I believe that there is much oppression inflicted upon Somali women & its mainly due to ignorance.
Ignorance on the women's part because they do not know their clearly defined rights in Islam.
Ignorance on the men's part because they have little or no interest in learning about their responsibilities as husbands, fathers, members of their communities.
Ignorance on the part of families, because fathers do not take part in the upbringing of their children. As a kid growing up in Mogadishu, I remember how unstructured Somali families were.
Mothers bore children & were left with running every aspect of family life, fathers took little interest in teaching their children, spending time with them, taking them to the mosque on fridays, preparing them for adulthood, etc.
On the family scene, fathers were absent & many Somali men still are today. That is why we have teenagers who are dropouts, vile mouthed, drug users or pushers, etc.
Poor upbringing leads to poor individuals; void of social & moral responsibility.