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Everything posted by Siciid1986

  1. Waxaan halkan ka salaamaya dadweynaha somaliland meel kasta ay joogaan, waxaan kale oo halkan ku muujinaya SNM mabaadida ay aduunka ka iibin jirtey taas oo aan u hayo cadeyn ah Kaadhkii SNM. Kaadhkan waxaan ka qaatey Abu-dabey bilowgii 1989 kii waxaan Denmark galey 26 jun 1990. Wakhtiga isaga ah oo aan sitey baasboor Tansaaniyaan ah oo aan ka iibsadey magaalada Puna oo ku taala HINDIYA baasboorkii waxaan ku jeexjeexay diyaaradii aan la socdey dawlada dheenishkuna waxay i waydiisey cadeyn bal wadanka aan ahey iyo qofka aan ahey , waxanan tusey kaadhkii SNM sidoo kale waxaa jirtey qofkii aan cadeyn wadan in la xidho sadex bilood , anigase nasiib wanaag waxaa laygu aqoonsadey oo mudo ka bacdina sharcigii laygu siiyey kaadhkii SNM kaadhka sawirkiisuna wuxuu la socdaa qoraalkan. Waxaa ku cad kaadhkan oo ku qoran ujeedada SNM oo ah Diqmuraadiyad , Cadaalad, iyo midnimada Somaliya. Kaadhkana keligey ma haysto dad badan oo SNM ah ayaa haysta. Gebagabdii Axmed Siilaanyo runta ayuu ka sheegey su,aalihii la waydiiyey, hadii aanu sheegi lahayna halkan ayaan ku kashifilahaa Abdulaahi Ahmed Xeef ( Timacade)
  2. Nimankaan maanta ay Ciidamada Booliska ay maxkamada keeneen ayaa waxaa lagu kala magacaaba Xuseen Maxamed Cali iyo C/weli Maxamed Daahir. Xeer ilaaliyaha guud ee Puntland ayaa waxaa uu maxkamada ka hor akhriyey qoraal kaasoo ah eedeymaha labadaan nin,waxaana uu sheegay in eedeysanaha koowaad oo ah Xuseen Maxamed Cali uu ka tirsanyahay Xarakada Al-Shabaab uuna qaabilsanaa dhinaca kala gudbinta hubka iyo Sawir qaadida. axaana uu sidoo kale sheegay in uu Xuseen uu kala gooshi jiray magaalooyinka Hargeysa,Muqdisho,Kismaayo iyo Beledweyne,isagoo inta badan magaaladda Hargeysa kasoo qaadi jira hubka,waxyaalaha qarxa iyo kiimikada laga sameeyo waxyaalaha wax lagu qarxiyo,lana qabtay isagoo gashan dharka dumarka. Eedeysane Xuseen Maxamed oo ay maxkamadu wax ka weydiisay eedeymaha ayaa qirtay in uu ka mid ahaa Xarakada Al-Shabaab isla markaana eedeymaha ay xeer ilaalintu uu soo jeedisay ay ruun yihin. Waxaa uu kasoo sheekeyey qaabka uu ugu biiray Al-Shabaab,waxaana uu sheegay in ku biirada uu ka dambeeyey ka dib marki Macalin wax uu dhigi jiray uu ku dhiirageliyey in uu tego magaaladda Muqdisho una ku biiro Al-Shabaab. Xuseen marku uu ka degay magaaladda Muqdisho ayuu sheegay in uu tegay meel uu joogay macalinkiisu,waxaana uu sheegay in marka uu tegay halka lagu yiri Biyo ku jira Caag kaas oo aad uu kharaar,iyadoo lagu yiri in ka dib ay macanaan doonaan.waxaana ay marki dambe noqdeen kuwa aad uu macaan,sida uu sheegay. Waxaana uu ugu dambeynti sheegay in Biyaha in uu ku miir beelay uuna kusoo baraarugay isagoo ay ka hortaaganyihin Macalinkiisa iyo nin Ajaanib ah ka dib sidaa lagu adeegsaday loona tababaray qaabka loo qaado Sawirada. Ka dib marki ay maxkamadu dhagaysatay hadalada Xuseen Maxamed Cali,ayaa waxaa ay ku dhawaaqday in lagu xukumay dil toogasho ah. Dhanka kale Maxkamada ayaa sidoo kale Eedeysane C/weli Maxamed Daahir ku xukuntay 10-sano oo xarig ah kaas oo tuug ahaa kuna qaraaban jiray dharka dumarka. Labadaan Nin oo ay maxkamadu maanta xukunada dilak iyo Xariga ku kala xukuntay ayaa waxaa laga soo qabtay magaaladda Gaalkacyo,waxaana Xuseen Maxamed Cali uu mudo labo bilood magaaladda Gaalkacyo uu ugu shaqaynaayay Reer iyagoo uu qaba in uu yahay qof dumar ah. Maxamed Siciid Yuusuf Horseed Media Garoowe,Puntland. -ridaysawirro/
  3. War Deg Deg ah Ciidanka qaranka Somaliland ayaa waxa galeen holhol iyadoo saaka ay ka anbabaxeen Gobolka sool Ciidanka Qaranka Somaliland ayaa Saaka Waxay gaadheen hohol oo ka tirsan gobolka sool halkaas oo in dhawaydba ay isku urursanayeen odayaal u dhashay gobolka sool Ciidamada amaanka ee Somaliland ayaa saaka amar lagu siiyaay in ay u ruqaan sadaan dhinaca holhol waxaana wararku sheegayaan in hada ay lawareegeen guud ahaanba holhol halkaasi oo ay ku sugnaayeen odayashaasi. Gudoomiyaha gobolka sool faarax askar Xuseen ayaa isagu hada ku sugan holhol,mar aan khadka telphoneka kula xidhiidnay wariye ku sugan halkaasi ayaa waxaa uu noo xaqiijiyay In Ay ku sugan yihiin cidamada qaranka somlailand. Waxaa kale oo wararku sheegayaan in ay ciidamada qaranka Somaliland ay la wareegeen degmada Tukaraq oo ay hore u joogeen ciidamo ka tirsan maamulka puntaland. Wixii wara ee ka soo kordha kala soco shabakada holhol news
  4. Out of Africa An emigrant from Kenya tells Helen Harvey about deeds of derring- do in foreign climes Richard Foale, 43, flies people around in his helicopter. His passengers are tourists and the terrain they fly over is the mountains and pastures of Taranaki. A few years ago, Mr Foale's passengers were members of the United Nations and NGOs and the land they flew over was the mountains and deserts of Somalia. Think Blackhawk Down. He was already in Somalia when the Americans arrived. Born in Kenya, Mr Foale had returned home after six years in the British Army Air Corps and was looking for a job. A bloke he knew said: How does Somalia sound? He didn't have much time to ponder the question because he was on a plane the next day. In Somalia, Mr Foale worked for an American company that ran the airports at Mogadishu and Djibouti, the small country (and capital of the same name) north of Somalia. The former French colony's capital is the hottest city in the world, Mr Foale says. "When I was flying the Cessna Caravan [a plane] from Djibouti, we had to get airborne early in the morning before the temperature reached 50 degrees Centigrade. Once that happened, you weren't allowed to operate the aircraft." The company didn't have the lease for helicopters, so he flew planes. Mr Foale flew UN and NGO staff around Somalia, sometimes landing on roads when airstrips were held by the wrong side. "In a lot of the places we landed, we had to pay a landing fee to a bunch of rebels sitting in a ute with an antiaircraft gun sitting on the back." Blackhawk Down gave a very American version of the story, he says. The Hollywood version. "The Americans . . . arrived in landing boats on the beaches at Mogadishu and were met by CNN and all the camera crews lighting up the beaches to get shots of everybody landing. It was ridiculous." There weren't rebels or any other armed people there waiting. The Americans walked in - it wasn't like D-Day. There were many nationalities in Somalia working for the UN: a Kiwi contingent, Pakistani, Malaysian, Irish, not just Americans. Though the movie does mention the Pakistanis, he says. "It was just that the Americans had this inability to patrol outside their [three] bases. They went everywhere in their armoured vehicles and so had no interaction with the people whatsoever." Initially the Somalis were very keen to have Americans around, he says. It was good for business. There was huge trade "through the fence" - black market - and everyone was very friendly. But then it all went badly wrong. The Blackhawk aircraft were shot out of the sky. The Americans retaliated with a Hercules, which had a "bloody great gun" on the back, flying at 8000ft and shooting into the night. "And we used to sit there in our campsite in Mogadishu and watch this thing going around and blasting . . . It was blowing great big holes into a shanty town. It was complete random firing. They didn't know who they were firing at, basically. It was just retaliation." The minute the retaliation started, the Somalis' attitude towards the Americans changed, he says, "in fact, any white person. That was the turning point . . . The atmosphere really changed." It was fascinating, he says, sitting at Mogadishu airport watching all the tracer rounds