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Everything posted by Maaddeey

  1. He is right in his own child mind!. Since All beleivers are brothers/sisters, therefore, sibling marriage is forbidden!.
  2. ^^ Afadtanee yaa Shaykh, no silly Qs!.
  3. Morning, Ng, how do u say: I have to call you back in arabic?.
  4. Ayoub 'Hud' & 'Ancam' waa halhays markaan, maxaad ula jeeddaa: (AS). Adigase daliil ayaad keensatay sidii in mas'alo khatar ah laga hadlayo, wax fahan!.
  5. ^^ Wcs, Is Mohamed A. Dahir in Djibouti?. NG, waa waalatay!
  6. ^^ Walaasheey maan la flirt-gareynaa, ceeb calayk!.
  7. Juxa, jimco wanaagsan. Qof faraxsan maa 'inaan weli liito ma ogatahay' ku heesto kabacdi, waadan is ogeyne wax baa halleysan!. Riyo & soo jeedba fasirkeeda ani iigu imaaw!.
  8. ^^ lool. No, I didn't write that because I was excited to see him, actually asaga and few others waa sababta aa sol u sii joogo, I was giving him credit for being first in and boost about it!. fahantu yaa sheikhah!.?.
  9. Oba, waxaan xaggeed ka keentay, video-ga in la googooyey bay u egtahay Shiite style!. Ikhwaanku waaba ka soo horjeedaan in Niqaab dumarka xataa qaataan!!, taas ma ogid miyaa?.
  10. ^^ Serberia intee waaye abaayo macaan?. (its not Kiswahili so you can't tell me I can't use it) Kaama dheeri!.
  11. ^^ Waan ku sugay oo ku sugay haddana ku sugay!, si aad 'ehem' ama 'first in -again-' u tidhaahdo!. Sabaax al khayr wa Jumcah Mubaarak. (Ilaahow Jimco i dil oo i soo noolee, Jimcadaan iyo mid u dhowna ha ka dhigin!.)
  12. ^^ Horta, Ayoub maxaad ka halleysay?. Huud & Ancaam haddaad akhriso xataa kaama yeelo'e?
  13. oba hiloowlow;904756 wrote: why did your ina adeer's vacate their fronts in stadium Muqdisho area in the 9 days fightings specially the militia of Culusoow, when the forces in Fagax,Jamhuriya hotel ramadaan area didn't? Why did the united elders of Mogadishu split into two different groups the group of Ahmed diriye,Xaad and the group of the Iimaam and Abdullahi sheikh Hassan? What made the Iimaam and Abdullahi sheikh hassan who was fiercly against the TFG to having talks with the former president of the TFG Abdullahi Yusuf aun? Yaahuu!. Adaan ku waydiiyey su'aasha ka jawaab, waryaa!. Maxay uga bexeen ooy heleen, you said they asked for the PM position, did they get it?, if not why did they vacate their positions?.
  14. oba hiloowlow;904688 wrote: ... i'm blaming it on the fake leaders such as Culusoow,Ahmed diiriye who were fighting for kursi thats a fact Culusoow went to ethiopia with his kinsmen and they said if they get the PM position they will stop the fightings next step his militia vacated stadium muqdisho. Were they given the PM position?. Why did they vacate the Stadium?!!.
  15. Khadafi;904732 wrote: I remember once when I was in the mosque, I fellow friends started to recite some qasaaid in the mosque, yar dhalinyaro with no knowlidge ccame to us and accused by shirk. If gave the book of the qasaaid and said to him to find where we were exactly doing shirk. To our suprise he could not even speak arabic, and then we we showed the translation in somali wuu iska aamusay What is the book's name and who translated it to Somali?.
  16. ^^ Inta aan wax kasaayo, waa yaaweeesaa aan ku dhahay nooh, duqa!. Macaamilka jinniga (jiirataya qadhaadhe) lee iga badisaa!.
  17. ^^ Waa taxanyihiin!. sikiin laq hee mugga!
  18. Adiga sidii jinniyada kuu ikhtidhaafeen caadi ma tihid!. NG knows the meaning of that word, only asked the literal meaning of it!,
  19. ^^ lol!. Ka dar oo dibi dhal, aan Sayid u dayno, haddii kale copy right' uu nagu qabsanaa!. The literal meaning of maxaa isku dhacaayo, jawaabteeda ayaad ka garanaysaa: "Wixii la isku dhufto"!.
  20. ^^ Hadda lee maa jawaabta ku soo baraarugtay!. Jawaabtaadu waa macquul, lakin I don't believe it happened!
  21. nuune;903685 wrote: ^^^ Waalnida waa loo dhashaa, adi waad u dhalatey(put ibti into the league too, JB , Ngonge iyo Bucur-Baceyr ). What to expect on 2013, a lot of chaos, qaxar, rafaad, kadeed, jahwareer, mushkilo, waalni, kildhi ka bood, yaahuu, yaasiin, ciisaa budiinaa muusaa budiinaa, kaalay ila hadal, janta fagax, facaa iska celi, yaanyuur, orod muska ka bood, daad ku qaad, yac ka dheh, ka bul dheh, ina adeer, yaaya, xiiqdheer, mindhicir duluqoow, subxaanyo, cappucino, shinbir holac, keyboard, cusbo, carra-maanyo, kuunto, bill gate, Oxford Street, bac, alif wax maleh, anaa ku leh, orodoo soco, darbi jiif, jiineestiko, jaajuur, daaxuur, daacuur, daa'uus, daaquur, daanyeer, lax, dhaasiim, memory, reply, afka ka xir, suxul, dhabar, shinni, xulbad, buundo, yaanbo, saar, jaan, cirfiid, habar waaq, ibleez, ashuun, gaaweeto, kaniini, space, abjad, sawir, sagaal, xidigta suqra, washamsi, waduxaa, watiin, walayl, wasamaa wadaariq, baqara, aazar, maskiin, application, 15 jir, murkacasho, qalam jalam, sakaraat, isniin, jabto, qaaxo, urug, kenyati, eskimo, yixaas, danbiil, darin, gooryaan, baalal, afareey, garbaduub iyo kabajaan. Wax waalan!.
  22. ^ Waddani I know waxaad ka hadleysid. Waraaqaha uu Hawd iska qoray eed link'igooda halkan soo saartay ma akhrisay?. Qabyaaladda & aflagaadada dhinaca kaleba haddaadan arkin maxaa tan taariikhda la fabrikeeyey keliya ku tusay?. Ma fahantay waxaan kaala hadlaayo?.
  23. "agithnii yaa gouth" dadka yiraah aa diiday!.