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Posts posted by Captain_Mike20

  1. I think you are all delusional.. :D:D


    and its halarious, keep dreaming about a unified and prosperous Somalia, I got a better chance of getting recognition then you have to achieve that goal. :D:D


    what are you on now your 20th government since 1991.


    and they call us dreamers,saxib in an alshabab dominated Somalia the world will have no choice but to recognize our soverignty, hey the people of las canod and eastern sanag do by force of course and we could do it to your other fish smelling villages across the barren landscape as well, just dont tempt us :D:D:D

  2. “The kingdom of Saudi Arabia is a Wahabi State and yet the west has no problem dealing with it. I fail to understand the difference between Somalia under Al Shabab and Saudi Arabia under the Saud”


    Al Shabab Al Mujahidin evolved from a fringe group within the Islamic Courts union (ICU) in 2006 to the strongest and most disciplined movement in Somalia that literally controls the South and central regions and also has presence as far as Puntland and Somaliland – no faction or movement ever got to such prominence in the two chaotic decades after the fall of Mr. Barre’s government. Al Shabab has so far dwarfed the concerted efforts of the local warlords camouflaged, by Ethiopia, as the transitional federal government (TFG) and the international community’s negative propaganda and military might. The strength of the movement is attributed to have come from its more lofty religious ideology which transcends the zero sum game of the traditional clan competition which epitomizes the failure of Somalia’s middle class and the fallout of the poorly devised unconstructive intervention of the US through its clientele states of IGAD countries which as consequence translated into a healthy dividend in favour of the movement – AMISOM contingent is the latest and more feeble projects of military nature are said to be in the pipeline.


    Al Shabab is a movement oversubscribed by the disenchanted youth that grow up during the civil war and as such has no connection what so ever to the old establishments – the famous old clergy class like Sheikh Omer Faruq and his likes that schooled them in the Wahabi teaching or the household name politician class of yester years. The clergy and the politicians must realize that they can’t lead the kids they let down – Amir Mukhtar Abu Zubeyr was born three days after I sat for my GCSE examination in Shabelle Mennonite mission school . I can hardly relate to the Al Shabab people who grow up in a very harsh time when the only gift from the US are helicopter gunships and mass bombardments as opposed to the Peace Corps and educational materials we used to associate with the Americans during our formative years.


    The late colonel Omer Hashi, TFG Security Minister, who died in the hands of Al Shabab suicide bomber at a time he was leading an Ethiopian recruited tribal militia was in reality practicing against what he was preaching two months earlier. Col. Omer along with Sharif Ahmed and some others were in Asmara while Al Shabab fighters were putting their life in the line of fire solely to evict the Ethiopian invaders from the country and to replace the TFG. The colonel and his mates – Djibouti ARS -mindlessly choose to back stab the insurgency without taking in to consideration whether Al shabab will fall in love with the same institution they were fighting to change- watch the interview in which the colonel is highlighting the principles that guides him and his ARS – Djibouti wing and reflect and judge by yourself, how quickly he dumped all of his principles in exchange for a ministerial post – study closely his stand in relation to the racist 4.5 power sharing formula, the role of Ethiopia, Al Shabab and the regionalization of the country. Watch the interview given by Late Colonel Omer Hashi the interview shows that ARS – Djibouti were nothing more than traitor’s and opportunist’s club.


    Al – Shabab Al Mujahdin went through periods of power struggle and confusion in its short life but managed to come out apparently with little scratch. The most well-defined internal problem was the Baidabo debacle in which the top leaders couldn’t agree as to how best to deal with the TFG minsters and security officers that were holed in that city – the home town of Shiek Muktar Roobow. Sheikh Mukhtar Roobow took more unconventional approach than the take no hostage act Amir Mukhtar Abu Zubeyr and most of Al – Shabab leadership were familiar to execute without fail.


    Sheikh Roobow’s offer of safe passage to the remnants from the TFG saved the city from destruction and won for him the hearts of both the locals and the multitudes that were watching the issue from afar. The Baidabo dispute was thought by then as if it is the end of Al Shabab just like the alleged current dispute between the two top leaders. It most probably involves Abu Muslim rather than the Amir, and is blown out of proportion. The differences is over short term strategy and policies which is a common culture and life in every party. on the one hand; the movement has no option but to stick together as the alternative is humiliation, harassment and certain death for all Al Shabab members in the hands of the CIA and on the other hand, the nation can hardly afford to see too many smaller factions that jump on the wagon at 11th hour to fill the vacuum and prolong the war.


    Despite the tactical differences in the leadership, which is routine in nature, they jointly concur in the common strategic goal of establishing a Wahabi Islamic state with a black flag and the Quran as its constitution. The role of the international Jihadists in the movement turned into a bone of contention by the Western media is a fake field that has no bases but within the sphere of Al Shabab the most pressing issue is the prevention of the dismemberment of Somalia in the hands of Christian countries under the leadership of the US. The feud between the two top leaders has the potential to reshape the movement into a more logical, flexible and stately one as opposed to the death song its opponents-Ethiopian pawns- are singing.