being shot in the city, which was only 3 or 4 kilometres away. "And we were sitting on rocks drinking wine and beer, like in a movie. I always relate it to a movie called Air America." The Americans turned up with masses of machinery, their own shops, everything. "We could buy everything there. We made an awful lot of money as a group by setting up a bar at the terminal and we had Somalis running it for us. We were buying stock from the American PX at one price, vastly inflating it and selling it over here at the terminal. We were making way too much money, which meant we were able to employ a Somali chef at our campsite and we were eating lobster every evening and throwing a party every evening for whoever wanted to turn up." It was a wild time, he says. "I was sleeping above two AK47 rifles that we all had. And everyone knew we had them. We all equipped ourselves like that. It was madness. All the tents had sandbags around them." He would go for a jog every evening, from one end of the airport to the other. One night he and a friend suddenly had tracer rounds landing all around them. They lay flat in the sand until it was dark and then ran back to safety. "I'll never know if they were aiming at us or just stray rounds." One night he was up at the Kiwi camp for a party. Several were standing out the back of the tent, as blokes do, having a pee, when a mortar landed 20ft from them. It didn't go off. Most of the mortars didn't go off, he says. Every time the Lear jets would arrive at the airport, the Somalis would know important people were arriving and start lobbing mortars over the perimeter. The whole airfield would immediately get closed down, the sirens would sound and the Americans, dressed in flak jackets, stayed hidden in their foxholes, Mr Foale says. "We had all these very expensive aircraft that needed fuel, so a couple of us guys from Kenya used to wander out in T-shirts, shorts and jandals and refuel the aircraft while the soldiers were hiding underground. They must have thought we were complete ******." The chance of being hit by a mortar was remote. They weren't that accurate and most of them didn't go off. Every day the Americans would the scan airport and find mortars that had come in overnight and the bomb squad would be called in to defuse them. It was madness, he says again - but character building. His company lost some of its contracts in Somalia, so Mr Foale went back to Kenya and worked for a trucking company and indulged his interest in motor sport. He drove in the Safari Rally, which was then part of the World Rally Championship. He then flew helicopters for a tourism company. The boss got some work in Somalia, but Mr Foale wasn't interested. He argued that it wasn't a good idea to fly helicopters in Somalia because of the possibility they could be hijacked. "There were lots of aircraft flying into Somalia, but on to safe airstrips - you knew who you were paying. The trouble with helicopters is their ability to land anywhere. And the minute you land anywhere, somebody can turn up round the next bush and point an antiaircraft gun in your direction and demand money." But eventually he was convinced it would be OK and he went back to Somalia, this time flying choppers. He flew a Dauphin, a large helicopter that had come from South Africa, where it used to fly Nelson Mandela around. "We were flying a very wealthy Arab who was supposedly doing something with wildlife in Somaliland, which is in the north, but in fact all he was doing was financing his own private hunting safari." For some reason, the Arab wasn't allowed to stay overnight in the bush at the camp with the rest of his countrymen, so every night he would be flown back to the city. The pilots had a procedure whereby they would contact the camp by radio each morning before they landed. One morning there was no answer, so Mr Foale, his South African co-pilot and the Arab did a low-level pass to have a look. The two pilots didn't like what they saw. Convinced something was wrong, they turned back. Their passenger wasn't happy. They later found out the camp had been overrun by Somalians and the Arab's cousin had been shot. That evening, the Arabs left Somalia in an airbus, never to return, leaving the contractors sitting around wondering what to do next. All their equipment was still out at the camp and the South African pilots were all for going out and getting it, Mr Foale says. "But myself and the most senior pilot said no, it's not sensible. "That night, we went to the airport and loaded two 40 gallon drums in the back of a big VIP helicopter and filled it up with jet fuel." There was also a smaller helicopter that had quite a few Jerry cans in it. At 4am, the contractors took off for Kenya. It was a long flight and they didn't have the capability of flying all the way down Somalia, so they took a shortcut across Ethiopia. "That was a dangerous thing, because we didn't have clearances or anything, but to be honest, we weren't that worried. I don't think they were going to find us." They had to land quite often to transfer fuel to the smaller chopper. "I'll never forget the radio call that we made to air traffic control in Kenya." The Kenyans were concerned about their lack of flight plan and told them to fly to the military base. "But we gave them telephone numbers for our boss in Nairobi and he was able to clarify things . . . that's the last time I set foot in Somalia." Not long after he got back, a company came out to Kenya to film the World Rally Championship and the boss offered him work in the UK at the race circuit in Silverstone. There had to be a medical helicopter there as part of the contract with the drivers. Mr Foale was there when Michael Schumacher crashed and he flew him to hospital. Schumacher's manager, Jean Todt, now president of FIA, tried to climb into the helicopter. Mr Foale had to be quite forceful, he says. There was only room for the patient, the doctor and the pilot. Meanwhile, Mr Foale's sister Debbie had met a Kiwi and moved to New Zealand. Mr Foale and his partner and now wife, Jolanda, came out for the wedding and loved it. A year later, they moved here. "I was tired of the British weather and wanted to get back to the colonial way of life." Kenya was a British colony that gained independence in 1963 and Mr Foale calls himself a colonial. He went to a Nairobi primary school, which had 120 pupils, 118 of them colonials. The colonial children went to high school in the UK, taking over a 747 at the beginning of each term. Mr Foale's father ran a civil engineering and building company and did extensive work through East Africa. "My father was a pilot and because we did so much work in East Africa - the distance is very large out there - he had Cessna aircraft. So, from a very young age I was always sitting next to him, often holding the controls." When he first left school, Mr Foale went back to Kenya and helped in the family business. At that time, the firm was building a house up round Mt Kenya for the actress Stephanie Powers, famous for her role in the television series Hart to Hart. Mr Foale was the intermediary between the actress, who had moved in before the house was finished, and the workforce. "It's difficult to continue building a house when somebody won't get out of bed until about midday and then is obviously somewhat upset by the noise we were producing. Well, yes, we are still trying to finish your house." It probably put him off the building industry. "I decided I wanted to get into aviation and one of the ways to get into aviation and get a good training with not a lot of outlay was to join the military." So Mr Foale went