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Posts posted by Captain_Mike20

  1. you guys have no idea tell your uncle Silanyo to stop interfering in the affairs of somalia. These people want to use you to attain peace once they do i promise you they will turn their guns on you. Riyale understood that, Egal understood that. This 75 year old demensia suffer former AA member better understand that as well.




    until then, let the u.n. and A.U. deal with them.


    they dont understand islamnimo..somalinimo...or anything moral or decent politically speaking.

  2. SAxibiyal, the problem is bigger then you might think somali girls in london have a general phycosis of mental problems. I have been with girls who were hijabs,cabayads, and tight bull-sXXt stuff on as well, they are both crazy, its like they dont know what they want, and they got mental problems. One moment she is madly in love with you, even if there is something such thing the next minute she is like going if some thing else is crazy. im might as well get married in the middle east or canada cause these sisters in london are sippin on some crazy juice.

  3. siilanyo oo ku hawlan sidii u somaliland iyo somalia u mideyn lahaa isga oo balan qaad ka helay besha caalamka balan in madaxweyne loo ga digi doono hargeisa na magaalo madax looga digi lahaa,

    waxaa tabaldii u gu horey qaadey besha bariga burco, oo yagu u adeegaya ajendaha siilanyo besha buhoodle oo la rabo in loo ogolaado in ay mamaul soomaliya hoos yimaada ka hirgaliyaan degaanka somaliland sida beelaha kale ee awadal and salal ay yaguuna u hirgaliyaan maamaulo somaliya tabacsan dulkooda, waxaan kula talain lahaa shcabka xalaasha ah e somaliland in ay arinta ka hortagaan sida ugu haboon,

  4. jacelbaro...whatever happens understand that east burco, is doing this unanimously without consulting anyone, these are their so called clan elders and president motives, so ultimately responsiblity lies with them, anything that goes wrong is ultimately their fault.



    The buhoodle group and east burco group are both against the intrests of somaliland the somaliland parliment and somaliland guurti need to speak about this actions, the east burco group represent the interest of a clan so cannot order the somaliland army to go anywere,somaliland army should stay were they are and should take orders from one clan,

  5. Saxib as a neutral observer, i think what silanyo is doing will be counter productive, as time will tell. The reports that i read show that these so called clan elders from East Burco were attacked and one was even stabbed by the locals. These are the same people that you are in your fantasy signing agreements with to cooperate in moving the somaliland army. looooooooool !


    walahi niave. some people are so aww struck with qabyalid that they cant do any wrong. These so called clan elders in buhoodle were the same people who's signatures are present in the somaliland return to independence conference in Burco and they refute this legal document.



    what should have been done.


    Riyalle policy, develop the sorrounding areas, isolate those who appose somaliland inside the main town, and slowly win the people over until you reach what i call the state of las canod, were by the people actually welcome somaliland.


    this is the city,


    in the hawd, dont bring back the troops, create buffer zones, regular check points and destroy the SSC small 100 teenage boy army. This is what should be done.


    but let east burco make all its mistakes, they use to sell dirac's to these people in buhoodle and las canod so they know them better then us.



  6. Somali's are a depressing people, every time i encounter i feel sorry for them brothers. Dwelling on the past, what if, we should of, its gonna happen like this.


    Forget the past, focus on the present and the future. The future is...

    Alshabab Vs Somaliland and the world.


    lets get ready to rumble...................!!!!!!!! the winner takes all.

  7. Saxil Soldeir walahi i was thinking the same thing, you read my mind. WOW !! these people walahi saxib, way iga yabiyan...would rather have mr. bean as a minister then those people. At probably uses more logic.


    - They kicked out, U.S.A., They kicked out U.S.S.R when they should have given them total support, leaving themselves with no allies, while giving us the then northerners all the responsibility of the war as it was orchastrated and organised from hargaisa the first division were from hargaisa and the only two cities two be bombed by ethiopian jets were Hargasia and borama. Saxib they never saw nothing, they sat back eating banana cambulo.


    then you got the whole world, cuba, israel, yemen, the usa and the ussr against us, then when the war was over, it lead to the destruction of the state, i cant complain about that i say alxamdulialah for that every night, it was such garbage.

  8. Siad Barre was a communist, they dont even believe in the concept of God.


    All i have to thank him for is his ignorance, thank you for your ignorance, thank you for your hate and your blind ********* a 6 year old could have ruled a nation better.


    It is from this ********* the somali's disintegrated and it is this that made its pheonix rise from the ashes..i.e. Somaliland Republic.


    The last words of Siad Barre..


    "In the time i was in power my three goals were to stop hargaisa from succedeing, to stop bosaso from starving and to keep weapons from the hands of mugdisho's population".


    looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool, so ironic !

  9. and another thing, that devil on the picture that you show Said Abdulle hassan look into his history neautrally without any clan pride or anything, you will see that he was a sufi...a whirling dervish, the worst muslims, they sing as a form of worship...they might as well be christien saxib. He killed more muslim somali's then the british and italian put together, Walahi Althim. He totally wiped out Sool region, he totally wiped out bari regions and killed hundreds of thousands of innocent men, women and children, yet you have his picture, because you have been brain washed to the extent that you associate him with somali progress.