    The movement has its own conflict resolution mechanism which might seem to outsiders as archaic but rest assured it works for Al Shabab – The TFG leadership and their fighters have a monopoly on daily in fights and uninterrupted meaningless reshuffles. The Kismayo clash was much worse and detrimental than the Baidabo argument and yet the movement came out with its head high. If you closely look a the movement you can observe a pattern – whenever its opponents anticipate disintegration- Al Shabab surprises them by going from strength to strength unthought-of before.


    Sheikh Mukhtar Roobow Abu Mansur, Al Shabaab’s second-in-command, has rebuffed reports suggesting the existence of a leadership dispute particularly between himself and Amir Mukhtar Abu Zubeyr. Speaking after Friday’s congregational prayer in a mosque in Karan District of the capital city Mogadishu, Roobow dismissed the rumours of possible disagreements between the top officials. He termed the reports baseless and groundless, accusing the Transitional Federal Government of disseminating. Please Watch Sheikh Robow’s Speech


    This rumour surfaced at a time the movement is knocking at the gates of the presidential palace, time the TFG is at its lowest in morale, time Premier Meles Zenawi of Ethiopia is contemplating on a rescue mission of Amisom and a time their goal is within reach. Sources close to the movement confirm that there are differences in opinion in operational matters as the case has always been but not heard of fundamental issues which Al Shabab’s elite thought has the potentiality to cloud out the realization of the objectives of the movement.


    Despite their unique interpretation of Quran, the Islamists – Al Shabab and Hisbi – Islam- at this point in time stand alone for the resurrection of the Somali nation and are struggling to contain the ambition of Ethiopia, through the TFG and so called self rule regions, to turn the country in to a colony of its own or to keep it in perpetual state of civil war. As long as the current status quo of imposing solutions that are detrimental to the existence of the nation is the norm there will always be a resistance of some sort that will grow in complexity proportionate to the pressure the blind international community exerts on.


    Conclusion and Recommendations: – Even a trapped beast struggles


    Foreign military intervention of the mightiest army in the world failed to change the tide in Afghanistan and I wonder how 20, 000, the maximum the AU is contemplating, under equipped Ugandans can legitimize an illegal institution – An institution that is hated for what it stands for and that live to this day in the Barracks of the occupation force more than a year after they were airlifted in to the presidential palace.


    If Somalia failed! The blame lies with its inept elite and middle class that refused to grow beyond clan, tribal and regional outlook. The elite of the nation should come up with new ideas that can address the genuine concerns of the nation. The masses and the international community are fed up with the lack of consequential input from the side of the Somali elite – repeating like parrots whatever the western media broadcasts is disservice and misleading to both the nation and to the international community. International community’s intervention can bear fruit only after the elite of the beneficiary nation are robust enough to contribute meaningful input, even if it angers the west, when the projects are at the drawing board.


    In all counts it appears that the prospect for Somalia to attain peace depends on how soon the two Islamists merge as the alternative is the sick and defunct TFG (Ethiopian Trojan Horse) that has no agenda except to line up their pockets irrespective of the cost to the common man.


    Abdikarim Buh

    Political analyst and WardheerNews contributor

  3. =Ciidamo Ka Tirsan Dowladda KMG Oo Isku Rasaaseeyay Agagaarka Xarunta


    Madaxtooyada Muqdisho






    Barqanimadii maanta ayaa agagaarka xarunta madaxtooyada Villa Soomaaliya ee magaalada Muqdisho waxaa isku rasaaseeyay ciidamo ka tirsan dowladda KMG Soomaaliya.




    Israsaaseyntaas oo u dhexeysay ciidamo ka kala tirsan Booliska iyo Milateriga ayaa waxaa ku geeriyooday hal askari oo Boolis ah, Labo kalena oo labada dhinac ka kala tirsan dhaawac ayaa ka soo gaaray.




    Sida warku sheegayo is rasaaseynta dhex martay ciidamadaas ayaa timid kadib markii muran uu dhex maray Labo askari oo ka kala tirsan ciidamada Booliska iyo Milateriga kadibna ay bilaabeen inay hub isu qaataan, iyadoo ciidamo u kala hiilinaya ay la soo kala safteen sidaasina is rasaaseyntu ku timid.




    Ciidamo ka tirsan dowladda KMG Soomaaliya ayaa kala dhex galay ciidamadii halkaasi isku rasaaseeyay, waxaana la sheegay in labadii askari ee dirirtu ka bilaabatay xabsi la dhigay.


    Iska horimaadkaa ayaa sababay daqiiqadihii uu socday hakad ku yimid isu socodka gaadiidka dadwaynaha iyo ganacsiga ka jiray nawaaxiga Xarunta Madaxtooyada Villa Soomaaliya.




    Wariye Dalmar




    Mogadishu - Somalia


  4. M/Weyne Siilaanyo Oo Tababar U Furay Agaasimeyaasha Wasaaradaha


    October 19th, 2010 Comments Off


    Hargeysa ( Somaliland Md. Axmed Maxamed Maxamuud (Siilaanyo) ayaa maanta 50 xubnood oo isugu jiray Agaasimeyaasha guud ee Wasaaradaha iyo Ha’yadaha dawliga ah u furay tababar sadex cisho ah oo lagu lafo-gurayo Warbixin ay soo diyaariyeen Guddi Madaxweynuhu u xil saaray tayaynta shaqada iyo shaqaalaha dawlada, kuwaasi oo ka koobnaa Afar Wasiir iyo Guddoomiyaha Ha’yada shaqaalaha.