back to Britain. He joined the army, because it had more helicopters than the air force. "I started officer training at Sandhurst, but being a colonial, they said, We're not going to send you to Sandhurst straight away because you need a bit of educating." They sent him to a course at Beaconsfield, which was hard work but good fun. "They used to take us to the theatre in London to try to broaden our outlook. And we did a lot of military history, as well, which was incredibly boring." And then there were the 5.30am starts to go jogging. The course lasted six months, then it was on to Sandhurst. After finishing his training, he wasn't able to go straight on to the flying course; instead, he was attached to the Royal Anglian Regiment as a platoon commander. The regiment was based in Germany, but Mr Foale spent most of his time in Canada. Back in England, he did his flying training starting on planes - Chipmonks - before moving on to Gazelle helicopters. He was then sent to Germany and Canada. And he also did a stint in Northern Ireland during The Troubles. "We were in helicopters, so felt somewhat removed. We did a lot of border security. I saw a bomb go off in downtown Belfast - we were right on top of it. We were given a warning about 10 minutes beforehand and we got airborne and the bomb went off underneath us." Mr Foale had a good friend who was based at the border in south Armagh. "It was very difficult for him and he was very nervous because his face would have been recognised by anybody in any bar. I could go flying, land at the airport at the end of the day . . . change into my civilian clothes and head off into Belfast . . . It was probably a whole lot easier for me to interact with the local community because I could pretend to be someone totally different. I didn't have to be anything to do with the army . . . A lot of people loved the army, but you never knew who you were talking to. I used to talk about Kenya and pretend I was a visitor. That became a bit difficult when I kept visiting the same bars too often." Canada was a lot more peaceful. His last year in the army was spent in Medicine Hat, east of Calgary. "We had five helicopters based there in the mountains. That was interesting flying. In winter, temperatures would get down to minus 20 - not that we did a helluva lot in the winter, but we did keep flying a little bit. We mainly went skiing." After six years with the British Army Air Corps, Mr Foale moved on. His first stop was to get his commercial licences, then he went home to Kenya just before his sojourn in Somalia. These days his life is much quieter. He is a family man with wife Jolanda and baby daughter Safi. They own Heliview Taranaki and take people on scenic flights. Before that, he worked for the rescue helicopter. "I love Taranaki. It's fantastic. People don't realise how lucky they are to go surfing then skiing in the afternoon. And what better way of seeing it than the way I do? Eight o'clock last night, the mountain came out. There was the sunset. When seeing it from the air, you really appreciate it."
  5. Xukuumadda Somaliland Oo Soo Daabacanaysa Lacag Cusub Oo Shiling Somaliland Ah Wakhti Loo Diyaar Garoobayo Doorashada Madaxtooyada Lacagtani shilinka Somaliland ah ee ay xukuumadda Somaliland hadda soo daabacanayso ayaan qiimaha cadadkeeda la garanaynin wallow tilmaamo soo baxaya ay muujinayaan inay ku dhawdahay 2 bilyan oo shilinka Somaliland ah oo ah lacag ka badan 30 malyuun oo dollarka maraykanka ah. Xukuumadda ayaa looga bartay in badanka soo dabacato lacagaha shilinka Somaliland wakhtiyada ay danaha gaarka ah leedahay sida xilliyada doorashooyinku dalka ka dhacayaan, waxaana khubarada arrimaha dhaqaalaha ku xeel dheeri ay Golisnews u sheegeen in lacagtani haddii lagu sii daayo suuqyada Somaliland ay khal khalin doonto qiimaha sarifka lacagaha isla markaana ay sababi karto sicir barar dhinaca maceeshadda iyo qiimaha wax kala iibsiga ah. Sidani oo kale ayey Xukuumadda Somaliland lacag usoo dabaacatay sannadahii 2002-dii markii ay u diyaar garoobaysay doorashadii sannadkii 2003-dii iyo sannadkii 2005-tii oo ay u diyaar garoobaysay doorashadii golaha wakiiladda, waxaana qandaraaska samaynta lacagtani la siiyey wershad laga leeyahay dalka Malesia. Golisnews, Xafiiska Wararka Hargeysa
  6. Berbera Magaalo Ay Dul Hoganayso Daruur Colaadeed Magaalada marsada ah ee berbera waxaa ka jira xiisad colaadeed iyo dareen dhiillo leh oo ka taagnaa 48 saac ee ugu danbeeyey arinkan ayaa ka dhashay ka dib markii shirkadda ugu weyn ee dhoofisa xoolaha ee Indhadeero la saaray cidhiidhi iyo cunaqabatayn iyadoo maxjarkii xoolahana loo xidhay taajirka sucuudiga ah ee dawladda ay shuraakada yihiin ee Aljaabiri iyo dilaaliin la shaqaysata . Sidaan hore idinku soo baahinay wararka waxa jirta in marka qof muwaadinka ahi dhoofinayo xoolaha laga qaado 12.5$ oo cashuura iyo maxjarka lacagtiisa marka jaabiri dhoofinayana aan waxba laga qaadayn, taas oo keentay xagga qiimaha in ay aad u kala fogaadaan labadii ganacsade ee isku sayladda xoolaha ka soo wada iibsaday isla markaana isku saylada u iibgeynayey halkaas oo muwaadinku dhacanyey 12.5$ calaa neef . Dhawaan ayaa Mustafe Indhadeero sameeyey maxjar cusub oo ay kaga baxday lacag lagu qiyaasay 4 milyan oo shilin isla markaasna dawlada somaliland ku amartay inuu joojiyo maxjarkan cusub dhakhaatiirta ajnaebiga ah ee xoolaha u tallaashana U dawladda somaliland gacanta U soo geliyo. Mulkiilaha shirkada inadeyro ayaa jawaab degdega ka bixiyey arinkan waxaanu yidhi Haddii dadka ajnebiga ah dalka laga saarayo waa diyaar oo kuwaygana waan keenayaa, haddii ay iyagu danbi gaar ah galeena maxkamad ha loo furo , haddii kale nimankani waa shaqaale aniga ii shaqeeya oo si sharci ah ku soo galay dalka wax dhibaato ahna aan cidna u geysan markaa waa khalad in la I yidhaahdo soo dhiib sidaas waxa sheegay mulkiilaha shirkada indha deyro. Geeska kale Gudoomiyaha gobalka saaxiil ayaa ku hanjabay in U amar ka haysto xukumada somaliland arinkana aanu shaqo ku lahayn ee ay tahay mid uu shaqadisa fulinaayo isla markaasna u war galiyey mulkiilaha shirkada indha dayro in bari aroortii ay boolis u soo diri doonan si nimankaas dhakhaatiirta ah gacanta loogu galiyo xukumada somaliland
  7. Somali Farax on dating show
  9. Qabow Biyaha fadhiisiyay oo habeenadii u dambaysay ka dhacay Degmada Tog-Wajaale Qaar ka mid ah dadweynaha magaalo-xuduuddeeda Wajaale, ayaa cabasho ka muujiyay qabow ba’an oo habeenadii u dambeeyay ku fadhiistay deegaankaas. Inkastoo labadii todobaad ee u dambeeyay qabow xad dhaaf ah laga dareemay inta badan deegaamada Somaliland, haddana waxa reer Wajaale u dheer magaalada oo meel banaan ah oo aan Dhir lahayn ku taala.Qabow Biyaha fadhiisiyay oo habeenadii u dambaysay ka dhacay Degmada Tog-Wajaale “Biyihii Foostooyinka ku jiray way fadhiisteen oo Baraf ahaan baaba la isugu shiidayay,” sidaa waxa yidhi mid ka mid ah ganacsatada magaalada Tog-Wajaale oo shalay fiidkii u waramay Wargeyska Ogaal. “Caawa lafteeda (xalay) qabowgu sidii uun buu u muuqdaa. Qabowgu Ey fara badan buu ku laayay magaalada oo Bakhtigooda lagu arkayay, waqtigii ugu dambeeyay ee qabow noocan oo kale ahi nagu habsadaana waxay ahayd 2003,” ayuu raaciyay ninkaa u waramay Wargeyska Ogaal. Inta badan goobaha dadweynuhu ku kulmaan, waxa maalmihii u dambeeyay lagu hadal hayay qabowga faraha badan oo labadii todobaad ee u dambeeyay habeenka ka ka dambeeya isa soo taraya. Ma cadda sababta keentay qabowga fara badan ee ku habsaday deegaamada Somaliland iyo wadamada jaarka ah intaba. Hase yeeshee, waxa sabab looga dhigi karaa isbedelka Cimilada Adduunka iyo dikhowga ku yimi hawada oo ay saamaysay Sunta Wershadaha wadamada horumaray.
