Nomadic Activist
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After being asked by the BBC if Maxamed Dhere's army will be enough to defend him from a Muqdishu invasion while he will be in Jowhar, the president repiled that he had more army coming from Beledweyn, Bay, Bakool, Upper and lower Jubboyins and Gedo. But I was wondering what about the puntland army the "darwiish"? Listen to the interview, start at 16 minutes. http://www.bbc.co.uk/somali/somali_1800.ram
Somali government news...Gedo, Xuddur, Lower Upper Juba
Nomadic Activist replied to General Duke's topic in Politics
Also what about Hiiraales support and endorsment of the Police chief who is also in kismayu? Well, they are cousins. Mudane Lit.Col Qaybdiid because Qaybdiid had high position in the police forces in the previous governments that’s makes him absolutely qualified for his job unlike his opponent Cali Looyaan ama Cali Madoobe who is absolutely not qualified for this job. Cali Maddobe was Jaajus just like me LoooooooooooL what does he know about police Who is qeybid? I think a person in the Secret service has more knowledge and experience than a man who controls a police station (I hardly doubt he did control it too). :rolleyes: Cali madoobe iyo anigu waxaan kala tirsana sedex nin. But, I still don't care aboiut the cat and mouse game this isnt a really government. -
Despite of Yeey's deceptive cajoling; JVA is on alert and will carry out its mission! The IDJ(JVA) will only be in the battleground if the amxaaros come. If they don't come, we will not fight with the our kinsmen from northern galkacyo, we despise Yey but we don't "hate" our kinsmen and will not go to battle to demolish them as the boys form Muqdishu want. Blood is thicker than siyaasadnimo .
Does it matter whether they r from Galgaduud or Gedo or even Japan...they are still.. [big Grin] Yes they are still , but when it comes to war it matters, because the boys from galguduud are 1/5 the population of the boys in gedo.
They have lost Kismayu and gained Morgan on his own. Who lost Kismayo? And who gained it?
Were you a member of Koofid Gaduud group? You sound like one. Seems like you took a full pledge to defend your clan no matter what. I wonder how far you would go to fulfill such a pledge? I guess your avatar says it all. Stating the facts of Somalia's downfall is defending my clan? :eek:
How do you measure it by yard or by the fact that at sometime the sub-sub-clan of Yeey have whipped the asses of those boys in Gedo and thus you think they are very big and bigger than others.. If your talking about kismayo, I think you would want to know that the boys who control kismayo are from western galguduud and not gedo. And your attempt to make me bad mouth yey sub-sub-sub clan and get out of topic didn't work. A lot of these nomads represent their clan, and you can do so too, but not at the expense of others. Well what can I say,sometimes harsh statements are needed to make some reliaze and see the truth.
**********please don't use tribal names on our forum. This is a warning Admin Somalia Online ****************** [ July 06, 2005, 12:50 AM: Message edited by: Admin ]
Somali government news...Gedo, Xuddur, Lower Upper Juba
Nomadic Activist replied to General Duke's topic in Politics
The members of the government who are now located in Gedo iyo Jubboyinka are there for other buisness that really doesn't concern the ct and mouse game. -
Qanyare comes from a small clan that inhabits southern Somalia, I don't know why he acts like a big dog.
Yes he is a flip flop, why? Because all warlords change sides like how a girl changes her clothes depending on the latest fashion. They might do that, but aren't you worse than them because your on SOL talking about them 24/7 ? For once I agree with Hiiraale, it seems he is gaining his indepence from the Mogadishu group and thats some development. AND WE CARE?