    Madaxweynaha Somaliland, oo ka hadlay furitaankii tababarkan wuxuu Agaasimeyaasha iyo Maareeyeyaasha u soo jeediyay in ay dedaalaan waxaanu carabka ku dhuftay xilkasnimada ay iyagu la yimaadaan ay kor u qaadi karto tayaynta adeegyada ay bulshada u hayaan waxaanu yidhi “Waxa farxad weyn ii ah inaan tababarkan aad igu marti qaadeen idinkala qayb galo waxaad ogsoon tihiin Anaguna aanu ogsoonahay in shaqada maamulka dawladu idinka idinku socoto, waxaad ogtihiin marka aynu xukuumad kasta ka hadlayno, tayaynta iyo farsamada guud ee shaqada cida dejinaysa ama dhigaysaa ee shaqada maalin walba gacanta ku hayay waa idinka (Agaasimeyaasha). Waxaanu ku faraxsan nahay inaad maanta halkan kaga tashanaysaan sidii aynu dalka u hoggaamin lahayn.”


    waxaynu balan qaadnay inaynu isbedel la nimaadno, inaynu saacadihii la shaqeynayay iyo qaabkii shaqada wax ka bedelo oo musuqmaasuqii lala dagaalamo si aynu tusaale ugu noqono inaga iyo dhalinyarada soo socotaba.”


    “Anigu haddii aan madaxweynihii qaranka aan ahay waxaan idinka balan qaadayaa wixii xuquuq shaqaalaha loo sameeyo, in xilka iyo waajibka nagala gudboon aanu ka soo bixi doono oo aanu gacan idinka siin doono, waxaanu idinla qaban doonaa wixii lagama maarmaan inoo ah.Ha’yadaha caalamiga ahi inay wax badan inagala shaqeeyaan waxay ku xidhan tahay sida aynu inagu uga shaqeysiino ee aynu u nidhaahno waxaas ayaanu doonaynaa inaad nagala shaqaysaan,”ayuu yidhi Madaxweyne Axmed Siilaanyo.


    Madaxweynuhu wuxuu ammaanay Ha’yada shaqaalaha dawlada oo uu ku ammaanay qaban qaabada Tababarkan.


    Waxa kale oo tababarkaasi ka hadlay Guddoomiyaha Ha’yada shaqaalaha dawlada Md. Muxumed Aw Cabdi Ismaaciil oo ka waramay qorsheyaasha Hayada shaqaalaha dawlada, waxaanu tilmaamay in muddadii bil iyo dheeraadka ahaa uu xilka hayay inay naaqisheen macluumaadka shaqaalaha 30 Ha’yadood oo dawli ah oo isugu jira Wasaarado iyo Ha’yadaha dawliga ah ee madaxa banaan.


    Guddoomiyuhu wuxuu sheegay in shaqaalaha dawlada loo kala samayn doono darajooyin ay ku mushahar qaataan waxaanu madashaasi kaga dhawaaqay in shaqaalaha dawlada mushaharka loo kordhin doono marka la darso macluumaadkooda, aqoontooda isla markaana la jaan gooyo baahida shaqada qaranka.


    Tababarkani waa kii u horreeyay ee loo qabto Agaasimeyaasha iyo maareeyeyaasha guud ee cusub.



  5. Wasiirka Arrimaha Dibada Somaliland Oo Kulan La Yeeshay Madaxweynaha Jabuuti


    October 19th, 2010 Comments Off


    Hargeysa ( Arrimaha Dibadda ee Somaliland, Dr. Maxamed Cabdillahi Cumar, oo booqasho diblomaasiyadeed ku jooga dalka Jabuuti ayaa maanta oo Salaasa -19 October,2010 qasriga Madaxtooyada ee Jabuuti kulan rasmi ah kula yeeshay Madaxwaynaha Dawladda Jabuuti, Mudane Ismaaciil Cumar Geelle. Wasiirku wuxuu Madaxwaynaha u gudbiyaya fariin uu ka siday Madaxwaynaha Jamhuuriyadda Somaliland, mudane Axmed Maxamed Siilaanyo oo nuxurkeedu yahay sida shacabka iyo xukuumadda Somaliland ay u danaynayaan horumarinta xidhiidhka walaaltinimo ee ka dhaxeeyay Somaliland iyo Jabuuti, iyo in loo baahan yahay kobcinta xidhiidhkaasi. Wasiirka iyo madaxwaynuhu waxay is waydaarsadeen hadalo ka turjumayay mawqifka labada dal ee siyaasadda mandaqada geeska Afrika iyo ilaalinta xasiloonida oo ah dan guud oo ay wadaagaan labada dal iyo wadamada kale ee gobolkuba. Madaxwayne Ismaaciil Cumar geelle wuxuu dadka Somaliland ugu hambalyeeyay guulaha dhinacyada badan leh ee ay gaadheen.


