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Everything posted by Maaddeey

  1. ^War yaa Alle yaqaan!, cinwaanka ma akhrinin miyaa?, 6 qaxooti Soomaaliyeed ayey Kenyanku gubeen aa meesha ku qoran, Aniga miyaa gubay si aad ii eedeyso?.
  2. Maaddeey

    Forum Query

    I think Nuune has got his own Avatar, how did he get it?.
  3. Carafaat, after leaving your clan, which clan you'll say you are from?, you know you'll be asked!.
  4. At least six Somali refugees at IFO camp in northeastern Kenya were reported to have been burned to death by Kenyan army, as attacks against police, military, and civilian targets in Kenya raise, witnesses said on Thursday. Mohamud Hassan Mohamed, a resident at IFO confirmed to Shabelle Media by phone, that Kenyan army has deliberately burnt to death six Somali refugees, who were traveling by car between Hagarder and IFO camps in northeastern Kenyan Some reports said, the army stopped a bus with many Somalia passengers from IFO camp to Hagarder in northeastern Kenyan and asked their refugee IDs. The crackdown has largely targeted Somali refugees who have been victims for Kenyan army. It is not clear the exact reason behind this tragic incident and Kenya has not yet made any comments about this. Kenyan security forces are abusing civilians and Somali refugees in the north-eastern part of the country that borders Somalia. Dadaab refugee complex is the world's largest refugee camp which houses some 460 000 Somalis who have fled famine and war in their country over the past two decades.
  5. ^Juxa[t], qof meeshuu ku dhashay caaynaayo adi ka hor ma arkin in sol!. Hadda Xaradheere waa ilbaxday, Jabuutiyaan xataa waa joogaan!.
  6. Cambuulo iyo bun;773754 wrote: born in digfeer hosbital Muqdisho, raised in Jowhar, shalambood and merca , qaxooti in europe this time Xaafad Ruusiyo, sxb?.
  7. Jumcah Wanaagsan, all. Saaka waxaan soo toosay anooo humming Asha Abdow's: " Aaaah, markaad iga maqnaatidee...aaaah... mugdi & meel xunaan maraaa "
  8. PRESS RELEASE: Harakat Al-Shabaab Al Mujahideen Capture Kenyan Government Officials Thursday, 12 January 2012 16:03 Maamulka AmiirNuur Hits: 154 بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم PRESS RELEASE: Harakat Al-Shabaab Al Mujahideen Capture Kenyan Government Officials Thursday, 12 January 2012 16:03 Maamulka AmiirNuur Hits: 154 بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم For Immediate Release Harakat Al-Shabaab Al Mujahideen Capture Kenyan Government Officials Mogadishu (12/01/2012) –In response to the aggressive Kenyan invasion against theMuslims of Somalia, special forces from Harakat Al-Shabaab Al Mujahideen’s elite units raided a Kenyan Administration Police camp in Gerille, Wajir District. The raid occurred at around 1915 hours Wednesday night, following careful reconnaissance and planning by the Mujahideen, and began by swiftly securing the external perimeters of the premises before moving in. Taken by surprise and unable to respond effectively to the attack, 7 Kenyan administration police and government officials were immediately killed, while others were taken prisoners. Also seized during the raid were Kenyan vehicles, communication equipment and a cache of weapons. The operation ended successfully, by the permission of Allah, and the Press Office for Harakat Al-Shabaab Al Mujahideen will publish the identities of the prisoners soon. Press Office Harakat Al-Shabaab Al Mujahideen
  9. Cambuulo & bun, ninku wuxuu yiri: "Adiga magacaaba ka qaldan", waadna ogtahay in magacaygu Abu Abu uusan ahayn ee Maadeey yahay!, sax?. Abwaan, bes waaye duqa, saad rabto u hadal.
  10. Abwaan;773293 wrote: Loo...Maaddeey, Adiga magacaaba kaa Khaldan, iskaba daa inaad Afka lagu hadlayo fahantid! Abu Cumar Maaxaa ula bixi weysey sidii saaxiibbadaa Al-habaab!...... Waa yaab!, magacaaba iga qaldan haye, carabtu waxay tiraa: 'Maa Ashbaha allaylah bil baarixah'. Early 90'skiina Adeerkaa ayaa ciidamdiisa ku fasaxay, haddana magacay caanka ku ahaayeen aad leedahay waa qaldanyahay!. Cunsuri waaxid!.