  10. London, UK, December 26, 2009 (SL Times) – The former minister of industry, Muhammad Suleiman Weyne said to a gathering of Somalilanders in Bristol, UK, that when they laid a cornerstone for a new cement factory in Berbera they were play acting, and that they were deliberately misleading the public and had no intention of building such a factory. He described it as all part of the lies that they were telling the public for the last twenty years. When someone says they lied before, it always raises the question well, if he lied before, is he lying now too, or is he telling the truth. But from circumstantial evidence, there is good reason to believe that Muhammad Suleiman Weyne was indeed lying when he was a minister, as many people suspected, and is telling the truth now, which is a damning indictment of President Dahir Rayale and his government. To make the situation worse, Muhammad Suleiman Weyne’s did not make his confessions because his conscience bothered him or anything like that but in order to ingratiate himself with UCID party. Obviously, it is in UCID’s interest to distance itself from such a self-confessed and unrepentant liar. This episode confirms the corruption and deep cynicism that pervades the highest levels of Somaliland’s government and provides good reason for why Somalilanders are correct in not accepting at face-value the claims and pronouncements of President Dahir Rayale Kahin and his ministers.
  11. Cawayskii Hargeysa Iyo Qoob-ka-Ciyaarkii Fanaanka Kaynaan Hargeysa(Golis)-Fanaanka weyn ee caalamiga ah ee kaynaan oo haatan ku sugan magaalada Hargeysa ee xarunta Somaliland ayaa xalay loo qabtey caways kulmiyey ubaxa magaalada oo ahaa dhalinyaro rag iyo dumarba leh, kaas oo ka dhacay Hutel Ambassador ee Hargeysa oo uu fanaanka laftiisu degan yahay. Cawayskan oo kulmiyey dhalinyaro buuxisay, mugga hoolkii lagu qabtey ee hutelka waxa kala qayb galay oo ereyo kooban ka jeediyey guddoomiyaha dallada saxaafadda Somaliland……USJ C/laahi Maxamed Daahir (Cukuse) oo fanaanka ku tilmaamay Obaamaha caalamka, waxaana ereyadiisii ka mid ahaa “Aniga oo ku hadlaya magaca saxaafadda Somaliland waxa aan adiga iyo kooxdaadaba ku soo dhawaynaya Hargeysa oo aan ku leeyahay waa magaalo u qalanta halka aad adigu timid iyo xarunta Somaliland ee ay tahay labadaba, waxaanan ku leeyahay waa magaaladaadii ee ku soo dhawaw”. Guddoomiyuhu wuxuu intaa ku daray “dadka iyo shacbiga reer Somaliland waxa ay ku faraxsan yihiin in aad tahay nin Soomaaliyeed oo maqaamkaasi gaadhay, adigana waxa ay kaa rajaynayaan in aad sida ay kuu jecel yihiin u jeceshahay iyaga oo kaaga mahadnaqaya in aad taas muujisay oo aad caawa Hargeysa ku sugan tahay”. Cawayskan oo kulmiyey dhalinyaro Lab iyo Dheddigba leh oo si qurux badan ugu soo diyaargaroobey labiskooda iyo farxada ka muuqata wajiyadoodana laga garan karo sida ay raali uga ahaayeen ayaa wakhti wacan ku qaatey Heeso iyo Muusig ay shucuurtooda ku muujiyeen soo dhawaynta fanaankan. Kaynaan oo ay asal ahaan dhalashadiisu Soomaali tahay ayaa waxaa uu yahay fanaan weyn oo caalami ah wakhtigana ku guulaystey in heesta uu qoray loo qaato heesta lagu soo bandhigi doono fagaaraha weyn ee caalamiga ah ee furitaanka koobka kubbada cagta adduunka (World Cup) ee sanadka 2010 oo lagu qaban doono banka koonfur afika, waxaanu yahay fanaankii ugu horeeyey ee ka soo jeeda wadamada dunida saddexaad ee maqaamka noocaas ah ku guulaysta. Cawayskan oo xalay fiidkii ka bilaabmay hotel Ambassador ee Hargeysa ayaa dhamaadey xalay saqdii dhexe oo ku beegnayd 11:44 miridh, waxaanu weriyihii Wargeyska Saxansaxo ee goobtaasi joogey ku tilmaamey kii ugu xiisaha badnaa ee uu in muddo ah la kulmo.
  12. Guddoomiye Ku Xigeenka Baarlamaanka Kenya Iyo Wefti Uu Hogaaminayo Oo Maanta Dalka Imanaya Hargeysa(Geeska) -Guddoomiye ku xigeenka baarlamaanka Kenya Md. Faarax Macalin iyo wefti uu hoggaaminayo ayaa la filayaa inay maanta Hargeysa soo gaadhaan, iyagoo ka soo kiticimi doona magaalada Nayrobi ee dalka Kenya. Ma jiro war rasmi ah oo ka soo baxay Somaliland oo la xidhiidha socdaalka weftigan, laakiin ilo xogogaala ayaa Wargeyska Geeska Afrika u xaqiijiyay in guddoomiye ku xigeenka iyo weftigiisu ay dalka ku imanayaan casuumad uu shirguddoonka Golaha Wakiilada Somaliland dhawaan u fidiyay. Mudane Faarax Macalin oo ka soo jeeda Somalida degta waqooyi bari ee Kenya, waxa xilkan loo doortay markii uu ku soo baxay doorashadii dalka Kenya ka dhacday dabayaaqadii sannadii 2008. Waxaanu hadda si weyn uga dhex muuqdaa siyaasadda dalka Kenya. Waa markii u horaysay ee uu masuul haya xil baarlamaan oo sidan u culusi safar ku yimaado Somaliland, waxaana la filayaa inta uu joogo inuu kulamo la yeesho shirguddoonka Baarlamaanada Somaliland, Madaxweyne Daahir Rayaale Kaahin iyo weliba dhinacyo kale.