Hiraale doesn't care he is a flip flop just like any warlord, so he will do whats best for him. Excuse me? Flip flop? Allah beerka....waryaa Mudane.Col.Bare Aden Shire (hiiraale) controls kismayo with his kinsmen from western galguduud, and we all know that they can't be intimidated easily. --------------------------------------- Qaar ka mid ah xildhibaanada ku sugan Muqdisho oo eedeyn u soo jeediyey xubna isugu jira wasiiro oo howla maamul u sameyn ah ka wada gobolada Jubbooyinka qaarkood. July 03, 2005. HornAfrik. Mogadishu, Somalia. Qaar ka mid ah xildhibaanada ku sugan magaalada Muqdisho ayaa eedeyn u soo jeediyey xubna isugu jira wasiiro oo howla maamul u sameyn ah ka wada gobolada Jubbooyinka qaarkood. Qaar ka mid ah xildhibaanada magaalada Muqdisho ku sugan oo ay ka mid yihiin xildhibaan C/rashiid Aadan Gabyow, C/fitaax Ibraahim Rashiid iyo Cismaan Aadan Dhuubow ayaa eedeyn u soo jeediyey xubna isugu jira xildhibaano iyo wasiiro oo iyaga howla maamul u sameyn ah ka wada gobolka J/dhaxe gaar ahaan degmada Bu’aale iyo deegaanada ku teedsan oo ay sheegeen in xubnahaas ay ka wadaan qorshe maamul oo ay ugu sameeynayaan kaasoo ay qeexeen inuu yahay mid qabyo ah oo aan loo dhameyn islamarkaana qas iyo qalaanqal ku keeni kara bulshada halkaas degan. Xildhibaan Cismaan Aadan Dhuubow oo ka mid ah xildhibaanada Muqdisho ku sugan ee eedeyntaas u soo jeediyey xubnaha maamul u sameynta ka wada J/dhaxe ayaa sheegay in xubnhaas ay howlihii ay halkaas ka qaban lahaayeen sharuud looga dhigay in marka hore ay keenaan xubnaha kale ee xildhibaanada ee iyaga deegaanka u dhashay ee ku sugan magaalada Muqdisho si howlaha maamul u sameynta gobolka J/dhaxe ay u noqoto mid dhameystiran. Xildhibaan Cismaan Aadan Dhuubow waxa uu intaas ku daray in xubnaha labada gole ee dowladda ay isku hayaan dhinaca afkaarta sidaa awgeedna aaney suuragal aheyn in kooxa gooniya ay u sameyso maamul deegaano dadkii la lahaa ama ay howshiisa kala dhaxeeyaan ay baarlamaanka ku wada jiraan. Xildhibaan Cismaan Aadan waxa kale oo uu tilmaamay in aanu wax xiriir ah iyaga la samaynin xubnaha wasiirada iyo xildhibaanada halkaas ku sugan balse ay la hadleen dadka deegaanka oo ay u sheegeen inayan ku degdegin sida uu sheegay qorshayaasha aan dhamaystirnayn ee la doonayo in gobolkaas J/dhaxe laga hirgaliyo ----------------------------------- ADMIN THIS IS A RELATED ARTICLE, IT HAS QABIL NAMES BUT NOTHING OFFENSIVE OR ANYTHING CLOSE TO IT JUST SOME INFORMATION. Waryaa Duke Jubbaland is being made as we speak and unlike Puntland we are treating everyone equally, even our kinsmen from GOLDOGOB. Ujeeddo: Ogeysiis Muhiim Ah Guddiigga Qabaa’ilka Tanade ****** Ee Wax Ka Dhisi Doona Maamul Gobaleedka Laga Sameyn Doono Kismanyo Iyo Goobo Kale Ururka Ilaalinta Xuquuqda Tanade Waxuu idin ogeysiinayaa iney qabaa’ilka Tanade ****** soo xulay guddiggii uga qeybgali lahaa hanaanka dhisida maamulka cusub ee laga hirgelin doona gobalka Jubbada Hoose iyo meelo kale. Guddigga Qabaa’ilka Tanade ****** ee arrrinta dhismaha maamulka cusub loo soo xilsaaray waa sidan magacyadooda: Deegaanka Ay Joogaan 1. Dr. Faarax Cabdi Giir kismanyo 2. Mudane Cismaan Caato Kismanyo 3. Mudane cabdiraxmaan Axmed Ciise kismanyo 4. Eng. Qaasim Axmed Nuur Kismanyo 5. G/Sare Cabdikariim Shiikh kismanyo Guddiiggaas kor ku xusan ee Qabaa’ilka Tanade ****** waxaa soo magacaaway Guddigga Siyaasadda ee Qabaa’ilka Tanade ****** kuwaasoo kala ah sidan: Deegaanka Ay Joogaan: 1.Garaad Maxamuud Yuusuf Xassan (Afar Indhoot) Nairobi 2. Mudane Maxamed Maxamuud (Weekiyo) Nairobi 3. Eng. Yuusuf Axmed Ciise (Kule) Nairobi 4. Mudane Cale M. (Cali Eelay) Nairobi 5. Guddoomiye Cabdiqaadir Ismaaciil S. Warfa, (Janno-gale) Nairobi 6. Mudane Cali Jaamac (Cali Gabay) Nairobi 7. Marwo Hawo M. A Nairobi Guddigga Siyaasadda Qabaa’ilka Tanade ****** Ee Dowlada Isu-tagga Ku-Meel-Gaar Ee Soomaaliyeed Kuwaasoo Ayaguna Ansixiyey Shantaas Xubnood ee maamulka Cusub Waxka Dhisi Doona: Xildhibaan/Wasiir cali Ismaaciil Cabdi Giir Xildhibaan/Wasiir Ku-xigeen Cabdilaahi Cabdille (Azhari) Xildhibaan Cali Muumin (Cali Feera-weyne) Xildhibaan Xido Faarax. Ugaaska Qabaa’ilka Tanade ****** Sareyntiisa Mudane Ugaas Axmed Ugaas Maxamed. Mudane Cabdiqaadir Ismaaciil S. Warfa (Janno-gale) Guddoomiyaha Ururka Ilaalinta Xuquuqda Tanade Tel: 254-6761266 Mobile: 254-723937501 (For Interviews & Comments) Mobile: 254-724467796 Section II 9th Street P. O. Box 68772, Nairobi-Kenya Email: Somaliauthor@hotmail.com
I wonder how far Jowhar is? From Nairobi to Jowhar via Djibouti,Doha, Sanca,Bosaso, etc.. By the way Sky shouldn't you be worried about the in-clan assasinition in North Galkacyo, the power struggle between the nou and old camps in Bosaso and so forth? .......Not at all, unlike the folks of the southern xaafad Baraxley, Northern Gaalkacyo is too politically mature to get involved in another fratricide. Northern Gaalkacyo is finally against all the odds and the numerous savage invasions more peaceful and prosperous than ever before. Albeit developing in a slower rate than Garoowe and Bossaso, developing nonetheless. And its an utmost certainty that they do not want to risk all that just for another meaningless, endless clan vendetta.............. However you have as usual sidetracked from mentioned scenarios and went on to talk about hypothetical developments...clever boy..! Juma I swear you should be arrested for "breaking an entry to a poor dellusional kids heart."
The president is back and is in BOSAASO.
Nomadic Activist replied to Nomadic Activist's topic in Politics
Originally posted by Jumatatu: quote:Originally posted by Sky: but warar lagu kalsoon yahay report that there were good reasons why the people were barred from entrance to Bossaso airport. Apparently there are officials as high as the minister of defense of Yemen celebrating Koowda Luulyo right now in Bossaso This is has to be hillarious..what is the top secrecy about celebrating 1da Luulyo? And yes I certainly look forward to you furnishing us with info regarding the Yemen Minister of defence celebrating in Bosaso.... You crack me mate... Jumatatu xaasid baad tahay,war dee inanku iska daa. He is lost and deperate wallhi.Even Gen Cade left bosaaso a day before the "president" came so he wouldn't have to make an excuse to why he didn't welcome him. -
Audacious: If you describe Siyaad Barre as “Gen.Maj.Aabihii Soomaaliya.Halganki wadanka.Geesgi Afrika†you need some serious history lessons. I am afraid history describes him quite different. How else would you describe him? I agree Siyad Barre is deceased but that does not mean the cancer he planted in the country should be forgotten. Cancer he planted? Walal he wasn't a gardener Walal Siyaad Bare's grip on power (the genius had many reasons thou) is 1//5 the cause of Somalia's downfall, the so called "president" and his mahbars (SSDF) , the "SNM" and their zionist "mujahids," the the moryoons who inhabit Moqadishu , and last but not least the all the ignorant,uneducated, tribalistic,power-hungary SOMALI'S is 4/5 the cause of Somalia's downfall
