Lake Da agony

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Everything posted by Lake Da agony

  1. LOL@list...yeah thats out of a line 4real..way too rude
  2. ^^^ Pearl what province do u live at??
  3. Lake Da agony

    ^^^ This cat is coming out of Detroit his opinions don't hold no weight lol Toronto can be the greatest city in the world if u know where are the hot spots are 4real..its a big city get around
  4. what kind of sick disturbed minds found pleasure in doing that to those people Wallahi those pictures are disturbing……..
  5. <img src="56% on the "How Somalian are you?" Quizie! What about you?[/b]" alt="" />
  6. Originally posted by Devil's Advocate: I'm sorry but did anyone else get that? Please, no qaxooti hijacks in this thread! LOL
  7. click this link. type a command. the subservient chicken will do whatever u ask it to do.....95% of the time. freaky.
  8. ^^^ Thought about it..Didn't came up with anything Try this: The church on my hand was a preachers blood/ Swallow dirt from a graveyard in need of love/ I vomit blood residue/ I want revenue, dreaming/ And pump lead at you, Devil's trying to take my freedom/ It drove me crazy the day I drank my own urine/ My own semen with a nine to my brain/ But wait a sec' give me time to explain/ Women and fast cars/ And diamond rings can poison a rap star ~ One of the elite lyricist in hip hop...been around for awhile
  9. Actually I thought the focus was whether studying criminal lawyer is acceptable in the Islamic religion….thanks in your attempt to enlighten
  10. Originally posted by MaLikah: She mentioned that only about 10% of all lawyers actually work in courts. So exactly what do the other 90% do? They work in property, tort, family, commercial, etc, aspects of the law. In this country, where the Muslims are under-represented, we definitely need some in those fields. Those areas doesnt scream HARAAM to me..or maybe I'm jus westernized? :rolleyes: Yeah...thats the simplest answer we Somalis come up with to dismiss something lol....inshallah, we'll outgrow it...someday. Yeah…that’s true but don’t the other domain such those you mentioned also come to court of law —to settle disagreements, unmet paper work??
  11. Lived UAE Kenya Regina Saskatchewan Toronto Visted Phoenix Arizona Somaliland New York, New York Tampa Florida Ottawa Montreal Bristol , UK
  12. Damn they really convicted her huh? A rich white women, white collar American Michael Jackson is definitely in trouble now
  13. Originally posted by Opinionated: Does everyone take Screen names literally in SOL? For example, my SN is opinionated, but does that actually make me any less opinionated than other Nomaders. How seriously do you take other people's SN? Actually your sn suits you perfectly, Just by observing your inputs to topics...the things you tend to say and what not, but thats only my opinion right? but I don’t think anybody takes sn’s literally most of the times
  14. That’s true..^^ a perfect scenario to that is watching the movie the devils advocate... I don’t think becoming a lawyer is haraam either, only if you take cases that you know your client/organization was the wrong doing..and you only in it for the money than it will be a dissolute and unethical act which is haraam...You might get little cases to nothing by being true to yourself though, because good lawyers lie ( Not necessarily) and are very sleazy and will do whatever it takes to win the case .iffy issue
  15. Alot of you enjoy sciences huh..interesting anyways My fav subject in high school was-- Math,PE Uni-- Economics, and Accounting
  16. Alot of you enjoy sciences huh..interesting anyways My fav subject in high school was-- Math,PE Uni-- Economics, and Accounting
  17. I also have a habit of studying at the last minute…everyone has its own way of studying I usually go through my course outline objectives for each chapter first ….I keep notes; I do those pre-tests from the text website for each chapter… And of course I try to get last semesters Tests for the particular class I have test on … I sleep early wake up early.....studying in the mornings really helps me
  18. I also have a habit of studying at the last minute…everyone has its own way of studying I usually go through my course outline objectives for each chapter first ….I keep notes; I do those pre-tests from the text website for each chapter… And of course I try to get last semesters Tests for the particular class I have test on … I sleep early wake up early.....studying in the mornings really helps me
  19. ^^^^It will be hilarious if they could get Saddam hussien to make that commercial
  20. ^^^ Exactly thats foul why would u want to use that name? The mods should take care of u like they did to your father keep the family tradition u were talking about going
  21. Not everyone is aware whether a certain topic has been discussed or not You don’t like the topic simply don’t click on to it don’t waste your “valuable” time and complain about repetitive subjects My opinions………
  22. Originally posted by ILHAAM: quote:Originally posted by Yasmine: they're too old-fashioned', 'too domineering', 'too lazy around the house', 'too ugly', etc. Honestly, I don't understand why those who choose to marry outside of their race belittle their own people in the process. If you want to marry an ajinabi, by all means go for it, but please don't try to justify your actions to us by pointing out the undesirable qualities of our people. I will not disrespect your choice of a partner, so please refrain from insulting mine. Btw, I have nothing against IR marriages, honestly. And I actually think it very beautiful when I see two Muslims of different backgrounds together. But, I just don't see it for myself and I guess that's my prerogative. Well said