  13. Hargeysa ( Guddoomiyaha xisbiga mucaaridka ah ee KULMIYE Mudane Axmed Maxamed Maxamuud Siilaanyo oo maanta shir jaraa'id ku qabanaayey xafiiskiisa magaalada Hargeysa ayaa ku eedeeyey xukuumadda Madaxweyne Rayaale inay ka danbaysay dilkii loo gaystay taliyahii qaybta 12-aad ee ciidanka qarranka Somaliland Marxuum Cismaan Yuusuf. Guddoomiye Axmed Siilaanyo wuxuu sheegay in ay xukuumaddu damacsantahay in dilkaasi loo gaystay taliyaha la dambabaso isagoo si toos ahna ugu eedeeyey Guddoomiye Axmed Siilaanyo arrintaasi mu'aamarad uu maleegay Madaxweyne Rayaale "waxaa aad ogaydeen in la dilay alla ha u naxariistee taliyahii qaybta 12-aad ee ciidanka qarranka, waxaa jirta in guddi loo xil saaray baadhitaan ku samaysa dilka loo gaystay taliye cismaan, balse ayaan darradu waxay tahay in ay caddahay oo ay ku caddahay in xukuumadda jirta ay maleegtay mu'aamaraadka lagu dilay alla ha u naxariistee Taliyahu, waa waxaan loo dul qaadan karin, waa ayaan darro ah, waa fal fool xun oo runtii muujinaya heerka cadaawadda ah ee Rayaale wado" ayuu yidhi Mudane Axmed Siilaanyo Guddoomiyaha xisbiga Kulmiye wuxuu sheegay in ay xukuumaddu waddo qorshe ah inay baab'iso guddidii loo xil saaray arrinta baadhitaanka dilka taliyaha ciidankii 12-aad ee ciidamadda qarranka Somaliland "waxyaabaha aanu hayno waxaa daliil u ah in Daahir Rayaale iyo wasiiro ka tirsan xukuumadiisu ay doonayaan inay burburiyaan guddidii loo xil saaray baadhitaanka arrintaasi" Axmed Siilaanyo wuxuu soo dhaweeyey baaqii dhawaan ka soo baxay Madaxweyne ku xigeenka Somaliland Mudane Yaasiin ee ahaa in cid kasta oo ka danbaysay dilka taliyaha la soo taago cadaaladda "arrinta madaxweyne ku xigeenku ka dhawaajiyey ee ahayd in baadhitaan lagu sameeyo oo ciddii falkaasi ka danbaysay cadaaladda la hor keeno aad ayaanu xisbi ahaan usoo dhawaynaa, waxaanu leenahay yaan la dambabasin ee ha la siiyo guddida kalsooni iyo madax banaani buuxda" ayuu yidhi siilaanyo. Guddoomiye Axmed Siilaanyo wuxuu ku eedeeyey Xukuumadda Rayaale inay falkani dilka ah ee ay fulisay uga dan leedahay sidii dalka uu khal khal uga dhici laha doorashaduna dib ugu dhici lahayd isla markaana Madaxweyne Rayaale xilka loogu kordhin lahaa "arrintani way caddahay oo waxay u caddahay ujeedada laga lahaa waxay ahayd in uun khal khal waddanka lagu geliyo oo doorashooyiinkii dib loo dhigaayey qayb ay ka ahayd, imikana waxay xukuumaddu wadda falkani kuwa kale oo la mid ah" ayuu yidhi Mudane siilaanyo
  14. Magaalada Ceerigaabo oo ka Qayb Gashay Tartanka Ciyaaraha ee Gobolada Maamul-goboleedka Puntland Ceerigaabo(Oodweynenews)-Naadi ka tirsan Naadiyada Kubada Cagta ee Magaalada Ceerigaabo ayaa waxay ka qayb galeen Tartanka kubada Cagta ee sannadkan ka socda Gobolada maamul goboleedka Puntland ee dalka aynu jaarka nahay somaliya, Naadigan oo kaga qayb galay magac G/sanaag , sida uu noo xaqiijiyey Gudoomiyaha Xidhiidhka kubada ee G/sanaaga Mudane: Mustafe Jibriil Jaamac. Gudoomiyuhu waxa uu noo sheegay arintaas hadii aanu nahay Sports ka iyo bulshadaba waxaanu aaminsanahay in ay Direen Naadigaas wasaarada Ciyaaraha iyo Dhalinta ee Somaliland , waayo waxaa watey nin shaqaalaha Wasaarada ka mid ah oo la yidhaahdo Cumar Case, waxaana magaalada laga guuraysiiyey goor habeen ah, cid ogaydna may jirin gaar ahaan bahdayda xidhiidhka kubada Cagta. tartankaas Ciyaaraha Puntland oo ka socda Magaalo Madaxda maamul Goboleedkaas ee Garoowe, waxaana maalintii ugu horeysay wadda ciyaaray Naadigii ku ciyaaraayey Magaca G/Sanaag ee ka ambabaxay Magaalada Ceerigaabo iyo Qardho , halkaas oo ay ku badisay kooxdii G/sanaag , Maalintii labaad oo ahayd shalay waxay isku beegmeen Magaalada Garoowe , halkaas oo ay kaga badiyeen kooxdii ku ciyaaraysay magac Garoowe. Ceerigaabo Maanta-na waxaa la filayaa in ay wada ciyaaraan Gobolka Cayn, sida ay warku nagu soo gaadhayaan ayuu yidhi Gudoomiyuhu , haatana waxaa magalada Ceerigaabo ku sugan Agaasimaha Guud ee Wasarada Dhalinta iyo Ciyaaraha ee Somaliland Mudane Cali Axmed Cali (Cali yufle) , oo aanu idiinka soo gudbin doono waraysi hadii wakhtigu noo saamaxo , hadaba Somaliland oo aan laga qaban mudo gaadhaysa ilaa afar sanadood , ayaa waxaad arkaysaa dhaliyardii xiisayn jirtey Ciyaaraha oo fadhida Merfishyada qaadka , kadib markii ay waayeen wax dhiiri galin ah , sida tartamaddii Gobolada Somaliland. dhaliyarada waxaa ka muuqata niyad jab aad u wayn , halka qaar badna ay tahriibeen qaarna ay hada u xidhxidhan yihiin sidii ay u tahriibi lahaayeen , marka aad waydiisana waxa ay kuugu jawaabayaan mahaysano waxbarasho tayo leh , shaqo mahaysano waxyaahihii dhalinyaradu ku mashquuli jirteyna mahaysano ee ahaa ciyaaraha , markaas maxaanu ka fadhinaa, ? !!-!?ma qaad ka uun baanu Cunaa ? !! Ciyaaraha ayaa ahaa waxyaabaha ugu waa wayn ee keena in ay bulsho is dhex-gasho oo uu ka dhexeeyo cilaaqaad isbarsho , saaxiibtinimo iyo Isfahan , sida ka muuqata bulshada ku nool Gobolada Somaliland oo dhan. Arintaas-na waxaa dadweynuhu qabaan in ay tahay Maamulka oo waxqadbkii iyo horuumarintii ku bedeley taageero u doon Xisbi xaakimka UDUB. Guntii iyo gabo gabadii dadka ku nool G/sanaag gaar ahaan Degmada ceerigaabo arintaas waxay u arkaan hadii aan wax laga bedelin in ay mustaqbalka dhow ka qayb gali doonaan tartamda laga qaban doono Gobolada koonfurta Somaliya . Cismaan Cumar Faara Oodweyne /Ceerigabo
  15. Virgin's Breast Mountain. 1896. Name of Expedition: Africa Expedition Participants: D.G. Elliot and Carl Akeley Expedition Date: 1896 Expedition Date: 1896 City of Berbera from deck of the ship called Tuna. 1896.