    Isla maanta galinkii hore wuxuu wasiirka Arrimaha Dibadda ee Somaliland, Dr. Maxamed Cabdillahi Cumar, kulan dheer la yeeshay Safiirka dawladda maraykanka u fadhiya dalka Jabuuti, Ambassador Swan. Waxaa kulankan lagaga wada hadlay siyaasadda cusub ee Maraykanka ee ku wajahan taageerada iyo la shaqaynta Somaliland. waxaa kulanka oo hore loo sii qorsheeyay ujeedadiisu ahayd inay Somaliland talo ka gaysato siyaasad la filayo in dhawaan wasaaradda arrimaha dibadda ee Maraykanku ka soo saarto magaalada washington oo ku wajahan Somaliya iyo Somaliland. wuxuuna wasiirku u ololaynayay sidii aragtida iyo qorshaha xukuumada Somaliland loogu xisaabtami lahaa ka hor inta aanu siyaasaddaasi soo bixin dabayaaqada todobaabkan.


    Waxaa kaloo shalay wasiirka arrimaha dibadda ee Somaliland xafiiskiisa ku qaabilay wasiirka arrimaha dibadda ee Jabuuti mudane Maxamuud Cali Yuusuf. Waxay labada wasiir kawada hadleen sidii loo dardar-galin lahaa cilaaqaadka iyo iskaashiga labada dal ee dhinacayada ganacsiga, nabadgalyada iyo siyaasadda. waxayna isku raaceen qorshe wax lagaga qabanayo fulinta arrimaha ay kawada hadleen. Shirka ka dib wuxuu wasiirka khaarajiga Jabuuti qado-sharaf u sameeyay wasiirka arrimaha dibadda ee Somaliland.


    Dhinaca kale , waxaa maanta wasiirka arrimaha dibadda ee Somaliland qada-sharaf ugu sameeyay hudheelka uu degen yahay wasiirku ee Kimpenski, xubno ka tirsan xukuumadda dawladda jabuuti, qaar ka mid ah ganacasata waawayn ee reer Jabuuti, jaaliyadda Somaliland iyo hogaamiye dhaqameedyo.


    Shalay galinkii danbe waxaa wasiirka khaarjiga ee Somaliland la soo tusay hawlaha horumarinta ee dalka Jabuuti ku talaabsaday sanadihii ugu denbeeyay oo ay ka mid tahay balaladhinta dekedda iyo mashaariicda badan oo nawaaxigeeda laga hirgaliyay.


    Waxaa la qorshaynayaa in Madaxwaynaha Jamhuuriyadda Somaliland dhawaan booqasho ku tago Jamhuuriyadda jabuuti, oo qayb ka ah safar madaxwaynuhu dhawaan ku tagi doono wadamo ka mid ah dalalka jaarka.



  6. Mudanayaasha Golaha Guurtida Somaliland Oo Dood Adag ka yeeshay Xaalada Amaanka Guud Ee Dalka


    Hargeysa (Oodweynenews) – Mudanayaasha Golaha Guurtida ee Somaliland, ayaa maanta dood adag ka yeeshay xaalada nabadgalyo ee wakhtigan uu dalku marayo, isla markaana waxa ay soo jeediyeen inuu golaha hor yimaado Wasiirka Wasaarada Arimaha Gudaha iyo Taliya Ciidanka Booliska Somaliland.


    Fadhiga maanta oo uu shir-gudoominayey Guddoomiye ku xigeenka koowaad ee Guurtida sheekh Axmed Sheekh Nuux furre, isla-markaana ay ka soo xaadireen xildhibaano door ah, ayaa waxa xildhibaano aragtiyahooda ka dhiibteen sida ay u arkaan xaalada nabad galyo ee dalka, taas oo dad badankiisu hadda aaminsan yihiin inuu dabac ku yimid.


    Xildhinaan Sicidi Cabdilaahi Xasan, oo ugu horeyn halkaa ka hadlay ayaa waxa uu yidhi “Hawsha amanku waa hawl baladhan, marka laga hadlayo Wasaarada Arimaha Gudaha oo u baahan kharash badan,Degmooyinka ilaa xadka ku yaala sugida amaankooda kharash bay u baahan tahay, Wasiirka Arimaha Guduhu waa wasiirka ugu shaqada badan xukuumada”


    Waxa kalooo uu xildhibaan Siciid Cabdilaahi Xasan intaas ku daray “ inagu gole ahaan waxa inala haboon inaynu diirado saarno nabadgalyadda, waxaynuna nahay golihii nabadgalyadda, waxayna tahay in wasiirka gacan ka siino talana iska waydaarsano xaalada amanka ee wakhtigan dalku marayo, isla-markaana waydiino waxa uu u baahan yahay inaynu wax kala qabano”


    Mar uu xildhibaan ku ka hadlayey in Wasiirka Arimaha Gudaha loo yeedhana waxa uu yidhi “ Waa in Wasiirka la kulanaa oo shir-guddoonku u tagaan ama uu golaha yimaado, wixii lala qabanayo isaga haka timaado, inagu waayo- arag ayaynu u nahay xaalaada amaanka, amaankuna cadowga uu leeyahay ayaynu garanaynaa.” Sidaan waxa yidhi xildhibaan Siciid Cabdilaahi Xasan.


    Waxa isaguna halkaas ka hadlay Xildhibaan Axmed Quule waxana hadaladiisi ka mid ahaa “Waa inay gudi saarnaa si ay tabashooyinka dalka yaalaa u soo ururiyaan una soo darsaan xaalada amaan, dabadeedna ay Madaxwaynaha u gudbiyaan” sidaan waxa yidhi Xildhibaan Axmed Quule.