  10. These people Kaanan...etc !


    waste of time, somali's have such low ambitions, one somali kid who has been struggling for the past 14 years to become known sings a few tunes -- which by the way is unislamic, holds a somali flag in the world cup they start jumping up and down for joy crying.


    If the Quran and Hadiths have failed to turn Somali's into brothers, let them follow each other to the gates of hell, once there they will live in regret and shame.


    The Arab before Islam, were hundreds of tribes, including jews and christein in a matter of years, they became brothers. So whats wrong,


    these grave worshiping so called muslims, these shababist who claim they fight for islam, ask them what hadith states to overthrough your government? they cant answer you, because it doesnt, these people just create versions of islam to satisfy there own interests.


    You can sing and rhym all day saxib, that is useless, it aint gonna cure your heart.

  11. Last time i checked your not allowed to use clan names on somalia online. Moderator should check this guy out.


    Now the topic firstly, I dont think any right thinking Somalilander would hold a conference in hargaisa because two governments in one location operating from the same city with two different objectives and two different flags doesnt make sence, i really don't know how holding a conference in somaliland would help us achieve what we want, unless the condition placed on the conference is that any government created has to recognise the soverignty of somaliland, now if this was the deal no somalilander would reject it, but i dont think i would trust any of them.


    but at the end of the day this is not Tuur, this is not Egal this is not Riyale this is the scum of somaliland Silanyo, saxran, manchester, 75 year old demensia suffering SOB.


    he would probably sell his own mom for his ambitions, these people dont care about somaliland, he is already having a heart attack. this whole government is based on clan alliances, clan allegences and under the table dealing, in 5 years if i still have a country alxamdullilah, forget somalia saxib.


    but as history shows, no man can conquer me, no..abdullah hassan, no british, no afweyna, no somalia, no silanyo or mar yallol kisaba.



    6 months silanyo...we give you six months, we have to see change in 6 months, or else, you will become another Cigal.


    Southern Hargasia and western Burco will only tolerate and not participate, until the next election. See what happens.


    Stay off the beer, ilahay ka baqo...and dont forget you and bixi waste of space...the real men are watching you, you slip and its gone.


    you come with Bull like im holding a conference for Somalia and As GOD IS MY WITNESS YOU ARE FINISHED.

  12. Saxib musse the most funniest man in hargaisa this is a guy who spent most of the war getting drunk in baligubadle, as soon as the other SNM rebels reached hargaisa he came and claimed victory, this is a man who was a proponent of the somaliland civil war and led to the death of his own bulaxarian people. So saxib let the awr..ina bixi take kulmiye all eastern burco wanted to do is a put a man into office for 5 years and they dont care afterwards.


    as for us, the populations of southern hargaisa and western burco, as hassan tarabi ( a southern hargaisawi) said,


    Cuqaal talisa Boqor caaddila iyo culimo miisaan leh

    Ilaahi Carshiga Nuuriyoow kaaga caban mayno

    Caddaankaanu wada loollanaa madaw cisaynmayno


    We will be here regardless always on gaurd for the protection and security of our existence as usual.

  13. Somalia.....saxib Way ku Daysay...iska ilow ...


    inalu rajicun ....Somalia saxib way dimatay..its like debating a dead man cause of death 20 years ago.


    The only question you should be examining is were can we go from here?


    In business..when someone has something you need desperately you negotiate, many thinkers argue that Somalilands institutions, Caqils and intellectuals have the ability and the location to create a long lasting credible peace in Somalia along with the military capability of inforcing. Ok..we identified something you need as negotiate?


    For this what are you willing to offer..???


    - forget federalism ...bull

    - Forget confederation ... bull

    - Forget 4.5 ....bull


    What are you willing to give, that would make me sign an agreement with you?

  14. It would sound something like this,


    "are you ready to put down your guns?"


    "are you ready to except my jurisdiction over these lands based on the signatures of your saladin in 1991 conference in burco?"


    "are you willing to join in development programs that would create better lives for these people, or do you want them to enter another decade of warfare?"


    We will see what they say, I wouldnt even talk to them, Riyalle policy was alot better for Sool, no contact just development along side military security.


    RIYALE SALUTE...silanyo is already faltering.


    He will probably say the same thing for Somalia, we are ready to sit down and talk, even though you technically rule less then one block of flats in mugdisho". man....


    75 year old with dementia..

  15. The real winners of this election are the Somalilanders and the state, we have proven to the world that we are not only different from Somalia but much of Africa, from London to Washington they are singing our praises, all we have to do now is wait for alshabab to take over the rest of central southern somalia and pirateland and then recognition will come. As we all see the state of the world at the moment its a matter of time.


    President Riyale I salute you, thank you for everything you have done..Tuur liberated the nation, Egal set in motion the foundations of the state, Riyale solidified it and made it stronger, what will Silanyo achieve??


    Saxib i was watching t.v. and the guy is so old he was stuttering and couldnt read somali barely.


    If eastern burco screw this will go down in history as the worst.


    Good least bring development and jobs and dont forget to focus on defence the life of any nation.