  16. UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - Chaos in lawless Somalia is helping to transform East Africa into a major crime hub, with widespread trafficking in illegal drugs and other contraband, the U.N. crime and drugs boss said Tuesday. In a speech to the U.N. Security Council, the head of the Vienna-based U.N. Office on Drugs and Crime, Antonio Maria Costa, said heroin from eastern Africa appeared to be meeting up with cocaine from western Africa in the Sahara Desert. "Mainly because of the dramatic situation in Somalia, the region (East Africa) is becoming a free economic zone for all sorts of trafficking drugs, migrants, guns, hazardous waste and natural resources, in addition to having the world's most dangerous waterways because of piracy," Costa said. The top U.N. humanitarian coordinator for Somalia, Mark Bowden, told reporters that there has been a "steady increase in organized crime" in much of Somalia due to the inability of Somalia's transitional government to enforce the law. He warned that conditions could get worse in Somalia, which he said was facing a serious aid shortfall next year, partly due to U.S. concerns about handing over aid that could wind up supplying Islamist rebels determined to seize power. HIGH-TECH TRAFFICKING Some 30 tons to 35 tons of heroin from Afghanistan, the world's top producer of the drug, flow into East Africa each year, Costa said. Some 50 tons to 60 tons of cocaine enter West Africa annually, where Guinea-Bissau is a trafficking hub. Heroin and cocaine have become "a sort of new currency," Costa said, with the two substances simply being swapped on the market in the Sahara. He added that the spread of drug trafficking had security implications for Africa. "Drugs not only enrich organized crime," he said. "Like in the Andeans and in West Asia, terrorists and anti-government forces in the Sahel extract resources from the drug trade to fund their operations, purchase equipment and pay foot-soldiers." The Sahel is a belt of Africa extending across the continent just south of the Sahara. The scale and speed of drug trafficking in Africa is also expanding, Costa said. "In the past, trade across the Sahara was by caravans," he said. "Today it is larger in size, faster at delivery, and more high-tech, as evidenced by the debris of a Boeing 727 found on November 2 in the Gao region of Mali -- an area affected by insurgency and terrorism." The U.N. drugs office has said the plane was transporting as much as 10 tons of cocaine from Venezuela to West Africa. Costa said it was possible to combat the rise in drug trafficking by stepping up international and regional information-sharing. He called for the creation of a trans-Saharan crime monitoring network to improve information, exchange evidence and track suspicious activity. The Security Council unanimously adopted a statement voicing concern about the impact of narcotics trade on Africa and the rest of the world and calling for stronger regional and international cooperation in the fight against illegal drugs. (Editing by Xavier Briand) Source: Reuters, December 9, 2009
  17. Kulmiye Party’s Polacy Of International Human Rights Day 2009 Motto Embrace Diversity // End Discrimination Hargeysa (Somalilandpress)- Today, the 10th of December 2009 We are commemorating the Historic Occasion of the International Human Rights Day, the first day Governments and states world wide gathered to adopt and sign the First Historic Document, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights on December 10, 1948. The adoption of this document had neither been a past time fallacy nor an intellectual folly, but a genuine product of the saddening human experiences observed as awfully unbearable which was meant to prevent the recurrence of the past tragedies driven by the understanding of Human communion of interests and guided by the conscientious duty discharge of collective responsibility, In response to the violations of human rights and underlying philosophies. Though during 61 years period that have elapsed from that day today, many of the problems that had prompted Human kind on the adoption of the universal declaration had not been over-come and continue to prevail to reign unabated particularly in those parts of the globe our country includes on top the list countries where very little is known about the very concept of Human Rights, very little have ever been done and so much remains to be done beset by many problems, barriers, and obstacles of inherent socio-cultural and latent by virtue of the processes of governance at work of mismanagement, abuses and misrule of along period , which we had been helplessly exposed. To overcome the ill effects and impacts is not an easy matter but requires lifetime efforts and a more phased out period to be satisfactory coped with. At a time Sound judgment ought to alert human conscience to the urgent calls of responsible leadership in Somaliland to quit the scene or act in time to act when the alarm bells in response to their malpractices still ring sincere in words of respect and honorable gratitude and on the conscientious belief that the root causes of our demarche and travail are deeply embedded in our recent past history. Inept system of governance that our country and people were subject to, whose hangovers are still lingering in the minds, made the standard norm and the yardstick loosing the distinction and demarcation between virtues and vices had ended up in the impasse of the inopportunely bleak times we had been groping through for quite a long period. Kulmiye party takes the decision to avail itself the opportunity, on the historic occasion of the 61st Anniversary of International Human Rights Day 2009 to adopt the following declaration: In response to the bold challenges putting themselves to fore in this regard, where there are pressing needs, urgent calls for bold initiatives for a start to be made, Kulmiye Party sets itself to shoulder the tasks to take the lead towards addressing cardinal issues pertaining to it. In this regard Kulmiye Party’s Policies shall be governed by the guiding principle of constituting a Modern Society in a Modern Somaliland State with modern institutions founded upon solid democratic Values and ethical standards where the Basic Human Rights, Fundamental Freedoms and Liberties of all citizens, at individual and group levels, are upheld guaranteed, strictly observed, fully respected and genuinely protected from usurpations, neglect, abuses, violation without infringement as enshrined in Somaliland Constitution and in full compliance with International Human Rights Standards, conventions, covenants and declarations regulated within an Institutionalized Framework of the Rule of Law. Kulmiye Party’s Policy programs shall prioritize the protection, preservation, guarantee and promotion of the basic Human Rights and fundamental freedoms of Most vulnerable, often neglected and discriminated but important sections of the Society, including Women, the Children, the Disabled, Minorities, the IDPs, Refugees and the migrant workers and strives for the guarantee of their deserved protection from social discrimination and exclusion from political decision making participation social and economic development rights pursuit on the