  11. Gunmen killed three Kenyan police and wounded two others in the latest of a string of attacks in the northeastern border region with war-torn Somalia, police said Thursday. "The attack occurred at a camp in Gerille in Wajir on Wednesday night and we lost three officers, two others were injured," a senior police officer in the region, speaking on condition of anonymity, told AFP. "There are others who have not been accounted for," he said, adding that the attackers had used firearms and thrown an explosive device. The strike took place some 100 kilometres (60 miles) from Kenya's border with Somalia, an area hit by a series of blasts in the three months since Nairobi sent troops into Somalia to fight Islamist Shebab insurgents there. Hand grenades have been thrown into bars and a church, while homemade explosive devices have been set off, many targeting security forces. Police spokesman Eric Kiraithe confirmed the attack but said he had not yet "received the full details." No group claimed responsibility, but Kenyan officials have repeatedly blamed Somalia's Al-Qaeda linked Shebab or their sympathisers for previous bombings and shootings, although armed bandits also operate in border areas. However, Human Rights Watch (HRW) warned Thursday that Kenyan security forces are abusing civilians and Somali refugees in northeastern regions following the spate of attacks since October. The most recent incident observed by the New York-based rights group was the January 11 rounding up and beating of a group of residents of Garissa, the capital of North Eastern Province, in a local military camp. "When military officers can beat civilians in broad daylight without fearing repercussions, it's clear that impunity has become the norm," said Daniel Bekele, Africa director at HRW, in a statement released Thursday. "Repeated promises by both the police and the military to stop these abuses and investigate have amounted to nothing." Kenyan army spokesman Major Emmanuel Chirchir told HRW that he did not have knowledge of any abuses, but that that the military would investigate the allegations. Recent attacks by gunmen have also taken place in Dadaab, the world's largest refugee camp about 100 kilometres south of Wednesday's attack, which houses some 460,000 Somalis who have fled famine and war over two decades. Gunmen seized two Spaniards working for Medecins Sans Frontieres (Doctors Without Borders) from Dadaab in October and are thought to have taken them to Somalia. The kidnapping of the Spaniards was one of the incidents that spurred Kenya to send troops to fight the hardline Shebab. Regional armies are now pushing against Shebab positions in Somalia, with Kenyan forces in the far south, Ethiopian soldiers in the west and African Union forces in Mogadishu made up of troops from Uganda, Burundi and Djibouti.
  12. Al-Shabab goes to war with Kenyan army on Twitter GEOFFREY YORK JOHANNESBURG— From Thursday's Globe and Mail Published Wednesday, Jan. 11, 2012 8:57PM EST Last updated Wednesday, Jan. 11, 2012 9:02PM EST With the Kenyan military bogged down in a slow-moving invasion of Somalia, its fiercest clashes with the enemy are now erupting in a new battlefield: the Twitterverse. And in the Twitter wars between the Kenyan army and its Islamist foes, it was a senior Kenyan spokesman who suffered an embarrassingly self-inflicted wound. The Kenyan army spokesman, Major Emmanuel Chirchir, has been waging a ferocious Twitter campaign against the militant fighters of al-Shabab. But in his latest volley on the micro-blogging service, he misfired badly by tweeting a series of photos from 2009, claiming they were proof that a man from Nairobi had been stoned to death by al-Shabab this week. Major Chirchir, who was ridiculed last year for using Twitter to threaten a Kenyan attack on “loaded donkeys” at the Somali border, said the photos showed a Kenyan man from Nairobi who had been “recruited” by al-Shabab and then was stoned to death on Tuesday because he had a different “opinion” from them. He said the stoning took place in the southern Somali city of Kismayo, a key target of the Kenyan offensive. A few hours later, a young Somali-American journalist dug up the truth. The photos were not taken in Kismayo this week. They were taken in 2009 in an entirely different place, near Mogadishu, and the circumstances were completely different from Major Chirchir’s version. Al-Shabab was not even involved in the stoning. The photos were famous because they had won a prize in the respected World Press Photo contest in 2010. They showed a 48-year-old Somali man, Mohamed Abukar