    Waxa isaguna halkaas ka hadaly Xildhibaan Xasan Boobe hadaladiisiin a wax ka mid ahaa “ Xaalada amaanku dalku meel xun ayay maraysaam xaafada aan Hargeysa ka daganahay todobaadkii ugu dambeeyay ilaa 40 qof ayaa lagu baadhay qaarna lagu waxyeeleeyay, sidaa daraadeed waxaan soo jeedinayaa in wasiirka arimaha gudaha loo yeedho, waxna laga waydiiyaa waxa dhacaya.” Sidaan wax yidhi Xil. Xasan Boobe.


    Waxa isaguna halkaas doodiisa ka dhiibatay Xildhibaan Cabdiqaadir xuseen Mirre (indho). Hadaladiisiina wax ka mid ahaa sidan “ Nabadgalyaddu waxay ku jiraysaa iskaashiga bulshada, inagana dastuurka ayaa ina siinaya in aynu xukuumada ka caawino arimaha nabadgalyadda, Awoodaana waa in uu goluhu ilaashado, shir-guddoonkuna u doonaan, haddii kooxi tidhaahdo anaga ayaa ku filan sugida amniga, waxba kama jiraan taas nabadgalyaduna way xumaanaysaa”


    Waxa uu intaas ku ku daray Xildhibaan Cabdiqaadir Indho “ Waar nabadgalyaddii waxay maraysaa in ninkii miinada siday qofkii soo sheegay in la dilay, haddii aynu nidhaahdo nabadgalyadu way wanaagsan tahay ILAAHAY ayaa inagu cadaabaya oo been ayaynu sheegnay, waxayna noqon doontaa in aanu qof dambe wax soo sheegin oo ka halkaa maraya ee miino dhigaya cid dan ka galin”


    Waxa kaloo uu Md. Indho indho intaas ku daray “haddii aan falkaa burco ka dhacay wax laga qaban waxba ma hagaagayaan, bilays qaban jirayna ma jiro, shacabka oo bilayska kashanaya ayaa wada qaban jiray, arintu maanta meel xun ayay maraysaa, anigu waxaan leeyahay digniintii ugu cuslayd inaynu bixino, dadkana aynu la hadalno, aynu shacabka wacyigalino, falkaa Burco ka dhacayna dadka baqo badan ayaa dadaka galiyey”


    Waxa kaloo uu intaas ku daray Xildhibaan Cabdiqaadir indho-indho “Mudanayaal waxaad la socotaan in jeelka Laascaanood waxa RAMMADAANTII lagala baxay niman dil loo haystay, taliyihiina xabad ayaa lagu dhuftay, wayna iska tageen dadki falaas gaystay, Boorama, nin ka mida ragii loo soo qabtay falkii galbeedka xabsiga ayaa lagala baxay, Sanaag waad ka war haysaa in dhinac dhan ayaa nin Sheekh Atam la yidhaahdo iyo ciidan uu wataa ku dagaalamayaan”


    Waxa uu intaas ku daray Xildhibaan Cabdiqaadir Waar waydinkii maqlayay oo Berbera waxbaa lagu qabtay, intii aan warbaahinta aan ka maqlayay mooyaane wax intaa ka faahfaahsan maan maqal, sidaa daraadeed waxaan qanaa in taliyaha booliska iyo Wasiirka arimaha gudaha loo yeedho oo golaha ay hor yimadaan”


    Waxa uu intaas ku daray Xi.Cabdiqaadir “Nabadgalyadda waa in sida ay tahay looga hawl-gallaa oo aan la sahashan, golahana waa inuu shaqadiisii soo ceeshadaa ma garanayo meesha uu ka I yahay ee golaheenii waa naafo.” Siaana wax yidhi xildhibaan Cabdiqaadir Xuseen Indho indho.

  7. Televission_ka Cusub ee Somglobal Tv Oo Maanta Soo Gabagabeeyay Hawshii Sattelite_ka


    Waxa maanta soo gabagabeysmay wada hadaladii u socdey Sattelite_ka



    Thaicom 5 iyo Televissionka Madaxa banana ee la yidhaah SOMGLOBALTV oo


    loosoo gaabiyey Somaliland Global Televission wadahdaladan oo ay


    Somglobal uu ku Hawalana mudo laga joogo Halbil Waxaana Maanta Markii


    Ugu Horeysay Sattelite_ka Oo Isagu Markii hore noo sheegay inuu Ku


    Mashquushan yahay Hawlo lagu hormarinayo Sattlite ayaa Maanta Xarunta


    Guud ee u soo direy Waraaq uu Ku Sheegayo Inuu laga Bilaabo


    Maanta Oo ay bishu tahay 18/10/2010 uu u Furan yahay Sattelite_ku


    Marka ay Lacagta Soo Bixiyaan iyada oo Sheegay Inuu Codsigii ay Hore


    Ugu Soo Direen Satteliet_ku uu Soo Gaadhey Xarunta Guud ee satellite


    ayaa Mar ay maanta Khadka Telefanka Kula Soo Xishiisheen Xarunta laga


    Maamulo waxa ay u sheegeen in uu Hore u soo gaadhey Codsigoodii


    hadana ay Tixgelin Siiyeen oo ay List ka Tv.yada caalamka ay ku dareen


    uuqaalkoodana ama Booskoodana siindoonaan Marka ay Soo Diraan Lacagta


    Guud ee uu rabo Sattelite_ku




    Dhanka Kale Waxa Uu Sattelite_ku uu Ku Wargeliyey Maamulka In ay Yihiin Tv.gii Labaad ee Dinaca Somaliland ka Kireysta Sattelite_ka