understanding these issues as the basic pillars and fundamental prerequisites for the development of good governance and democratic society with a participatory regulatory frame work (that occupies a fitting place with deserved status amongst its contemporary nation states at the age of globalization). Kulmiye Party in support of the current year 2009 Human Rights Motto, has availed itself the opportunity to declare its open policy to combat and struggle to eradicate all ills and evils, in all their forms, that in principle and in practical actions that impede, hinder, infringe, allow the continued persistence or contributes to the prevalence of Human Rights abuses and violations of any citizen rights and any human who happen to be in Somaliland for any peaceful purposes anytime and combat believes and practices that prevent or disillusion the enjoyment and peaceful exercise of such rights. The Initiation, development, legislation and enforcement of policy programs towards that end and disbanding and repealing laws that are currently in force known to infringe or jeopardize the basic rights and fundamental freedoms of citizens, individually and in groups. This shall be coupled by a programmatic socio-economic and political reform and transformation to address widespread disparity and deep rooted traditions, inequities and inequalities. Shall enforce the rule of law to combat violations and abuses, corruption and infringement of Human Rights at every level and ensure transparency and accountability and introduce a system of holding perpetrators accountable for misdeeds committed and violations according to acceptable standards whereas victims shall be compensated commensurate for physical injuries and/ or damages on personal dignity. Many Thanks, Ahmed Mohamed Silanyo, Chairman, Kulmiye Party
  18. Dulleedka Deegaanka Buurta Sheekh oo Lagu Arkay Daanyeer-Gorile iyo Dareenada Ka Dhashay Sheekh (Somalilandpress)- Meel ku dhawaad 20KM u jirta Buurta Dawga Magaalada Sheekh ayaa markii u horaysay lagu arkay Daanyeerka loo yaqaano Gorilaha. “Indhahayga ayaan ka soo qaaday, waxaanan ku daba jiray muddo badan sidii aan u arki lahaa, iyada oo kolba meel naloogu sheegayay annaga oo dhawr nin ah. muuqaal ahaan waxa uu egyahay daanyeerka oo xataa qof bini’aadam ah ayuu u sii muuqaal dhaw yahay, waxa uu xaga awooda le’eg yahay Dameer, waxa aan arkay isaga oo kala go’ynayay Daanyeerka wayn ee Coofaadhka loo yaqaano ka dib beerkiisaa cunayay, waan ka argagaxnay aniga iyo niman aanu wada soconay, balse iimay suurto-gelin aan sawiro. Sidoo kale waxa laga cabsi qabaa in Xoolaha la dhaqdo iyana cuno oo cabsidaas ayaa jirta. Waxaana uu hada jooga oo ku sugan yahay meel 20 KM oo keliya u jirta Dawga Sheekh, telefoonka ayanau kula soconaa hadba halka uu marayo, dadka deegaankaasina argagax iyo cabsi ayay ka muujiyeen.” Sidaa waxa yidhi Maxamed Aadan oo ah khabiir ku xeel dheer baadhitaanka aazaarta Qadiimiga ah, kana tirsan Wasaarada Dalxiiska iyo Dhaqanka Somaliland oo si gaar ah ugu kuur-galay Daanyeerkan Gorilaha loo yaqaano oo muddooyinkii u dambayay hadal-hayntiisa in lagu arkay deegaanka Sheekh badatay. Dad ku sugan Deegaanka Geed Loo Kor iyo aaga lagu sheegay in uu ku sugan yahay Daanyeer Gorilahan oo aanu khadka telefoonka kula xidhiidhnay ayaa iyana noo xaqiijiyay inuu maanta joogay Buurta Sheekh, waxaanay intaa ku dareen inuu argagax iyo baqdin geliyay haweenka iyo caruurta deegaanka, gaar ahaan Miyiga oo ka cabsi qaba xataa inay tuulooyinka ay ka adeegtaan u socdaalaan. Mr. Maxamed Aadan oo Somalilandpress waydiiyay khataraha lagaga cabsi qabo xayeenka awood ahaan xoogan ayaa waxa uu sheegay inuu biyaha la isticmaalo goobaha xorfadaha iyo baliyada deegaankaas, taasoo laga walaac qabo iyada oo aan la hubin inuu caafimaad qabo iyo in kale maadaama uu aragti ahaan ku cusub yahay dadkeena. Dadweynaha ku dhaqan caasimada Hargeysa ayaa ilaa maanta si wayn u hadal-hayay arrintan Daayeen-Gorilaha lagu arkay Deegaanka Sheekh, iyaga oo khadka telefoonka ku waydiinayay dadka deegaanka lagu sheegay inuu hada ku sugan yahay inuu wax dhib ah gaystay iyo hadba halka uu ku sugan yahay. Sidoo kale, ra’yul-caamka bulshada ayaa si wayn isku waydiinayay oo dooddo kala duwan ka dhiibanayay, iyada oo dadka qaar ku doodeen in xayeenkaan aan noociisa hore loogu arag Somaliland imaatinkiisu ay salka ku hayso, isla-markaana sabab u tahay xasiloonida, xabad-la’aanta iyo nabadgelyada Somaliland oo uu u soo guuray. Halka dadka qaarna ay kaga doodayaan oo ay aaminsan yihiin in lagu soo waariday Somaliland, gaar ahaan deeganka hadda lagu arkay ee aagga Sheekh oo Diyaarad ama Markab lagu keenay, iyaga oo sidoo kale ka muujiyay cabsi ah inuu cudur (Virus) sido oo ku talaalan yahay, isla-markaana ay haboon tahay in dawladu ka hawl-gasho sidii gacanta loogu dhigi lahaa loona mudi lahaa oo caafimaadkiisa loo baadhi lahaa, maadaama uu bulshadii bah-wadaag la yahay oo biyihii baliyada iyo xorfadaha ay ka cabaan la isticmaalayo. Isku soo wada duuboo, Daanyeerkan lagu magacaabo Gorilaha ayaan muuqaal ahaan inta la xusuusto lagu arag Somaliland in muuqaal ahaan aalado kale ay dadka Somaliland uga daawadaan mooyaane. Waa markii u horaysay ee xayewaanka joogitaankiisa Somaliland la xaqiijiyo.
  19. Jabhadda ONLF Oo Afduubtay Afar Nin Oo Reer Somaliland Ah Thursday, 03 December 2009 Hargeysa(Geeska) -Jabhada ONLF oo ah jabhad hubaysan oo dagaal kula jirta dawlada fadaraalka Itoobiya, ayaa Isniintii todobaadkan deegaanka Qolad, oo ka tirsan kililka shanaad ee Itoobiya isla-markaana qiyaas ahaan 40 Km dhanka Koonfureed ka xigta degmada Xarshin ka afduubay afar nin oo reer Somaliland ah. Jabhada ONLF, waxa kale oo tacadiyo kula kacday haween badan oo reer Somaliland ah, kuwaas oo la sheegay in ay deegaanka Cafuuflay oo isna aan ka fogayn QOLAD u tageen si ay uga soo shitaan dhuxul ay u iib keenaan Magaalada Hargeysa. Haweenka Tacadiga ay u gaysteen Ciidamada Jabhada ONLF, oo tiro badnaa, ayaa la sheegay in jabhadu ka gubtay ilaa 10 god oo kuwa dhuxusha lagu sameeya ah, waxaana la sheegay in ay khasaareen ku dhawaad 20 Milyan oo lacagta Somaliland ah. Waraysi Kooban oo uu Wargeyska Geeska Afrika xalay Telefoon kaga qaaday Nin Magaciisa ku soo gaabiyay Ismaaciil, oo sheegay in xaaskiisu ka mid tahay haweenka Tacadiga loogu gaystay deeganada ay u shaqo tageen ee ka tirsan Kililka shanaad ee Itoobiya, ayaa isaga oo ugu horeyn ka hadlaya deegaanka dumarka lagu waxyeeleeyay waxa uu yidhi “Deegaanka ONLF-tu haweenka tacadiga ugu gaysteen waa meel Cafuuflay u dhow, dumarka oo ahaa dumarka dhuxusha keena Hargeysa, waxay ka gubeen godad ilaa 10 gaadhaya, waxayna soo gaadhsiiyeen khasaare balaadhan oo ilaa 20 milyan ah.” Mr Ismaaciil waxa kale oo uu sheegay in Deegaanka QOLAD oo isna ka tirsan kililka shanaad, isla-markaana qiyaas ahaan 40Km u jira Magaaalada Xarshin, ay Isniintii todobaadkan weerar ku soo qaadeen kana afduubeen afar nin oo wakhtigaa qodayay barkad “Waxa kale oo dhacday in ay habeen hore (habeen saddexaadkii) ay afar nin ka afuduubaan deegaanka Magaciisu yahay QOLAD, ilaa imikana raggaasi la afduubay way maqan yihiin, markaa meeshuna waa halkii barigii hore wax ka dhaceen, iyaguna wixii ayay dib u soo toosiyeen, markaa anaguna waxa aanu ka baqaynaa in ONLF-tu colaad cusub dhex dhigto dadka deegaankaasi wada dagan, oo colaadaasi joogsan waydo.”