Well, what can I say Reer Puntland he is all yours.Now since he couldn't go to Moqadishu why not go back home to Puntland were his fellow SSDF'rs are there and he feels like the "big dog." We can all be sure that everything will be calm in Bosaaso now that he is there. The abuser of Bosaaso is back and the abused must be terrified. -------------------- Madaxweynaha dowlada federaalka Cabdulaahi Yuusuf Axmed iyo wafdi uu hoggaaminayo ayaa maanta ka dagey garoonka diyaaradaha magaalada Boosaaso ee gobolka Bari. July 01, 2005. HornAfrik. Mogadishu, Somalia. Nuux Muuse Birjeeb. HornAfrik. Garoowe, Soomaaliya. Madaxweynaha dowlada federaalka Cabdulaahi Yuusuf Axmed iyo wafdi uu hoggaaminayo ayaa maanta ka dagey garoonka diyaaradaha magaalada Boosaaso ee gobolka Bari. Waxaa goor dhoweyd kasoo dagey garoonka diyaaradaha ee magaalada Boosaaso Madaxweynaha DFKMG ah ee Soomaaliya Mudane Cabdulaahi Yuusuf Axmed iyo wafdi uu hoggaaminayey. Madaxweynaha ayaa si kadis ah ku yimid magaalada Boosaaso iyadoo xaleyna wakhti hexe laga war helay safarka uu madaxweynaha uu ku imaanayo magaalada Boosaaso, iyo sidoo kale gobolada Puntland uu kusoo aadayo, iyadoo markaasi lafilayey madaxweynaha inuu si toos ah uga dagayo degmada Jowhar, maalmihii lasoo dhaafeyna arrimahaasi la hadal hayey. Xaley saqdii dhexe waxaa xarunta maaamul goboleedka Puntland ee Garoowe ka amba baxey madaxweynaha maamul goboleedka Puntland, iyo wafdi wasiira ah oo katirsan maamul goboleedka Puntland, si ay ugu soo dhoweeyaan magaalada Boosaaso madaxweynaha. Madaxweynaha dowlada federaalka ayaa daqiiqado kahor wafdigii uu hoggaaminayey waxaa la dajiyey hoteelka National ee ku yaala magaalada Boosaaso. ------------------------- Cabdullahi Yusuf Oo Ka Degay Boosaaso Waxaa goor dhaweyd ka dagey garooonka diyaaradaha ee magaalada boosaaso madaxweyne C/laahi Yuusuf Axmed halkaas oo ay ku soo dhaweeyeen garoonka diyaaradaha ee boosaaso mas’uuliyiin sarsare. Waxaa kale oo ilaa saakay wadada aada garoonka diyaaradaha aad udhoobnaa dad aad ufara badan oo sugaayay imaatinka madaxweynaha, xiligaan oo ah xilli xagaa ah Boosaaso oo uu aad uga jiro kulayl iyo dabaylaha looyaqaan Fooraha ee ka dhaca boosaaso ayaa waxaa la rusheeyay wadooyinka si ay uyaraadaan boorka iyo buska dhacaya. Col.Cabdullahi Yusuf ayaa la filayaa inuu khudbad ka jeedin doono garoonka kubadda Cagta ee magaalada boosaaso, khudbadaas oo la filaayo inuu dadweynaha uga warami doono socdaalkiisii u danbeeyay iyo xaalka ay marayso dawladiisu. Waxaa sidoo kale la filayaa inuu uga siigudbo magaalada boosaaso qaybo ka tirsan goboladda dalka soomaaliya , hase ahaatee ilaa iyo hadda lama shaacin. S M C Gedonet
Af-weyne Where was Gen.Maj.Aabihii Soomaaliya.Halganki wadanka.Geesgi Afrika.Jalle Maxamed Siyaad Bare's name mentioned? Did you get this article from gedonet also? Nope, I got it from http://www.somalinet.com/news/world/Somalia/572 I would have believed the article had I not known the facts on the ground Facts on the ground? Walal why don't you tell us about those "facts on the ground" that you know abouT. OH WAIT...... HERE IT IS I can name at least a half dozen people in Kissima whose family members were killed/harassed/looted by Hiiraale militia. :rolleyes: Ayeeyo Batuulo cali jamac........ abti maxamed sandhere........ eedo casho cali cabdullahi......... OHH SO CREDITABLE By the way, the drug dealer thugs you mentioned were Aabe Siyaad's hit men. What does that make him? It's funny how one fancies a dead man as our dear nomad ducaqabe.
