinaca Huteelka iyo Dukaanka weyn ee Star ee ku yaala degmada Maxamuud Haybe ee magaalada Hargeysa, halkaasi oo la sheegay inuu ka dukaansaday oo uu ka iibsaday alaabooyin kala duwan. Waxa kale oo uu Madaxweynaha Somaliland uu soo maray Dukaanka weyn ee Edna Cosmatics ee ku yaala degmada Axmed Dhagax ee Magaalada Hargeysa. Ka dibna waxa uu ku soo laabtay xurunta madaxtooyada Somaliland. Kormeerkani waxa uu salka ku hayaa qiimayn uu madaxweynuhu ku samaynayo ammaanka magaalada caasimadda Hargeysa. Waa markii sadexaad ee Madaxweynuhu sameeyo kormeer noocan oo kale ah.
Wariye Axmed Xasan Cawke & Bishaaro Baando oo ka mid ahaa shaqaalaha ka hawlgala Telefishinka Universal ee xaruntiisu tahay magaalada London ayaa la sheegay in shaqadii wareyenimo ee Tv-gaasi laga eryey, ka dib markii sida la sheegay Barnaamij ay siidayeen ay ku dureen dawlada & dalka Jibuuti. Barnaamij gaar ah oo ku saabsanaa Munaasabada Ciida oo lagu wareysanayey Wariye Cawke ayuu wuxuu kaga hadley arimo badan oo ay ka mid tahay wadanka Jibuuti, isagoo barnaamijka ka sheegay in dalka Jibuuti oo uu booqdey sanadkii hore waxyaabaha uu ka xusuusto ay ka mid tahay Kuley, Koronto la’aan & Kaneeco, isagoo sidoo kale ku tilmaamay dakda reer Jibuuti ku caro badan. Sidoo kale Axmed Xasan Cawke wuxuu ka hadley ku dhaqanka Kitaabka Qur’aanka Kariimka ee dalka Jibuuti wuxuuna yiri “Waxbaad arkeysaa, yacni ka soo qaad wax ka weyni ma jiro Kitaabka ILAAHAY ee dee uu inoo soo rogey meel baa la dhigayaa, waa la iska dhaafayaa, maalinta wax dhacaan ayaa la oronayaa kibaabkii horta mee”. Warar aan si buuxda loo sheegin ayaa tilmaamaya in mulkiilaha Tv-gaasi Axmed Abuukar oo gacansaar la leh dawlada Jibuuti uu aad uga caroodey arintaasi uuna u fahmay mid lagu xagal daacinayo xiriirka Universal & dawlada Jibuuti, inkastoo ay jiraan warar sheegaya in masuuliyiin ka tirsan dawlada Jibuuti ay arintaasi kala hadleen maamulka telefishinkaasi balse ma jiro wax war ah oo ka soo baxay dhanka dawlada Jibuuti.
Somaliland President Receives Certificate of Honor from EDC Posted on 18/09/2011 in Latest Headlines Hargeisa (JSLTimes)-Somaliland president Mr. Ahmed Mohamed Mohamud Siilaanyo today obtains certificate of honor from an organization by the name of EDC in honor of the president’s commitment in improving country’s education. Senior EDC officials commended president’s role in betterment the level of Somaliland education having his administration in power for nearly one year. Firstly, they praised president’s move in making intermediate education free and this step was widely seen as stride taken in the right direction. This was of great help to Somaliland poor families in which school fees are beyond their means of capability. Somaliland president speaking thanked EDC in presenting this certificate of honor. He pointed out this is one of the signs that his administration is committed in improving country’s education. The president of Somaliland added that it is number one priory for his administration to continue such efforts stretched it to high schools. The president called upon EDC which has collaboration with ministry of education to continue their support when it comes to country’s education. On the other hand, the director general of ministry of education Mr. Khadar Ahmed Diiriye told at the event that Somaliland is to host a conference which will bring together to Somali speaking countries including Somaliland, Djibouti, Kenya and Somalia. The theme of the conference is what should be the best way forward for improving education in these countries. The conference is expected to be attended by delegations from organizations engaged in improving education, universities from neighboring countries, other universities from UK, USA, and Canada. The conference was held in Malawi last year