  20. A Somali family are living in a luxury £1.8million five- storey house in central London funded by the taxpayer. Nasra Warsame, 40, has lived with seven of her children and her elderly mother in the six-bedroom house since October. ve-luxury-storey-home.html
  21. wado loo samaynayo xaafada New Lascanod ee magaalada laascaanood
  22. JOURNEY FROM NAIROBI TO HARGEISA! by Eston Kwach Two months ago in Nairobi Kenya, there lived a young college lecturer, who was very much bored with his job. He was a lecturer of one of the biggest commercial colleges in Nairobi. Even though he worked hard and efficiently every day, he prayed everyday that he gets another job, hopefully outside Kenya. To his colleagues at work, he seemed like he really enjoyed his work and in fact some even assumed that he would stay and work in that college for many years to come. He was the only one who really knew the level of boredom he felt and he kept this secret perfectly, to himself. What caused the boredom was the repetitive monotony of his life. He woke up everyday and did the same things, taught the same subjects at college, tackled the same old problems which he had been handling the past 4years. This repetitive pattern was becoming too much for him and as time went by, even one closest friend began to notice his gloom, aloofness and don't care attitude. He still kept the longing and desire to himself, he never explained to his best friend. His daily desire was to move on to a new surrounding or country, appreciate new cultures and handle bigger issues. In short, this guy had outgrown his job; he wanted new adventure. One usually cold Nairobi morning as he was in class teaching, he was really enjoying himself because that particular class he was teaching was composed of students who were lively, active participants and also very intelligent. It is such classes that any experienced lecturer would really enjoy teaching and wouldn't want to be interrupted in between the session. It such classes that lecturer’s dread the sound of the door knocking and being called outside either by another lecturer or member of management for consultation. However sometime when the class is so interesting as the one he was teaching, the lecturer could even ignore the knock at the door; the students too would ignore the knock and hope that whoever was knocking would get tired and go away. Unfortunately, on that particular day, the person who was knocking, did not get tired and neither gave up, instead whoever it was, became impatient when the door wasn't opened; the knock became louder until it was unbearable. The lecturer was forced to open the door just make that loud knocking to stop once and for all. The person knocking was a security officer coming to report to the lecturer that there a visitor waiting for him at the entrance and that it was very urgent. “You are sure it cannot wait until the lecture ends?” the lecturer asked the security officer. “No, she says it’s too urgent,” retorted the security. After quick thinking, the lecturer decided he'd better go and see this visitor and sort this matter so that he could resume the lively lecture session. He turned back to the students and announced, “excuse me I hear that I have a very important visitor, am coming back after one minute.” With that he left with the security officer for the entrance. He looked around and saw no familiar face, and then he turned angrily to the security officer who removed him from class, “where is the visitor? There is no one here I know!” At that moment, a lady I had never seen before, who was sitting at one of the seats at the entrance stood up and asked the lecturer, “are you Mr. .......?” The lecturer responded with a surprised expression, “Yes, who are you?” The lady gave her name then led the lecturer to a corner away from the security officer’s earshot; she then stated that she has been sent by a University in Hargeisa, Somaliland to him as a lecturer for that university. The lecturer was shocked. “What! A lecturer where? In Somalia? Is this some kind of a joke or what? If its a joke please excuse me I don't have time for jokes now, you have just disrupted my lecture,” said the lecturer dismissively as he turned to leave. “I was given your name by a Kenyan who works there, then let me come at lunch time when you will be free and I promise to come with documents about the university. Meanwhile you can check the Internet on Somaliland,” said the lady with so much confidence. The lecturer turned and left without uttering a word, he went straight to the class. He went on teaching until the end of the time allocated. Immediately he was free he went straight to his office computer and searched Internet, clicked Somaliland region, then Somaliland Universities. To his shock, he learn't that Somaliland completely different from Somalia is a peaceful region, with its own government, currency and more importantly it was very stable with many Kenyans and other foreigners working there. For more information, the lecturer called on of his students who comes from Somalia to his Office asked her about information concerning the country. First of all, the student corrected that Somalia and Somaliland were very different and that she actually comes from Somaliland which is infact more peaceful than even Kenya. “I have a cousin who is considering to work there, what can you advise me to tell him?” the lecturer lied, in order to get more details. “Your cousin would be a fool to ignore such an opportunity. You know sir, Somaliland has got so much potential, business and educational infrastructure are all coming up very fast, there is so much potential in that country. There are also so many International Organizations working in that country; this means that the entire world knows the region is stable otherwise they wouldn't establish their offices there,” said the student. The lecturer became amazed at the information because he always prided himself as someone who understood regional and world matters more than other people, so it now surprised him that he has been totally ignorant concerning a neighbouring country like Somaliland. The lecturer then decided to have an open mind concerning this issue of working in Somaliland, infact he eagerly awaited that mysterious lady to come back at lunch time. When the lady came, she was shocked to find the lecturer in a good mood and also ready to learn more about Somaliland and the university in question. After having a good conversation with the lady, the lecturer was given 2 days to go and consult his family concerning the matter then call the lady with an answer; whether he has agreed to go to Somaliland or not. The family was scared at first but after getting information on how peaceful Somaliland is, they unanimously advised the lecturer to consider working there. This was how the lecturer finally became convinced to take up the job of university lecturer in Somaliland the rest as the Americans say, is history. The lecturer being mentioned in this story is Eston Kwach who is also the author of this story For an individual who had never been on a plane before or personally interacted with people of Somali origin, it was not easy to understand how I was going to communicate with them because I didn't understand even a single word of Somali language and I didn't even know if they liked foreigners or not. I was also wondering if I would get the food am used to, if the weather in that country will be good to my health and whether the people in that country will be hostile to me or not? All these questions ran in my mind even as I took the morning flight Daallo Airlines from Nairobi for Hargeisa Somaliland. In the plane, I was the only one from my race with other almost 25 passengers of Somali origin. I was at first tense because I thought that they would be hostile to me but they were all very friendly and I remember the man who was sitting next to me, was telling me a lot of information about Hargeisa, Somaliland and even the wider Somalia, there was also another passenger who showed me where the rest rooms are located. My heart could now rest easy because all my previous fears had been replaced by warmth and friendliness and I began to feel like I was at home. The first stop was Mogadishu where the plane stopped for about 20 minutes before proceeding straight to Hargeisa, Somaliland. As we alighted from the plane at the Hargeisa airport, there were so many people waiting for their families and some were taxi operators waiting for customers. I didn’t even know where to go for customs and Immigration clearance and to make matters worse everyone was speaking Somali language which I couldn’t understand even a single word. Suddenly in my confusion, am man approached me asked, “Are you Kwach?” to which I answered “yes Iam.” This man who I later learnt was the Head of Immigrations had been contacted by the University which was recruiting me, was very efficient and strict; he took me straight to his office at the Immigrations, told me to sit down and his secretary gave me a bottle of very cold Rani, which I greatly appreciated. After sitting there for ten minutes during which the officer asked me for the passport, which he said will be processed later together with the work permit, he then took me to his car and drove to the university. On the way he showed me all the major buildings, the offices of the different ministries, the Senate, Parliament and even the Presidential Palace. He also showed me some of the offices of various international organizations like UNICEF, WFP, and FAO among others. After about half an hour we arrived at the university, where another warm reception awaited me. I started teaching about one week after my arrival and it has been one month and a few days now. I can now conclude that people back in Kenya are totally misinformed about Somaliland. Life is much easier, comfortable and infact am able to access all communication facilities like Nairobi, infact I can honestly say that I have access to much more information and communication facilities than I have ever had in Nairobi. Hargeisa is a very vibrant city, with very many up coming enterprises, big shopping malls where someone can get the latest fabrics, top of the range fashion and garments from Asia and Europe. Also available are a wide range of latest electronics and computer accessories from Europe, Asia and USA. The town is very lively and people are warm and friendly. The students are also very much attentive, obedient and hardworking with clear focus on achievement of their goals. This article has been written by Mr. Eston Kwach, lecturer and Dean Faculty of Journalism/Masscommunication at Pioneer University.
  23. Somali teenagers Nura and Ilias live in London's East End but visit an authentic Somalian camp at Degmo in Wales, a place which mirrors the traditional rural culture of their homeland - a far cry from the negative media images of Somalia