Isn't he the one who left the last phase of the peace conference in Nairobi to fight with Morgan in Kismaayo? Yes he is, what did you expect him to do? Sit in the kenyan basketball gym while his kinsmen get killed? How in the world can you call a warlord a true Somali nationalist? If we follow this analysis, then all the warlords including Aideed, Yeey, Ato, Jees, Morgan, Yalaxoow etc, might as well be considered true somali nationalists. Walal don't we call one of the biggest warlords president now? To compare Barre to those drug dealer thugs is...is...UNBELIEVABLE. :cool: What! You gotta be kidding. Paying two months of rent and removing some road blocks erases his record full of crimes he committed in lower jubba area in the name of his qabiil? Brief article on Mudane Barre: Somalia's third largest which changed hands many times since 1991 is now heading a to new direction. Security is coming back to this coastal city, currently controlled by Isbaxeesiga Dooxada Jubba (IDJ). Unlike any other city in the south, the public was ordered to vacate all government owned buildings. The deadline is over and people are now being removed by force. It is also illegal to carry weapons in the city. This administration is distancing itself from the anarchy that plagued the rest of southern Somalia. Kismayo’s current peace and governance initiative are the brainchild of Mr. Barre Adan Shire aka Barre Hiiraale. Mr. Shire received unprecedented popularity among city residents after he effectively built bridges among various feuding tribes and banned looting and intimidation by his armed militias. His new security drive is welcomed by almost everyone in the city. He lost close friends and former allies when he told them he is not a typical warlord and he's determined to build civil regional administration. A former ally and a close tribesman, Many Mogadishu warlords left Nairobi reconciliation conference after Abdulahi Yusuf was elected president and he selected Ali Mohamed Geddi as his prime minister. Those same men who left Nairobi in protest are now doing a remarkable security work in Mogadishu. They promised to dismantle over fifty extortion checkpoints in the capital, mostly operated by their militias. The rift between the new government and some Mogadishu warlords fuelled by the local media is growing each day. Mr. Shire took another unprecedented stand on the new government. According to numerous interviews regarding his stand on the divided leaders, he is neither beating drums for nor condemning the government. He was quoted once as saying “I and Abdulahi Yussuf (the interim president) did not like each other in the past and our tribes have long standing unsolved issues. However, I promise to be one of the government's wings if it shows national leadership and works for public. If it tries to mislead us, I'll be one of the first leaders to oppose it.†Both sides are not happy with Barre's neutrality and are suspicious about his intentions. After all, the man controls Somalia's breadbasket region and cannot be discounted easily. Many Mogadishu warlords supported Mr. Shire’s IDJ faction for a long time and they will see him as traitor if he doesn’t join their side of the conflict. He’s also sworn member of the parliament and was named as one of the ministers in the new government. Mr. shire's neutrality worked for him so far in this chaotic country where new alliances are forged and long standing ones are broken regularly. Somali politics is unpredictable and hard to forecast. News Category: Somalia
I am dis-interested in shallow analysis Not shallow analysis, rather facts. To answer your question of being a "nationalist" I don't know walal, I mean how can I love the people who wanted to kill me, who killed my uncles, my family, my kinsmen. I can't be a nationalistic for the Somali's picked up their AK's one day and agreed to get rid of me,I know you know of such slogans as "muslim iyo max's." I can't be a nationilist when I "distrust" the people.