    Waxaanu Qorshaha Guud ee Lacageed ee Uu Noosheegay In aanu Bixino Aheyd


    $45.000 oo Dollar Balse Qorshaha Kii Hore aanu Bixiney $20.000 Hadana Uu Naga Rabo Lacag Dhan $20.500 waxaanu la Socodsiineynaa Ganacsatada,Qurbo-jooga reer Somaliland iney naga Soo Caawimyaan Lacagtaas Anaga oo Fileyna ineydun Naga *****li Doontaan baahidaa Lacagta Hada Nalaga Rabaa kama Turjumeyso Mid aanu Bil walba Bixino Balse waxay Ka Turjumeysaa Inaanu iibsano Qalab lagu qasban yahay In la iibsado Marka u Horeysa anaga oo Hoos Ku Xuseyna Sida ay kala Yihiin ee ay noogu soo qoreen






    Cadeyn:si aanu u cadeyno Fariimaha uu Sattelite_ku Noo soo Direy fadlan eeg hoos


    “attached are some pictures you can see how we can set up connection from Somaliland to Thailand so that you can send to us your contents you want to broadcast to our Thaicom 5 satellite.


    The first picture named “SOMALILAND GLOBAL TELEVISION Remote Controlling” shows us a simple connection we can set up in order for you to send your content to our Airbox Server at our teleport in Thailand. You can easily manage your TV program from Hargeisa making your playlist and schedules while accessing the Airbox server.


    If your contents are compatible with our Airbox server features, then this is the simplest method of implementing your project using our satellite.


    We can do the test anytime. We can examine whether this method will work or not. Just give us the exact time and date you want to do the test.


    However, if your contents are not compatible with our Airbox Server, then we need to implement the second picture named “remote operation by internetpdf.pdf”. In this method, you need to have additional equipments: Capture Box and Storage Server. The remote PC is just the same as the PC in the first picture.


    With reference to the first picture, please note that your company has to pay the Internet Service Providers in Hargeisa and in Thailand.


    This is an additional cost for the operation of your business.


    Now, our concern is how are you going to send us your payments? Our government customer (SLNTV) uses a third party to send their payments to us. Just let me know if you want to do the same, or you want to pay us directly.


    If you really want to start before 2 Months, please kindly send your payment as soon as you can so that we can immediately prepare our side and so that we can do the tests.


    Here’s below the details of our company’s bank account where you can send your payment to:


    DBS BANK Limited


    Corresponding Bank: Bank of New York, New York




    Beneficiary Bank: DBS Bank Limited, Singapore


    Address: 6 Shenton Way, DBS Building, Singapore 068809




    Beneficiary A/c No: 0003-000889-01-9-022 (USD)

    For the price quotation for the whole service is:


    $25,500.00 U.S./Metarial/not Month


    This price includes the following:

    - One Digital Free-To-Air TV Channel on Thaicom 5 satellite at 3Mbps

    - Airbox Server Rental

    - 24/7 Free Assistance

    - Room Rental

    - Compression

    - Uplink

    - 3Mbps Internet Service Fee in Thailand

    - Electricity/Maintenance, etc.


    So, if you think this is affordable with you, then please, kindly send your payment as soon as you can so that we can immediately start the tests.


    You TV channel then will reach all the Somali people living within our Thaicom 5 Global coverage as you can see in the attached global foot print.


    If you have any concern, please let me know.

  8. looool, amistad ! :D


    lets not get all emotional unlike these Somali cheerleaders like little Dukey and his followers and these Somalilanders i understand and see the bigger picture saxib what you have in Somalia is a war of influence and a war of actual reality. I will divide this into two main groups,


    In what you refer to as the north, Somaliland


    You have the actual war being fought by Somaliland and then you have the war of influence, groups who are trying to show others that they are still active and able to do something a.k.a SSC who hide in a village of 10,000 people occationally baking a cake for their supporters in south africa and north america and puntland who as of the past few years since losing Las canod has turned in on itself these two groups in the "north" are in a battle of influence not a real battle but just a perceived one.


    In the south the real war is being fought by two groups the Alshabab movement who perscribe to the wahabi Salafi madhab and the sufi whirling dervish vermon that most Somali's subscribe into including your uncle the late Abdulah hassan which is a process of chest beating rythms that they call Islam.


    All in all, these two groups are fighting the real war, the somali government and the a.U. is fighting the perceived war not the real thing its just perception to be seen to be doing something.


    Alshabab will be victorious in the south because they have, unlimited time...they can outlast this government and the A.U. mandate, they have large numbers of men, finance and strategy of war and skill, they also have the advantage of the geography and stamina.