Hargysa: Shaqo ka banaan Nubian gold Written by Nubian gold Sep 14, 2011 at 12:59 PM “Nubian gold, a Canadian based exploration company, will undergo a stream-sediment survey of the Arapsio area, and is looking for field geologists to complete this program. This campaign will last 2 to 3 months for its first stage. The applicant must be a geologist that is ready to send several weeks in the fields in a row. He will lead a small team of workers, and stay in field camps. The company is looking for geologist interested for professional field work, and speaking well English. The employment will last for the first stage of the survey (a few months), but further work may be proposed after this. Sufficient training and equipment will be provided. Applicants must be somalilanders, living in the country, not more than 45 years old. Only those have geological diploma / degree will be considered. Only relevant CVs will be answered. Deadline of submission the CVs 12;00 am 18/09/2011. Please submit your CV to nubian gold office, Hargeisa near crown hotel. Mobile numbers: 4144776, 4417393 Is there Gold in Somaliland? By Hassan Ali Hussein, Ph.D. Accurate mineral exploration had never been conducted in Somaliland. It is not easy to answer the above question without understanding the geology of Somaliland and surrounding regions (e.g. Ethiopia, Sudan, Yemen etc) where gold is currently mined. Most of the African continent has been tectonically stable from orogenic episodes since about 500 million years ago. The Neoproterozoic (Pan African) orogenic episode have led to differentiate the continent into two major features: (i) cratons which have not suffered major orogenic deformation and metamorphism and (ii) mobile belts made up of rocks which are stable since 550 millions ago (Vail, 1985). Somaliland is a part of the Arabian-Nubian Shield (ANS) that underlies several countries, mainly Sudan, Saudi Arabia, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Yemen and Egypt. These different areas during the Neoproterozoic, share a very similar geological evolution (accretion of volcanic island arcs) with mineral deposits formed by similar processes (epithermal, mesothermal, VMS gold deposits). In view of geological and geotectonic setting of Somaliland it is broadly similar to that of surrounding regions where Neoproterozoic rocks (low- to high grade meta-sedimentary and meta-volcanic rocks) record a succession of mild collision, which resulted from the successive accretion of island arcs. The earlier generation of gold mineralization in those regions formed in an island arc setting related to the waning stage of tectono volcano activity. Consequently, during Pan African orogeny that induced regional deformation, metamorphism, magmatism, collision of micro plates and crustal thickening, gold has been remobilized and reconcentrated either in the zones of metamorphic permeabilities and in collapse breccias (Hussein, 1999). Gold mineralization in the above-mentioned regions occurs in different forms corresponding to different geological environment and at least three types are present: a) Premetamorphic mineralization associated with stratiform massive sulfide deposit, e.g Northeast Sudan. b) Gold mineralization related to the regional tectono-metamorphic episode. E.g. North East Sudan, West Saudi Arabia. c) Gold mineralization related to shear zones, e.g. South Ethiopia, West Saudi Arabia, Eritrea, North East Sudan. According to my knowledge, systematic geological mapping using satellite images/remote sensing, detailed litho-stratigraphic classification and accurate mineral exploration had never been conducted in Somaliland, except, preliminary exploration work done by Russian geologists in the early seventies. Their works mainly consisted of some geochemical exploration studies in different part of Somalia searching mineral deposits including gold. Equally, UNDP had done several geological and geochemical investigations in the somaliland in early eighties. However, it has been discovered several base metals and gold occurrences in north Somaliland. Related Article written by Eng. Abdulkadir Abiikar Hussein, MSc.; FGS (Engineering Geologist)- 05/2001 No doubt, Somaliland has precious metals including gold, zinc, silver but I strongly suggest a detailed investigation for gold and sulfides metallic over meta-sedimentary and meta-volcanic rocks has to be performed. The investigation should be included a detailed geological mapping using Landsat imagery and GIS. However, the growing Somali higher institutions can establish geosciences faculty and take responsibilities of collecting and archiving all previous geological data about the nation. They can also carry out and organize workshops and seminars on the Somali minerals, water and environmental issues in close contact and cooperation with international universities, organizations and local NGO's.