Ibrahim, being stoned to death by another militant group, Hizb al-Islam, for alleged adultery. The journalist who uncovered the story, Minnesota-based freelancer Mukhtar Ibrahim, said the tweets by Major Chirchir were “naked propaganda.” On Twitter, many Kenyans were angered by the spokesman’s actions. One Kenyan blogger, Robert Alai, tweeted that it was “pathetic” that the military spokesman had “lied to us.” Major Chirchir did not respond on Twitter to a flood of questions about his use of the 2009 photos. But he told a Nairobi newspaper, the Daily Nation, that a Kenyan man was stoned to death in Kismayo on Tuesday by al-Shabab militants on accusations that he was spying for Kenya. Al-Shabab, meanwhile, used the Kenyan blunder as an opportunity for its own Twitter offensive against the Kenyan army. “They seem unsophisticated, even in their propaganda campaign,” according to the Twitter account of al-Shabab. “A simple Google search would have saved them such an embarrassment.” The Twitter account, which has more than 8,300 followers, is officially called HSMPress, but it is known to be controlled by al-Shabab. For weeks, it has duelled aggressively with Major Chirchir on Twitter, taunting him repeatedly about the Kenyan invasion. “It’s a mission failed, Major,” al-Shabab said in a tweet to Major Chirchir on Jan. 1. “Forget the gory details of war & try ballet instead for more suitable career. War is for Men!” In response, Major Chirchir has used his Twitter account for a steady stream of victorious accounts from the battlefront, usually reporting heavy losses by al-Shabab. He sometimes responds directly to the al-Shabab spokesman on Twitter. This week, for example, he denied an al-Shabab tweet that had claimed the killing of six Kenyan troops, but he acknowledged that one Kenyan soldier had died.
  13. Oodweyne;773216 wrote: Mr. MMA , I know you and I have a beef; but, must you really be so obvious with your head-banging nuisance in here. After all, although, I did not participate it, but, I don't recalled you getting the heated vapors (and therefore needing a large scale ventilator), when my friend, Mr. Abtigiis , went out of his way, and proceeded to call others "pimps" , and basically said that, some folks, ask their woman to be "whores" that does the political bidding of their men-folk. Perhaps, to put it charitably, this business of moderating the political section of SOL seems to be getting too much of your meager intellect. Hence, you need to be relieve of it, so that you could have a time to cobbled together yet another silly line of yours that define as to who is "clannish" around here according to your "Sophomoric Judgement" ... All in all, I would argue, that, it's best not to talk both sides of your mouth; least of all, other than being in danger of dislocating one's jaws, you may also run the risk that others, will greet your spittle of an argument with something approaching a sheer contempt it so singularly deserve it, indeed... Dear Oodweyne! () Our fine Moderator intervened and talked hard, he said and I quote: Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar;766467 wrote: This is uncalled for thread. Wax faa'ida boggaan leeyahay haba yaraatee ma jrito. qof wayn oo caytama waa laga fiicanyahay sxb, waa maxay 'meager intelligence' & waxaad daldalaysid!. Tartiib sxb. Ps. Aniga lee wax ha iga sheegin!
  14. ^^, Marka & baydhaba oo kale waaye: مركة، بيدوة. Mase adinka Carab qadiyadda kama gadeysaan?
  15. Zack, waa sax magaca waa Makka & Madiina oo kale: مكة، مدينة xoogaa inaad carabiga soo loox-jiifsataan ku moodi jiraye ka warran?.
  16. ^^Waa jacbut khatar ah. Waxaan moodaayey, inaad galab-ba in curiso markaad bahalka afka ku dhufato!
  17. ^^ Che wuxuu mooday inaad (الزانية) soo raacday eed Qooqaani Shabaab ku dishay!.
  18. Abwaan, intuu sidii garamgaramka u hadluu markii loo toosiyana 'Af Soomaligaa kugu yar' la soo boodaa!, cajaa'ib, for the past week dhowr jeer waa isticmaalay ereygaas!
  19. Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
  20. Naciimo yareey, he'll know!. Waa dadka reer Waqooyi, Reer bari, reer Koonfur, Gobolada dhexe, Kenyan & Caddaan isu keenay!.
  21. ^Forget about them, they are terrible!, Annaga na soo raac.
  22. ^Adigaba sowdiga Muslimiin kale iney baaba'aan jecel maaha, oo weliba awood shisheeye isku halleynaaya?.!. Dr_Osman;772975 wrote: Of course this is fake Mixed one username with the other?
  23. ^Irrelevant question!, Culimada and YOU were/are not part of the struggle, they were not there when Maxkamadaha was established, when Shabaab came to power, who cares what they say now in this matter?.