    Somaliland is already victorious in the north, so ultimately the future of the Somali peoples will be determined by these two groups and the only reason why i support alshabab in the south is because they have already expressed their alligence to al-qeada meaning an alshabab take over of Southern Somalia would in turn bring the whole world to the attention of Somaliland in terms of arms, finance and other types of support make us stronger with even possible recognition as naibouring countries fear the alshabab movement and this is already happening as the U.S. has changed its policy and the naibouring states such as Ethiopia and Kenya have vowed to support Somaliland by any means against the alshabab.


    In relation to the mobile money servies as you are aware it was a Somalilander idea in the first place started by Tele-Som the national telephone company Tele - Somaliland (tele-Som) we are not governed by alshabab we are governed by the Somaliland government and the remittances of our people will continue un-effected so saxib this is your problem not my problem.


    Alshabab's reasons for doing this is that mobile money can be traced, movement can be traced via mobile and this is not good for any terrorist organisation plan and simple. Furthermore they perfer hard currency because they can tax it easly use your brain saxib and embrace your AL-SHABAB FUTURE. :D:D

  9. This guy thinks he will be dealing with shariff in the next few years or someone similar, the age of phantom governments is over,




    federalism is finished, Islamic rule from Mugdisho to alaska remember. :D:D:D


    You gotta love somali's man, alaska !! :D

  10. sayid somali, are you aware that your great uncle the mad mullah sayid abdullah hassan got chased out of somaliland wearing a diraac, your uncle siad barre died in nigeria because of the mighty Somalilanders, your villages have fallen one after another to the mighty somalilanders, your entire country remain pulverised after one encounter with the mighty Somalilanders.




    Your entire history shows you and your people losing every time to the mighty Somalilanders, talk is cheap, history says more. So keep talking.

  11. he will go, waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa :D


    saxib federalism is gone, the southern somali's are not dumb they want centralisation of power at all costs. Its just a word written on paper it does not mean anything, for federalism to happen all parties including Somaliland have to agree to it which is unlikely furthermore Southern Somali's understand that Somaliland does not want to be part of Somalia and for that reason they have dropped the idea of federalism, its actually only pirateland i.e. bosaso, garowe and part of galcayco three villages that actually argue for it using the excuse of Somaliland however the real reason why they argue for it is to insure their own survival in a country that is dominated by other clans of which they are a small minority.


    but if Somalia has any future in the next 100 years or so and god saves it, federalism will not be an option because alshabab and islamic groups who remain the dominant group in Somalia now and the future do not recognise federalism, pirateland or the somali government.


    So duke keep dreaming about your federalism it aint gonna happen saxib :D


    do what you will eventually do in the end as alshabab and the southern somali's advance into your territory and save face now.


    waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa !!! :D

  12. Saxib you can not compare the lions of what was then the north who engineered the downfall of the Somali state and its dictator and created every other rebel group that followed and armed and trained it to rat groups like the SSDF and so called SSC.


    The SNM movement although largely a "northern movement" was known as the Somali national movement so they had a national objective first to overthrough the central government then create a genuine unified equal government with the south for all the people, they did this even though their people were being bombed, murdered and while the government conducted a genocide against them known ironically as the final solution to the Is!!!!! problem. When you compare this to the SSDF who failed to even caputre a single village from the former regime even with all the weapons given to them by Ethiopia and the Halarious SSC movement now, who's soul reason for creation is based on an inferiority complex can not be compared with SNM may God have mercy on the ones who died who fought against a God less communist state murdering muslims.In those circumstances God gave you the right to defend yourself against oppression and therefore they died fighting oppression therefore they are Mujahidin.


    look at the overall conclusion of the rest SSDF ended up in Ethiopian jails or Somali jails, and the SSC movement still has not even passed buhoodle, if you dont want to be part of Somaliland and you hail from buhoodle remember buhoodle is a border town half in Somaliland the other half in Ethiopia you can always cross the border but our borders are non negotiable even if every man women and child in every one of our cities has to die.


    So good luck saxib, the world is waking up and Somalilands time is comming. :D

  13. Alshabab saxib is here to stay, whether you like it or not, Alshabab will dominate the south and it is good for the people of Southern Somalia. Because they provide as the guy above mentioned some sence of normality and order and the people of southern somalia would choose that over the phantom governments to date who rule less then a block naibourhood in mugidsho. So alshabab keep going, be unified and take it over already so we can have the final show down. :D:D

  14. Somalia: System of a down

    Until deeper political and constitutional conflicts are settled, appointing new officials may well be a futile exercise.



    15 Oct 2010 19:31 GMT


    Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed, the newly appointed prime minister for Somalia, faces structural political conflicts [AFP]


    On Thursday October 14, Sharif Sheikh Ahmed, the president of Somalia, appointed Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed "Farmajo" as his new prime minister. Mohamed, a Somali-American and a member of the Somali diaspora, is a relative unknown in the Somalian political scene. Systemically, institutional divergence prevents Somalia from establishing a strong system of national governance.


    The appointment came after the September 21 resignation of former prime minister Omar Abdirashid Ali Sharmarke - a result of a ongoing feud between himself and the president. That ended a bitter power struggle between the divided executive institutions of the presidency and the office of the prime minister.