Magaalada Kismaayo oo caawa laga xusayo habeenka gobanimada Soomaaliyeed Kismaayo - 30.June.2005 Wararka ka imanaya magaalada Kismaayo ayaa sheegaya in xarunta maamulka Isbahaysiga Dooxada Jubba laga samaynayo xaflad ballaaran ku aaddan kowda Luulyo iyadoo goobtaas saqda dhexe ee caawa calanka la suri doono. Qaar ka mid ah ururrada bulshada ee magaalada Kismaayo ayaa xafladdan ka qayb gelaya, waxana goobtaas haatan lagu diyaarinayaa ciidamada bambooyda oo la filayo in ay halkaas gaadda ka cayaar ka sameeyaan, sida uu SBC u sheegay duqa degmada Kismaayo Daahir Carrabey. Deeqo Soona SBC Kismaayo
The person I'm about to name is the only xildibaan/wasiir who has actually went back to Somalia on his own (not because of the recent political propagandas (roadblocks)) and did something. He actually did what his position said and started relocating the civilians whom lived in the government building and even paying their two month rent while at it. He is building a regional state and is bring law and order to the south (the parts he and his kinsmen control). That man is Wasiirka dib udhiska iyo dib dajinta ahna gudoomiyaha isbahaysiga dooxada jubba Mudane Xildhibaan Halganiki Soomaaliyeed Col: Barre Aaden Shire (Hiiraale)
Australian Tourism Website - operated my Ms Lexus
Nomadic Activist replied to rudy-Diiriye's topic in General
Q: When will Australia recognize Somaliland? A: Probably, when hell freezes over! Q: Is c/y weclome to host the somali govt from there?(anonymous location - gps pinpointed Bossasso) A: well, the law states that he must fight a kangaroo first, so if he wins, he is cool, if not he be walking funny for week walle intaas wuu inoo qariyey -
They’re unfit to govern and hard to be governed. And the biggest and oldest thug is fit to govern? hat happened to the bold initiatives of the good leaders of Mogadishu to remove roadblocks, unite militias under one command, and restore some civility to the city? Or was it another maneuvering to maintain their grip on power? Who’s disappointed and who’s surprised? And worse yet, who has been afraid with the vapors of his brain and thought that the sun would not rise again if clan X gets power? And tell me, dear nomads, who is clapping and cheering for the empty looms? There are those who’re unable to see the loots they sit on, the cities they pillaged, the innocents they displaced, and (the above all) the civilization the trampled. Yet they’re busy digging the trenches of jihad and fortifying the bunkers of victory! For them, a government that restores the law and order and imposes some authority is a deadly enemy that should be defeated by any cost. They’re unfit to govern and hard to be governed. Men like these make the likes of old man statesman of sort. They just don’t get it, or do they? They must be defeated, I say, if we want Somalia to take its rightful place in this world. I just loved this whole passage . Waryaa since Bari Bari got fired why don't you ask adeer Yey for the spokesmen positionyou'll be PERFECT
The religious courts and their powerful militias will get involved and it will be another Jihad. How did I miss this Please tell us when was the first jihad? 1990? Who are the ones carrying out the Jihad? Musse? Cato? Indhacade? Shariif? Wow I feel sorry for the "pegan" Abudallahi yusef and his likes, this is going to be a big jihad, osma might even get involved
Indha Cadde’s most recent response to Mohammed Dheere and his meeting with the JVA representative, I predict an evitable warfare in the south and this time it will be a very decisive and destructive one.........Xaabsade’s RRA side, Indhacadde’s Lower Shabelle faction and JVA will be engaged in Jubba and Bay theatre by Ethiopian forces and Shatigaduud’s RRA side. there will be winners in this one. Indha-Cadde's domain of influence will widen. Walalyaal as much as your predictions are well thought out and seem somewhat of a “reality†to what might happen in Somalia in the next couple of months, I would like to inform you that the so called “jva†(not the seniors members as some would like to childishly say on here) are very neutral at this moment. Yes they have been meeting with some anti-yusef “oppositions†groups (mainly indhacade), but those meetings are personal issues that concern them and their respective clan and don’t have anything to do with these political cat and mouse games. LET THE FIGHT GO ON! Yes, my brother duufaan is right LET THE FIGHT GO ON after all we are in the western countries with good shelter, our free education,plenty of food and water, and there is no direct affect to us. Kismaayo's port is now controlled by anti-Ethiopia forces (ie. troops that hail from regions that had border conflicts with Ethiopia; Gedo or other regions). Technically those that occupy Kismayo hail from western galguduud and not from gedo, but hey they are all brothers. I personally think that the Puntlanders will finally relize that Ina yey is using them for his own interst and not join the fight. The brethrens of cato in galguduud are too busy fighting their kinsmen that inhabit around Galkacyo and won't join the fight. The inhabitents of Gedo have their own problem and don't want to join the idiotic battle. That leaves Jowhar and Baidoa now these two places might be a battleground, but hopefully it won't be. All my predictions might come true.