    Appointing Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed, who is new, young and professional, is in and of itself a step in the right direction. However, a revolving door of personnel changes fails to address the cause of toxicity that has restrained political development in Somalia.


    In fact, the main source of the conflict is rooted within the Somalia’s poorly designed semi-parliamentary system - particularly, the transitional charter, which is currently in use.


    To justify this assertion a brief background is necessary.


    Deja vu governments


    There have been three transitional governments in Somalia since August 2000.


    The first transitional parliament elected president Abdiqasim Salad Hassan, who appointed prime minister Ali Khalif Galaydh in October 2000. Although President Hassan and Prime Minister Galaydh were experienced politicians and former cabinet colleagues in President Siyad Barre’s military government, they could not work together.


    In the end, Prime Minister Galaydh lost the confidence of the parliament and President Abdiqasim appointed Hassan Abshir Farah as a prime minister in November 2001. Again, another conflict broke up between president Abdiqasim Salad Hassan and Hassan Abshir Farah which eventually caused the collapse of the transitional government in 2002.


    In 2002-2004, the international community sponsored a conference in Nairobi, Kenya, in which the parliament elected Abdullahi Yusuf as a president. President Yusuf appointed Ali Mohamed Gedi as his prime minister in November 2004. An open conflict has erupted between president Yusuf and prime minister Gedi and finally the premier Gedi was forced to resign.


    President Yusuf appointed Nur Hassan Hussein as a prime minister in November 2007 to replace Ali Gedi. Within a very short period of time, President Abdullahi Yusuf and Prime Minister Nur Hussein fought again. This time, the international community sided with the prime minister and President Yusuf was forced to quit.


    Yet again, Djibouti hosted another conference in which parliamentarians elected president Sharif Sheikh Ahmed to lead a unity government. President Ahmed appointed Omar Abdirashid Ali Sharmarke as the prime minister in February 2009. It became apparent after one year that both parties were unable to strike up a working relationship leading to the resignation of the prime minister.




    Albert Einstein characterized insanity as "doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results". The problem between the two executive institutions in Somalia has persisted. Yet, the same prescriptions continue to be repeated.


    Besides a lack of disciplined political parties and an unhelpful political culture, two systemic issues stand out. Firstly, the existence of a charter obligation, article 11, which demands that the government should implement federalism in Somalia within a specified time. If it fails to do so, it will automatically fall. Such obligation cannot be fulfilled in the current context for many reasons, and it has been used against some of the prime ministers.


    Secondly, the current charter has amended the 1960 constitution which spelled out the powers of the president and the prime minister. For instance, the president’s power to dismiss the prime minister has been removed and now parliament has the power to evoke a call of no confidence in the prime minster.


    Moreover, in Somalia, the parliament elects the president. This complicates matters as all three presidents since 2000 have acted as though they lead a presidential system. On the other hand, although the speaker of Somalia’s parliament has procedural powers, these powers inadvertently became substantive.


    The speaker can simply frustrate the executive institutions. It can easily be observed that the speaker participates in the formation of the government and sometimes the appointment of the prime minister – a practice that is not present in other parliamentary systems.


    Given this practice, I believe that Sharmarke’s resignation and the appointment of Mohamed will not end the political feud between Somali institutions. As long as the current system is in place, conflict between the Transitional Federal Institutions will continue to emerge, in a number of ways, all of which will retard the ability to govern.


    The 'change' mantra


    For president Sharif’s call for change, as his rhetoric goes, provides him with an opportunity to strike up a better relationship between the two institutions, as Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed carries little negative political baggage. However, the relationship will be put under the spotlight when the new prime minister selects his cabinet.


    In Somalia producing a cohesive political body is easier said than done. The mess on the ground and the complex political realities will undoubtedly complicate proceedings, irrespective of new beginnings. In the end, a compromise that resists any substantive changes is likely to come out.


    As the history of transitional governments suggest, the power struggle that has paralyzed Somalia’s semi-parliamentary system may re-appear again. The charter and the constitution cannot manage political conflicts effectively – instead they create unnecessary conflicts.


    Therefore, if another conflict is to be averted or managed successfully, time has come when peace builders (Somalis and non-Somalis) should seriously think about addressing the root cause of the problem – reforming the political system as well as re-writing the country's charter.

  15. just read this, lets pray the old man does it, inshallah, cleary the people we got are well educated and capable. :D the dean of hargaisa univery has more qualifications then the whole somali government saxib, pretty much says everything. :D


    one group has a mini cab driver as president a.k.a pirateland and the other guys have a childrens koran teacher.



  16. Man you guys are funny arguing with these guys... :D


    saxib, rewind to 18 years had one chance to create a unified government and every morning i thank god you blew it, Mahdi in my view should be given an award. See unlike my brothers here i have always loathed Somalia, never wanted to unite with them, took pleasure in bringing it to its knees but at this stage i was abit shaken that some how they would create a unified government, Then God sends another ****** somali by the name of Ali Mahdi, if you are reading this, from every Somaliland ultra nationalist we thank you. Your ignorance completely distroyed what little hope for somalia there was.


    in reality people, Somaliland made you, Somaliland destroyed you and since, you have been unable to achieve anything. So call me what you like but truth is truth saxib.


    Somalow Calan Tagta over. :D